

PULNiX TM-6710CL 高分辨率单色摄像头说明书

PULNiX TM-6710CL 高分辨率单色摄像头说明书

TM-6710CLGeneral DescriptionThe PULNiX TM-6710CL is a high-resolutionmonochrome camera with non-interlace quad speed scanning, 120 Hz format and partial scanning (200 and 100 lines) capabilities. Since the quad speed mode is standard, images can be displayed only on a multi-sync, high-speed monitor. PULNiX PVM multi-sync monitors can display 60 Hz functions including partial scanning.The signal is analog progressive scanning (484 lines). The full frame electronic shutter with asynchronous reset permits shutter speeds to 1/32,000 sec. The shutter function works in all scanning modes. Square pixels provide excellent image definition in all orientations.Optional features include AGC enable, internal IR cut filter, gamma adjust to 0.45, and remoted imagers.Camera LinkCamera Link is a digital transmission standard developed through an initiative headed by PULNiX America, specifically for the machine vision industry in answer to customer requests. This specification includes data transmission as well as camera control and asynchronous serial communications, all on a single cable. Based on an implementation of National Semiconductor’s Channel Link technology, it defines a single connector for both frame grabbers and cameras, ensuring that all products bearing the Camera Link logo are interchangeable with each other.IntegrationThe CCD imager of the TM-6710CL can be exposed longer than normal TV timing (1/60 sec.). Thisfeature provides high sensitivity for dark-environment applications. Integration is achieved by controlling the pulse width of VINIT input up to a few seconds. Theprogressive scanning CCD chip in the TM-6710CL produces a full frame of resolution, using a frame grabber to capture the one frame of integrated image in non-interlace format.Asynchronous ResetThe TM-6710CL ’s asynchronous reset is flexible and takes external horizontal drive (HD) for phase locking (External HD = Analog HD Output/2). When VINIT pulse is applied, it resets the camera’s scanning and purges the CCD.Three modes control the asynchronous reset and shutter speed. With Async shutter mode and external VINIT high (5V), the async mode is automatically selected and the signal readout is inhibited until the trigger pulse occurs. Without VINIT trigger, the output is black video.1. External VINIT with controlled pulse width. The duration between pulse edges (5 volt TTL level) controls the shutter speed and integration period externally.2. Internal shutter speed with Fast mode. The video signal capturing has no delay from the reset timing if the falling edges of VINIT and external HD are the same. Otherwise, there is maximum HD delay before vertical scan resets.3. Internal shutter speed with Slow mode. The shutter speed control can be selected from 1/250 to 1/2,000 sec. Since the exposure period is longer than the frame period, thedata transfer is delayed to accomodate exposure.Applications• Motion analysis• High-speed on-line inspection • Gauging• Character reading• High definition graphics • Fast speed surveillanceProduct Features• High resolution 1/2” progressive scanninginterline transfer CCD imager 648(H) x 484(V) • Quad speed progressive scan - 120 Hz at fullresolution or (partial scan at up to 300 Hz)• 120 Hz, 60 Hz switchable• Full frame shutter , 1/60 to 1/32,000 sec.• Asynchronous reset with external shutter control • 8-bit x 2 (or 8-bit x 1) digital Camera Link output • Software Control via Camera Link interface for gain,A/D ref., shutter and mode selection (compatible with Win98/NT/2000/XP OS)• AGC on/off, gamma 1.0 or 0.45 (AGC off, gamma 1.0standard)• On chip micro-lens and low smear at fast shutter Camera Link CM is a registered trademark of the AIAProgressive Scan High-Speed Shutter CameraShutter Control *Manual Shutter Async Reset 0 no shutter 1/120 normal 1/1201 1/250 128H 1H 1/32,0002 1/500 64H 2H 1/16,0003 1/1,000 32H 3H 1/12,0004 1/2,000 16H 4H 1/8,0005 1/4,000 8H 8H 1/4,0006 1/8,000 4H 16H 1/2,0007 1/12,000 3H 32H 1/1,0008 1/16,000 2H 64H 1/5009 1/32,000 1H Shutter determined by pulse width (P .W.C.)* All shutter timing refers to 120fps full resolution640 x 480 mode output.Async Reset Mode:Mode 0: normal mode; Mode 1-4: fast mode; Mode 5-8: slow mode;Mode 9: pulse width mode.A t modes 1-9 the camera is at standby only , black video is output. One frame image will be output upon receiving an async reset pulse.Electronic ShutterThe TM-6710CL has a substrate drain-type shutter mechanism which produces a superb picture at various speeds without smearing. The built-in manual shutter speed control selects the electronic shutter rate of 1/250, 1/500, 1/1,000, 1/2,000, 1/4,000, 1/8,000, 1/16,000, or 1/32,000 sec. All shutter speeds are applied to partial scan, except slow speed at partial scanning. Progressive scanning allows a full 484 lines of vertical resolution per single shutter, unlike a conventional CCD camera at only 244 lines per shutter.Partial ScanningBy using the GUI or sending the RS-232 command, the TM-6710CL can have partial scanning of 200 and 100 lines (full resolution at narrower field of view and faster frame rate).Normal mode: 120 Hz/60 Hz progressive scan 200 line scan: 236 Hz progressive scan 100 line scan: 300 Hz progressive scan 2-row binning: 226 lines, 238 HzNormal mode: 120 Hz or 60 Hz is selectable from software control. At 60 Hz all parameters extend to half speed. See frame rate – FAST: 120Hz HALF: 60Hz.VINITVDSG (TRANSFER GATE)DISCHARGE PULSESVIDEOSHUTTER VIDEONON-INTERLACE OUTPUTASYNC RESETMode Control SoftwareUser-friendly GUI software, p/n 69-0062, is provided for Mode Switch control. This interface allows users to control the following functions of the TM-670CL camera:• Gain control - increase/decrease gain ofCh. A & Ch. B• Gain fine tune - increase/decrease gain of Ch. A,while decrease/increase Ch. B at 5:1 ratio• Ch. A Vref control - increase/decrease A/D voltagereference• Ch. B Vref control - increase/decrease A/D voltagereference• Gain selection - 9dB to 22dB• Clock selection - 60Hz (input sync changedautomatically) to 120Hz• Async/Manual Shutter control • Factory set recall• Power up (recall or save)• User page storage• Direct Shutter - increase/decrease manual shutterspeed• Partial scan rate - choice of 200 lines, 100 lines, or 2row binning Camera parameters can be uploaded from the PC to the camera. Once these parameters are stored in EEPROMs, an instantaneous change from one setting to another can be done with a delay of few frames in between.Analog VideoAnalog video output is available from the #4 pin of the 12-pin connector. This output is a single output that combines channels A and B, which means the horizontal speed is twice as fast as each individual digital output (fH = 60.98 kHz). The signal level is similar to RS-170 (1.0V p-p at 75 Ω).Connector and Pin ConfigurationsCamera Link Connector13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 126 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 141131426MDR 26-Pin Connector(0226-622VC)Pin# Description Pin# Description1 GND (Shield) 14 GND (Shield)2 X0- 15 X0+3 X1- 16 X1+4 X2- 17 X2+5 Xclk- 18 Xclk+6 X3- 19 X3+7 SerTC+ 20 SerTC-8 SerTFG- 21 SerTFG+9 VINIT (CC1-) 22 VINIT (CC1+) 10 INTEG (CC2+) 23 INTEG (CC2-) 11 CC3- 24 CC3+ 12 CC4+ 25 CC4- 13 GND (Shield) 26 GND (Shield)Camera Link Signal Assignment to Channel Link Chip (Base Confi guration)Tx IN0 Data A0 (LSB) Tx IN1 Data A1 Tx IN2 Data A2 Tx IN3 Data A3 Tx IN4 Data A4Tx IN5 Data A7 (MSB) Tx IN6 Data A5 Tx IN7 DataB0 TxIN8 DataB1 Tx IN9 DataB2 Tx IN10 DataB6 Tx IN11 DataB7 Tx IN12 DataB3 Tx IN13 DataB4 Tx IN14 DataB5(TxIN15 thru 22 Reserved)Tx IN23 Tx IN24 LDV Tx IN25 FDVTx IN26 Reserved Tx IN27 Data A6Data A represents Odd lines (channel A) Data B represents Even lines (channel B)12345678910111212-Pin Connector1 GND (power) 7 VD in2 +12V 8 N/C3 GND (analog) 9 HD in4 Video out 10 RXD*5 GND (digital) 11 INTEG6 VINIT in 12 TXD* * Optional TTL serial communicationsExternal SynchronizationThe TM-6710CL can accept external HD and VD for phase locking. The internal PLL can accept external HD and lock with the CCD’s horizontal drive (HD). The CCD HD frequency is half of the analog video output HD.Example: Ext. HD = 30.49 kHz; VD will be 120 Hz and Master Clock will be 50.90 MHz.The internal sync generator can accept external VD to generate internal VD. The external VD frequency should be ±5% of the frame rate.The external sync is TTL level and applied to the 12-pin connector.OUTSIDE CAMERAINSIDE CAMERAExt H D(or Ext V D )4.7k R11µFC1External Sync Input SchematicExt. H D = Analog Output Frequency _____________________ 2Frequency . 12345Channel A Channel B V shift registersPhotodiodeCCD output Horizontal shift registersLines (Odd)(Even)At the same horizontal clock cycle, line 1 and odd lines go to channel A, line 2 and even lines go to channel B. Vertical shift registers move twice per horizontal blanking period. Lines 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and so on, are output from channel A and B simultaneously.Dual-Tap Video OutputThe TM-6710CL uses a dual-tap output for its fastframe readout.C o m p a n y a n d p r o d u c t n a m e s m e n t i o n e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a r e t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . J A I A ·S c a n n o t b e h e l d r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a n y t e c h n i c a l o r t y p o g r a p h i c a l e r r o r s a n d r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o m a k e c h a n g e s t o p r o d u c t s a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i fi c a t i o n .71-0055 R e v C .01.07.2004JAI A·S, DenmarkPhone +45 4457 JAI UK Ltd., EnglandPhone: +44 189 582 JAI Corporation, Japan Phone: +81 045 440 0154www.jai-corp.co.jpJAI PULNiX, GermanyPhone +49-(0) 60 55-93 79-10 (toll-free)180****5444���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Covered by patent #6259478B1SPECIFICATIONSImager 1/2” progressive scan interline transfer CCD Active Area 5.8mm x 4.3mm Active Pixel 648 (H) x 484 (V)Cell Size 9.0 µm x 9.0 µmScan Modes (Active Pixels)648 (H) x 484 (V) @ 120 Hz/60 Hz 648 (H) x 200 lines @ 236 Hz 648 (H) x 100 lines @ 300 Hz648 (H) x 226 lines @ 238 Hz (two row binning)SyncHD= 30.49KHz ±5% (at 50.980MHz)Vertical async. reset. or VD=120Hz±5%HD=23.97KHz±5% (at 40.00MHz - optional)Vertical async. reset. or VD=96Hz±5% (opt.)Data Clock Output 25.49 MHz (50.98MHz analog) or 20.03 MHz (40.06MHz analog)TV Resolution Analog: 500 pixels (H) x 484 lines (V)S/N Ratio 45dB min. (AGC = off)Min. Illumination 4 lux at normal speed (120 frame/sec)Video OutputAnalog: 1.0 Vp-p composite , 75Ω non-interlace Digital: Camera LinkAGC OFF (AGC ON is a factory option)Gamma 1.0 (Gamma 0.45 is a factory option)Lens Mount C-mount Power Req.12V DC, 700 mA Operating Temp.-10˚C to 50˚CVibration 7 Grms (10Hz x 2000Hz)Shock70GSize (W x H x L)46.1mm x 39.6mm x 140.0mm (1.81” x 1.56” x 5.51”)Weight260 gr (9.2 oz)MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATELYOptional Functions AGC ON, Gamma 0.45Optional Accessories Power Cable Power SupplyCamera Link Cable12P-02SPD-12UUP series 26CL-02-26。




























