• 缩写:
– 除了少数国际商业界确认的缩写,如CIF、FOB等外, 应尽量避免使用缩写,尤其是机构或组织名称,最好写 出它的全部字母。
• 数字:
– 不同国家的人对某些数字的表达方式不一样,例如:英、 美两国对billion的理解不一样。所以最安全的办法是数字 和文字同时使用,例如:
– In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production,ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule.
– If you speak to Mr. Wood about production,ask him to consider the delivery schedule.
unit 1 business letter writing
• Principles of good communication
Unit 2 establishing business relations
• Structure of a start letter
Source of information
We learned from the commercial counselor’s office of our embassy in your country that you are interested in Chinese handicraft.
▪ Depositing money with us, our bank can pay you high dividends.
▪ Depositing money with us, you earn high dividends. (rewriting)
▪ 避免夸大其辞。比如:
▪ It is the lowest price available to you.
Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services. ▪ “bimonthly” 一词含有两个意思,即每月两次和每两个
月一次,这对于读信人 来说,就可能感到迷惑不解。
▪ 改写(rewriting):
▪ a. We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco.
第三章 商务信函书写原则 Writing Principles of the Business Letter
▪ 1. 礼貌 (Courtesy)
▪ 礼貌绝不是简单的客套。它是一种真诚的对“收信人的态 度”。
▪ 试比较:
▪ We have received with many thanks your letter of Oct. 7, and
Learning objectives: •To enable students to master the principles of business letter writing; •To become acquainted with(开始熟悉) the general layout(总体) of most business letters; •To skillfully write structural parts of business English letters with proper styles; •To be familiar with the procedures of foreign trade, parties and documents involved.
Identify and correct common errors(识别和改正常见错误) found in sentence structures
Master(精通) the natural written English
The most important objective of taking this course is ***To cultivate(培养) the sense of doing business • learning the tone of writing • learning the format (格式)(letter, memo(备注,便rd choice • learning the principles of writing • learning the skills of negotiation
• 学习内容:
– 本课程主要学习信例,大量学习外贸实务基本 环节中有代表性的信例。外贸实务基本环节有: 建立业务关系和资信调查、询盘、报盘和报价、 还盘、订单,履行订单、支付、包装和运输、 信用证的修改和展期、索赔和解决索赔等。
3. 订单信
订单信用于向供应商下发订单 并确认产品的订购细节,包括 数量、价格和交货要求。
4. 货款催收信
货款催收信是由卖方向买方发送的提醒付款的函电, 内容包括未支付款项的明确要求和相关时间安排。
5. 投诉信
投诉信是客户向供应商表达不满或投诉问题的函电, 包括具体的问题描述和期望的解决方案。
外贸函电的写作需要遵循一定的规范,包括信头和日期的格式、称呼和结尾语的选择、文字排版和格式,以及语言 表达和语气控制。
1. 询盘信
询盘信是向供应商询问产品价 格、质量、交货期等相关信息 的函电。关键要素包括详细的 产品描述和明确的询问。
2. 报价信
报价信是供应商回复询盘信的 函电,其中包含详细的产品报 价和相关的交货条件。
《外贸函电unit》PPT课 件
此PPT课件将全面介绍外贸函电的概念、重要性以及写作规范。通过丰富的内 容和图像,提供易于理解的学习体验。
第一部分:介绍外贸函电的概 念和重要性
外贸函电是指通过书面形式进行的跨国贸易沟通工具。它分为不同的类型, 每种类型都在国际贸易中发挥重要作用。
1. 礼貌 (Courtesy) 绝不是表面的客套,它意味着在书信 中非常巧妙地表示出诚挚的友情、诚恳的感谢、真诚 的礼貌、体贴的理解和由衷的尊重。因此,要通过具 体的语言形式得体地表达,就需要掌握一定的语言技 巧和使用恰当的措辞。 • 2. 体贴 (Consideration) 是商务信函写作应遵循的重要原 则。“体贴”就是采取收信人的态度(You-Attitude),而 不是寄信人的态度(We-Attitude),即采取以第二人称 “您”为出发点,而不是以第一人称“我”或“我们” 为出发点的态度。 • 3. 完整 (Completeness) 的信件应该包含所有必要的信息, 才能达到预期的理想效果。否则,既有失礼貌,也会 令收信人对你公司产生不良的印象。要确保信件的全 面完整,列好提纲非常重要,同时建议写完信后要用 五个W,来检验,即:
• 6. Concreteness
• Business writing should be vivid, specific and definite rather than vague, general and abstract, especially when the writer is requiring a response, solving problems, making an offer or acceptance, etc.
