ACCA是什么意思【ACCA协会介绍】英国特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)简称ACCA,成立于1904年,是目前世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。
ACCA 总部设在伦敦,在美国洛杉矶、加拿大多伦多、澳大利亚悉尼建有分会,在世界上70多个城市均设有办事处。
acca的课程体系摘要:一、ACCA 简介1.ACCA 的英文全称2.ACCA 在全球的认可度和影响力二、ACCA 的课程体系1.ACCA 的课程体系组成2.ACCA 课程体系的三个层级三、ACCA 考试科目1.知识课程2.技能课程3.专业课程四、ACCA 考试方式1.考试形式2.考试时间3.考试地点五、ACCA 的豁免政策1.豁免政策简介2.如何申请豁免3.豁免政策的好处六、ACCA 的职业发展1.ACCA 会员的职业方向2.ACCA 对职业发展的帮助3.ACCA 会员的就业前景正文:【提纲】一、ACCA 简介Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority(简称ACCA)是国际上具有影响力的财会职业会员组织,其英文全称为Association of Chartered Certified Accountants。
作为一个全球性的专业会计师组织,ACCA 在全球范围内享有高度的认可度和影响力。
在我国,ACCA 会员不仅在企业、会计师事务所等各个领域有着广泛的应用,而且在我国政府部门的财会改革中也发挥着重要作用。
【提纲】二、ACCA 的课程体系ACCA 的课程体系分为三个层级,分别是知识课程、技能课程和专业课程。
【提纲】三、ACCA 考试科目ACCA 的考试科目包括知识课程、技能课程和专业课程。
【提纲】四、ACCA 考试方式ACCA 的考试采用全程机考的形式,考生可在指定的考试中心进行考试。
考试分为四个考试季度,分别是3 月、6 月、9 月和12 月,考生可根据自己的时间安排选择考试时间。
同时,ACCA 在全球范围内设有多个考试中心,方便考生选择。
ACCA为了打造世界通用的资格证书,与牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)、牛津大学赛德商学院(Saïd Business School)、赫瑞-瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)爱丁堡商学院(Edinburgh Business School)以及伦敦大学东方和非洲研究学院(School of Oriental and African Studies,简称SOAS)等学术机构密切合作。
ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)能力框架是ACCA 针对于注册会计师职业所需要的核心和专业能力而制定的一套标准。
1. 技术能力:即成为一个会计师所需的基本技能,例如财务报表分析、成本管理、审计、税务等。
2. 商业洞察力:指从商业环境中分析、解读信息,了解企业的商业风险和商业机会。
3. 领导与管理能力:指领导和管理组织的能力,包括领导团队、制定战略、管理变革等。
4. 持续提高能力:指在个人和职业发展方面不断学习和发展的能力,包括自我反思、学习新知识和技能等。
1. 财务策略与决策能力:指基于财务信息和商业环境做出正确决策的能力。
2. 风险管理与内控能力:指了解和评估企业风险,并设计有效的内部控制措施以防范风险。
3. 战略领导能力:指将战略目标转化为行动计划,并有效地实施和监督战略目标的能力。
acca科目分类## ACCA科目分类ACCA(特许公认会计师)是全球范围内最广泛接受和认可的专业会计资格之一。
### 基础阶段基础阶段是ACCA资格考试的起点,它包含了13门科目。
以下是基础阶段的科目分类:1. **FAB:会计理论和商业知识**(Foundations in Accountancy: Accountant in Business):本科目旨在帮助学生了解商业环境中的会计职能,以及会计对组织运营的影响。
2. **FFA:财务会计**(Foundations in Accountancy: Foundations in Financial Accounting):学生将学习财务会计的基本原则和技巧,以及如何准确地记录和报告财务信息。
3. **FAU:管理会计**(Foundations in Accountancy: Foundations in Management Accounting):本科目将重点介绍管理会计的概念和技术,帮助学生了解和应用成本、预算和决策支持等方面的知识。
4. **FTX:征税**(Foundations in Accountancy: Foundations in Taxation):学生将了解个人和企业税务的基本原理,包括申报税收、计算税款和税务规划等。
5. **FFM:财务管理**(Foundations in Accountancy: Foundations in Financial Management):本科目将引导学生掌握财务管理的基本概念,包括投资决策、资金管理和风险管理等。
6. **FAF:审计与保证**(Foundations in Accountancy: Foundations in Audit and Assurance):学生将学习审计和保证的基本原理和程序,以及如何评估和报告审计结果。
acca 会计准则
acca 会计准则(原创实用版)目录1.ACCA 简介2.ACCA 会计准则的发展历程3.ACCA 会计准则的特点4.ACCA 会计准则的应用范围5.ACCA 会计准则对我国会计行业的影响正文【ACCA 简介】ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,特许公认会计师公会)是全球最具影响力的财会职业会员组织之一,成立于 1904 年。
【ACCA 会计准则的发展历程】ACCA 会计准则的发展历程可以追溯到上世纪 90 年代。
随着全球化进程的加速和财务报告需求的日益增长,ACCA 开始着手制定一套适应国际市场需求的会计准则。
2001 年,ACCA 推出了国际财务报告准则(IFRS),并在此基础上进行了一系列修订和完善,形成了现在的 ACCA 会计准则体系。
【ACCA 会计准则的特点】ACCA 会计准则具有以下特点:1.国际性:ACCA 会计准则依据国际财务报告准则(IFRS)制定,旨在满足全球范围内的财务报告需求。
2.适应性:ACCA 会计准则具有较强的适应性,可以根据不同国家和地区的经济环境和会计制度进行调整和完善。
3.前瞻性:ACCA 会计准则具有较强的前瞻性,积极应对国际会计领域的新问题和新挑战,以满足全球经济发展的需要。
【ACCA 会计准则的应用范围】ACCA 会计准则的应用范围广泛,适用于全球范围内的大、中、小企业。
此外,ACCA 会计准则也得到了许多国家和地区的监管机构和行业协会的认可,成为国际会计领域的重要参考标准。
【ACCA 会计准则对我国会计行业的影响】ACCA 会计准则对我国会计行业产生了深远的影响。
随着我国资本市场的国际化进程和会计准则的国际趋同,ACCA 会计准则在我国的影响力逐渐增强。
