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浙江农业学报 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensisꎬ 2019ꎬ31(1) : 155 - 160
http: / / www. zjnyxb. cn
夏魏ꎬ李祖光ꎬ杨华ꎬ等. 鸡蛋磺胺间甲氧嘧啶残留研究[ J] . 浙江农业学报ꎬ2019ꎬ31(1) : 155 - 160.
XIA Wei1ꎬ2 ꎬ LI Zuguang1 ꎬ YANG Hua2 ꎬ JI Xiaofeng2 ꎬ WANG Jianmei2 ꎬ QIAN Mingrong2ꎬ∗ (1. College of Chemical Engineeringꎬ Zhejiang University of Technologyꎬ Hangzhou 310014ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Institute of Quality and Standard for Agro ̄Productsꎬ Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciencesꎬ Hangzhou 310021ꎬ China) Abstract: Eighty layers of 32 ̄week ̄old laying hens weighing about 1������ 6 kg were chosen in this experiment. For test groupsꎬ the dose of sulfamonomethoxine was set at 159 mg������L -1 ( label recommended maximum dose) and 79������ 5 mg������ L -1 in drinking waterꎬ respectively. After continuous medication for 5 daysꎬ the addition of sulfamonomethoxine in drinking water was stopped and eggs were collected every day. Sulfamonomethoxine residues in egg samples were pre ̄ treated with QuEChERS method and quantified by ultra performance liquid chromatography ̄mass spectrometer / mass spectrometer ( UPLC ̄MS / MS) . The results showed that the residual amount of sulfamonomethoxine in 159 mg������L -1 test group was 2 497������ 3ꎬ 220������ 1ꎬ 38������ 9ꎬ 6������ 0ꎬ 1������ 3ꎬ 0������ 5ꎬ 0������ 1 μg������kg - 1 on the 1st ꎬ 3rd ꎬ 5th ꎬ 10th ꎬ 16th ꎬ 20th ꎬ 24th dayꎬ respectively. The residues of sulfamonomethoxine in 79������ 5 mg������L -1 test group were 694������ 3ꎬ 45������ 2ꎬ 15������ 5ꎬ 1������ 5ꎬ 0������ 1 μg������kg - 1 on the 1st ꎬ 3rd ꎬ 5th ꎬ 10th ꎬ 16th dayꎬ respectively. Sulfamonomethoxine depletion rate in eggs was 0������ 4 - 0������ 6 μg������kg -1������d -1 . According to the maximum residue limit ( MRL) of sulfamonomethoxine in animal tissue set by Chinaꎬ the residual amount in eggs was lower than MRL on 5th and 3rd day in 159 mg������L - 1 and 79������ 5 mg������L - 1 test groupꎬ respectivelyꎬ without drug application. To guarantee food safetyꎬ the proposed withdrawal period should be set
品ꎮ 鸡蛋样品采用 QuEChERS 方法进行前处理ꎬ采用超高效液相色谱 ̄串联质谱( UPLC ̄MS / MS) 对鸡蛋样品
中磺胺间甲氧嘧啶的残留量进行定量测定ꎮ 结果发现ꎬ高剂量组在休药后第 1、3、5、10、16、20、24 天鸡蛋磺胺
间甲氧嘧啶残留量分别为 2 497������ 3、220������ 1、38������ 9、6������ 0、1������ 3、0������ 5、0������ 1 μg������kg -1 ꎬ低剂量组在休药后第 1、3、5、10、
DOI: 10������ 3969 / j. issn. 1004 ̄1524������ 2019������ 01������ 20
夏 魏1ꎬ2 ꎬ李祖光1 ꎬ杨 华2 ꎬ吉小凤2 ꎬ汪建妹2 ꎬ钱鸣蓉2ꎬ∗
(1. 浙江工业大学 化学与工程学院ꎬ浙江 杭州 310014ꎻ 2. 浙江省农业科学院 农产品质量标准研究所ꎬ浙江 杭州 310021)
16 天鸡蛋磺胺间甲氧嘧啶残留量分别为 694������ 3、45������ 2、15������ 5、1������ 5、0������ 1 μg������kg -1 ꎮ 磺胺间甲氧嘧啶在鸡蛋中的
消除速率为 0������ 4 ~ 0������ 6 μg������kg - 1������d - 1 ꎮ 高、低剂量组分别在停药后第 5 天和第 3 天鸡蛋中磺胺间甲氧嘧啶残留
摘 要:随机选择 32 周龄、体质量 1������ 6 kg 的蛋鸡 80 羽进行试验ꎬ在饮水中分别添加 159 mg������L -1 ( 标签推荐最 高剂量) 和 79������ 5 mg������L -1 的磺胺间甲氧嘧啶ꎬ连续用药 5 dꎬ分别作为高剂量组和低剂量组ꎬ停药后收集鸡蛋样
量低于国家限量标准ꎮ 从食品安全角度考虑ꎬ如采用标签推荐最高剂量ꎬ建议休药期控制在 5 d 以上ꎮ
中图分类号:S859������ 84
文章编号:1004 ̄1524(2019)01 ̄0155 ̄06
Study on sulfamonomethoxine residue in eggs