侦察作业箱型号:PZ—0045品牌:浦喆配置清单:62式军标望远镜、62式军标指北针、强光手电、充电式红蓝指挥棒、喊话器、太阳能充电宝、红白信号指挥手旗;1、62式军标望远镜:1、规格:8X302、执行标准:国家标准(GJB)3、62式军用望远镜光学性能放大率:8×视场:8.5°出瞳直径:3.7毫米出瞳距离:11.2毫米视度调节范围:±5屈光度目距调节范围:56~74毫米分辨率:≤7″镜内分划: 方向分划左右各0-50 格值0-05高低分划±0-50 格值0-05视距分划距离范围400~98M4、62式军用望远镜军品五项试验检测指标震动:5~55~5Hz冲击:20g防水:专用棱镜干燥仓高温:+55℃低温:-43℃5、外形尺寸:134×168×63(毫米)6、望远镜重量:680g2、62式指北针;62式军标指北针参数:可同时实现:测方向,测距离,测坡度,测磁偏角,测方位角,测高度,测行军距离,测水平,公尺,绘制地图,反光镜(反光求救),夜光等功能。

技术指标:里程测量比例: 1:25000,1:50000,1:75000,1:100000测量器读数误差: ≤1.25°度盘格值:1°重量: 0.15kg尺寸: 68×63×26(mm)3、强光手电;执行标准:《GA 883-2010公安单警装备—警用强光手电制造与验收规范》。







传感器类型:CMOS 纠错
另购的Capture NX 2 软件)纠错
影像处理器: EXPEED 3 纠错
最高分辨率:6000×4000 纠错

USB PTZ摄像机控制器使用手册说明书

USB PTZ摄像机控制器使用手册说明书

USB PTZ Camera Controller 远程控制软件使用手册Version:1.0.19 Issue Date:AUG 17, 2022版权资讯版权所有© Lumens Digital Optics Inc.。


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目录1什么是USB PTZ Camera Controller (3)2连接与安装 (3)2.1系统需求 (3)2.2安装USB PTZ Camera Controller在Windows (3)2.3安装USB PTZ Camera Controller在MAC (4)3开始使用 (5)4功能介绍 (6)4.1PTZ主画面 (6)4.2Picture 设定页面 (7)4.3进阶页面设定 (8)5我要执行.... .. (13)5.1我要调整镜头的拍摄角度 (13)5.2我要放大/缩小影像 (13)5.3我要储存/呼叫镜头的预设位 (13)5.4我要调整焦距 (13)6常见问题排除 (14)1 什么是USB PTZ Camera Controller1.1 USB PTZ Camera Controller 简介透过此软件可以对PTZ 摄像机做控制及设定,以方便软件视频会议时操作摄像机。

1.2 适用机种:请至Lumens官网,参考软件兼容列表一览表(Lumens SoftwareCompatible List)2 连接与安装2.1 系统需求◆OS:Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10●CPU:Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz以上●内存:1GB (32-bits)/2GB(64-bits) RAM●最小硬盘空间:1GB 以上●最小分辨率:1024*768●支援Direct X 9◆OS:MAC OS X 10.8~10.12●CPU:CPU: Intel Pentium® 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo●内存:1GB DDR2 667Hz RAM 以上●最小硬盘空间:1GB 以上●最小分辨率:1024*768●24 bit 显示器●QuickTime: 7.4.5以上2.2 安装USB PTZ Camera Controller在Windows2.2.1 点选[setup.exe],然后进入安装画面,依画面指示按[下一步]2.2.2 请[重新启动] 计算机,以完成安装2.3 安装USB PTZ Camera Controller在MAC2.3.1 请至Lumens TM网站下载USB PTZ Camera Controlle r 软件。















