



河南英语导游词Nam Van Lake is one of two man made lakes in the Macau Peninsula. It is located at the southern end of the peninsula. The lake was once a bay partially closed off the bay. The project to close the lake began in 1991 to attract more development in Macau.. Nam Van means South Bay

in Chinese. Much of the land southwest of the bay was created from landfill. The Macau Legislative Assembly Building and Superior Court of Macau Building overlook the lake. The lake is bisected by the Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho or Macau-Taipa Bridge. There are four man-made islands within Nam Van Lake. Along with Sai Van Lake, the two artifical lakes cover 80 hectarces of space. Nanwan Lake is twenty miles from the east to the west in width, fifty miles from the south to the north in length, totaling an area of seven km

2. Surrounded by lines of mountains, stretches of forest, many small islands could be seen embedded in the water like precious green stones. Viewing from faraway, the water seems to be mixed up with the sky. In the east of Nanhu Lake exists Yingxian Temple, Wugong Ling in the west, Longtan waterf-all in the south, a ferry in the north. Countlesmall islands in

different shapes intersperse among the green water, just as “drops of big and small rain falls off onto the plate”. With ten thousand different birds staying at the islands to rear their offspring, birds could be seen and heard every where. The Monkey Island houses dozens of wild monkeys that are smart and cute, winning many tourist favors. The performance of ethnic songs and dances in the Leisure Summer Island is deeply dotted with the local geographical features, and the snake-playing performance well satisfies tourist lure of wonder. A great many birds, lions, monkeys, wild pigs and camels further strengthen the charm of Nanhu Lake. Nanhu Lake is an ideal site for diving, boating, swimming and fishing. One can appreciate the beautiful water and mountain, when he is visiting the site of box-raise-fish. In the upstream of the lake lies the five great mountains, the birthplace of Xinyang MaoJian; the opposite side of the lake is Cheyun Shan where it is a good place to have a full sight of Longpu waterf-all, a visit of tea garden, and to enjoy a cup of Xinyang MaoJian. 〔河南英语导游词〕






鸡冠洞,洞长1800米,观赏面积23000平方米,由八大景区连缀而成,依次为玉住潭:, 溢彩殿 ,叠帏宫 ,洞天河 ,瑶池宫 , 石林坊 ,洞内峰回路转,曲径通幽,景观布局疏密参差,钟乳石形象各异,姿态万千,或如逸仙,如卧佛,如飞禽,如走兽;或如春竹,如密林,如竹帘,如帷幕, 其景观无不栩栩如生,维妙维俏,一片片庞大的石幕犹如琴瑟,以石轻击,琴音清脆,余音袅袅,万古流淌的洞中河,清澈见底, 叮咚作响,给静逸的鸡冠洞增添了无尽的活力!


客 , 金龟渡仙翁 , 贵妃出浴 , 玉兔望月 , 海豚戏著 , 鲤鱼戏水 , 八仙拜寿 ,等88各景观,姿态奇异,形象逼真而倍受广大游客青昧.



鸡冠洞中一年四季恒温18 C,严冬季节洞内热浪扑面、暖意融融、盛夏酷署,洞内寒气侵袭,清神爽心,爽凉宜人,被称为自然空调。




