Bachman和Palmer交际语 言能力
• 语言知识 • 语用知识
• 语法知识:词汇知识、句法知识、语音 和书写知识
• 语篇知识:语句连功能知识:达意功能、操纵功能、传授 功能、想象性语言功能
• 社会语言知识:方言与语言变体知识、 语体知识、自然语言和习语知识、文化 与明、暗喻修辞知识
• 教学功能:入学、课程、结业 • 科研功能
联系本人曾参加过的考试,谈谈我 系考试的现状。
• 有用性 • 可行性
• 效度(validity) • 信度(reliability) • 真实性(authenticity) • 互动性(interactiveness) • 考试的冲击力(washback) • 可行性(practicality)
• 写作----翻译法(the essaytranslation approach)
• 结构主义/心理测量法(the structuralist-psychometric approach)
• 综合法(the integrative approach) • 交际法(the communicative
• 水平测试 proficiency tests • 成绩测试 achievement tests • 分班测试 placement tests • 诊断测试 diagnostic tests • 直接性测试 direct tests • 间接性测试 indirect tests
• 分离式测试 discrete point tests • 综合性测试 integrative tests • 主观性测试 subjective tests • 客观性测试 objective tests • 常模参照性测试 norm-referenced
Bloom: six levels of educational objectives Knowledge Understanding Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
If you can’t beat them, join them?
Prov. If you have to give up fighting some group because you can„t win, band together with them. (The version with lick is informal.) E.g. Jill: I just got a kitten. Jane: I can’t believe it! You used to hate people who owned cats. Jill: If you can‘t beat them, join them.
Relationship between teaching and testing
Teaching and Testing are partners Bad teaching + good testing=tests have beneficial backwash Good teaching + bad testing=tests have harmful backwash
Backwash--- the effect of testing on teaching and learning. Harmful backwash---- CET 4,6 in the past, only 20% listening and no speaking, test—prep oriented classes focused more on reading; speaking/listening suffered Beneficial backwash---- CET 4,6 now, 35% listening plus speaking possibly, so teaching focuses on listening and speaking, ability to use English…
“no-no” in today’s market place.此句 中的no-no词典(cídiǎn)上根本查不到,经 推敲,结果译为“无人问津”较为合适。 误译:织物整理剂在今日的市场无人问津。
4. Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 原译:近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
5. We’d like to express our appreciation to you for all you’ve done for us in the trade. 原译:我们对于你们在这笔交易中为我们所做的一切表示由衷的 感谢。
第二节 翻译(fānyì)标准
汉朝和唐朝——“文”与“质”之争。 主张“文”的翻译家强调翻译的修辞和
通顺(tōngshùn),强调翻译的可读性。 主张“质”的翻译家强调翻译的不增不
减,强调翻译中的忠实性。 该争论的实质是意译和直译之争。
清代翻译家严复 信(faithfulness); 达(expressiveness); 雅(elegance)。
他曾如此阐述“译事三难:信、达、雅。求 其信,已大难(dànán)矣!顾信矣,不达,虽 译,犹不译也,则达尚焉。”((《天演论》 (Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)序 言,1896年)
1、简单(jiǎndān)语句的译文虽然生硬,但基本可读。 例2 原文:I can see three different types of
articles covering different fields and topics, such as technology, culture, education, etc., to enhance students' reading comprehension abilities.
Vocabulary learning
Vocabulary classification learning
Classify vocabulary according to theme, part of speech, meaning, etc., such as animals, plants, nouns, verbs, etc., to facilitate students' systematic learning.
Selection of Listening Materials
Predictive answer
Before listening, guide students to predict answers based on the questions and options, helping them focus and improve understanding efficiency.
Real context
Try to choose listening materials from real context, such as news reports, interviews, speeches, etc., to help students better understand the language use in actual communication.
