

3、古语词和外来词的引用商务英语出现了大量的古语词,我们经常用的有hereby( 下述),hereof ( 由此),whereas(鉴于)等等。
常用商务英语缩略语大致有,如 W/B (waybill or world bank 贴现汇票或世界银行),FOB(free on board 离岸价) 等等。


1. 商务英语词汇具有很强的专业性商务英语在词汇使用上的最大特点是对专业词汇的精确运用,其中包含大量专业词汇、具商务含义的普通词或复合词,以及缩略词等。
例如:confirmed L/C(保兑信用证),irrevocable L/C(不可撤销信用证),documentary L/C(跟单信用证),revolving L /C(循环信用证),certificate of origin(原产地证明书),shipping documents(装运单据),issuing bank(开证行)等等。

商 务 英语 常见 词 语 的文体 特 征 及 英 汉 翻译
西南财 经 大学经 贸外语 学院研 究生 成都 6 07 102
摘 要 : 国在 国 际 上 的 商务 往 来愈 加 频繁 , 语 及 其 翻 译 在 商 务 活 动 中发 挥 重 要 作 用 。 笔 者 对 近 年 来在 商务 英语 我 英 学 习及 实践 中 , 遇 到 的 一 些 常 见 外 贸 英语 词 语 进 行 归 纳 , 词 汇 的 层 面探 讨 商 务 英 语 的英 汉 翻 译 , 所 从 主要 包括 一 词 多
例 句 中 的 i i t no tep c ,fr 及 pooa 都 可 译 为 n c i f h r eo s d ao i e r sl p
“ 价” 意思 。 报 的 在 此 类 词 语 的 翻 译 中 , 了解 一 些 词 汇 在 商 务 中 的 特 殊 应 意 思 , 适 当 的增 词 补 词 , 据语 境 选 用 最 恰 当 的 理 解 和 翻 译 并 根
文意义。 2 词 义 的 层次 及 翻 译 .
置 及 设 备 )gos n ht l 个 人 动 产 ) ;od dcae ( a ts ;
3 4 一 些 复数 形 式名 词是 由形 容 词 加 复 数 形 式 构 成 的 .
如 :m vbe( 产 ) nib s 无 形 的 进 出 口 商 品 ) e oal 动 s ;i s l ( vie ;r.
方式 。 3 名 词 单 复 数 的 翻 译 .
策 ”这 样 的例 子 不 乏 其 数 。 在 商 务 翻 译 实 践 中 , 于 其 特 殊 , 由
的领 域 , 语 的 理 解 、 断 和 表 达 对 于 译 者 来 说 更 需 审 慎 对 词 判 待。

1.专业词汇及其翻译商务的范围很广,涉及国际贸易、经济金融、营销等多个领域,而每个领域都有自己的专业词汇,如国际贸易方面的Free on Board(船上交货),Letter of Guarantee(银行保函);经济方面的demand curve(需求曲线),corporate charter(公司章程);金融方面的foreign exchange market等等。
如备用信用证,只能用英语stand by credit 来表示,不能用spare credit来代替。
例1:we have drawn on you for this invoice a mount at sight through the Bank of Nigeria, who have been instructed to hand over documents against payment of the draft.在例中,可以看到一些普通词汇用在专业英语中意思发生了变化,如drawn on you应翻译成“向你方开汇票”;at sight是“即期”的意思;document应译成“单据”;draft应译成“汇票”,而不是“草稿”。


○ 外语Байду номын сангаас究
李晓惠 王 萍
( 九江学院 外国语学院, 江西 九江 332005)
摘 要: 商务英语词汇的特点决定了商务英语有别于普 通英语。因此涉及到商务英语翻译时, 标准自然也有所不同。 本文试从商务英语词汇特点入手, 通过商务英语翻译事例分 析, 对商务英语翻译标准及术语翻译原则两方面作了初步的 探讨, 旨在译者对商务英语有充分认识并在翻译中做到游刃 有余。
2. 专业术语词汇数量可观 专业术语是指适用于不同的学科领域或专业的词, 是用 来正确表达科学概念的词, 具有丰富的内涵和外延。专业术语 要求单义性, 排斥多义性和歧义性, 且表达专业术语的词汇都 是固定的, 不得随意更改。商务英语拥有数量可观的专业术语 词汇, 要真正读懂商务英语文章, 译者必须懂得商务英语所涉 及学科领域的相关知识, 避免专业术语词汇普通化, 否则轻则 闹翻译笑话, 重则将造成严重的经济损失。例如: “溢短装”、 “运 费 到 付 ”、“break - bulk vessel”、“direct additional”、“insur- ance certificate”、”空 白 抬 头 ”等 , 从 字 面 上 看 这 些 专 业 词 汇 很 难翻译, 但只要译者具有商务专业知识、了解每个词表达的内 涵, 就非常简单。 可 分 别 译 为 : “more or less”、“freighet to col- lect”、“杂 货 船 ”、“直 航 附 加 费 ”、“保 险 凭 证 ”、“blank en- dorsed”。 再 例 如 下 面 两 句 : 例 ( 1) Just as in that year, when those catastrophes were fol- lowed by substantial increases in insurance premiums, insurers are already lobbying for rate relief.(译 文 : 就 像 那 年 的 情 况 一 样, 大 灾之后保险金大幅度提高, 现在保险公司已经在游说希望减 免地方税。) 例 ( 2) During the 1980’s the large premiums paid in acqui- sition often resulted in prices that greatly exceeded the value of tangible assets .(译 文 : 20世 纪 80年 代 , 并 购 中 支 付 的 大 额 溢 价 常 常 导 致 购 买 价 格 远 远 超 过 有 形 资 产 的 价 值 。)从 上 两 例 又可看出, 商务英语中的同一术语在商务不同领域中又呈 现 不 同 的 词 义 。“premium”在 保 险 业 务 中 , 译 作 “保 险 金 ”, 但 在 销 售 领 域 中 应 译 为 “溢 价 ”。 这 正 是 商 务 英 语 术 语 翻 译 的 难点。 三 、商 务 英 语 翻 译 1. 商务英语翻译标准 由于商务英语使用越来越频繁, 因此商务英语翻译逐渐 引起各家学者的关注。各家学者对商务英语的翻译论述如下 叶玉龙等指出: “对商务英语来说, 翻译标准除‘忠实通顺’外, 还 应 加 上 ‘地 道 ’”。 张新红、李明认为, “商务英语翻译译者除了要精通两种 语言及其文化以及熟悉翻译技巧之外, 还必须熟悉商务方面 的知识, 了解商务各个领域的语言特点和表达法。 ” 常玉田谈到翻译的原则、标准时说 : “翻译的最基本任务 不是转换语言, 而是传达‘意思’、‘信息’和‘内容’, 所以, 商务 英语翻译不同于文学翻译和其它文体的翻译, 它必须强调语 义 对 等 或 等 效 , 做 到 “地 道 ”, 让 读 者 有 专 业 化 的 感 受 , 而 不 是 一般的语言描述。” 专家们的论述见仁见智, 但正如王永泰先生所说的: “翻 译标准不宜苟求全面统一, 应视不同文体而定; 若用‘信达雅’ 来衡量, 则应有区别地有所侧重。”因此, 我们认为: 商务英语 翻译的最高标准是“功能对等”, 即经过翻译, 译文与原文之间 在 信 息 内 容 、信 息 承 载 方 式 、交 际 目 的 和 交 际 效 果 等 方 面 最 大 限度地保持不变。再以严复的“信达雅”三字标准为基础, 参照 刘 法 公 先 生 提 出 的 “忠 实 、准 确 、统 一 ”的 商 务 翻 译 标 准 , 提 出 我们切实可行的商务英语翻译标准应是 “忠实( faithfulness) 、 地 道 ( idiomaticness) 、统 一 ( consistency) ”。 “忠 实 ”是 “功 能 对 等 ”的 必 要 条 件 , “地 道 ”和 “统 一 ”是 “功 能 对 等 ”的 充 分 条 件 。

