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①You'll answer for your rudeness one day if you don't follow my advice. 如果你不听我的劝告,总有一天你会因你的无礼行为而受到
②I will answer for it that he will accomplish the task. 我愿意担保他能完成这个任务。
(1)contribute... to... (2)contribution n.
向……捐赠……;向……投稿 贡献;捐款;捐助;投稿 对……作出贡献
make a contribution/contributions to...
②Each worker contributed one dollar to the Red Cross. 每个工人都向红十字会捐献了一美元。
that can be used to analyze these data.
2.distribute vt.使分布,分散;分发,分配;分销
(1)distribute sth. to/among...
把某物分配给……/在……之 间分配某物 distribute sth. over... (2)distribution n. 使某物分布于…… 分发;分配;分布
[自填助记] ①She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't
feeling well.
②The idea that the earth is flat was rejected centuries ago. ③He denied having seen these watches before. ④I wonder why he refused to discuss the problem at the meeting.
逐渐地;慢慢地 贡献;有助于 取得重大突破
6.benefit from 7.wind up 8.keep pace with 9.rely on 10.be made up of
受益于,从……中受益 上发条 与……齐头并进;
依靠 由……组成
11.a large amount of 12.ahead of 13.turn to
大量的 在……之前 转向;求助于
14.answer for
15.decide against
to 16.adjust 17.aboveall 18.in particular 19.be shaped like 20. on sale
适应 首先;最重要的是 特别,尤其 形状像…… 正在销售
I made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal/suggestion .
reject, refuse, decline, deny 强调拒不接受或拒不考虑没有价值或不合标准的意见、
reject 计划、请求等;也可表示拒绝相信,摒弃、厌弃。其后
2.answer for对……负责,因……受到谴责;担保(某人的品 质等)
[教材P9原句] If you continue to behave like this, you'll
have to answer for your behaviour. 如果你继续这么做,你要为你的行为承担责任。
②The mother distributed candies among children. 母亲给孩子们发糖果。 ③This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country.
3.wind (wound, wound) [教材P3原句] The first record players had to be wound up by hand and only played records that were two minutes long. 最早的留声机必须手摇上发条,而且只能播放两分钟长的唱片。
由于某种原因,一个典型的手机电话受到的重视程度几乎总是高 于面对面的交流。
①Since I'm here, I'd like to try a typical dish of this country.
②It is said that this painting is typical of his early works. 据说这幅画是他早期的代表作。 ③It is typical of my grandpa to forget things. 我爷爷老是爱忘事。
wind up wind sth. into a ball wind sth. around sth. 上发条;结束(讲话、会议等) 把……绕成一团 把某物缠绕在某物上
①He reminded his wife to wind up the clock. 他提醒妻子给钟上发条。
②I put on my coat and wound a scarf around my neck.
我穿上外套,在脖子上围了一条围巾。 (2)v.蜿蜒,曲折 wind one's way 蜿蜒前进
③The stream winds its way through the village.
(1)oppose (doing) sth./sb. doing sth. 反对(做)某事/某人做某事
使……与……对照或对抗 (2)opposed adj. 反对的;相对的 be opposed to... 反对……;与……对立(to是介词)
1.He told you not to oppose your will to/against your parents. 他叫你不要违背父母的意愿。
21. in truth
22.face to face 23.be absorbed in 24.focus on 25. rather than 26. in general 27. for good measure
面对面地 全神贯注于 集中于 而不是 总体来说 额外
28.rid... of ...
2.It seems that she is opposed to your going abroad.
6. typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;平常的;特有的 [教材P15原句] For some reason, a typical mobile phone call is nearly always given greater importance than a facetoface
Biblioteka Baidu
5.oppose vt.反对,抵制,阻挠;与……竞争
[教材P14原句] Since the Amish value seeing each other face to
face, they oppose having telephones in their houses. 因为阿曼门诺派教徒重视彼此面对面交流,所以他们反对在住 宅里装电话。
He has been rejected by all the universities he applied to. 他申请的所有大学都没有录取他。
reject an argument/a claim/a decision/ an offer/ a suggestion/proposal 拒绝接受一个论点/一项要求/一个决定/一项提 议/一条建议
1.contribute to 对……作出贡献;促成,有助于 [教材P2原句] Many different people contributed to the development of TV.
①Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。
Many people contributed money to the Hope
Project, which contributed to many children returning to school. A teacher wrote an article about this and contributed it to a newspaper. 许多人给希望工程捐钱,使许多孩子可以重返校园。一位
跟名词或代词作宾语,但不能跟不定式 表示坚决甚至无礼貌地拒绝接受某物或做某事。此外, 作及物动词时,可表示拒绝给予,后可跟不定式作宾语 指有礼貌地拒绝,或婉言谢绝邀请、建议、帮助等。其
decline deny
否认,拒绝承认或相信某个事实。其后跟名词、代词或 动名词作宾语
④be typical of
⑤ It's typical of sb. to do sth.某人一向做某事
• 短语
1.in the last few decades
2.keep in touch with
3. over time 4.contribute to 5. make a breakthrough
③She continued to contribute articles to sports magazines.
她继续为体育杂志撰稿。 ④Some public service advertisements mainly aim to make contributions to society. 一些公益广告的主要目的是为社会作贡献。
2.地球上有很多人喝不到干净的饮用水。 There are many people on earth who do not have access to
clean drinking water.
3.The website also gives access to a large number of tools
4.reject vt.拒绝,拒收;不予考虑,不予录用 [教材P14原句] The Amish reject cars because they like having tight communities where everyone lives close together. 阿曼门诺派教徒拒绝汽车是因为他们喜欢生活在关系很亲
(1)be accessible to sb.
容易为……理解的;容易 为……接近的
(2)access n.[U]
(使用或见到的)机会/权利; 通道
give (sb.) access to
get/have access to
1.据说公众无法看到这些文件。 It is said that the documents are not accessible to the public
• 单词
1.accessible adj.可使用的;可接触到的;可到达的;易理解的
[教材P2原句] They also make TV accessible to people who
live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas. 它们也使远离城市的人们可以收看电视,在农村和边远地区经 常可以看到卫星天线。