consent—the significance of essential communicating skills, because all business activities rely on satisfactory exchange of information. Writing a business letter is very important in the business world. If a businessman is unable to write an effective business letter, it is very difficult to express his opinions, which may cause some problems in doing business. In this project, students will learn about some knowledge of how to write a business letter, that is, 7C principles, three basic formats of business letters, and twelve parts of a business letter.
探索如何提高外贸英语函电的写作水平和效率,例如积累词汇量,阅读范例信函 和进行模拟练习。
回顾学习外贸英语函电所获得的收获和成果,以及如何货方式等,以便能够正 确地表达意思。
商务信函的写作规范 和注意事项
了解商务信函的写作规范 和注意事项,包括语法准 确性,礼貌用语和正式性 等要点。
掌握商务往来中常见情景和问 题,例如洽谈合作,解决纠纷 和催款等。
学习如何应对商务往来中的各 种问题和挑战,例如语言障碍, 文化差异和货物损坏等。
掌握商务往来中的跨文化沟通 技巧,例如尊重他人文化,避 免误解和合理调整期望值等。
学习商务信函的写作技巧和方法,例如清晰简洁的语言,逻辑结构和恰当的礼貌 用语。
《外贸英语函电》PPT课 件
外贸英语函电是指在国际贸易中使用的商务信函,并且是用英语撰写的。学 习外贸英语函电对于从事国际贸易的人员至关重要。
商务信函的格式和结 构
了解商务信函的标准格式 和结构,包括信头,日期, 称呼,正文和落款等部分。
商务信函中的常用词 汇和用语
Revision 复 习
Zhejiang Machinery&Equipment Imp.&Exp.Corp.
131 Jiefang Rd., Hangzhou 310009,China Tel: 7070998 Fax: 0086-0571-7021 E-mail: ZMEC@
Revision 复 习
Zhejiang Machinery&Equipment Imp.&Exp.Corp.
131 Jiefang Rd., Hangzhou 310009,China
Feb.15th, 2009 Mr. Jone Smith VME Manufacturing Company 3804 New Sharon Rd.Pella,Iowa,U.S.A. Dear Mr. Smith, We have obtained your name and address from Dee&Co. Ltd, and we are w riting to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. Yours faithfully, Leon Chang The Complimentary Close Chief Buyer
指导学习者如何编写一份通知函,及时 告知对方货物已发出并提供快递信息。
分析外贸英语函电的重要性和 广泛应用,强调其在国际贸易 中的核心地位。
分享解决外贸英语函电中常见 问题的思路和实用技巧,帮助 学习者更好地应对挑战。
个人学习感悟和目标 规划
引导学习者反思学习过程中的 体验,设立并规划个人学习外 贸英语函电的目标。
本课件旨在帮助学习者全面了解外贸英语函电的概述、写作准备、常用函电 和实例分析,感悟其重要性并掌握应用技巧。
演示如何编写一封准确、明确的询价函,以获 取所需产品的报价信息。
讲解编写订单函时需要包括的关键信息,确保 双方共同理解交易的具体细节。Байду номын сангаас
外贸函电课程重点_外贸函电 Unit 4
Unit 4. Inquiry第四章询盘Leading-in Tasks (任务导入)Try to finish the following tasks and predict the objectives and focus of this unit.Task 1.假设你是中国光明国际贸易有限公司(Guangming International Trading Co. Ltd.,联系地址:30 Sichuan Road, Shanghai, China,Tel:86-21- Fax:86-21- E-mail: guangming@)进出口部的经理。
最近,你公司打算从英国伦敦亚瑟父子公司(Messrs. Arthur Grey & Son Co. Ltd.,联系地址:19 Cheapside, London, E.C.2 ,Tel:0044-20- Fax:0044-20-E-mail:mags_ld@)进口100台真空吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)。
1) 我们在广交会(Guangzhou Fair)上得知贵公司以及贵公司的产品。
2) 我方是中国四川省主要的吸尘器经销商。
3) 我方拟购100台V-368号真空吸尘器,如能详报含2%佣金的成本加运费、保险费到伦敦的最低价,将不胜感激。
4) 报盘时,请说明支付条款、最早装运期、包装条款以及折扣等方面的情况。
5) 静候佳音。
Task 2.针对任务1中所拟信函的内容,以亚瑟父子公司出口部经理的身份拟一封回函。
1) 感谢贵公司的询盘。
2) 很抱歉由于订单甚多,贵方所需型号的产品暂时无法供货。
3) 很遗憾不能满足贵公司的需要,一旦有新货供应,我们将立即与你们接洽。
3) 随函附上本公司其他同类产品的目录及价格表,如有兴趣或者有进一步的需要,务请告知。
4) 希望将来能与贵公司达成交易。
④对外公函中对收信人的称呼,可用 Gentlemen (而不是 Gentleman),Dear Sir (s)和 My dear Sir(s)等。Gentlemen 之前不 能加 Dear, 后面也不能带姓名。用 Sirs 时,前面常用 Dear 一词, 但也可单独用 Sir。若收信人是妇女,则无论已婚或未婚,都可单独 使用 Madam 或其复数 Mesdames。 • ⑤对外国高级官员的称呼,如国家元首、政府首脑、部长、大使、 公使和特使等,可用(Dear)Sir, (Dear)Mr. Chairman,(Dear) Mr. Premier, (My dear)Mr. Ambassador,Your Excellency (复 数为 Excellencies)。 • ⑥对君主制国家的国王和皇帝等男性君主,可以 Sir 称呼,对女 王、女皇和皇后等女性君主,可用 Madam 称呼。有时也用 Your Majesty 称呼以表示。客气和尊敬Your Majesty 可兼指男性和女性, 其复数为 Your Majesties。 • ⑦对王室成员,如太子、王子、亲王和公主等,一般可用(Dear) Sir 或(Dear)Madam 但在正式尊称时,一般用 Your Highness (复 数为 Highnesses)。