Language Features and Translation of Business English商务英语的语言特点及翻译1. IntroductionSince the economic reform and opening up to the outside world in China, our business communication with other countries hsa become more and more frequent. The scope of economic exchange hsa also extended and more people are engaged in the work of business English translation. Though translation gets its appropriate treatment as an academic pursuit in China for a long history, it is not true of business translation. The traditional Chinese translation theories lay too much emphasis on literary translation, which results in great limitation. Particularly for business translation, whose festures are greatly ifferent from those of literary translation, traditonal translation theory is not so suitable. However, business translation has for a long time remained only a business translation in a functional view and been ignored by Chinese academic field. It is only recently that it has become the focus of attention. Up to now, there are not as many books or theses studying business translation as those that concern other kinds of translation in China, though there is rapid development in this area. But there are still many famous scholars who have made tremendous contributions to business translation in recent years. However, there are few books that offer systematic researches and concentrate on business translation and few theories are applied in business translation.Consequently, the systematic research on business translation and its suitable theories is urgent in China. Therefore, in the following parts of the paper, the translation of businss English on the basis of its own language features is discussed.2. The concept of business EnglishWith the development of the world economy's increasingly globalization, the interactions between China and the rest of the world is becoming more and more frequent. As China's foreign trade constantly forward development, nowaday, our country urgently need a large number of international commercial talents who are mastering foreign languages, understanding the business knowledge, being familiar with international business environment, and being good at cross-cultural communication. Business English is the main communicating language in China's foreign economic activities,which business English plays a role of bridge in this activity. Business English involves marketing, economics, accounting, finance, management science and so on many edge discipline knowledge, and business activities related to foreign trade, technology import, attractting investment, business negotiation, business contract, international business payment and settlement, and foreign insurance scope. Therefore, it is necessary to study the characteristics of business English itself, in order to be accurately regulate use in all fields. Business English is a social function of English variation, is special use a branch of English, English is in business occasions, the application is a contains various business activities suitable for business needs standard English business English to services the business activities as the goal, set practical professional and clear purpose in a body, for international business activities in the people that are identified and accept, and have strong social function of an English variant in today's economic development, international business activities in a world of increasingly frequent, including technology import foreign trade investment promotion foreign service contracting contract and international financial foreign insurance international travel overseas investment international transport business advertising, business activities, all related to the use of English, in all these activities Business English there are two kinds of style, which are formal style and application style. Business style is a style which forms with the production of commodity and the development of trade. The style of business English doesn't pay attention to the beauty of language, but rather stresses the clearity and organization of logic, the accurate rigor of thinking and the preciseness of structure. In the statement, its wording is specific clear andno