一方面,越来越多的国内企业选择采用 ACCA 会计准则进行财务报告,以提高财务报告的透明度和国际可比性;另一方面,ACCA 会计准则也对我国会计人才的培养和选拔产生了重要影响,使得具备 ACCA 资格的会计师在国内外市场上更具竞争力。
acca中英文对照表ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,特许公认会计师公会)是国际上具有影响力的财会职业会员组织。
以下是ACCA中英文对照表:1. 铂金级(Platinum Level)2. 金牌级(Gold Level)3. 银牌级(Silver Level)4. 考试(Exam)5. 论文(Paper)6. 知识模块(Knowledge Module)7. 技能模块(Skills Module)8. 战略商业领导力模块(Strategic Business Leadership Module)9. 应用知识(Applied Knowledge)10. 应用技能(Applied Skills)11. 核心领域(Core Area)12. 选修领域(Elective Area)13. 战略财务管理(Strategic Financial Management)14. 业绩管理(Performance Management)15. 财务报告(Financial Reporting)16. 企业与法律环境(Business and the Legal Environment)17. 审计与鉴证业务(Audit and Assurance)18. 税收管理(Taxation)19. 企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility)20. 财务策划与咨询(Financial Planning and Consultancy)21. 企业金融(Corporate Finance)22. 风险管理与内部控制(Risk Management and Internal Control)23. 营销与沟通(Marketing and Communication)24. 人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)25. 业务分析与决策(Business Analysis and Decision Making)。
特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,简称ACCA)成立于1904年,是世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际上海外学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。
ACCA在国内称为“国际注册会计师”,实际上是特许公认会计师公会(The Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants)的缩写,它是英国具有特许头衔的4家注册会计师协会之一,也是当今最知名的国际性会计师组织之一。
公司法规定了公司的设立、组织、行为和终止等方面的内容。它强调了公司的法 定性、独立性和责任性。公司必须依法设立,具有独立的法人地位,并能够独立 承担责任。
以阿里巴巴集团为例,探讨公司法的实际应用。阿里巴巴集团作为一家大型互联 网公司,其股权结构、治理结构、业务模式等方面都涉及到公司法的相关规定。 通过对这个案例的分析,可以深入了解公司法在实际中的应用和作用。
通过分析资产负债表,了解企业的资 产、负债和所有者权益的结构和质量 ,评估企业的偿债能力和资产质量。
通过分析现金流量表,了解企业的现 金流入和流出情况,评估企业的现金 产生和运用能力。
通过分析利润表,了解企业的收入、 成本和利润情况,评估企业的盈利能 力和经营效率。
目 录
• 引言 • 财务报告与审计 • 税务与公司法 • 财务管理与决策分析 • 战略管理与领导力发展 • 职业道德与职业发展
特许公认会计师公会(ACCA )是全球领先的专业会计师组 织,提供全面的、高质量的会 计资格认证。
ACCA认证被广泛认可,作为 国际会计准则和国际财务报告 准则的重要推动者。
税务是指国家依据其税收法律和法规 ,对纳税人或纳税人的应税行为进行 征收和管理的活动。税务涵盖了税收 的各个方面,包括税种、税率、税收 优惠政策等。
税务在国家治理中具有重要的作用。 它为国家提供了稳定的财政收入,支 持了国家的发展和建设。同时,税务 还调节了经济,引导了社会资源的合 理配置。
acca的课程体系【实用版】目录1.ACCA 课程体系简介2.ACCA 课程体系的级别和课时3.ACCA 课程体系的核心课程和休息安排4.ACCA 课程体系的优势和特点正文一、ACCA 课程体系简介ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,特许公认会计师公会)成立于 1904 年,是全球最具影响力的专业会计组织之一。
ACCA 课程体系是该组织为培养国际财务会计人才所设立的一套完善、系统的培训课程。
二、ACCA 课程体系的级别和课时ACCA 课程体系分为四个级别,分别是 S1、S2、S3 和 S4。
每个级别包含 48 个课时,每周一次课,每次课时为 2 小时,其中核心课程时间为 30 分钟,接着休息 10 分钟,然后再进行 30 分钟的核心课程学习。
三、ACCA 课程体系的核心课程和休息安排在 ACCA 课程体系中,核心课程是指那些涵盖了会计、财务管理、审计、税务和企业战略等关键领域的课程。
四、ACCA 课程体系的优势和特点1.国际化:ACCA 课程体系遵循国际财务会计准则和实务,有助于学员提升国际视野,成为具有国际竞争力的财务会计人才。
2.系统性:ACCA 课程体系分为四个级别,由浅入深,逐步提升学员的专业知识和能力。
3.实用性:ACCA 课程体系注重实际操作能力和应用能力的培养,使学员能够更好地将所学知识应用于实际工作中。
4.专业性:ACCA 课程体系中的核心课程,都是由具有丰富实践经验和专业背景的专家编写,保证了课程内容的专业性和权威性。
5.灵活性:ACCA 课程体系允许学员根据自己的时间和进度进行学习,为学员提供了很大的学习自主性和灵活性。
速通关计划 ACCA全球私播课大学生雇主直通车计划周末面授班寒暑假冲刺班其他课
ACCA和CPA就业方向1. 简介ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)和CPA(Certified Public Accountant)是国际上公认的两个会计专业资格认证。
CPA则是由不同国家或地区的会计师协会颁发的认证,比如美国的AICPA(American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)。
2. 就业方向比较2.1 ACCA的就业方向ACCA是一个国际性的会计师资格认证,因此具备广泛的就业方向。
2.2 CPA的就业方向CPA认证在不同国家或地区有所不同,以下是美国CPA的就业方向:•会计师事务所:CPA持证者在会计师事务所中扮演重要角色,从事审计、税务、咨询等工作。
acca科目分类ACCA科目分类ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,特许公认会计师协会)是一家提供国际专业会计资格认证的机构。
