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第1章绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2研究目的及意义 (2)

1.3国内外研究的现状及发展 (3)

1.3.1国内研究的现状及发展 (3)

1.3.2国外研究的现状及发展 (4)

1.4研究方法和内容 (5)

第2章研究的理论基础 (5)

2.1建设工程项目招投标的概念 (5)

2.1.1建设工程项目招标的概念 (6)

2.1.2建设工程项目投标的概念 (6)

2.2建设工程项目招投标的特点 (6)

2.2.1平等性 (7)

2.2.2竞争性 (7)

2.2.3开放性 (7)

2.2.4合法性 (8)

2.3建设工程项目招投标的方式 (8)

2.3.1公开招标 (8)

2.3.2邀请招标 (9)

2.4建设工程项目招投标的工作流程 (9)

2.5建设工程项目招投标的作用 (9)

第3章投标的策略 (11)

3.1投标前策略 (12)

3.1.1收集招标信息确定投标机会分析的策略 (13)

3.1.2项目的筛选策略 (14)

3.2投标过程中的策略 (15)

3.2.1认真参加现场考察和标前会议 (16)

3.2.2研究招标文件编制投标文件 (17)

3.2.3组建优秀的施工队伍 (19)

3.2.4施工组织设计的编制 (19)

3.2.5工程预算书的编制 (21)

3.2.6影响投标报价的因素 (22)

3.2.7投标报价策略的选择 (23)

3.2.8投标报价方法的选择 (26)

3.2.9对招标文件中所有实质性要求和条件做出相应 (28)

3.2.10标书的排版、包装 (29)

3.2.11不可忽视的递送标书的环节 (29)

3.3投标后的策略 (30)

3.3.1评标期间 (30)

3.3.2签订合同期间 (30)

第4章建设工程项目投标过程实例分析 (31)

4.1项目概况 (31)

4.2投标策略的影响因素分析 (32)

4.2.1建设单位因素 (32)

4.2.2竞争对手因素 (33)

4.2.3企业自身因素 (33)

4.2.4市场环境的影响因素 (33)

4.2.5其他因素 (34)

4.3商务标投标策略的制定和投标技巧的运用 (34)

4.3.1认真研读招标文件 (35)

4.3.2核对工程量清单 (35)

4.3.3掌握材料的市场价格行情 (36)

4.3.4客观确定消耗量 (36)

4.3.5不平衡报价策略 (36)

第5章结论与展望 (37)

5.1结论 (37)

5.2展望 (38)

致谢 (39)

参考文献 (40)









As the deepening development of socialist market economy,construction market is increasingly active.Regulation andsupervis ion has become anecessaryrequirementof sustainable development in construction market. As the specific implementi ng measure forselecting thesuitable contractor, the constructionbiddingsystem will play more important role inthe regulation andsupervision.

Implementing biddingsystem effectively is to ensure the sound operation ofconstructionmarket. From the point of co nstruction enterprise, itcan prom0te enterprise’sinitiative and creativity in order to increase purify,reduce cost, andpromotefair competition between enterprises. From the point of construction market,it canpromote thesoundness and development of construction credit system,purify theconstruction marketenvironment, and promote the principleofconstruction market towards thedirection ofinstitutionalization,standardi zation,and legalizationcontinuously. So the constant imp rovement onquality level of bidding management willplay a crucial important role inthedevelopment ofthe whole constructio nindustry, and allocate resourceoptimally.

Intheincreasingly fiercecompetition, The employee choose the mostcompetitive tenders with bidding, and in the processof bidding, the tender will not onlyshowoff their strengthofthe enterpriseproductionandtechnology, butmasterbiddingstrategies andskills andmakethemapplyto actual work,and then it will be possible fortender to increase winning probability ofthe bid. Because only the winning bidde rcanobtainthecontract rights of bidding project,and