equivocation. Courtesy is very important in style, which related to the personal accomplishment. Sometimes such little question is the key to success.3. The language features of business EnglishCompared commom English with business English which is a kind of special use language, both of them have similarity in the basic vocabulary, sentence patterns, and the use of grammar, but in specialty vocabulary, language characteristics and other aspects, business English has its own unique features. For this reason, only comprehensive grasp the characteristics of business English language, can people more comprehensive and deep understanding the expression meaning of business English.3.1 Formal and specialized wordingBusiness English involved in business time and business theory and more, and have strong professional. The vocabulary of business English is professional vocabulary, including a large number of professional terms, abbreviations, common words and compound words. Therefore, in the translation of business English , if you want to accurately express information of the original text and let the reader fully understand the original intention, the translator at this time must use the professional standard and equal terms during the ttranslation precess. In addition, when business English is translated, except for the master of two or more than two kinks of languages culture and translation skills, it must be able to manipulate business knowledge, to frequent analyse the context of the content, to master the professional terms of special meaning, more access data and dictionary, and to fundamentally do business English translation well. Because business English is connect with contract and other important documents, Business English is wording rigorous, refined and professional. Therefore, , in order to be accurate, without any deviation, wording must be accurate and precise. In the use of business English, except diction properly, it is necessary to use some inverted sentence, complex sentences, the passive voice and some structure complex clauses to modified sentences and restrictedcontent. Although this makes sentences relatively complex, the meaning is more complete and strict, and won't appear ambiguity when it is read. For example: Pleased to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by DHI by the end of this week and confirm it ASAP so that w e can start our mass production (很高兴通知您,我们的回样将于本周末用特快专递给您,请尽快确认,以便我们开始大批生产), in this sentence, "inform" is used as a object, besides the "that" clause and personal pronouns"you", there is a "so that" purpose adverbial clause in the sentence.Business English has a unique vocation characteristic, a highly professional and business terms. For example, in order to reflect the macroeconomic dynamic index, it basically express "国内生产总值(gross domestic product. GDP)" ,"国民生产总值(gross national product, GNP), etc. In the import and export, the term includes "商业发票"(eommereial invoice), "提单"(bill of landing), 汇票(draft/bill of e-ehange) and so on. Therefore, the language form, vocabulary and content of business Englishis is closely related with the profession, which is carrying the information of business practice and theory. In other words, language form, vocabulary, content, etc of business English is decided by its affiliated profession. It is the carrier of business practice, business theory knowledge, so that it must fully understand the meaning and connotation of business English, and equipe the knowledge of business theory and business practices and other aspects.3.2 Strong purpose and objectivityBusiness English is aiming at performing communication tasks, using communicative skills. In the business meeting, making a phone call and discussing the main scene is purposing. In order to see whether business English language applications have reached some kind of purpose, it must have to look at the time and trade which can get better results. In business English, using