• 2、语气语调 • 由于您写的信函都是有其目的性的,所 以您信函里所采用的语气语调也应该符合 您的目的。在写之前先不妨仔细考虑一下, 您写这封信函是想达到一个什么样的目的, 您希望对收信人产生一种怎样的影响呢? 是歉意的,劝说性的,还是坚决的,要求 性的。这完全可以通过信函中的语气语调 来表现
• 3、礼貌 • 我们这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单用一些礼貌 用语比如your kind inquiry, your esteemed order 等就可以的。而是要体现一种为他人考虑,多体 谅对方心情和处境的态度。如果本着这样的态度 去跟别人交流,那么就算您这次拒绝了对方的要 求,也不会因此失去这个朋友,不会影响今后合 作的机会。 • 特别要注意,当双方观点不能统一时,我们首 先要理解并尊重对方的观点。如果对方的建议不 合理或者对您的指责不公平时,请表现一下您的 高姿态,您可以据理力争,说明您的观点,但注 意要讲究礼节礼貌,避免用冒犯性的语言。
❖Cargoes fall into three groups: (1) Bulk cargoes or cargoes in bulk: like wheat,
mineral ore, coal, etc. (2) Nude cargoes: like vehicles, bronze or steel
Types of marking 2-Indicative/warning marks
Indicative marks ❖ Handle with care ❖ This side up ❖ Keep dry / Keep away from moisture ❖ Keep away from heat ❖ Use no hooks ❖ Keep flat ❖ Fragile
❖ packing instructions ❖ packing specification ❖ packing list ❖ packing charges ❖ ❖ waterproof packing ❖ seaworthy packing ❖ customary packing/Neutral Packing中性包装 ❖ gift packing ❖ portable packing ❖ nude packing裸装 ❖ inner packing ❖ shipping packing/outer packing
Types of marking 1- Shipping Marks唛头
❖ Shipping marks are not only stenciled on the transportation packing of cargoes but also appear on the invoices, insurance documents, bills of lading and some other documents.Packing ad Shipping Marks
Parts of Business Letters 外贸函电的各组成部分
Letterhead (信头) Reference Number(信函编号) Date(日期) Inside Name and Address(信内地址 和姓名) Subject(主题) Salutation(称谓)
Parts of Business Letters 外贸函电的各组成部分
Letterhead (信头) Reference Number(信函编号) Date(日期) Inside Name and Address(信内地址 和姓名) Subject(主题) Salutation(称谓)
开头语 正文:如果需两页或更多信纸时,应在 续页上注明收信人名称、页数、日期。 例:Mr. John Smith
Page 2 June 3, 2001 结尾
段落划分 小标题 列表 间距(单倍行距)
开头语 正文:如果需两页或更多信纸时,应在 续页上注明收信人名称、页数、日期。 例:Mr. John Smith
Page 2 June 3, 2001 结尾
Wish to hear from you soon. If you need further information, please tell us.
Parts of Business Letters 外贸函电的各组成部分
外贸函电课件重点A)Supply the missing wordsDear Sirs,We acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 12, and are very pleased to hear that you areimportersof textiles.As requested, we enclose our latest catalog and a price list giving details for your reference.Under separate cover, we send you by airmail a range of samples. As you will find, our goodsare excellent in quality and reasonablein price.We look forwardto receiving your orders soon1、若产品质量好,价格与我方市场相符,我们将向你方定一大笔货。
If your quality is good and the price is in line with the market at our end, we shall place a largeorder with you.2、目前,我们对各种葡萄酒(Wines)感兴趣,如果能通过航空邮寄最近的价目表,我们将非常感激。
、At present, we are keenly interested in all kinds of Wines and shall be glad if you will kindly sendus your latest price list by airmail.3、请按照我方询价单报最低价并说明最早交货期。
Please quote as requested in our enquiry sheet your best prices and state the earliest delivery date.1.我方能提供各种尺寸、颜色、样式的自行车现货。
本节要点回顾 1、发盘的概念 2、发盘的分类★ 3、发盘有效的条件 4、发盘(实盘)的写作内容★
一、感谢对方来信,表示现在可以发盘。 1、We thank you for your inquiry dated July 10 for the
发盘可应询盘要求发出,也可在 没有询盘情况下直接发出。
Offer 发盘
Bid 递盘
• 1、实盘 firm offer • 2、虚盘 non-firm offer
1、实盘 firm offer
立合同的意图。 实盘一旦由交易的另一方(受盘人)有效接受