ACCA 认证是会计和财务领域的国际金字招牌,被公认为国际上最具影响力和公信力的会计师资格之一。
基础阶段1. F1 - Accountant in Business该科目主要涵盖了会计专业人士所需的商业理解和组织管理的基本知识。
2. F2 - Management Accounting管理会计是管理层通过分析和评估各种会计数据来支持管理决策的过程。
3. F3 - Financial Accounting财务会计是一门重要的会计学科,专注于公司财务报表的准备和分析。
4. F4 - Corporate and Business Law该课程主要涵盖商法和公司法方面的内容。
专业阶段1. Essentials Module - 必修科目F5 - Performance Management该科目主要涵盖了管理会计和业绩管理的高级概念和技术。
F6 - Taxation税务是一个重要的财务领域,涉及到纳税义务和税务计划。
F7 - Financial Reporting财务报告为公司和利益相关方提供了有效的财务信息。
acca 会计准则
ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)是一个国际性的专业会计师组织,其会计准则是指在ACCA会员之间进行会计工作时应遵循的标准和规范。
《ACCA高级商业会计证书介绍》一、ACCA高级商业会计证书概述ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)是一个国际认可的专业会计师协会。
二、ACCA高级商业会计证书考试要求1. 考试科目ACCA高级商业会计证书包括了7门科目,分别为P4(高级财务管理)、P5(高级业务分析)、P6(高级税收)、P7(高级审计与认证)以及三门选修科目。
2. 考试内容ACCA高级商业会计证书的考试内容非常全面,涵盖了财务管理、业务分析、税收、审计与认证等多个方面。
3. 报名条件想要参加ACCA高级商业会计证书考试,需要具备ACCA会员资格,并且之前已经通过了ACCA基本阶段的考试。
三、ACCA高级商业会计证书的优势1. 国际认可ACCA高级商业会计证书是一个国际认可的资格,持有者可以在全球范围内享受专业认可。
2. 就业前景持有ACCA高级商业会计证书的人员在财务领域的竞争优势明显,能够获得更多的职业机会和高薪水。
3. 专业能力ACCA高级商业会计证书培养了持有者在财务管理、业务分析、税收、审计和认证等方面的专业能力,使他们成为行业内的精英。
考试课程:共14门,F1-F9,P1-P3为必选,P4-P7任选两门[1](教材和考试均用英语)5.考试申请程序入学资格b) 教育部认可的高等院校在校生,顺利通过第一年的所有课程考试且年龄在18岁以上,即可报名成为ACCA 正式学员。
报名截止日期:每年十二月十五日 ( 参加翌年之六月份考试)每年七月三十一日 ( 参加同年之十二月份考试)3, 注册时须提交的证件:(请根据个人情况有选择地准备。
若有疑问,请至电ACCA 上海办事处或 ACCA 其它就近办事处垂讯。
) · 身份证原件、复印件、*翻译件。
· 学历/学位证明(高校在校生需提交学校出具的在校证明函及第一年所有课程考试合格的成绩单)原件、复印件、*翻译件。
· 如是管理、计算机、法律专业或MBA请提交成绩单(加盖学校公章)原件、复印件、*翻译件。
若有疑问,请至电ACCA 北京办事处、上海办事处或 ACCA 其它就近办事处垂讯。
考试科目F1会计师与企业 Accountant in Business (AB)F2管理会计 Management Accounting (MA)F3 财务会计 Financial Accounting (FA)F4公司法与商法 Corporate and Business Law (CL) F5业绩管理 Performance Management (PM)F6税务 Taxation (TX)F7/财务报告 Financial Reporting (FR)F8/审计与认证业务Audit and Assurance (AA)F9/财务管理 Financial Management (FM)P1/ 专业会计师 Professional Accountant (PA)P2/公司报告 Corporate Reporting (CR)P3/商务分析 Business Analysis (BA))P4/高级财务管理 Advanced Financial Management (AFM)P5/高级业绩管理 Advanced Performance Management (APM)P6/高级税务 Advanced Taxation (ATX)P7/高级审计与认证业务Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)考试规则:a) 考试于每年的6月及12月举行。
acca是什么证书ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)是全球性的专业会计师组织,总部位于英国伦敦。
acca公式大全摘要:1.ACCA 简介2.ACCA 公式分类3.常用公式举例4.公式使用注意事项正文:【ACCA 简介】ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,特许公认会计师公会)是全球最具影响力的财会职业会员组织,成立于1904 年。
ACCA 以培养国际性的高级财务管理人才为宗旨,在全球范围内推广统一的会计准则和审计标准。
在我国,ACCA 被认为是一种国际认可的会计师资格,拥有ACCA 会员资格的人士在求职和发展职业道路上具有很大的竞争优势。
【ACCA 公式分类】在ACCA 的学习过程中,会涉及到大量的公式。
这些公式可以根据其用途和性质分为以下几类:1.财务比率分析公式2.折现现值与未来值公式3.债券定价与收益率公式4.成本会计公式5.统计学公式6.经济学公式【常用公式举例】以下是一些ACCA 中常用的公式举例:1.财务比率分析公式:- 流动比率:流动资产/ 流动负债- 速动比率:(流动资产- 存货)/ 流动负债- 资产负债率:总负债/ 总资产- 权益乘数:总资产/ 股东权益2.折现现值与未来值公式:- 现值公式:P = FV / (1 + r)^n- 未来值公式:FV = P x (1 + r)^n- 年金现值公式:P = R x (1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r- 年金未来值公式:FV = R x ((1 + r)^n - 1) / r3.债券定价与收益率公式:- 债券价格公式:P = C x (1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r + FV / (1 + r)^n- 债券收益率公式:r = (C / P) x (1 + r)^n + FV / P x (1 + r)^(n+1)4.成本会计公式:- 直接成本:直接生产某种产品或提供某种服务所发生的成本- 间接成本:不能直接归属于某种产品或服务,需要分配给多种产品或服务的成本- 固定成本:在一定时期和一定业务量范围内,不随产量变动而变动的成本- 变动成本:随产量变动而变动的成本【公式使用注意事项】在使用ACCA 公式时,需要注意以下几点:1.确保使用正确的公式,避免张冠李戴,导致计算结果错误。