English on the trade, it lets others act according to the speaker's opinion, thus gets things wanting to get. In addition, in the use of business English, it must be objective, and avoid some personal colour and subjectivity language. According to the objective principle, the process of translation should realize its function for the expected standard. Fpr example, in the business activity of marketing, to achievebusiness promotion is the first principles of advertising translation. This principle decides that the translators should consider the following three factors in advertising translation: language style, readers' reaction and language culture. First of all, advertising translation must follow the advertising language style according to the original language. According to objectivity principle, business advertising translation should meet the target language style of the advertising language style, that is to say the language must be brief, concise, attractive, and try to make the extraordinary language.3.3 Words correct rigorousBecause business English used in international trade, both parties are in different countries or regions, there exists different language and culture differences, if using more complex business English or vocabulary in the trade, it is likely to produce misunderstandings in the trade between both sides. Therefore, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the international trade, the related letters in both sides using as a prat of trade, are certainly prevent by legal. In the process of trade, both parties, except for advertising styles, should ensure accuracy in using other words, and try to choose a single word or relatively simple to replace some abundant meaning words. Thus it makes both trade parties can fully understand the lexical meanings of each other, and ensures smooth completion of the transaction.When people use business English to express ideas, it is more tend to use the easily understanding words, and clear logical relationship to communicate, and use specific language, accurately convey the information to the others. Business English expresses accurate, not exaggerated, the content must be practical and realistic, especially ensure the accurate data and the strict terms. Communicating information should make the lowest limit themisunderstanding, and the less time spend as far as possible. So it is better have clear ideas, strong logic and logical words, such as "as a result", "for this reason". Expression must be concise, especially fax or phone, some familiar idea can use the term to express, in order to avoid redundant.4. Specific principles of and strategies for the translation of business English4.1 faithfulness principle in the translation of business English4.1.1 Faithfulness is the fundamental requirement for business English translation Business English translating is the primitive type of translating,fitting only for the most prosaic matters.To give a good translation the fidelity to the original text is indispensable and is the most essential. Faithfulness can be said to be the prime issue of good translation. As the genius and character of languages ie very different,it has hence become a common opinion, that it is the duty of a translator to attend only to the sense and spirit of his orginal, to make himself perfectly master his author's ideas, and tocommunicate them in those expressions which he judges to be best suited to convey them. In order to constitute a perfect translation, it is requisite that not only the ideas and sentiments of the orginal author should be converyed, but also his style and mannner of writing, which cannot be done whitout a strict attention to the arrangement of his sentences, and even to their order and construction.Tytler describes a good translation to be,that, in which the merit of the original work is so compltely transfused into another language, as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt, by