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本课题是基于FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array,现场可编程门阵列)技术设计的电子相册,选取Cyclone系列FPGA芯片EP1C3T144作为控制器,以SDRAM芯片

K4S641632作为储存器,读取SD卡内部的图片数据,然后通过15针VGA接口送往LCD 显示出图片,以实现简单的电子相册功能,让电子相册成为普通家庭摆设中的一道引人注目的风景线。



With the rapid development of modern electronic technology, digital electronic products of all kinds has penetrated into every aspect of people's life, and is closely related to people's life.It is the continuous progress and development of electronic technology, driven by a digital camera with relatively low prices in the market.Nowadays, common family are in possession of a digital camera, and shooting down tend to store hundreds of beautiful pictures.Therefore,it is so more complicated when we use the computer to turn operation check the picture . In order to more convenient to watch the pictures, electronic photo album is a byproduct of people chasing hot digital camera.At the same time, the electronic photo album can also greatly reduce the cost of traditional print photos.

This topic is based on FPGA (Programmable Gate Array Field, field programmable gate array) technology design of electronic albums, the system uses Cyclone series FPGA chip

EP1C3T144C8 as the control processor, using SDRAM chip K4S641632 as the register, reading the internal image data of SD card , and then through the 15 pin VGA interface to the LCD display pictures, to achieve a simple electronic albums, can become a beautiful family scenery line.

Key words FPGA Electronic photo album VGA Cyclone


摘要.................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................... II 第1章绪论.. (1)

1.1课题来源意义及目的 (1)

1.2国内外研究现状及分析 (1)

1.3本课题研究的主要内容 (1)

1.4预计存在的问题及解决思路 (2)

1.5本章小结 (2)

第2章总体方案设计 (3)

2.1引言 (3)

2.2方案论证 (3)

2.2.1 FPGA控制模块方案选择 (3)

2.2.2 集成的FPGA开发工具方案选择 (4)

2.2.3硬件描述语言 (4)

2.3总设计方案思想与框图 (5)

2.4本章小结 (5)

第3章系统电路的设计和实现 (6)

3.1系统总体设计 (6)

3.2 FPGA最小系统 (6)

3.2.1时钟电路 (6)

3.2.2复位电路 (7)

3.2.3 FPGA功能模块设计与实现 (7)

3.2.4 FPGA的JTAG模式配置电路 (18)

3.3电源模块 (18)

3.4滤波电路 (20)

3.5 EPCS接口电路 (21)

3.6 SD卡存储模块 (22)

3.7 VGA接口模块 (23)

3.8 SDRAM存储器接口电路 (25)

3.9 本章小结 (26)

第4章系统电路调试 (27)

4.1 电路板的制作 (27)

4.2 电路板调试 (28)

4.3 作品实物展示 (29)

4.4 本章小结 (30)

结论 (31)

参考文献 (32)