(acceptance),发盘人对其发盘的内容,在有 效期内不得随意变更或撤销,否则发盘人将承 受违约的法律后果。
一个完整的实盘包括明确肯定的交易条件 ,还应明确有效期限,并表明发盘为实盘
This offer is subject to your reply reaching us within seven days. 此盘以7天内回复为有效。
条件达成交易,虚盘不必有完整的内容,没 有时限的规定,而且也不明确不肯定,通常 使用“须经我方最后确认方才有效”等语句, 以示保留。
1、subject to our final confirmation
All Risks 一切险Free from Particular Average 平安险With Particular Average 水渍险Hook Damage 钩损险Risk of Odour 串味险Risk of Rust 锈损险Sweating & Heating Risk 受潮受热险Risk of Shortage 短量险War Risk 战争险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险Pilferage & Theft 偷窃险Loss or Damage Cause by Breakage of Packing 包装破裂险Exercise1. In particular we wish to know whether you can issue a special rate in return for the promise of regular monthly shipment.2. As shipment is due to begin on 14th March, please let us have your quotation by return.3. On what terms will you be glad to arrange an all risks policy for us?4. The invoiced value of the consignment, including the freight and commission, is $2,500.5. We are pleased to note that you are ready to insure with us a shipment of Chinese porcelain from Shanghai to Sydney by sea.6. If you find our rate acceptable, please present the details of your shipment so that we may issue our policy accordingly.7. The terms you quote for an open policy of 1,200 covering all risks will apply to our consignment on the routes named.8. We thank you for your reply to our inquiry of April 29.9. If you can kindly arrange to insure the same on our behalf against All Risks we shall be greatly obliged.10. Under the ordinary circumstance, no loss or theft of such merchandise as mild steel is likely to occur during transportation.Phrases:accept a claim 同意索赔admit a claim 同意索赔entertain a claim 受理索赔dismiss a claim 驳回索赔reject a claim 拒绝索赔relinquish a claim 撤回索赔settle a claim 解决索赔waive a claim 放弃索赔withdraw a claim 撤回索赔Exercise1.The analysis of the 1st shipment is not satisfactory, __is certified by the China Commodity Bureau. (B)A. whenB. whichC. asD. that2. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing. ( D )A. outerB. superiorC. domesticD. faulty3. We have to file a claim against you _____ US $ 15,000. ( D )A. with the sumB. equal toC. forD. to the amount of4. As it __________ only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter. ( B )A. involvedB. involvesC. involvingD. involving5. We have _________ the drums one by one and found that most of them are leaking. ( A )A. examinedB. testedC. rolledD. traced6. We would like to _____ this claim to arbitration. ( A )A. submitB. giveC. putD. present7. We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation, but not the amount you claimed because we ____ why the loss should be 50% more than the actual value of the goods. ( A )A. cannot seeB. are not certainC. cannot findD. know8. After the inspection of the above shipment ,we found 5 cases ____. ( C )A. missedB. lostC. missingD. lose9. If cargoes cannot be found within a few days, we will file our claim for the full ___ of them. ( A )A. settlementB. solutionC. solveD. answer10.We trust you will do your best to _____ this matter settled at once. ( C )A. makeB. placeC. haveD. let装货A shipping advice usually contains the following points:1. the date and number