a native of the original work. He deduces three laws of translation which the dissertation's writer believes that they also suit business English translation as well. First, that the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. Second, the style and manner of writing should be of the same charavter with that of the original. Third, that the translatiion should have all the case of original composition. The first law reflects the faithfulness principle in trabslation though it suits all kinds of translation.4.1.2 Equivalence of the concept can assure the fidelity to the original text Faithfulness is the highest standard of judging the success of translation. Thus completely understanding the source language and finding equivalent for the original are the preconditions to guarantee the realization of faithfulness. Only when he really understands the essence of the original,can the translator find eqquivalent for the originaltext. In retrospective translation, the target text must be absolutcly faithful to the original text. In retrospective translation, the target text must be absolutely faithful to the original text. And translators need to saiisfy such requirement :1)to understand every word in the original text; 2) to choose the most equivalent word to the originalone; 3) to make the translation as a whole original text's exact equivalent form though tactical arrangement of the equivalent words. The discovery of textual equivalents is based on the authority of a competent bilingual informant or translator.A textual translation equivalent as defined by Catford is thus: that portion of a target language which is changed when and only when a giveen portion of the source language text is changed. Since chinese and English can conwert into cach other easily in replancing the subject, predicate, object, attribute, adverbial, and complement, equivalentss are of the simple eqal-rank and unit-to-unit type. Thus the translation somehow has character of sequential translation.4.2 Exactness principle in the translation of business EnglishThe principle of "exactness" and the application of this principle in business Engliish translation mean that, in the course of transmitting the original language content into the target language content, translators choose correct words, give exact expression, referring to right with the right name, and present accurate figurre and unit. A word or an idiomatic phrase-word, briefly a code-unit, may be fully interpreted only by means of an equivalent combination of code-units, that is, a message feferring to this code-unit:"every bachelor is an unmarried man, and erery unmarried man is a bachelor." Business English translation is connected with translators must not give free expression in translation.For translating leaners, maybe dictionaries are regarded as very useful tools that provide exact explanation of words. But at most times when translating, dictionaries cannot supply exact meaning all along. Translators must be particular about clearness, vividness, and easiness to understand of the translation text. A translator's task is to reveal the original content instead of its form. As the dicitionary is just a tool helpful to better understand the original text,translators must understand the original text with a correct method, that is tosay, starting from the author's point of view. Starting from the translator's angle to read the original work will not produce good translatiion. So translators should sink themselves into the thinking and fiiling if the source work during thorough reading. When metting a word translators shouldn't immediately think of an equialent word in their own mother language. They need to connect the original word with what it stands for.4.3 Consisteny principle in the translation of Business EnglishThe name, concept and term should be always consistent in translation but the consistency principle of business English translatiion to same extent