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Chapter 13 Consolidated Statement of Financial PositionCONSOLIDATED SFPCONSOLIDATIONWORKINGSPRE- NON- INTRA- GOODWILL MID-YEARACQUIAITION CONTROLLING GROUP ACQUISITONSPROFITS INTEREST TRADINGAND GROUPRESERVESUNREALISED FAIRPROFITS VALUE1. Method of preparing a consolidated statement of financial positionThe mechanics of consolidationA standard group accounting question will provide the accounts of P and the accounts lf S and will require the preparation of consolidated accounts.The best approach is to use a set of standard workings.(W1) Establish the group structurePDate of This indicates that P owns 80% of theAcquisition 80% ordinary shares of S and when they were acquired.S(W2) Net assets of subsidiaryAt the date of At the reportingacquisition date$ $Share capital X XReserves:Share premium X XRetained earnings X XX X(W3) GoodwillNotes:IFRS 3 Business CombinationsThe definition of goodwill is :Goodwill is an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized. Goodwill is calculated as the excess of the consideration transferred and amount of any non-controlling interest over the net of the acquisition date identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed.Treatment of goodwillPositive goodwill. Capitalized as an intangible non-current asset. Tested annually for possible impairments. Amortization of goodwill is not permitted by the standard.Impairment of positive goodwillIf goodwill is considered to have been impaired during the post-acquisition period it must be reflected in the group financial statements. Accounting for the impairment differs according to the policy followed to value the non-controlling interests.Proportion of nets assets method:Dr Group reserves (W5)Cr Goodwill (W3)Fair value method:Dr Group reserves ($ of impairment attributable to the parent—W5)Dr NCI (% of impairment attributable to NCI—W4)Cr Goodwill (W3)Negative goodwill. Arises where the cost of the investment is less than the value of net assets purchased. IFRS3 does not refer to this as negative goodwill (instead it is referred to as a bargain purchase), however this is the commonly used term.. Most likely reason for this to arise is a misstatement of the fair values of assets and liabilities and accordingly the standard requires that the calculation is reviewed.. After such a review, any negative goodwill remaining is credited directly to the income statement.Methods of calculation :Goodwill on acquisition is calculated by comparing the value of the subsidiary acquired to its net assets.(1) Where 100% of the subsidiary is acquired, the calculation is therefore:$Cost of investment (= value of the subsidiary) XNet asses of subsidiary (X)Goodwill X(2) Where less than 100% of the subsidiary is acquired, the value of the subsidiary comprises two elements:. The value of the part acquired by the parent. The value of the part not acquired by the parent, known as the non-controlling interestThere are 2 methods in which Goodwill may be calculated:(i)Proportion of net assets method. Not examinable(ii)Fair value method (as seen in consolidation workings). ExaminableThe proportion of net assets method calculates the portion of goodwill attributable to the parent only, while the fair value method calculates the goodwill attributable to the group as a whole. This is know as the gross goodwill, ie. Goodwill is shown in full as this is the asset that the group controls.