审讯主机品牌:浦喆可接入不低于4路分辨率为1920 ×1080的视频画面;支持8路H.265或H.264视频编码;支持1个HDMI视频信号和1个VGA视频信号输入接口,1个HDMI视频信号和1个VGA视频信号输出接口;音频压缩标准采用AAC,音频采样率为48kHz支持6个SATA口,支持4盘位硬盘接入,每个SATA口容量支持8T硬盘,支持raid0、raid1、raid5、raid10支持2个SATA口接入2个蓝光光驱采用7寸触摸屏,可实现实时视频预览、主机硬盘录像回放及光盘录像回放;可实现显示主机刻录状态、硬盘信息、刻录剩余时间、内存使用率、异常检测标识等设备最大接入带宽256Mbps;支持单通道双光盘同时刻录、双通道双光盘刻录、单通道双光盘轮流刻录等功能;支持按光盘时间和按审讯码率两种刻录方式;支持刻录过程中实时监测显示已刻录进度和光盘剩余时间;支持刻录光盘剩余容量倒计时提醒功能;支持光盘不间断刻录,在更换光盘时设备具有缓存机制,支持刻录光盘出错后,放入新光盘实时追刻,确保数据不丢失;支持画中画功能,支持1大7小、1大5小、1大4小、1大3小、1大2小、1大1小等多种画中画模式,画中画大小和位置任意调整;★支持配置攀高规则,特定条件下检测区域出现人员攀高行为,触发报警★支持配置人数异常规则,特定条件下检测区域人员数量不少于设定值,触发报警支持配置人站立起身规则,特定条件下检测区域人员出现站立起身行为,触发报警★支持配置剧烈运动检测规则,特定条件下检测区域人员出现剧烈运动行为,触发报警智能检测可触发联动,支持弹出报警画面、声音告警、上传中心、触发报警输出支持智能报警联动抓图,图片上可叠加目标和智能规则支持智能报警联动录像功能画中画通道分辨率可达2560x1440,单画面通道分辨率可达1920x1080;支持对光盘进行数字加密功能,每张光盘具有唯一不可修改的加密序列号,支持远程客户端对审讯光盘进行密码设置,刻录完成后,需要校验密码才能查看光盘内的录像文件。

飞利浦 SPZ2500 网络摄像机 说明书

飞利浦 SPZ2500 网络摄像机 说明书
路攝影機時,請安裝從網站下載的軟 體。 »» 軟體安裝完成後,Philips
CamSuite 圖示會顯示在螢幕的右 下角。
3 使用膠框夾將網路攝影機架設到電腦螢
幕或筆記型電腦螢幕上。 • 請將膠框夾摺起,將網路攝影機放
在桌上或 (大型) 桌上型顯示器上。
4 將纜線連接至電腦/筆記型電腦上的
USB 連接埠。 »» 正確連接網路攝影機後,螢幕右下
6 屬性
7 技術規格
8 常見問題集 (FAQ)
Philips SPZ2500 網路攝影機的麥克風
或耳機無法 (正確) 運作。 我該怎麼
使用 Philips SPZ2500 網路攝影機時,
1 在 Philips CamSuite Capture,按一下
2 按一下 可顯示相片圖庫。
• 按一下 可顯示視訊圖庫。 • 要隱藏圖庫,請按一下 。
1 選擇相片,然後按一下 開啟相片資料
• [檢視]:檢視所選的相片 • [電子郵件]:透過電子郵件傳送選
•• 播放視訊之前,請確定電腦/筆記型電腦上已經 安裝多媒體播放程式。
您可以對網路攝影機拍攝的相片/視訊設定 不同的影像解析度。
• 160 x 120 (SQVGA) • 176 x 144 (QCIF) • 320 x 240 (電子郵件大小) • 352 x 288 (CIF) • 640 x 480 (VGA) • 1.3 MP (僅限於拍照)

Visca BC-7-4K20S-S3MNB 4K PTZ 摄像机说明书

Visca BC-7-4K20S-S3MNB 4K PTZ 摄像机说明书

VISCABC-7-4K20S-S3MNB 4K PTZ CameraBC - 7 SERIESK EY FEATURESOVERVIEWSony 1/2.5" CMOS 8.5 MegapixelsOptical Zoom 20X Up to 30X in 4K and 40X in Full HD with SRZ(Super Resolution Zoom) featureVideo Resolution: Up to 4K 2160p29.97, 1080i59.94, 1080p60IP Video Resolution: Up to 2160p30, 1080p60Video Output: Simultaneous 6G-SDI/3G-SDI, 4K HDMI, 4K IP, HDBaseTH.264/265 IP video stream, RTMP live streaming.Black Level, Color Matrix, Image Stabilizer, Ture WDRHTML5 Cross Browser compatibilityPower: DC 12V, POE, HDBaseT POH(IEEE802.3bt)RTMP, SRT supportedIdeal for Broadcast TV, Videoconferencing, House of worship, Live sports and events, Educational environment, Corporate training, Large auditoriums. Distance learning, Courtrooms, sports stadiums and Telemedicine applications.BC Series is Bolin first 4K PTZ camera designed for broadcast application use quipped with SONY 4K image block brilliant broadcast-quality Super-High-Resolution color image in 4K30 with excellent low-light sensitivity and full HD footage can also be captured at up to 1080p60, which is optimal for capturing fast, spontaneous action.SRZ - Super-Resolution-Zoom expends zoom range to 30X zoom at 4K, or 40X zoom at FHD without sacrificing detail.TRUE Dual Output PTZ camera provides simultaneous 6G/3G-SDI and remote 4k IP video streaming and control. It is a TRUE Dual Output PTZ where SDI and IP formats can be set independently. Comprehensive image parameter settings (Black Level, Color Matrix and Trace Memory) and Tally lights for Broadcast-friendly use and Pro AV applications.Extremely quiet and smooth Pan/Tilt movements combined with enhanced adaptive variable and super slow speed control provides accurate and effective operation experiences.License Upgradable from FHD to 4K. Not ready for 4K? Have easy of mind to own a 1 inch CMOS FHD camera first,upgrade to 4K when you need it. Your investment is protected.BC-7-4K20S-S6MNBF EATURESUncompromising 4K imagesEquipped with Sony 4K image block with Bolin FPGA video processing which delivers an uncompromised broadcast quality 10bit color pictures in detail-packed 4K/30p. Also the footage can be captured in Full HD 60p for fast-moving action applications. Excellent low light sensitivity brings low noise color video imagesin low light levels as low as 0.4lx, making it an ideal choice for low light environment like live hall and theater.Image StabilizerBolin camera’s built-in image stabilizer function eliminates the effect of blurred, shaky images caused by low-frequency vibration.Versatile Video OutputsFlexibility in professional broadcast and AV environments with multiple choices of video outputs:* 4K HDMI and 6G-SDI(3G-SDI) and HDBaseT* 4K IP streaming and RTMP live streaming, HTML5 Cross Browser compatibilitySRT ReadyDelivery of high-quality and secure, low-latency video across the public Internet. SRT optimizes streaming performance across unpredictable networks with secure streams and easy firewall traversal, bringing the best quality live video over unstable networks.Video FormatThe camera video format satisfies application for Pro AV and broadcast use* HDMI/SDI format up to 4K 2160p29.97, 1080i59.94, 1080p60* IP video format up to 2160p30, 1080p60.* Supports cinematic 23.98/24p picturesControlThe camera provides multiple methods of controlling, which gives youcapabilities of local control and remote control without distance limitations.* RS232, RS422/485, IP, HDBaseT, IR remote controller.* Protocol supported: VISCA, VISCA-Over-IP, PELCO D,IP Onvif, HDBaseT one cable control + video.Flexible InstallationInstallation is simplified in a wide range of environments via:* RJ45 RS232/422 control port provides convience of wiring.* PoE and POH (Power over HDBaseT) to reduce cabling requirements. * Standard and ceiling mount and tripot with E-Flip function.Always Up to DateAlways up to date, Download the latest Firmware upgrade viaUSB and IP interface which constantly improves the camerafeatures and performance, even for customized function upgrades. Other Features* Picture Profile Preset- Image parameter setting restore with presets and quick access operation.* Genlock simplifies integration with other systems.* Audio output Embedded with SDI and HDMI HDBaseT Receiver (Optional) VCC-4K-BR BackVCC-4K-BR FrontO RDER INFORMATION• BC-7-4K20S-S3MNB/B (Black) • BC-7-4K20S-S3MNB/W(White)• BC-7-4K20S-S6MNB/B(Black)• BC-7-4K20S-S6MNB/W(White)• BC-7-4K20S-LS-4K (License for 4K upgrade)• BL-BR4K-1 (HDBaseT Receiver, sold separately)• VCC-CC45232 (RJ45 to RS232 8 Pin Mini Din Cable Adapter) • VCC-CC45RS (RJ45 to RS422/232 Cable Adapter)• VCC-WM (Wall Mount)• VCC-CM (Ceiling Mount)• Bolin 97W High Power POE Injector sold seperately. Model number:BL-PP97。