of Bill of Lading(B/L, 提单)2. the date and number of the Contract3. the names of commodities and their quality and value4. the name of the carrying vessel5. the name of the shipping port/loading port (装货港)6. the estimated time of departure (EDT,预定起航日期)7. the name of the destination port (目的港)8. the estimated time of arrival (ETA,预定到港日期)9. a list of the relevant shipping documents (货运单据)10. thanks for patronageExerciseDear Sirs,We are on (改为in) receipt of your letter dated 20 May 2013, requesting earlier delivery of the goods on (改为under) your purchase contract No. 2554. We have contacted with (把with去掉) the shipping company and been told that there is no shipping space available on ships sail (改为sailing)from here to your port before 5 April. So we are sorry that we are unable to comply to (改为with) your request.Please rest assure (改为assured)that we will do our best to ensure punctual shipment of the goods.Yours faithfully,1. Factors which influence the nature of packing:---value of the goods---nature of the transit---nature of the cargo----compliance with customers’or statutory requirements--- resale value of packing materials, general fragility of cargo--- variation in temperature during the course of the transit--- ease of handling and stowage--- insurance acceptance conditions--- cost of packing2. Two forms of packing:--- large packing/ outer packing, i.e. packing for transportation--- small packing/ inner packing, i.e. packaging or sales packing3. Three principal types of marking which may have to be done on export packages:--- The consignees’ own distinctive marks--- Any official mark required by authorities--- Special directions or warningsExercise1. We look forward ___hearing ___ you.2. We are interested ____ buying 500 of your Model WL cameras.3. I don’t see the point ___ discussing this question ___ this stage.4. We are relying ___ receiving the goods by the end of this month.5. They insisted ____ having the goods transshipped ___ Singapore .6. We can provide you ____ the goods ___ the priceswe quoted in our last offer.7. We understand your concern ___ packing.8. We have shipped the goods ___ the steamer you designated on receiving your shippinginstructions.9. Each case will be marked ____details required by the Argentinean authorities.10.The lids are secured ___ nailing, and the crates are strapped ___metal bands.Key:1.to,from2.in3.in,at4.on5.on,at6.with,at7.about8. by9.with 10.with, withLetter of Credits:---Revocable L/C & Irrevocable L/C(可撤销信用证与不可撤销信用证)---Straight L/C & Negotiation L/C(直接信用证与议付性信用证)---Original L/C & Back to Back L/C(原信用证与转开信用证)---Sight Credit & Usance / Time/ Term Credit(即期信用证与远期信用证)---Documentary L/C & Clean L/C(跟单信用证与光票信用证)---Confirmed L/C & Unconfirmed L/C(保兑信用证与未保兑信用证)---Transferable L/C & Non-transferable L/C(可转让信用证与不可转让信用证)Exercise1. A 4% discount will be granted only ______ your order exceeds US$ 20000. ( C )A. depends onB. for condition thatC. on condition thatD. subject to2. An exporter cannot receive payment until the goods on consignment ______ sometime in thefuture. ( D )A. have offered for saleB. are quotedC. arrive at destinationD. have been sold3. We have made ______ that we would accept