$Parent holding (investment) at fair value XNCI value at acquisition XXLess:Fair value of net assets at acquisition (W2) (X)Goodwill on acquisition XIllustration 2 GoodwillDaniel acquired 80% of the ordinary share capital of Craig on 31 December 20x6 for $78,000. At this date the net assets of Craig were $85,000. NCI is valued using the fair value method and the fair value of the NCI on the acquisition date is $19,000What goodwill arises on the acquisition?Solution$Parent holding (investment) at fair value 78,000NCI value at acquisition 19,00097,000Less:Fair value of nest asses at acquisition (85,000)Goodwill on acquisition 12,000(W4) Non controlling interestNCI value at acquisition (as in W3) XNCI share of post-acquisition reserves (W2) XXNotes:Non-controlling interestIn some situations a parent may not own all of the shares in the subsidiary, e.g. if P owns only 80% of the ordinary shares of S, there is a non-controlling interest of 20%.Note, however, that P still controls S.Accounting treatment of a non-controlling interestAs P Controls S :. in the consolidated statement of financial position, include all of the net assets of S (to show control). ‘give back’the net assets of Which belong to the non-controlling interest within the equity section of the consolidated statement of financial position (calculated in W4)(W5) Group retained earnings$P’s retained earnings (100%) XP’s % of sub’s post –acquisition retained earnings XXNotes:Pre- and post- acquisition reserves1 .Pre and post-acquisition profitsPre-acquisition profits are the reserves which exist in a subsidiary company at the date when it is acquired.They are capitalized at the date of acquisition by including them in the goodwill calculation.2. Post-acquisition profits are profits made and included in the retained earnings of the subsidiary company following acquisition.They are included in group retained earnings.Group reservesWhen looking at the reserves of S at the year end, e.g. revaluation reserve, a distinction must be made between:. those reserves of S which existed at the date of acquisition by P (pre-acquisition reserves) and . the increase in the reserves of S which arose after acquisition by P (post-acquisition reserves). As with retained earnings, only the group share of post-acquisition reserves of S is included in the group statement of financial position.Question 1The following SFPs have been prepared at 31 December 20x8D JNon-current assets:Property, plant & equipment 85,000 18,000Investments:Shares in J 60,000145,000Current assets 160,000 84,000305,000 102,000Equity:Ordinary $1 shares 65,000 20,000Share premium 35,000 10,000Retained earnings 70,000 25,000170,000 55,000Current liabilities 135,000 47,000305,000 102,000D acquired its 80% holding in J on 1 January 20x8, when Js’ retained earnings stood at $20,000. On this date, the air value of the 20% non-controlling shareholding in J was $12,500.The D Group uses the fair value method to value the non-controlling interest.Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of D as at 31 December 20x8.2. Fair valuesFair value of consideration and net assetsTo ensure that an accurate figure is calculated for goodwill:. the consideration paid for a subsidiary must be accounted for at fair value. the subsidiary’s identifiable assets and liabilities acquired must be accounted for at their fair values.So, if the subsidiary has the fair value which is different from the book value, the consolidation of workings should use fair value. Therefore, adjustments will be required where the subsidiary’s accounts themselves do not reflect fair value.How to include fair values in consolidation workings(1)Adjust both columns of W2 to bring the net assets to fair value at acquisition and reportingdate.This will ensure that the fair value of net assets is carried through to the goodwill and non-controlling interest calculations.At acquisition At reporting date$000 $000 Share capital+reserves X XFair value adjustments X XX X(2) At the reporting date make the adjustment on the face of the SFP when adding across assets and liabilities.Question 2H acquired 80% of the share capital of P two years ago, when the reserves of P stood at $125,000.H paid initial cash consideration of $1 million.Below are the statements of financial position of H and P as at 31 December 20x4:H P$000 $000Investment in P at cost 1,000Property, plant & equipment 5,500 1,500Current assets:Inventory 550 100Receivables 400 200Cash 200 507,650 1,850Share capital 2,000 500Retained earnings 1,400 3003,400 800Non-current liabilities 3,000 400Current liabilities 1,250 6507,650 1,850At acquisition the fair values of P’s plant exceeded its book value by $200,000. The fair value of the 20% non-controlling interest was $380,000.Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 20x4.3. Intra-group tradingTypes of intra-group tradingP and S may well trade with each other leading to the following potential problem areas:. current accounts between P and S. loans held by one company in the other. dividends and loan interest. unrealized profits on sales of inventory. unrealized profits on sales of non-current assets (not examinable)3.1 current accountsIf P and S trade with each other then this will probably be done on credit leading to:. a receivables (current) account in one company’s SFP. a payables (current) account in the other company’s SFPThese are amounts owing within the group rather than outside the group and therefore they must not appear in the consolidated statement of financial position.They are therefore cancelled (contra’d) against each other on consolidation.Cash/goods in transitAt the year end, current accounts may not agree, owing to the existence of in-transit items such as goods or cash.The usual rules are as follows:. if the goods or cash are in transit between P and S, make the adjusting entry to the statement of financial position of the recipient:--- cash in transit adjusting entry is:Dr cash in transitCr receivables current