16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 勇敢的 人才能 所向披 靡。
51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
课程:英语测试与评估:理论与实践案例教学之一:从两份试卷的题型分布看试题类型的变化撰写人:现象:对1983年高考试卷和2002年高考试卷做一个比较,看出两份试卷之间的题型变化:讨论分析:In the long history of language testing, its ideas and methods have been constantly changing along with the development of language teaching approach. Generally, testing system can be divided into three generations in correspondence to the three generations of language teaching. Generation 1. Traditional teaching approach and Pre-scientific testing.-Language teaching based on experience and tradition, without guidance of linguistic theory-Language is knowledge:phonetics, vocabulary and grammar-Learning is mastery of knowledge, which involves a lot of memory work. Initiation or creativeness is not emphasized.-No context, situation or irrelevant context or non-authentic situationGeneration 2. Structuralist approach (psychological behaviorism) and Psychometric-structuralist testing.-Language is a set of formal system(rules)-Learning is to master skills needed to operate the system, to form language habits, to cultivate right response to stimuli.-Discrete-point tests, meaning is not important, use is not important-No context, no situation-Objective assessmentGeneration 3. Communicative language learning and Communicative language testing / psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic testing.-Language learning is to cultivate communicative competence(linguistic, discourse, pragmatic)-Message-focused, task-based-Integrated skills-Continuous judgment (correctness, fluency, appropriateness)The development and changes of testing ideas and methods come along with the development and changes in language teaching. Here we just take a look at the changing steps in English testing by comparing the test paper of different times in China.附录:1.1983年高考英语试卷National Matriculation English Test (MET1983)一、单词辨音将下列各词,按元音读音,分别写在相应的元音音标后面。
英语测试的理论与实践 pdf
英语测试的理论与实践1. 引言英语测试是评估学习者英语语言能力的一种重要方式。
2. 英语测试的理论基础2.1. 传统语言测试理论传统语言测试理论主要基于行为主义和结构主义的观点,强调测试对象对于已学知识的掌握程度。
2.2. 社会交际语言测试理论社会交际语言测试理论强调对学习者在真实交际情境中运用语言的能力进行评估。
2.3. 构造验证语言测试理论构造验证语言测试理论是一种基于认知主义的测试理论。
3. 英语测试的方法3.1. 笔试笔试是英语测试中常用的一种方法。
3.2. 口试口试是评估学习者口语能力的一种方法。
3.3. 听力测试听力测试是评估学习者听力能力的重要环节。
3.4. 阅读测试阅读测试是评估学习者阅读理解能力的一种方法。
4. 英语测试的实践经验4.1. 在教育领域的应用英语测试在教育领域有着广泛的应用。
The Impact of an Out-of-class Autonomous Reading Program on Chinese Secondary Learners’ Autonomy and Second LanguageDevelopmentThe background of out- of – class Autonomous ReadingReading ability, as one of the four basic language skills, plays a very important role in students’English learning. Reading ability can help students expand their knowledge, improve their reading strategies, and it also contributes to the development of listening, writing and speaking skills. Reading is not only provides opportunities for the students to acquire language, but also a beneficial way to foster students’ ability of autonomy learning. According to Krashen’s (1982:9; 1985:15) Input Hypothesis, comprehensible input is necessary in Second Language Acquisition. Being exposed to a lot of meaningful, interesting and relevant second language input is the key factor that is conducive to the development of second language. Henri Holec (1981: 3) defines learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”, this ability has “a potential capacity to act in a given situation”. Shu (2011: 5-8), when proposing four basic functions of FLT classroom instruction, emphasizing fostering learner autonomy as one of the major pedagogical objectives.Autonomous reading skill is one of the basic requirements for the L2 learners in the Chinese context. It is also what the L2 teachers exert almost all efforts to build for the L2 learners. in this paper, the author discusses out – of – class autonomous reading to experimental class to cultivate the students’ autonomous reading skillsTherefore, in