PTZ Optics 20 X-SDI 1080p 远距离会议摄像头说明书

PTZ Optics 20 X-SDI 1080p 远距离会议摄像头说明书

Please check for the most up to date version of this document Rev. 1.3 9/17Model Number:PT20X-SDI-GY-G2 (gray) PT20X-SDI-WH-G2 (white) /20x-sdi/Broadcast & Conference CameraThe PTZOptics 20X-SDI is a 1080p camera with 20X optical zoom for capturing HD images at longdistances. With support for 3G-SDI, HDMI, and IP streaming (H.264, H.265, & MJPEG), this camera is ideal for broadcasting high definition video signals for broadcast, recording, or video conferencing applications.• 60.7 degree wide-angle lens.• High performance in low light scenarios with Wide Dynamic Range. • Full 1920x1080p HD Resolutions up to 60 frames per second.• 2D and 3D noise reduction with our latest “low noise CMOS sensor”. • RS232 & RS485 (Serial), and IP (LAN/WAN) control • H.264, H.265, & MJPEG streaming over RJ-45 LAN port • HDMI, 3G-SDI, & IP streaming (all 3 simultaneously) • PoE (Power over Ethernet) or 12VDC • RTMP & RTSP IP streamingCamera & LensRear Board ConnectorsVideo Sensor 1/2.7” CMOS, 2.12 Mega Pixels Video Output Interface HDMI, 3G-SDI, IP Streaming, CVBS Frame Rates 1080p/60, 50, 30 & 25, 1080i/60 & 50, 720p/60, 50, 30 & 25 Network Interface RJ45Audio Interface Line In, 3.5mm (HDMI & IP Stream Only) Frame Rates (CVBS) 576i/30, 480i/30Communication Interface RS-232, RS485, PELCO-D/P Focal Length 20x, F4.42mm-88.5mm, F1.8-F2.8 Baud Rate 2400/4800/9600 bitsLens Zoom 20x Power Supply Interface JEITA type Power Adapter (DC IN 12V) Field of View 60.7°3G-SDI Interface BNC – 75 Ohm, Female Min Lux 0.5 Lux at F1.8, AGC ON Shutter Speed 1/30s - 1/10000s Electrical IndexSNR≥55dB Power Supply 12W (Max)Vertical Flip & Mirror SupportedInput Voltage 12V DC (10.8 - 13.0V DC) or PoE 802.3af Horizontal Angle of View 3.36° (tele) to 60.7° (wide) Vertical Angle of View 1.89° (tele) to 34.1°(wide) PhysicalSpecificationsDimension (in.) 5.6W x 6.5H x 6.7D (7.8H max w/ Tilt)Dimensions (mm) 142W x 164H x 169D (198H max w/ Tilt) Pan & Tilt Movement Box Dimensions 9”x9”x10” | 229mmx254mmx229mm Pan Movement ±170°Camera Weight 3.10 lbs. (1.41 kg) Tilt Rotation Up: 90°, Down: 30°Boxed Weight 5.4 lbs. (2.45 kg) Presets10 via IR (255 via Serial or IP)20X Zoom 3G-SDI CameraPower Adapter + Cord IR Remote Control RS-232C Cable User ManualOPTICSDATA SHEET PTZ Optics Specifications & Diagrams152 Robbins Road Downingtown, PA 19335 800-486-52761. Standby ButtonPress this button to enter standby mode. Press it again to enter normal mode.NOTE: Power consumption in standby mode is approximately half of the normal mode. 2. Position Buttons (0-9)To set preset or call presets and for Special Shortcut Functions. 3. * (asterisk) ButtonFor use with multiple function buttons (see 12)4&13. Set/Clear Preset ButtonsSet preset: Store a preset position [PRESET] + Numeric button (0-9): Setting acorresponding numeric key preset position. Clear preset: Erase a preset position [RESET] + Numeric button (0-9)Note: [*] + [#] + [RESET]: Erase all presets. 5&14. Pan/Tilt & Home Control Buttons Press the arrow buttons to perform panning and tilting. Press the [HOME] button to face the camera back to its Home position. 6. Return ButtonPress button to return to previous menu. 7. Zoom Buttons (Slow & Fast)Zoom+: Zoom In (Slow and fast speeds) Zoom-: Zoom Out (Slow and fast speeds) 8. L/R Set ButtonSet the left & right direction of panning control. Hold [L/R Set] + Press [1]: Normal panning direction. Hold [L/R Set] + Press [2]: Left and right panning direction will be reversed.9. Focus ButtonsUsed for focus adjustment. Press [AUTO] to adjust the focus on the center of the object automatically. To adjust the focus manually, press the [MANUAL] button, and thenadjust focus with [Far] (focus on far object) and [Near] focus on near object).10. Camera Address Select Buttons Press the button corresponding to the camera which you want to operate with the IR remote controller. 11. # ButtonFor use with multiple function buttons (see 12)12. Multiple Function ButtonsFunction 1. Set camera IR address function: Press 3 keys consecutively to set the camera ’s IR address as follow:[*] + [#] + [F1]: IR Address 1 [*] + [#] + [F2]: IR Address 2 [*] + [#] + [F3]: IR Address 3 [*] + [#] + [F4]: IR Address 4Function 2. Image freezing function: Press [F4] to start the freeze function. The word "Freeze" displays on the upper left corner. After five seconds, the display disappears automatically (though the freeze feature continues). To cancel the freeze, press the [F4] key the word"Unfreeze" displays on the upper left corner. After five seconds, the display disappears automatically. 15. Menu ButtonOSD Menu Settings: Press this button to enter or exit the OSD (on screen display) menu. 16. Backlight ButtonBacklight (aka BLC) button: Press this button to enable backlight compensation. Press it again to disable backlight compensation. NOTE:Effective only in auto exposure mode. NOTE: If there is a light behind the subject, the subject will appear dark (i.e. silhouetted). In this case, press the backlight button to turn BLC On . To cancel this function, press the backlight button to turn BLC Off. 17. P/T RST ButtonPress the button to self-calibrate the pan and tilt positions and limits.Special Shortcut Functions[*] + [#] + [1]: Display OSD menu in English [*] + [#] + [3]: Display OSD menu in Chinese [*] + [#] + [4]: Show IP address[*] + [#] + [6]: Quickly restore default settings [*] + [#] + [8]: Show the camera FW version [*] + [#] + [9]: Quickly set mounting mode (vertical flip / normal)OPTICS152 Robbins Road Downingtown, PA 19335 800-486-5276Product LinePT12X-SDI-GY-G2PT12X-SDI-WH-G2 1080p PTZ camera, 12X optical zoom, 3G-SDI, HDMI, IP StreamingPT12X-USB-GY-G2PT12X-USB-WH-G2 1080p PTZ camera, 12X optical zoom, USB3.0, HDMI, IP StreamingPT20X-SDI-GY-G2PT20X-SDI-WH-G2 1080p PTZ camera, 20X optical zoom, 3G-SDI, HDMI, IP StreamingPT20X-USB-GY-G2PT20X-USB-WH-G2 1080p PTZ camera, 20X optical zoom, USB3.0, HDMI, IP StreamingPT20X-ZCAM-G2 1080p Box Camera, 20X optical zoom, 3G-SDI, IP StreamingPTVL-ZCAM-G21080p Box Camera, Variable Lenses (4X included), 3G-SDI, IP Streaming Control AccessoriesPT-BRDCSTR-(L,E,P) Remote PTZ Head for handheld-broadcast cameras (3 models)DB9M-F-xx Extension Cable, DB9M-F, Plenum, 4 lengths shown in ft. (xx=25, 50, 75, 100) VISCA-xx Daisy Chain Cable, miniDIN8-MM, 4 lengths shown in ft. (xx=25, 50, 75, 100)HDSDI-xx 3G SDI Cable, BNC-MM, Plenum, 4 lengths shown in ft. (xx=25, 50, 75, 100)HC-JOY-G2 RS232, RS485, RS422, 3D Joystick and Keyboard, VISCA, Pelco-P, Pelco-DPT-JOYIP control, 4D Joystick and Keyboard, Durable Metal CaseMounting AccessoriesHCM-1-BKHCM-1-WH Small Wall Mount, mounts directly to wall or box with supplied hardwareHCM-2-BKHCM-2-WH Large Wall Mount, mounts directly to wall or box with supplied hardwareHCM-1C-WHSmall Open Ceiling Mount, mounts to 1”NPT pipeHCM-2C-WHLarge Open Base Ceiling Mount, mounts to 1”NPT pipePT-CM-1-BKSurface Ceiling Mount, mounts directly to ceiling or box w/ suppl. hardware。