account--- goods in transit adjusting entry is :Dr InventoryCr Payables current accountThis adjustment is for the purpose of consolidation only.. once in agreement, the current accounts may be contra’d and cancelled as part of the process of cross casting the assets and liabilities.. this means that reconciled current account balance amounts are removed from both receivables and payables in the consolidated statement of financial position.Question 3 Fair value adjustments/intercompany balanceStatements of Financial Position of P and S as at 30 June 20x8 are given below:P S$ $Non-current assesLand 4,500 2,500Plant & equipment 2,400 1,750Investment 8,00014,900 4,250Current assetsInventory 3,200 900Receivables 1,400 650Bank 600 1505,200 1,70020,100 5,950Ordinary share capital 50c 5,000 1,000Retained earnings 8,300 3,15013,300 4,150Current liabilities 6,800 1,80020,100 5,950P acquired 75% of S on 1 July 20x5 when the balance on S’s retained earnings was $1,150. P aid $3,500 for its investment in the share capital of S.At the reporting date P recorded a payable to S of $400. this agreed to the corresponding amount in S’s financial statements.At the date of acquisition it was determined that S’s land, carried at cost of $2,500 had a fair value of $3,750. S’s plant was determined to have a fair value of $500 in excess of its carrying value. These values had not been recorded by S.The P group uses the fair value method to value the non-controlling interest which was $1,100.Required:Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of the P group as at 30 June 20x8.4. Unrealized profitProfits made by members of a group on transactions with other group members are :. recognized in the accounts of the individual companies concerned, but. in terms of the group as whole, such profits are unrealized and must be eliminated from the consolidated accounts.Unrealized profit may arise within a group scenario on:. inventory where companies trade with each other. non-current assets where one group company has transferred an asset to another (not examinable)Intra-group trading and unrealized profit in inventoryWhen one group company sells goods to another a number of adjustments may be needed.. current accounts must be cancelled (see earlier in this chapter). where goods are still held by a group company, any unrealized profit must be cancelled.. inventory must be included at original cost to the group (ie. Cost to the company which then sold it)PURPWhere goods have been sold by one group company to another at a profit and some of these are still in the purchaser’s inventory at the year end, then the profit loading on these goods is unrealized from the viewpoint of the group as a whole.This is because we are treating the group as if it is a single entity. No one can make a profit by trading with himself. Until the goods are sold to an outside party there is no realized profit from the group perspective.Adjustments for unrealized profit in inventoryThe process to adjust is :(1)determine the value of closing inventory included in an individual company’s accounts whichhas been purchased from another company in the group.