the Junior Middle School stage, pay attention to the training of students’reading ability is very necessary. And the extra-curriculum English reading is a good way to improve the reading ability. Extra-curriculum English reading design with wide range of subjects to arouse students’ interest in reading, and can also cultivate students’ autonomous reading ability. Thus lay the foundation for the future learning.Research Questions:1.Does the out- of –class autonomous reading program help the students to develop learnerautonomy?2.Can out-of-class autonomous reading program improve participants’ reading proficiency?3.Can out-of-class autonomous reading program improve participants’ reading strategy?4.Can out-of-class autonomous reading program improve participants’general languageproficiency?Research Design:Participants:The participants in this study were 115 Level 8 students from Huanan Experimental School, who were randomly assigned to the experimental group (N =58 ) and the control group (N=57 ). Reading strategies training was carried out in the experimental class and teaching practices to promote learner autonomy were also introduced and implemented in and out of their class. Thecontrolled class received traditional way of teaching reading.Measurement:(1)Learner background questionnaire(2)Learner autonomy scale(3)Reading proficiency(4)Reading strategy(5)General proficiency(6)Exit questionnaireBefore carrying out the new way of reading, a questionnaire was distributed to the students to gain an overall picture of the subjects’understanding and readiness of autonomy in learning management EFL out- of – class reading. It aims to identify what difficulty the students have, how they read and what their interest really is. questionnaire is composed of two parts, Part One includes the personal information with name, age, sex and English Examination Score; Part two contains a number of questions to be answered on a five-likert scale. To avoid misunderstanding, the subjects received the questionnaire presented in Chinese.The Experiment procedure:After a long practice in English teaching, the author found cultivating Junior students’English reading skills only through textbooks can’t satisfy students’ requirements and achieve the goal of the Junior English Curriculum Standard. But English Newspapers such as Times are the supplement to textbook. The newspaper reading program is introduced into the English class. The program includes two parts: in- class reading and after- class reading.1) Choosing the appropriate reading materials: Compared to the current textbooks, English newspapers have the following distinctive characteristics: up- to – date content, authentic language, various materials close to students’ life etc. It is obvious that Times are excellent reading material for training reading strategies.2) After – class reading is mainly cooperative learning (divide the students into groups of five or six), the students can make notes (the important new words, good sentences and rewriting one favourite passage). Moreover, their reading interest is further aroused by means of: enhancing the students’ awareness of the importance of efficient reading.3) In – class reading (demo – class), the author should establish effective ways of evaluation. In demo- class, the students are encouraged to show their notes about reading newspapers once a week, practice reading strategies, enlarge their own and other student s’ vocabulary and the target cultural background.Data collection and AnalysisThe data collected from questionnaires, pre- test and post – test are analyzed with SPSS (v.22). It aims to test whether the students’ English reading ability can be improved by cultivating the good reading habit. The results are supposed to lead to the following findings:1) The students in the experimental class have greater progress in reading comprehension achievement test than those in the control class and the participants’ learner autonomy has been enhanced.2) After the experiment, the students in the experimental class were more interested in learning. They were more willing to take part in the demo- class.。
