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2. We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.我们决不能姑息养奸/养虎贻患
3. The pen is mightier than the sword. 文字的力量胜于武力
4. They have their smiles and tears. 5. It’s regrettable that our appeal remains a
4. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure / that children under 14 do not ride in the front // unless they are wearing a seat belt. (主句+宾从+条件从句)(复杂主从 句)
11. By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.她用 这种手段离间这对夫妻
12. Wபைடு நூலகம்en your mother sees those torn
trousers, you will be in for it.要是你母亲
3. Please tell your father / that I’m very grateful to him for the warm welcome I have received here // and that when I go back I will tell my family all about my visit here. (谓+间宾+2直宾从句)(复杂主从句)
9. The matter was finally settled under the table.这件事最终私下解决了
10. Since I only got the news at second
hand, I took it with a grain of salt.这个消 息我只是间接听来的,所以并不完全相信
由于在树林里迷了 路,又陷在雪坑里 被雪埋到齐脖子: 那种困难景况只有 经历过的人才能领 会。… …
人人都猜想我昨晚 已死掉了。她们不 知道该怎么出发去 找我的尸体。现在 她们既然看见我回 来了,我就叫她们 安静些,我也快要 冻僵了。
英语中成语,谚语与熟语等民族性习惯 表达法多用具象概念来传递抽象概念,语词中 间蕴涵着丰富的文化意义。这些文化负载词的 语用意义,文化内涵在两中语言中截然不同, 产生的联想也大不一样。所以在翻译时,只好 舍弃其具体形象,而保留其意义。
13. His arrogance sent him into isolation and helplessness.他的傲慢态度使他陷入 孤立无援的境地。
长难句常见句型:复杂简单句、复杂主从句、 分隔结构句、省略结构句、语序变化句
1. Average inflation in the big seven industrial economies fell to a mere 2.3% last year, close to its lowest level in 30 years, before rising slightly to 2.5% this July. (主+ 谓) (复杂简单句)
3. I dragged upstairs; whence, after putting on my dry clothes, and pacing to and fro for thirty or forty minutes to restore the animal heat …
我吃力地上楼去,换上干衣服以后,踱来 踱去走了三四十分钟,好恢复元气/体温。
(二) 用具体的词语阐释抽象的词义,在 译文中补充外围语义成分。英语抽象词语的 涵义比较笼统,概括,虚泛,在汉语里很难 找到对应词,这时常常借助具体的词语来解 释补充其抽象的语意成分。
4. Tell me, do our years together mean nothing?
4. A good conscience is a soft pillow. 良心过得去,睡觉才安稳
5. Kissing doesn’t last; cookery does. 甜言蜜语不可靠,粗茶淡饭才长久。
6. Love is the mother of love. 情生情,爱生爱。
7. Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. 爱情不分贵贱。
5. Public opinion is demanding more and more urgently that something must be done about air pollution.
公众舆论越来越强烈地要求对空气污染采取必要 措施。
6. A nice enough young fellow, you understand, but nothing upstairs.
从认知的角度来看,任何语言中都充满了 隐喻。为了使语言的表达形象生动,人们往往用 意象表达抽象的概念,用部分代替整体。
二、 原文具体,译文抽象
. man for the field and woman for the hearth; man for the sword and woman for the needle; man with the head and woman with the heart;
7. An idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears in love.么即使白痴也能看出, 我已经沉溺在爱河里了。
8. I’ll break my neck to get this done by Friday, but I can’t promise for sure.
Hearth:used as a symbol of one's home. 壁炉边(用作“家庭生活”或“家”的象征) 男人适于农耕,女人适于家务。 男人宜于征战,女人宜于缝纫。 男人善于深思,女人富于感情。
2. Over the past hundred odd years, the Chinese people have gone through storm and stress, and in the course of vigorous struggle they have accomplished a great historic transformation. 在过去的一百年间,中国人民历经沧桑,在 奋起斗争的过程中进行了伟大的历史变革。
8. You should not show your hand to a stranger. 对陌生人要保持戒心。
1. He has many hot potatoes to handle every day. 2. We should never warm snakes in our bosoms. 3. The pen is mightier than the sword. 4. They have their smiles and tears. 5. It’s regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter. 6. Is the emigration of intelligence to become an issue as absorbing as the immigration of strong muscle? 7. An idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears in love.
1. I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. 雨无情地下个不停,我惊讶不已。
2. All the irregularities of the students in that university resulted in punishment. 在那所大学,学生的任何越轨行为都受到惩罚。
2. White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant. (主+ 系+ 表)(复杂简单句)
dead letter.遗憾的是,我们的呼吁没得到响应。 6. Is the emigration of intelligence to become
an issue as absorbing as the immigration of strong muscle?人才外流是不是和劳工输入同 样成为一个有趣的问题呢?
12. When your mother sees those torn trousers, you will be in for it.
13. His arrogance sent him into isolation and helplessness.
8. I’ll break my neck to get this done by Friday, but I can’t promise for sure.我要尽 最大的努力在星期五以前完成此事,但我不 能说定。
一、 原文抽象,译文具体
He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation.
frenzied 发狂似的 agitation 紧张,焦虑 他等着她来,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。
(一) 英语抽象名词具体化
从词类的使用来看,英语多用名词,有静, 虚,抽象的特点;汉语多用动词,有动,实, 具体的特点。而且,英语是一种曲折语言, 词类转化现象相当普遍,抽象名词中,有许 多为英语所独有,在汉语中很难找到对应词。 因此,在英译汉时,需要运用词类的转化, 意义的引申或加适当的范畴词使其具体化, 以便符合汉语的习惯。
3. Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall. 她的冷漠态度把许多参观者挡在展览馆门外。
evaporation 蒸发作用 fault-finding吹毛求疵的做法 Loftiness崇高品质 allergy过敏反应 jealousy 嫉妒心理 dejection 沮丧情绪 lightheartedness轻松愉快的心境
小伙子年轻英俊,你知道的,可脑子里却是一张 白纸。
8. I talked to him with brutal frankness. 我对他讲的话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言。
9. He was open now to charges of willful blindness. 这时人们指责他装聋作哑。
10. His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.
在英译汉时,抽象与具体的转换其实是双 向的:原文抽象的概念可以化为具体,具体的概 念也可以化为抽象。
9. The matter was finally settled under the table.
10. Since I only got the news at second hand, I took it with a grain of salt.
11. By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.