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Shearing machine is widely used in steel rolling machines,this paper introduces the continuous casting machine by useing shearing machine to handle various types of steel billet. Hydraulic shearing machine has lower operating cost than flame cutting machines. However, in the same volume, the hydraulic device generates mush power than electrical equipment. In the same power, the hydraulic device small volume, light weight and compact structure. So from various perspectives, choosing hydraulic shearing machine is more reasonable. Hydraulic shearing machine is a kind of shearing machine that uses hydraulic pressure as the main drive. It chooses the down-cut sheet of parallel slice. The up-cut sheet and the down-cut sheet of down-cut shearing machine are movable, but the action of shearing the rolled piece is done by down-cut sheet. At present, it is widely used in the workshop of bloom and billet.

The hydraulic system of shearing machine mainly consists of three parts: the system of down-cut bed, the driving system of table roller vehicle and the system lifted by top-cut set. Its down-cut bed’s shearing system. Mainly controls advancement and retreat of the down-cut slice. The driving system of table roller vehicle is used to keep the shearing machine having the same speed with billet and resets quickly after finishing shearing. The lifting system of top-cut table can drift the top-cut bed. And the shear cylinder of down-cut bed is driven by variable pump independently, while the cylinder of table roller and lifting vat of top-cut bed are used a quantitative pump, and the operation is done by using reversing valve.

Key words: shearing machine;table roller vehicle;fuel tank


摘要..........................................................................................I Abstract ....................................................................................II 第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 连铸连轧技术的简介 (1)

1.2 剪切机的类型、特点及选型 (4)

第二章液压剪切机的设计计算 (7)

2.1 剪切机结构参数的确定 (7)

2.1.1刀片行程 (7)

2.1.2刀片尺寸的确定 (8)

2.1.3剪切机理论空行程次数 (9)

2.2 剪切机能力参数计算 (9)

2.2.1剪切过程分析 (9)

2.2.2平行刀片剪切机的剪切力与剪切功 (10)

第三章剪切机液压传动系统的设计与计算 (13)

3.1 剪切机的设计要求与参数 (13)

3.1.1设计要求 (13)

3.1.2设计参数 (13)

3.2 进行工况分析,确定液压系统的主要参数 (14)

3.2.1液压缸的载荷计算 (14)

3.2.2初选系统的工作压力 (17)

3.2.3液压缸的主要结构尺寸计算 (18)

3.2.4各工况所需时间及速度的计算 (22)

3.2.5液压执行元件实际所需流量的计算 (23)

3.2.6液压执行元件实际工作压力的计算 (24)

3.2.7拟定液压系统工况图 (25)