D/A at 60 days’sight for this order. (D )A. clearB. it is clearC. that clearD. it clear4. ______ an order for one hundred pieces or more we allow a special discount of 5% for payment by L/C. (C)A. AtB. InC. OnD. From5. We find your terms ______ and now send you our order for 2 sets of generators. ( C)A. satisfiedB. satisfactionC. satisfactoryD. of satisfaction6. We have ______ at 30 days’ sight for the contracted value. ( D)A. written to youB. called on youC. sent to you by air mailD. drawn on you7. We regret ______ to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order toyou. (B)A. cannotB. being unableC. not ableD. not be able8. We will consider ______ your terms of payment. ( B)accept B. accepting C. accepted D. to accept9. We are now ______ of your order of June 19. (A)A. in receipt ofB. upon receipt ofC. on receipt ofD. in reception of10. We are pleased to inform you that we can supply ______ all the items you require. ( D)A. youB. to youC. for youD. you with1. 常用的词组如下:claim against a person 向某人索赔claim for sth. 因某事索赔claim letter 索赔信claim on account of damage 因损坏而索赔claim on the goods 对该货提出索赔为某事向某人提出索赔的常用句型是:lodge a claim against(间用with或on 或upon)sb. for sth.说“提出”索赔,除lodge外,较常用的动词还有raise, file和put in ; 此外,还可用make, issue, lay, register, render, enter, bring up, set up等。
外贸函电课件整合完整版外贸函电复习第一章商务信函基础知识English Correspondence for International Trade To understand the importance of communication skills in relation to the career success, and explain the need for thinking critically, taking charge of your career, and strengthening your communication skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing).Unit OneBasic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing The structure and layout of a business letter Writing principles of business letter (7C原则) Courtesy 礼貌Consideration 体谅Completeness 完整Clarity 清楚Conciseness 简洁Concreteness 具体Correctness 正确第二章建立贸易关系Unit TwoEstabilishing Business Relations建立贸易关系是交易的第一个环节。
Estabilishing Business Relations1、常用模式1.进口商写给出口商2.出口商写给进口商Dear Sirs; Dear Sirs;A.如何得知对方信息 A.如何得知对方信息B.表明自己意图 B.得知贵方有需求C.介绍本公司 C.介绍本公司D.请提供相关信息 D.随函附寄目录等E.盼回复 E.盼回复2、常用句型A类:从…得知贵方信息We have heard from China Council for thePromotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliance.从中国国际贸易促进委员会获悉,你们有意购买电器用品。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
A)Supply the missing wordsDear Sirs,We acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 12, and are very pleased to hear that you are importers of textiles.As requested, we enclose our latest catalog and a price list giving details for your reference. Under separate cover, we send you by airmail a range of samples. As you will find, our goods are excellent in quality an d reasonablein price.We look forward t o receiving your orders soon1、若产品质量好,价格与我方市场相符,我们将向你方定一大笔货。
If your quality is good and the price is in line with the market at our end, we shall place a large order with you.2、目前,我们对各种葡萄酒(Wines)感兴趣,如果能通过航空邮寄最近的价目表,我们将非常感激。
、At present, we are keenly interested in all kinds of Wines and shall be glad if you will kindly send us your latest price list by airmail.3、请按照我方询价单报最低价并说明最早交货期。