RGB10X-USB-BK PTZ摄像头用户手册说明书

RGB10X-USB-BK PTZ摄像头用户手册说明书

PTZ摄像头RGB10X-USB-BK Array用户手册目录声明.............................................................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。



第一章产品简介.. (5)1.1随附配件 (5)1.2产品概述 (5)1.2.1产品型号 (5)1.2.2外形尺寸 (5)1.2.3产品特点 (6)第二章产品安装 (8)2.1产品接口 (8)2.1.1外部接口 (8)2.1.2RS-232接口 (9)2.2支架安装 (10)第三章产品使用 (13)3.1输出图像 (13)3.1.1上电自检 (13)3.1.2视频输出 (13)3.2遥控器说明 (13)3.2.2遥控器使用 (14)3.3菜单设置 (15)3.3.1主菜单 (15)3.3.2系统参数设置 (16)3.3.3相机参数设置 (16)3.3.4P/T/Z (19)3.3.5、版本 (20)3.3.6、恢复默认值 (20)第四章订购编码 (22)4.1产品 (22)第五章技术支持 (23)5.1维修及故障处理 (23)5.1.1产品维护 (23)5.1.2故障处理 (23)第六章附录 (24)6.1.1设备返回命令 (24)6.1.2设备控制命令 (24)6.1.3查询命令 (29)6.2P ELCO-D协议命令列表 (30)6.3P ELCO-P协议命令列表 (31)首先感谢您选购我们的产品!为了让您迅速掌握如何使用这款摄像头,我们为您送上了详细的产品使用手册。

AXIS Q8665-LE PTZ网络摄像头说明书

AXIS Q8665-LE PTZ网络摄像头说明书

DatasheetAXIS Q8665-LE PTZ Network CameraLook quickly through a clean window and with IR illumination AXIS Q8665-LE offers a quick pan and tilt feature with integrated powerful IR illuminators,providing up to 150meters/164yards range in complete darkness.It tilts upwards40°and can be mounted on top of columns, enabling360°field of view without anything interfering the line of pliant with IP66and NEMA4X for protection against dust,rain and snow.Equipped with a wiper to remove excess water or rain.In places with high risk for dust,salt,sand and emission of soot from vehicles,an accessory washer can be purchased to spray cleaning fluid to secure clean windows.>Infrared illumination>Continuous pan,360°endless>18x optical zoom in HDTV1080p>Water and dust resistant>-40°C to55°C(-40°F to131°F)AXIS Q8665-LE PTZ Network Camera Models AXIS Q8665-LE24V ACAXIS Q8665-LE100V ACAXIS Q8665-LE120V ACAXIS Q8665-LE230V ACCameraImage sensor1/2.9"progressive scan RGB CMOSLens Varifocal,4.7–84.6mm,F1.6-2.8Horizontal field of view:59°-4°Vertical field of view:35°-2°Diagonal field of view:68°-4°Autofocus,automatic day/nightDay and night Automatic switching from infrared-cut filter to infrared passfilter in night modeMinimum illumination Color:0.5lux at30IRE F1.6B/W:0lux with built-in IR illuminationShutter time1/28000s to2sPan/Tilt/Zoom Pan:360°endless,0.02°/s to40°/sTilt:-90°to+40°,0.02°/s to30°/sZoom:18x optical zoom,12x digital zoomPreset accuracy:0.02°Preset positions,guard tour,driver selection,control queue VideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC),H.264Main and Baseline Profiles Motion JPEGResolution1920x1080HDTV1080p to160×90Frame rate Up to25/30fps(50/60Hz)in all resolutionsVideo streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264andMotion JPEGControllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/MBR H.264Image settings Manual shutter time,compression,color,brightness,sharpness,white balance,exposure control,exposure zones,WDR–dynamiccontrast,backlight compensation,fine tuning of behavior at lowlight,rotation,text and image overlay,day/night shift level NetworkSecurity Password protection,IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1X a network access control,digest authentication,useraccess log,centralized certificate managementSupported protocols IPv4/v6,HTTP,HTTPS a,SSL/TLS a,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP,SFTP, CIFS/SMB,SMTP,Bonjour,UPnP TM,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II), DNS,DynDNS,NTP,RTSP,RTP,TCP,UDP,IGMP,RTCP,ICMP,DHCP, ARP,SOCKS,SSHSystem integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®and AXIS Camera Application Platform,specifications at AXIS Video Hosting System(AVHS)with One-Click Connection ONVIF®Profile S and ONVIF®Profile G,specification at Analytics AXIS Video Motion Detection,active tampering alarm,gatekeeper Support for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acap Event triggers Analytics,edge storage eventsEvent actions Day/night mode,overlay text,video recording to edge storage,pre-and post-alarm video bufferingFile upload via FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,network share and emailNotification via email,HTTP,HTTPS and TCPData streaming Event dataBuilt-ininstallation aidsPixel counterGeneralCasing IP66-and NEMA4X-rated aluminum casing and ABSColor:RAL9002Wiper includedMemory256MB RAM,128MB FlashPower Input voltage to base unit:24V ACInput voltage to Light Sensor Box:100V AC,120V AC,230V ACTypical:40W(without illumination),94W(with illumination)Max:55W(without illumination),115W(with illumination) Connectors RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX network connectorPower connector CN1Signal connector REL1in CN4IR illumination Illlumination angle:2x30°Power:60WWavelength:850nmManually adjustable light intensity,adjustable light sensorthresholdStorage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardSupport for SD card encryptionSupport for recording to network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operatingconditions-40°C to55°C(-40°F to131°F)Humidity10–100%RH(condensing)Arctic Temperature Control enables camera start-up attemperatures as low as-40ºC/ºFStorageconditions-40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F)Approvals EMCEN55022Class A,EN61000-3-2,EN61000-3-3,EN55024,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,VCCI Class A ITE,ICES-003Class A,C-tick AS/NZS CISPR22Class A,EN50121-4120V AC and230V AC:KCC KN22Class A,KN24EnvironmentIEC/EN60529IP66,NEMA2504xSafetyIEC/EN60950-1,IEC/EN60950-2224V AC and120V AC:UL60950-1,UL60950-22 Dimensions496x584x463mm(191/2x23x181/4in)Weight21.5kg(47.4lb)IncludedaccessoriesInstallation GuideAXIS PT IR Illuminator Kit BAXIS Q8665-LE Light Sensor Box(not included withAXIS Q8665-LE24V AC)RequiredhardwareAXIS Wall Bracket K or AXIS Column Bracket KOptionalaccessoriesAXIS Washer Kit AAXIS T95A64Corner BracketAXIS T95A67Pole BracketAXIS T98A15-VE Media Converter Cabinet AFor more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,Video managementsoftware from Axis’Application Development Partners availableon /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Traditional Chinese Warranty Axis3-year warranty and AXIS Extended Warranty option,see/warrantya.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).Environmental responsibility:/environmental-responsibility©2015-2017Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,and VAPIX are registered trademarks or trademark applications of Axis AB in various jurisdictions.All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.We reserve the right to introduce modifications without notice.6 1 6 4 7 / E N / M 6 . 2 / 0 7 2 0 1 7。