depends on all translators' common errort and the authoritative agent'sunified rules. Some new words often bring trouble to transletors during the initial stage of its usage circulation. It is really not an easy task to decide how to translate these new words is better. The special term from English to Chinese seems easier to keep consistence than that from Chinese to English. When a term translated into Chinese is widely uesd and an increasing number of people come to know it, it becomes a fixed expression. It is easy to keeping consistence in later use of this term because Chinese is our mother tongue and we easily remenber and learn to use new terms. Many of economic knowledge may create new expression for these terms, such as "overwhelming superiority theory","relative advantage theory","original producing place","changeable currency" and so on. To translate general terms in economic field, translators should refer to international English commerce and trade literature, keeping the stability and consistency of the translated names. The general terms of Chinese almost have fixed expression in English, so translators take the responsibility of matching the translated names of the same concept in both languages.The translators of business English must have a good knowledge of business Chinese and business English, and also be familiar with business practice. It is a pity that the false translation of terms is relatively widespread. If the universal English terms are not used, readers of the translation text will not be able understand it, and translators cannot accomplish the task of transmitting messagess.5. ConclusionHaving introduced the theory of functional equivalence, surveyed some issues of business English translation and the language features of it, explored the applicability of functional equivalence and how it is achieved in business English translation, we are now in a position tomake a conclusion of the paper. On one hand, the thesis endeavors to approach business translation in a functional view, which gives a macro basis to the thesis. Based on the survey of theories of functionalists, the thesis proposes that the rule of function plus loyalty could be regarded as a reasonable principle of business translation and offers some convincingreasons. Based on the analysis of this, free translation could be thought as a major strategy for business translation. On the other hand, the thesis explores a systematic analysis of stylistic features of business English, which has great influence on its translation. After an elementary view od the features of business English the thesis analyzes the characteristics of business English, at lexical, syntactic and textual levels, which connect with the principles and atrategy closely. Based on such analysis, two specific principles, exactness and conciseness are put forward, which are directly guided by functional theoryand derived from the features of business English.With the fast development of world economy, business translation has been becoming more and more significant. Meanwhile, it is also a necessary result of the economic development. Business translation must serve for economic development and be testified by the economic needs and further researches are neened and also will be made on this aspect.To sum up, business English is professional, logical, simple, and complexity. So translation of business English is not only needing deep professional knowledge and basic skills of grammar, but also needing more comprehensive understanding of international trade related terms. At the same time, one must understand the problems which oneself exists in the translation process, and translation skills. In the process of translation, it by no means avoids of interpreting without real understanding of meaning, ignoring the details. In the continual development of foreign trade, business English also need to constantly enrich and develop. Only by constantly learning, accumulate experience, the expandedaspect of knowledge, can one make the translation of business English achieve true standardization border.References:[1] CheLiJuan, JiaXiuHai. The business English translation course ". Foreign economic and trade university B version of the club. 2007 (7)[2] ChengHua. 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浅谈商务英语的特点及翻译技巧一、对待商务英语的态度一、对待商务英语的态度 现阶段,随着我国国际企业文化水平飞速提高和对外贸易的迅猛发展,人们对商务英语的需求越来越大,对商务英语的重视也越来越多。