Please quote as requested in our enquiry sheet your best prices and state the earliest delivery date.1.我方能提供各种尺寸、颜色、样式的自行车现货。
Bicycles in all sizes, colours and designs are available from stock.2.我们看过贵方在《海外杂志》上的广告,请惠寄贵方的价目单和详细的交易条件。
We have seen your advertisement in the Overseas Journal and would be glad to have price list and details of your terms.3.随函附寄我方尼龙袜的样品,请查收。
如贵方可供货5000打,请向我方报最优惠的CIF 香港价。
Enclosed please find samples of our Nylon Socks. If you are able to supply us with 5000 dozen, we would be pleased to have you quote a favorable price CIF Hong Kong.1近来我们的电子邮件往来促成这笔交易的达成。(exchange,result in,conclusion of transaction)The recent exchange of E-mails between us resulted in the conclusion ofthe transaction.2试订50台,以开发市场。
如果令人满意,随后将大量订购。(tap th market)In order to tap the market, we will order 50 sets as a trial. If it is satisfactory,large orders will follow.3我们将要装运货物,装船后我们会通知你方船名和开航日期。(advise)We'll make shipment, after shipment we'll advise you of the name of the vessel,and the date of sailing我们同意以每吨500美元的价格达成交易。(conclude)We agreed to conclude the transaction at the price of USD 500 per ton.5)按照合同要求,我们将在9月10日前装运货物As requested in the contract, we are going to ship the goods beforeSeptember 10.6我方非常重视贵方订单,并将尽快发货。Y our order is receiving our immediate attention, and delivery will be made soon.(receive one’s attention)7我们很高兴寄上销售合同2060号一式两份,请你方签字并退回一份,以备我方存档。(countersign,for our file)We are pleased to enclose S/C No.2060 in duplicate, please counter-signand return one copy for our file.We confirm having received your inquiry of August 20 for our pens CIF London. Complying with your request, we are making you a firm offer as follows:Commodity: Seagull Brand PensSpecification: as per attached list (见附页)Quantity: 1000 dozenPacking: in cartons of 100 dozen eachPrice: at£24 per dozen CIFC5 LondonShipment: during October/November, 2007Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/CThis offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before SeptemberDear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of September 15, 2007, and the inquiry enclosed for our Women’s pajamas(睡衣).At your request, we are making you a firm offer (1) for 20000 dozen women’s pajamas at US$48.5 per dz. CFRC5% Lagos (2) for shipment in March, 2008. Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable (3)by draft (4)at sight. This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us within one week. The relative sample and catalogue have been sent (5) by separate mail.Please note all the prices quoted are bottom prices and no counter-offer will be accepted. If you agree to the above, please make confirmation as soon as possible so as to enable us to make the necessary arrangements.We are looking forward to your early reply.Y ours sincerely,1) We hope you can give prompt attention to our request for the ___c______ of the relative L/C.a. establishingb. establishc. establishmentd. established2) Referring to the latest _____d____ of the letter,we are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 100 tons of coal.a. exchangedb. exchangingc. being exchangedd. exchange3 Thank you for your repeat order which is receiving our immediate attention. As ____c_____ we will effect the shipment