飞利浦高清摄像机CAM300WH捕获和分享精彩瞬间 - 轻松获得触摸屏控制使用这款 ESee 摄像机 CAM300 拍摄全高清视频和照片轻而易举。

它具有的 3 英寸触摸屏可让您进行直观控制,此外,其即时编辑和快速印象功能还可让您在电视上或在线快速分享。

以全高清品质快速简便地录制视频•通过全高清视频重温点滴美好回忆•高达 1200 万像素分辨率,带来高品质照片•3 英寸触摸屏,控制流畅而直观•利用高级防抖技术拍摄更清晰、更固定的视频•闪光、自动对焦、脸部和笑脸识别轻松分享您收藏的照片和视频•一体式 USB 插头,连接 PC/Mac 更整洁•即时视频编辑器可在摄像机上进行简单编辑•双格式录制,提供全高清和电子邮件可发送格式•通过电子邮件发送以及在 Facebook/YouTube 上发布来实现快速分享•通过 HDMI 直接连接电视,轻松观赏高清视频随身携带•小巧的设计,轻松装到您的口袋•超长的电池寿命让您尽情拍摄*精于心 简于形产品亮点通过 HDMI直接连接电视通过 HDMI 直接连接电视,轻松观赏高清视频一体式 USB 插头一体式 USB 插头,连接 PC/Mac更整洁高级防抖技术高级防抖技术可让您拍摄出令您乐于分享的绝佳视频。

gyro 传感器配备有高级算法,可确保获得稳定不失真的视频。






开启该功能,视频就会同时以两种格式录制 — 全高清 (1080p) 和电子邮件可发送的 QWVGA (240p) 格式。




1.图像传感器 :SONY 1/
2.8英寸Progressive CMOS
有效像素: 350万像素
3. 信号系统:HD 1080p60/50,1080p30/25,1080i60/50,720p60/50
4. 信号制式:PAL/NTSC 镜头 5倍光学变焦,f=3.2mm(广角端)~14.4mm(远端)
5. 水平视角:84.5°(广角端) ~21.6°(远端) 聚集模式自动/手动
6. 最低照明:0.1Lux 快门速度 1/1~1/10000S 增益自动/手动
7. 白平衡: 自动/手动/室内/室外图像效果彩色/黑白/电子翻转
8. S/N比率 :50dB以上水平摇移 355°(最大速度80°/秒)
9. 俯仰摇移 :-30度至30度(最大速度60°/秒)
10. 预置位:遥控9个,键盘最多可设200个
11. 视频输出:HD HDMI、3G-SDI、USB 2.0、RJ-45
12. 音频输入:3.5mm LINE-IN
13. 电源:12V DC(10.8~13.0V DC)
14. 操作温度: 0℃~40℃存放温度 -20℃~60℃
15. 尺寸 :(长)164×(宽)148×(高)173mm
16. 功耗:最大12W(DC 12V时)重量 1050g
17. 产品颜色:银灰色控制协议 SONY VISCA、PELCO P/D
18. 控制方式:RS-232C、RS-422/485、USB控制
19. 随机配件:DC 12V电源适配器,IR遥控器,操作说明书,RS-232C串口控制线, HDMI 线,USB视频线,吊装支架。