商务英语中则要多很多表达,比如常见的就有“We would be glad to??”“We would appreciate”“It would be appreciate”等表达方法。

例:According to our records, it seems that you have forgotten to filet he personal data.改为:According to our records, I didn’t find the required personal data.语言特点二:语言表达准确,简洁,商务英语要表达准确,思路清晰,逻辑性强,用具体的语言把信息传递给对方。
翻译技巧:使用约定俗成的术语,用来指贸易中的概念,例:FOB(free onboard-离岸价格),CFR(cost and freight—成本.保险加运费)避免使用冗长的表达。
例:All applicants who are interested in the job are obligated to provide the names of three references whom we can write to for evaluation of your job performance.改为:All applicants are supposed to provide three references for evaluation of your job performance.语言特点三:专业性强。
翻译技巧:掌握专业术语,并注意术语在具体语境中的运用,例一:The seller should present the following documents required for negotiation to the banks.句中和的negotiation应译为“议付”,而不是常用意思“谈判”。


关键词商务英语词汇特征翻译中图分类号:H313 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2010)03-241-01“商务”包括商贸、金融投资、环境保护、城市发展、人力资源、新技术应用、文化艺术等多个方面。
一、专业术语的翻译专业术语(technical terms)具有国际通用性,意义精确,且具有排他性和专门性。
例如:confirmed L/C (保兑信用证), irrevocable L/C (不可撤销信用证), documentary L/C (跟单信用证), revolving L/C (循环信用证), back to back L/C (背对背信用证), reciprocal L/C (对开信用证), offer (报盘), certificate of origin (原产地证明书), shipping documents (装运单据), Bill of Lading (提单), issuing bank (开证行) 等等。

1. 专业术语丰富:商务英语中有很多专业术语,如contract、agreement、proposal、report、budget、deal、negotiation等,这些术语在商业场合中非常常见。
2. 用词正式:商务英语中的用词比较正式,避免使用口语化的词汇和俚语。
例如,“I am interested in the job”应该改为“I am interested in the position”。
3. 用词精准:商务英语中的用词非常精准,避免使用模糊不清的词汇,例如,“I think”应该改为“In my opinion”。
4. 用词简洁:商务英语中的用词比较简洁明了,避免使用冗长复杂的句子。
例如,“We need to discuss the project”应该改为“Let's discuss the project”。
5. 用词规范:商务英语中的用词非常规范,遵循一定的语法规则和拼写规则。

下⾯是店铺分享的商务英语信函的⽤词特点及其翻译技巧,欢迎⼤家阅读! ⼀、商务英语信函的⽤词特点 商务英语是英语的⼀种社会功能变体,是英语在商务场合中的应⽤,其追求的⽬标是⽤最准确、最清晰的商务语⾔进⾏最有效的沟通和交流。
1.使⽤专业词汇 ⼤多数商务与普通英语词汇相同,但商务语境赋予其特定的专业意义,⽽专业意义⼜因不同的业务范围⽽异。
例如: (1)sales literature。
若将sales literature直译为“销售⽂学”则与国际贸易业务毫⽆关联,相⽐之下,译⽂“促销资料”更为贴切。
(2)Particular Average。
2.使⽤⼀词多义的词语 商务英语中同⼀个单词在不同情况下含义⼤相径庭,这就需要译者认真理解,找出恰如其分的词语,准确通顺地表达出来。
笔者试举cover , collect两词并将这些词语的不同⽤法和含义加以⽐较说明。
如下所⽰: (1)Cover:作为名词时,有“保险”之意,例如:Insurancepolicy 保险单,cover note 承保单;作及物动词时,有“包括”,“⽀付”,“给…保险”之意,例如:The credit will cover the invoice, discounting, and any other bank charges.该信⽤证将包括发票⾦额、贴现利息及任何其他银⾏费⽤。

关键词:商务英语;普通英语;术语;功能对等;术语对等 商务英语源于普通英语,但⼜是普通英语与商务各领域专业知识的结合。
⼀、商务英语词汇的特点 英语词汇的特点是“涵义范围⽐较宽,⽐较丰富多彩,词义对上下⽂的依赖性⽐较⼤,独⽴性⽐较⼩”。
也就是说当英语中词语孤⽴的时候,我们⽆法说出它的具体意义,因为它具有该词语在使⽤中可能具有的⼀切词义,只有依赖其所在的上下⽂或者该词语同其它词语的搭配或者组合关系我们才能辨别其具体意义,在普通英语中词汇如此,在商务英语中词汇更是如此,甚⾄商务英语词汇除此之外,还具有如下其它特征: 1、商务英语词汇的丰富性www.E 商务英语词汇的丰富性来源于商务英语语篇的丰富性。
2、专业术语词汇数量可观 专业术语是指适⽤于不同的学科领域或专业的词,是⽤来正确表达科学概念的词,具有丰富的内涵和外延,专业术语要求单义性,排斥多义性和歧义性,且表达专业术语的词汇都是固定的,不得随意更改。

Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec8 返回
1. 专业术语丰富
作为专门用途英语,商务英语与商务活动密切相关,承载着对外贸 易和国际商务等方面的信息交流,其突出特点就体现在专业术语的大量 运用。例如:
The distributor agrees to accept, on presentation, and to pay with exchange, sight draft against bill of lading attached。
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7
4. 程式化的套语运用广泛 为了提高信息往来的效率和促进商务活动的时效性,商务英语在长期的实践中 形成了各种固定的程式化套语。这既是商务英语句法有别于其他语体的一个显著的 特点,又是进行商务英语翻译的一个突破口和着眼点。例如:
Sec 1
Sec 2 要有扎实的双语基本功和熟练的翻译技巧,还必须具备丰富的商务专业知 识,了解商务各个领域的语言特点和表达法。
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec8
例如 Balance 和 Insurance policy 的正确的译文是 银 行余额 保险单
more or less clause 在国际贸易中译为 溢短装条款。

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三 、结语 商务英语是以词汇丰富 , 专业术语数量庞大 , 古语词使 用频繁等特点而区别与普通英语 。因此 , 其 “忠实”、“地 道”、“统一”的翻译标准也有别与普通英语的翻译标准 。为 了使译文符合 “忠实”、“地道”、“统一”的翻译标准 。词语 的翻译 , 尤其是商务各领域专业术语的翻译是关键的一环 。 因此译者在翻译专业术语时必须慎重 , 切勿违背商务术语对 等翻译原则 。只有遵循其原则 , 译者在追求商务英语翻译最 高标准 —功能对等的道路上才能越走越远 。