• Bachman:语言交际能力就是把语言知识和语言使用的场 景特征结合起来,创造并解释意义的能力,它由语言能 力、策略能力和心理生理机制三部分组成。这一语言交 际模式不仅指出交际能力应当包括语言能力、语篇能力 和语用能力等范畴,而且还指出它们之间不是一个简单 的并列关系而是一种互动的关系。也及时说,语言的使 用时一个动态的过程,各种知识、技能和心理过程交织 在一起,相互影响,相互作用(下面在“语言能力性质 的再认识”一节中我们将讲到Bachman的语言测试理论模 式)。
• 成绩评定:平时成绩50%(出勤情况15%,课堂表现15%, 课程作业20%),期末考察成绩50%。
1. Heaton, J. B. Writing English Tests . 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 , 2000 2. Bachman , L. F. & Palmer, A. S. Language Testing in Practice . 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999 3. 刘润清, 韩宝成. 语言测试和它的方法(修订版). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999
• 主要特征: A、考试内设计“信息沟”,要求学生通过各种已溃入的
行为主义学习理论认为任何复杂的学习行为都可以分解 成最基本的单元:“刺激—反应”(S—R) 的联结。学习 实际上是建立“刺激—反应”的联结。五十年代新行为 主义的代表斯金纳提出S—R的联结是通过强化 (reinforcement) 实现的。他把学习过程归纳为“刺激— 反应—强化”(S – R - S )。
在这个时期,语言教师对于什么是语言这个最基本 的问题,没有科学的认识,只是把语言当作一门包 括语法、词法、语音的知识体系去教。教学基本上 是凭经验、遵循传统,主要采用语法翻译法 (grammar-translation approach)。传统的语 法翻译法侧重在系统地讲解语言知识,练习形式主 要有背诵、听写、造句、回答问题、翻译等;强调 死记硬背,语言训练是单技能的,脱离上下文语境 的;使用的材料以语码为纲。
例如,父母教孩子学说话,父母教的话是一种刺激,孩 子的模仿是一种反应,父母对孩子的模仿或表扬或纠正, 这就是强化。儿童学会正确地使用语言就是通过刺激— 反应—强化这样的过程实现的。
行为主义学习理论认为语言是由无数行为构成的,是个 体语言行为(或言语习惯)的一个集合体。
受结构主义语言学和行为主义学习理论的影响,这一时 期的主要教学方法是听说教学法。其基本原则是:听说 领先;反复实践,形成习惯;以句型为中心;排斥或限 制母语;对比语言结构,确定教学观点;及时纠正错误, 培养正确的语言习惯和广泛利用现代化教学手段。听说 法所依据的这些理论在外语测试中也得到了反映。语言 是一种习惯在测试中至少有两个含义。首先,应用语言 的速度应是外语测试中的一个被测要素,因为一个人只 有能对自然的语言环境做出快速、自动的反应,才能认 为他真正掌握了一门语言。其次,掌握一门外语也就意 味着掌握了另一套语言习惯,因此通过两种语言差异的 对比能最有效地测试出考生的外语水平。
same time. • Question types:cloze//composition/oral interview,
have to be able to do in the language in order to be considered proficient. • Examples: SAT, ACT, CEE, IELTS, PSC, PETS, BEC
Achievement Test
• Examining how successful a student, a teacher, or a syllabus, or a method is.
Proficiency Test
Measuring language proficiency The content 考试内容: • Not based on the content of a language course
which people taking the test may have followed. • It is based on a specification of what candidates
composition, written questions
1.2 Psychometric-Structuralist Testing 心理测量-结构主义测试
• Since the 1950s • Theoretical guidance • Features • Audiolingual method 听说法 • Discrete-point testing approach(分项测验/分立式测
Old Testament: Judges (旧约全书:士师记第12章) … Jephthah then called together the men of Gilead and fought against Ephraim. The Gileadites struck them down because the Ephraimites had said, “You Gileadites are renegades from Ephraim and Manasseh.” The Gileadites captured the fords of the Jordan leading to Ephraim, and whenever a suvivor of Ephraim said, “Let me cross over,” the men of Gilead asked him, “Are you an Ephraimite?” If he replied, “No,” they said, “All right, say ‘Shibboleth’” If he said, “Sibboleth,” because he could not pronounce the word correctly, they seized him and killed him at the fords of the Jordan. Forty-two thousand Ephraimites were killed at that time…
第二阶段 心理测量-结构主义语言测试或现代语言测试阶段 (The Psychometic-structuralist Language Testing 或 Modern Language Testing Phase)
(一)测试的效度(Validity) 效度是指测试是否有效地考查了希望考 查的内容。 就语言水平测试而言,效度直接关系到 测试结果能否准确反映考生的语言能力。 考试内容、考试形式与命题技术都直接 关系到测试的效度。
如果通过让学生写单词的音标来考查学生 的语音能力,那么测试就缺乏效度。能 写音标不等于能正确发音。 现在中考中经常使用的间接口语考试的效 度也不高。
这种考试形式并不能完全反映学生真正 的语言运用能力,但可以考查学生是否 知道在某个情景和上下文中说什么话。 不过上面这个例子很难实现这个目的, 它更多地考查了学生对词汇以及语法知 识的掌握情况。例子中的有些空并不需 要考虑情景。
1.所选短文应该主旨明确,大意清楚,有 较好的连贯性; 2.语言难度适当,题材是学生比较熟悉的 内容; 3.所选短文的长度要适当。太短的材料不 利于挖空,可能使删词过于密集;太长 的材料则会增加学生的阅读负担和考试 时间; 4.不宜在短文的首句和末句中挖空;
1.要提供相对完整的语境,使学生能够通 过上下文的线索判断出所缺内容。 2.要求学生补全的内容应该是语言素材中 的关键信息,而不是附属的信息(如一 些起修饰作用的词语)。如果是听力理 解中的填空题,那么要填的内容必须是 关键信息,而且必须是只有通过听才能 获得的信息。
例: 听短文,填写文中所缺的单词。将该 词填如答题卡。 It is 21 to find your way from the station to the school. When you come 22 of the station, turn left and walk until you 23 the traffic lights. Turn left 24 . You will be 25 Flower Street. Keep 26 until you come to the cinema.