MAXHUB 4K 60fps UC P20 PTZ 会议室摄像头说明书

MAXHUB 4K 60fps UC P20 PTZ 会议室摄像头说明书

UC Pro 4K 60fps PTZ Camera with 12x Optical ZoomUNPRECEDENTED CLARITY FOR A NEW GENERATION OF VIDEO CONFERENCING. The MAXHUB 4K 60fps UC P20 is the next-generation of video conferencing equipment. This premium 4K UHD camera ensures crystal-clear video in any environment. 12x optical plus 16x digital zoom guarantees sensational clarity with smooth and ultra-silent PTZ. With versatile outputs and plug-and-play simplicity, the UC P20 sets new standards for mid-to-large meeting rooms.Ultra-silent PTZ Operationwith Versatile Wide Viewing Angles Tilt ±30° Pan ±170° | Whisper-silent motor | Up to 255 presets HFoV 71° viewing angles combined with smooth pan and tilt control puts every meeting in incredible focus. Whisper-silent motor allows users to adjust angles and zoom performance without pulling attention away fromthe conversation. Choose from up to 255 preset camera positions to instantly find the angle that's right for you.02Tilt ±30°HFoV 71°Pan ±170°12x Optical Zoom & 16x Digital Zoom for Exceptional Image Quality Anywhere 12x optical zoom | 16x digital zoom 12x optical zoom delivers sensational 4K resolution without compromising on clarity at any distance. 16x digital zoom provides more accurateclose-ups. You can zoom up to 192 times, extending capture reach to as far as 200 metres.0312x optical zoom04Unmatched ISP with 2D & 3D DNR Delivers Crisp, Clear Images Unmatched image sensor processor | 1/2.5-inch CMOS image sensor | True WDR Premium ultra-low CMOS image sensors significantly reduce image noise, for crystal-clear pictures anywhere. Pioneering 2D and 3D DNR technology delivers unbeatable image quality even in low-light conditions. The result is a signal-noise ratio of ≥55dB and above.After WDR Before WDRAfter 2D & 3D DNR Before 2D & 3D DNR0506Versatile Outputsfor Plug-and-Play SimplicityRJ45 (support PoE) *1 HDMI 2.0 *1 USB 3.0 *1Enjoy an easy set-up with plug-and-play functionality. Multiple ports including HDMI 2.0 and USB 3.0 deliver 4K at up to 60fps, so you can start conferences instantly. You'll be ready for any meeting in seconds, and the camera works with virtually any meetings application.11232307Pan, Tilt, Zoom,All Ready for Remote Access IR remoter | Support for RS232/RS485Pan, tilt and zoom to find the angle that suits you. A handycompact remote means that you can control your view withease. RS232/RS485 ports enable quick connectivity withremote control software.Meet However You Choose withConfigurations to Suit YouPTZ wide viewing angle | Gravity sensor with auto image reverseConfigure your meeting room to suit your needs. Install your camera as a wall, ceiling, or tabletop mounted device or choose a handy tripod. Built-in gravity sensors automatically correct your image orientation, and the UC P20 comes with the wall mounting hardware that you need to complete your meeting room.Wall Ceiling Tabletop0909SpecificationVideo FormatUSB AudioUSB Video Communication Protocol UVC PTZ NetworkVideo Compression Video StreamFirst Stream ResolutionSecond Stream Resolution Video Bit Rate Bit Rate Control Frame Rate Audio Compression Audio Bit Rate ProtocolsInput & Output Network Interface Communication InterfaceCamera VideoSystemSensor Scanning Mode Lens Digital Zoom Minimum Illumination Shutter White BalanceBacklight Compensation Digital Noise Reduction Signal Noise Ratio Horizontal Angle of View Vertical Angle of View Horizontal Rotation Range Vertical Rotation Range Pan Speed Range Tilt Speed Range H & V Flip Image Freeze Number of Preset Preset Accuracy UVC Features Operate System Encode Format4K@60fps, 4K@50fps, 4K@30fps, 4K@25fps,***********,***********,1080P@60fps,1080P@50fps, 1080I@60fps, 1080I@50fps,1080P@30fps,1080P@25fps,**************,**************,**************,720P@60fps,*************1/2.5 inch, CMOS, Max Effective Pixel: 8.51M Progressive12x, f=4.4mm ~ 52.8mm, F1.8 ~ F2.616x0.5 Lux @ (F1.8, AGC ON)1/30s ~ 1/10000sAuto, Indoor, Outdoor, OnePush, Manual, VAR Supported2D & 3D Digital Noise Reduction ≥55dB 71° ~ 8.2°42.7° ~ 4.5°±170°±30°1.6°/s ~ 76°/s 0.5°/s ~ 15°/s Supported Supported 2550.1°Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10,MacOS X, Linux, Android YUY2 / H.264 / H.265 / MJPEGYUY2: max to 1080P@30fps H.264 AVC: max to 2160P@60fps H.264 SVC: max to 2160P@60fps MJPEG: max to 2160P@30fps Supported UVC1.1~1.5SupportedH.264 / H.265 / MJPEG First Stream, Second Stream 3840x2160, 1920x1080, 1280x720,1024x576, 960x540, 640x480, 640x3601280x720, 1024x576, 720x576(50Hz supported) , 720x480 (60Hz supported),720x408, 640x360, 480x270,320x240, 320x18032kbps ~ 51200kbps Variable Rate, Fixed Rate50Hz: 1fps ~ 50fps, 60Hz: 1fps ~ 60fps AAC96Kbps, 128Kbps, 256KbpsTCP / IP, HTTP, RTSP, RTMP / RTMPS,ONVIF, DHCP, SRT, Multi-cast1×RJ45: 10/100/1000Mbps Adaptive Ethernet Port 1×RS232 IN: 8pin Min DIN, Max Distance: 30m,Protocol: VISCA / Pelco-D / Pelco-P1×RS485: 3pin phoenix port, Max Distance: 1200m,Protocol: VISCA / Pelco-D / Pelco-P10********************/en/MAXHUB MAXHUB MAXHUB_GlobalSpecificationAudio Interface HDMI Interface 3G-SDI Interface USB Interface Power Jack Power & PhysicalInput Voltage Current Consumption Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Power Consumption Dimension NetWeight Statement1×LINEIN: 3.5mm Audio Interface1×HDMI: Version 2.01×3G-SDI: BNC type, 800mVp-p, 75Ω.A long toSMPTE 424M standard1×USB3.0: Up to 4K@60fps compressed video and1080P original video can be outputJEITA type (DC IN 12V)DC12V1.0A (Max)-10°C ~ 40°C-40°C ~ 60°C12W (Max)238mm×131.8mm×166.35mm 1.3kgSize and weight may vary by configuration and manufacturing process, please refer to the actual product.The product images are for illustrative purposes only and may slightly differ in appearance, color, size, etc. from the actual product.The description, illustrations, etc. in the document may subject to change in accordance with the latest product specification and performance.Should the above-mentioned change in the document become necessary, the document may be updated without written notice.NOTICE : The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo aretrademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.。



1 物镜: 80mmED全镀膜镜头
2 焦距: 450毫米
3 观测拍摄倍率: 直接观测倍率35倍,拍摄倍率55倍
4 最近拍摄距离: 1米
5 快速倍率切换:有高低倍切换键,低倍拍摄6倍
6 眼距: 13MM
7视场范围: 2°
1 解析度(拍摄): 500万像素(图像尺寸2592x1944)
2 液晶显示: 2英寸真彩液晶显示屏
3 SD卡槽:带SD存储卡槽
4 视场范围: 5.6°(低倍率),2°(高倍率)
5 高低倍拍摄距离: 3米至无限远(高倍率),1米(低倍率)
6 录像功能:有
7 录像格式: VGA /GIF
8 视频输出制式: NTSC/PAL
9 设备接口: USB,TV OUT,SDcard,12v DC,SNAP
10 线控快门:有
11 图像格式: JPG
12 辅助调焦装置: 有数字对焦清晰指示显示
13 自动拍摄:有自动拍摄功能,有单次拍摄延迟功能


15 外形尺寸: 45*12*10(长宽高 cm)
16 设备重量: 3KG
1 设备外包装箱:承重70公斤以上的硬质包装箱
2 手控微调稳像器: 防跌落设计,微调控制可使500米之外画面一秒钟之内随意移动5cm之内。


影片:10秒x 6次(640 x 480)
DC17V IN端子
深度215mm x宽度232mm x高度55mm(不包括支架)大约为1600克
记录像素:VGA(640 x 480)
DC+17V 7W
当充电(最大)到DC+17V 64W时