Treasury securities are revalued daily (国库券每天 都重新估价) 从以上几例我们得知一旦某一词在商务英语的某一行业 中被冠以 “专业术语”的称号 , 那么它在其行业内一定有个 国际通用的约定俗成的术语含义 。
例如 : Should you find interest in any of t he items in our
叶玉龙等指出 : “对商务英语来说 , 翻译标准除 ‘忠实 通顺’外 , 还应加上 ‘地道’”〔。2〕
刘季春认为涉外文书的翻译原则为 : 格式固定 , 语体庄 重 , 措辞婉约 , 行文严谨 。涉外合同的翻译兼顾 “条理性 , 规范性 , 严谨性”〔3〕。
张新红 、李明认为 , “商务英语翻译译者除了要精通两 种语言及其文化以及熟悉翻译技巧之外 , 还必须熟悉商务方 面的知识 , 了解商务各个领域的语言特点和表达法 。〔4〕
因此我们说作为一个专业术语 , 它具有单一释义的特点 , 即一个专业术语对应一个国际通用的汉语译语 , 如果译成其它 译语就违背了商务英语术语翻译中一个十分重要的原则 , 即术 语对等 (terminology equivalence) 翻译原则。商务术语对等翻译 原则是追求商务英语地道 、统一翻译标准的关键 。
19961 〔4〕张新红 , 李明 1 商务英语翻译 (英译汉) [ M ] 1 北京 :
高等教育出版社 , 20031 〔5〕常玉田 , 经贸汉译英教程 [ M ] 1 北京 : 对外经济贸易
大学出版社 , 2002 : 51 〔6〕王永泰 1 翻译标准不宜苟求统一 12002 年 10 月于广东
(金利明 : 商务英语词汇的特点及其翻译)
说的 : “翻译标准不宜苟求全面统一 , 应视不同文体而定 ; 若用 ‘信达雅’来衡量 , 则应有区别地有所侧重 。”〔6〕因此 , 我们认为 : 商务英语翻译的最高标准是 “功能对等”, 即经 过翻译 , 译文与原文之间在信息内容 、信息承载方式 、交际 目的和交际效果等方面最大限度地保持不变 。再以严复的 “信达雅”三字标准为基础 , 参照刘法公先生提出的 “忠实 、 准确 、统一”的商务翻译标准 , 提出我们切实可行的商务英 语翻 译 标 准 应 是 “忠 实 (fait hfulness) 、地 道 ( idiomatic2 ness) 、统一 (consistency) ”。“忠实”是 “功能对等”的必要 条件 , “地道”和 “统一”是 “功能对等”的充分条件 。“所 谓 ‘忠实’, 即译文所传递的信息同原文所传递的信息要保 持一致 , 或者说要保持信息等值 。所谓 ‘地道’, 即是指译 文的语言和行文方式都要符合商务文献的语言规范和行文规 范 , 也就是说译者所给出的译文读起来应该像是内行的人用 译语写就的文章 , 其中的术语 、表达等都应该符合商务文献 的要求 。所谓 ‘统一’, 即是指在商务英语翻译过程中所采 用的译名 、概念 、术语等在任何时候都应该保持统一 , 不允 许将同一概念或术语随意变换译名”。〔7〕
参 考 文 献 〔1〕刘宓庆 1 文体与翻译 [ M ] 1 北京 : 中国对外翻译出版
公司 , 19851 〔2〕叶玉龙 , 王文翰 , 段云礼 1 商务英语汉译教程 [ M ] 1
天津 : 南开大学出版社 , 19981 〔3〕刘季春 1 实用翻译教程 [ M ] 1 广州 : 中山大学出版社 ,
商务英语源于普通英语 , 但又是普通英语与商务各领域专 业知识的结合。因此 , 商务英语除具有普通英语的语言学特征 之外 , 又具有其独特性。独特性之一就是 : 商务英语有许多完 全不同于其它种类英语词汇之含义的词汇和专业术语。因此 , 翻译商务英语语篇时 , 译者除掌握必要的翻译技巧外 , 还应具 有商务专业知识 。本文拟从商务英语词汇的特点出发对商务英 语翻译标准及商务英语术语对等翻译原则作一番探讨 。
一 、商务英语词汇的特点 英语词汇的特点是“涵义范围比较宽 , 比较丰富多彩 , 词 义对上下文的依赖性比较大 , 独立性比较小”〔1〕。也就是说当英 语中词语孤立的时候 , 我们无法说出它的具体意义 , 因为它具 有该词语在使用中可能具有的一切词义 , 只有依赖其所在的上 下文或者该词语同其它词语的搭配或者组合关系我们才能辨别 其具体意义 , 在普通英语中词汇如此 , 在商务英语中词汇更是 如此 , 甚至商务英语词汇除此之外 , 还具有如下其它特征 : 1 、商务英语词汇的丰富性 商务英语词汇的丰富性来源于商务英语语篇的丰富性 。 商务英语语篇指在商务活动中使用的各种正式与非正式文 件 , 具有实用性 、多样性和行业性的特点 。按照其语言表现 形式 , 可归纳为公文体 、广告体和论说体三类 。其中商务信 函 、合同 、法律文书 、通知等主要表现为公文体形式 。商务 公文体词汇的特点是以书面词为主 , 用词正式 、严谨 、规 范 、简短达意 。 商业广告主要表现为广告体形式 , 英语广告用词多趋于 通俗化 、口语化 、简洁 、生动 、并富有鼓动性 , 其中可能包 含大量的口语词 、新造词 、杜撰词 、外来词 。商务英语论说 多出现在为推广产品所做的报告或演讲中 。这类文体用词正 式 、严谨 , 因此以书面语词汇为主 。 2 、专业术语词汇数量可观
常玉田谈到翻译的原则 、标准时说 : “翻译的最基本任 务不是转换语言 , 而是传达 ‘意思’、‘信息’和 ‘内容’, 所以 , 商务英语翻译不同于文学翻译和其它文体的翻译 , 它 必须强调语义对等或等效 , 做到 “地道”, 让读者有专业化 的感受 , 而不是一般的语言描述”。〔5〕
专家们的论述见仁见智 , 但正如王永泰 (2002) 先生所
摘 要 : 本文试从商务英语词汇特点入手 , 通过商务英语翻译事例分析 , 对商务英语翻译标准及术语 翻译原则两方面作了初步的探讨 。以使译者对商务英语有充分认识并在翻译中做到游刃有余 。
关键词 : 商务英语 ; 普通英语 ; 术语 ; 功能对等 ; 术语对等 中图分类号 : H31519 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1009 - 9522 (2008) 01 - 0054 - 02
外语外贸大学召开的 “第三届全国多语翻译理论研讨 会”交流论文 1 〔7〕刘法公 1 商贸汉英翻译专论 [ M ] 1 重庆 : 重庆出版社 , 1999 : 591
Lexical Characteristics of Business English and Its Translation
J IN Li - ming L I Xiao - hui (Jiangxi Normal University , Nanchang City , Jiangxi Province , 330022) Abstract : Starting wit h t he lexical characteristics of business English , t he paper tries to discuss two perspec2 tives of translation criteria of business English and principle of terminological translation , for t he purpose of sufficient knowledge of business English and great progress made in translation of business English. Key words : Business English , Common English , Terminology , Functional equivalence , Terminology equiva2 lence
3 、大量使用古语词 古语词一般已不通用 , 但古语词可增加严肃 、正式的意 味 , 因此使用古语词可体现商务信函 、商务合同 、法律文书 的严肃性和正式性 。
二 、商务英语翻译
1 、商务英语翻译标准 由于商务英语使用越来越频繁 , 因此商务英语翻译逐渐 引起各家学者的关注 。各家学者对商务英语的翻译论述如下
收稿日期 : 2007 - 9 - 28 作者简介 : 金利明 , 江西师范大学外语学院副教授 。
© 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
专业术语是指适用于不同的学科领域或专业的词 , 是用 来正确表达科学概念的词 , 具有丰富的内涵和外延 , 专业术 语要求单义性 , 排斥多义性和歧义性 , 且表达专业术语的词 汇都是固定的 , 不得随意更改 。商务英语拥有数量可观的专 业术语词汇 , 要真正读懂商务英语文章 , 译者必须懂得商务 英语所涉及学科领域的相关知识 , 避免专业术语词汇普通 化 , 否则轻则闹翻译笑话 , 重则将造成严重的经济损失 。
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