(2)Use mark-up or margin to calculate how much of that value represents profit earned by theselling company.(3)Make the adjustments. These will depend on who the seller is.(i)If the seller is the parent company, the profit element is included in the holding company’s accounts and relates entirely to the group.Adjustment required:Dr group retained earnings (deduct the profit in W5)Cr group inventory(ii)If the seller is the subsidiary, the profit element is included in the subsidiary company’s accounts and relates partly to the group, partly to non-controlling interestsAdjustment required:Dr Subsidiary retained earningsCr group inventoryMargin V Mark-upGross profitGross profit percentage or profit margin = ---------------------------------------- x 100%Sales revenueGross profitGross profit mark-up =---------------------------------------x 100%Cost of salesMargin 25% Mark-up 25%Sales 100% sales 100% + ratioCost of sales 100% - ratio cost of sales 100%Gross profit ratio gross profit ratioQuestion 4H bought 90% of the equity share capital of S, two years ago on 1 January 20x2 when the retained earnings of S stood at $5,000. Statements of financial position at the year end of 31 December 20x3 are as follows:H S$000 $000 $000 $000Non-current assets:Property, plant & equipment 100 30Investment in S at cost 34134 30Currents assetsInventory 90 20Receivables 110 25Bank 10 5210 50344 80EquityShare capital 15 5Retained earnings 159 31174 36Non-current liabilities 120 28Current liabilities 50 1634480S transferred goods to H at a transfer price of $18,000 at a mark-up of 50%. Two-thirds remained in inventory at the year end. The current account in H and S stood at $22,000 on that day.The H group uses the fair value method to value the non-controlling interest. The fair value of the non-controlling interest at acquisition was $4,000Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position at 31/12/x3.5. Mid- year acquisitionsCalculation of reserves at date of acquisitionIf a parent company acquires a subsidiary mid-year, the net assets at the date of acquisition must be calculated based on the net assets at the start of the subsidiary’s financial year plus the profits of up to the date of acquisition.To calculate this it is normally assumed that S’s profit after tax accrues evenly over time.Question 5On 1 May 2007 K bough 60% of S paying $76,000 cash. The summarized statements of financial position for the two companies as at 30 november2007 are:K S$ $Non-current assetsProperty, plant & equipment 138,000 115,000Investments 98,000Current assetsInventory 15,000 17,000Receivables 19,000 20,000Cash 2,000 -272,000 152,000Share capital 50,000 40,000Retained earnings 189,000 69,000239,000 109,000Current liabilities 33,000 43,000272,000 152,000The following information is relevant:(1)the inventory of S include s $8,000 of goods purchased from K at cost plus 25%(2)the K group values the non-controlling interest using the fair value method. At the date ofacquisition the fair value of the 40% non-controlling interest was $50,000(3)S earned a profit of $9,000 in the year ended 30 november2007/Required :Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 November 2007.。