AXIS Q8752-E 双光谱PTZ摄像头说明书

AXIS Q8752-E 双光谱PTZ摄像头说明书

AXIS Q8752-E Bispectral PTZ CameraThermal detection and visual verificationAXIS Q8752-E offers reliable thermal detection and visual verification in one bispectral camera.It features360°infinite pan for fast repositioning and continuous tracking of objects.Featuring Electronic Image Stabilization(EIS)on both channels it ensures smooth video.Forensic WDR and Lightfinder2.0guarantees images with saturated colors and sharp details of moving objects even in challenging light or near darkness.This robust camera is packed with advanced security functionality.Built on a powerful analytics platform,it’s easy to add custom-made3rd party analytics.Furthermore, it’s possible to connect AXIS Q8752-E using fiber optic cabling to overcome distance and bandwidth limitations.>Thermal and visual camera in one>360°infinite pan>Dual Electronic Image Stabilization>Signed firmware,secure boot,and TPM2.0>Thermal palettesDatasheetAXIS Q8752-E Bispectral PTZ Camera Models AXIS Q8752-E35mm8.3/30fpsAXIS Q8752-E Zoom8.3/30fpsCameraImage sensor Visual:1/2.8”progressive scan CMOSThermal:Uncooled microbolometer640x480pixels,pixel size:17µm.Spectral range:8–14µmLens Visual:Varifocal,4.3-137.6mm,F1.4-4.0Horizontal field of view:58.5°–2.4°Vertical field of view:35°–1.3°Autofocus,auto-irisThermal:35mm:Athermalized35mm,F1.2Near focus distance:33m(108ft)Horizontal field of view:17°Vertical field of view:12.8°Zoom:Athermalized35–105mm,F1.6Near focus distance:22–195m(72–640ft)Near manual focus distance:7m(23ft)Horizontal field of view:18°–6°Vertical field of view:13.5°–4.5°Day and night Visual:Automatically removable infrared-cut filterMinimum illumination Visual:Color:0.09lux at30IRE,F1.4 B/W:0.008lux at30IRE,F1.4 Color:0.06lux at50IRE,F1.4 B/W:0.01lux at50IRE,F1.4Sensitivity Thermal:NETD<50mKShutter speed Visual:1/66500s to2sPan/Tilt/Zoom Pan:360°endless,0.05°–120°/sTilt:-90°to+45°,0.05°–65°/sJerk-free movements at low speed:±0.01°/s(at0.05°/s)Preset accuracy:0.05°256preset positions,guard tour,control queue,focus window,on-screen directional indicator,de-icing control a,dynamic loadbalancing bVisual:32x optical zoom,12x digital zoom,total384x zoom,focus recallThermal:Zoom:3x thermal zoom and4x digital zoom,total12x zoomSystem on chip(SoC)Model ARTPEC-7VideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Baseline,Main and High Profiles H.265(MPEG-H Part2/HEVC)Main ProfileMotion JPEGResolution Visual:1920x1080HDTV1080p to320x180Thermal:Sensor is640x480.Image can be scaled up to800x600(SVGA)Frame rate Visual:Up to50/60fps(50/60Hz)in HDTV1080pThermal:Up to8.3fps and30fpsVideo streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264,H.265andMotion JPEGAxis Zipstream technology in H.264and H.265Controllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/ABR/MBR H.264/H.265Image settings Visual:Saturation,contrast,brightness,sharpness,ForensicWDR:up to120dB depending on scene,white balance,day/nightthreshold,tone mapping,exposure control,exposure zones,defogging,compression,dynamic text and image overlay,32individual polygon privacy masks,electronic image stabilizationThermal:Compression,brightness,sharpness,contrast,localcontrast,exposure control,exposure zones,text and imageoverlay,electronic image stabilizationAudioAudio streaming Audio in,simplexEcho cancellation and noise cancellationAudio encoding24bit LPCM,AAC-LC8/16/32/48kHz,G.711PCM8kHz,G.726ADPCM8kHz,Opus8/16/48kHzConfigurable bit rateAudioinput/outputExternal microphone input or line inputNetworkSecurity Password protection,IP address filtering,HTTPS c encryption,IEEE802.1x(EAP-TLS)c network access control,digestauthentication,user access log,centralized certificatemanagement,brute force delay protection,signed firmware,secure boot,protection of cryptographic keys with FIPS140-2certified TPM2.0module,Axis Edge Vault with Axis device ID SupportedprotocolsIPv4,IPv6USGv6,ICMPv4/ICMPv6,HTTP,HTTPS c,HTTP/2,SSL/TLS c,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP,SFTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,mDNS(Bonjour),UPnP®,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II),DNS/DNSv6,DDNS,NTP,RTSP,RTP,SRTP,TCP,UDP,IGMP,RTCP,ICMP,DHCPv4/v6,ARP,SOCKS,SSH,NTCIP,LLDP,CDP,MQTT v3.1.1,Syslog,Link-Local address(ZeroConf)System integrationApplicationProgrammingInterfaceOpen API for software integration,including VAPIX®andAXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at ONVIF®Profile G,ONVIF®Profile S,and ONVIF®Profile T,specification at Event conditions Device status:above operating temperature,above or belowoperating temperature,below operating temperature,IP addressremoved,network lost,new IP address,shock detected,ringpower overcurrent protection,storage failure,system ready,within operating temperatureEdge storage:recording ongoing,storage disruptionI/O:digital input,manual trigger,virtual inputMQTT subscribePTZ:PTZ malfunctioning,PTZ movement,PTZ preset positionreached,PTZ readyScheduled and recurring:scheduled eventVideo:average bitrate degradation,day-night mode,ive streamopen,tamperingEvent actions Record video:SD card and network shareUpload of images or video clips:FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,networkshare and emailPre-and post-alarm video or image buffering for recording oruploadNotification:email,HTTP,HTTPS,TCP and SNMP trapPTZ:PTZ preset,start/stop guard tourOverlay text,external output activation,wiper sequence,washersequence,zoom preset,day/night modeMQTT publishData streaming Event dataBuilt-ininstallation aidsPixel counter,focus assistantAnalyticsApplications IncludedAXIS Motion Guard,AXIS Fence Guard,AXIS Loitering GuardAXIS Video Motion Detection,Orientation AID PTZ,audiodetection,advanced gatekeeperSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acap GeneralCasing IP66-,NEMA4X-and IK10-rated g powder coated aluminumColor:white NCS S1002-BFront window:visual:glass,thermal:germaniumLong-life silicone wiperWeathershield:high-impact UV-stabilized thermoplastic Sustainability PVC freeMemory2048MB RAM,512MB FlashPower20–28V AC/DC,typical16W,max204WPower loss recovery dTVS2000V,surge protection,voltage transient protectionI/O connector:output power12V DC,max load50mA Connectors SFP slot(SFP module not included)eShielded RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-TI/O:6-pin2.5mm terminal block for4configurableinputs/outputsPower:terminal blockAudio(in camera unit):3.5mm mic/line inIllumination(in upper part of positioning unit)Storage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC card and encryption Recording to network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operating conditions -40°C to55°C(-40°F to131°F)Maximum temperature(intermittent):65°C(149°F) Start-up temperature:-40°C(-40°F)Humidity10-100%RH(condensing)Wind load when PTZ operational37m/s(83mph)f,45m/s(100mph)without weathershield With AXIS PT IR Illuminator Kit C:40m/s(90mph),52m/s(116mph)without weathershieldMaximum effective projected area(EPA):0.138m2Storageconditions-40°C to70°C(-40°F to158°F)Approvals EMCEN55032Class A,EN55024,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,VCCI Class A ITE,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),CISPR35,RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class A,EN50121-4,IEC62236-4,EN50498,KC KN32Class A,KC KN35SafetyIEC/EN/UL62368-1,IEC/EN/UL60950-22,CAN/CSA C22.2No.62368-1,CAN/CSA-C22.2No.60950-22EnvironmentIEC/EN60529IP66,IEC62262IK10g,NEMA250Type4x,NEMA TS2(2.2.7-2.2.9),ISO21207(Method B),IEC/EN60068-2-1,IEC/EN60068-2-2,IEC60068-2-6,IEC/EN60068-2-14,IEC60068-2-27,IEC/EN60068-2-78,MIL-STD-810G(Method501.5,502.5,505.5,506.5,507.5,509.5)NetworkNIST SP500-267Dimensions244x360x582mm(9.5x14x23in)Weight35mm:14.7kg(32.4lb)Zoom:15.1kg(33.3lb)Included accessories Installation guide,Windows®decoder1-user license,connectorkit,Torx®T20bit,Torx®T30bit,connector guardOptionalaccessoriesAXIS Surveillance Cards,AXIS T94J01A Wall Mount,AXIS T94N01G Pole Mount,AXIS T95A64Corner Bracket,AXIS Washer Kit B,AXIS Cable24V DC/24-240V AC22m h,AXIS T8611SFP Module LC.LX,AXIS T8612SFP Module LC.SX,AXIS T8613SFP Module1000BASE-T,AXIS PT IR IlluminatorKit C,AXIS T99Illuminator Bracket Kit A,Power supplyDIN PS24480W,AXIS T61Audio and I/O Interface SeriesFor more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,video managementsoftware from Axis Application Development Partners availableat /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Polish,Traditional ChineseWarranty5-year warranty,see /warrantyExport control The product contains U.S.-origin controlled technology/compo-nent,the US Export Administration Regulations(EAR)are alwaysapplicable to the product.You should comply at all times withall applicable national and international(re-)export controlregulations.a.Internal heaters to defrost ice build-up,activated by HTTP API(VAPIX).b.Pan and tilt motors actively compensate for changes in load conditions inducedby external forces such as high winds.This allows minimum power consumptionat low wind.c.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in theOpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).d.IP data and home position retained,and guard tour and other events resumed.e.If a network link is established via both the SFP slot and the RJ45connector,theformer acts as the primary link and the latter as the fail-over link.f.The values shown are based on results from actual wind tunnel testing.For dragforce calculations,use maximum effective projected area(EPA).g.Excluding front window.h.When using the22m(72ft)AXIS Cable24V DC/24–240V AC,a power supplycapable of delivering300W is required to compensate for the power loss in the cable.Environmental responsibility:/environmental-responsibility©2020-2021Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks ofAxis AB in various jurisdictions.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.We reserve the right tointroduce modifications without notice.T10147067/EN/M6.2/2110。









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