well in time.a. advisedb. referredc. requestedd. concluded4 We have made out and sent you our Sales Confirmation No.6060 _____a____ and should you send back one copy duly countersigned.a. in duplicateb. of duplicatec. of two copiesd. in two copies5 We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must conform _____c____ the stated in our contract so as to avoid ______ the L/C subsequent.a. to; amendb. with; amendmentc. to; amendingd. with; amending6) These 5000 pieces of Cowhides are to be packed __b____ two lots,2000 and 3000 and shipped ______ separate Bills of Lading.a. on,inb. in, onc. in,ind. on,on7) Please ___b______ your sales contract in three originals.a. turn outb. make outc. find outd. point out8) Y ou may rest _____d____ that we will effect shipment without delay on receipt of your letter of credit.a. insuredb. ensuredc. issuedd. assured9 We confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes ___c______ the prices stated _________ your Order NO.88 and will allow a 10% discount _________ your order worth $3000 or above.a. in,in,onb. in,to,inc. at, in,ond. at,on,on1 payments should be made c sight draft.a)at b) upon c) by d) after2 We will draw c you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis.a) at b) up c) on d) for3 Mr.Yin could agree b D/P terms.a)with b) to c) in d) ever490% of the credit amount must be paid c the presentation of documents.a) at b) by c) against d) when5Y ou don’t say whether you wish the transaction to be _d_ cash or b credit. a) at b) by c) on d) in6We shall be glad if you agree to ship the goods to us as before d Cash Against Documents basis.a) with b) during c) in d) on7We have opened an L/C in your favor b the amount of RMB ¥20000.a) on b) in c) by d) at8If the amount exceeds that figure, payment b L/C will be required.a) at b) by c) for d) in9As b,we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in your favor.a) arrange b) arranged c) arranging d) arrangement10 We enclose a cheque for US$20000 c payment of all commissions due a you up to date a) to b) by c) in d) at1) We regret to have to complain ____b_____ the bad quality of shipment of sugar by s. s. “T aishan”.a. atb. aboutc. ond. in2) The quality is not in conformity ____c_____ the agreed specifications.a. tob. inc. withd. on3) The leakage occurred during transit result ____d_____ your faulty packing.a. intob. inc. tod. from5) We shall take delivery ___a______ the goods as soon as they are released.a. ofb. atc. fromd. on6) The goods under Contract NO.122 left here __c_______.a. in a good conditionb. in good conditionsc. in good conditiond. in the good condition7) We have lodged a claim ___ ABC company ____ the quality of the goods shipped ___a_ M.V. “Peace”.a. against, for, byb. with, for, underc. on, against, as perd. to, for, per8) Y our claim for the damage is to be ___b_ with the insurance company.a. metb. filedc. satisfiedd. compensated9) ____ examination, we found that several bales were seriously damage _b___ transit. .a. on, tob. on, inc. upon, tod. In, during10) W e have ____ choice ____ to ask you to take them back. ca. no, andb. not, butc. no, butd. not, and(9)我们没有别的办法,只有把货退回,请你们按我们定单上指定的品质给予调换。