摩登家庭 -第2季第14集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

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So, honey, Ibiza can only 亲爱的伊比莎餐厅今晚只有

take us at 6:30 tonight. 六点半的时段有空位给我们

Great. I will meet you at Ibiza. 好的我们在伊比萨见面

It's pronounced "Ibeetha", not "Ibeeza". 正确发音是伊比"莎" 而不是伊比"萨" Oh, thanks, honey. 多谢提醒啊宝贝

That reminds me - this weekend, 这让我想到这周末

I want to see that baby panda at the "thoo". 我想去"董"物园看小熊猫Yeah... I'm the idiot. 对对对我是白痴

This year for Valentine's Day, 今年的情人节

we're gonna have a nice, 我们要去伊比莎餐厅

quiet dinner at Ibiza. 共进美妙又安静的晚餐

Last year, we, um... 去年我们...

We overreached... a little. 我们玩过火了一点点

We created sexy alter egos 我们创造了性感的第二人格

Clive and Juliana 克莱夫和朱莉安娜

met in the hotel bar. 他们是在酒店的吧台认识的

This one lost her panties 她在酒店大厅里

in the lobby in front of her dad... 在她老爸面前失去了她的小裤裤

- Phil. - Which was still -菲尔 -还挺有意...

it was hard. It was hard for her. 是很惨对她来说真的很难受

You know I can't stand it when you use that word. 你明明知道我不喜欢你提那个字- "Panties"? - Yeah, that. Yes. That word. -"小裤裤"吗 -是的就是那词

Sorry. She lost her underpanties. 对不起她弄丢了内裤裤

- So? - So? -怎样啊 -怎么啦

Well, huh? So? 如何啦怎么样啦

- What's happening? - Flowers? -这是干嘛 -花呀

Is someone pointing a gun at you? 是有歹徒在挟持你吗

Oh, for goodness' sake. 拜托

Did you get the flowers Lily and I sent you? 你有没有收到我跟莉莉送给你的花嘛

Oh, that's so sweet. No. No, I didn't get anything. 真贴心可是我真的什么也没收到Really? Did you check with that assistant of yours? 是吗你跟你那个助理确认过了吗Broderick! 布拉德里克

Uh, did you get any flowers today? 你今天有收到花吗

No. Sadly, I'm without Valentine this year. 没有我过的是没有情人的情人节

No, for Mitchell! The flowers are for Mitchell! 不是给你是给米奇尔花是给米奇尔的Oh, that's right. 原来如此

Oops. 抱歉

Mitchell's assistant has a huge crush on him. 米奇尔的助理迷他迷得无法自拔

He does not. 他没有

And I think the only prudent thing 我觉得最明智的选择

to do is say, "You're fired. " 就是跟他说 "你被炒了"

Don't be jealous. 别吃干醋了

He just looks up to me. 他只是比较敬重我

The thing about Mitchell is he can be naive. 米奇尔的问题就是有时候太天然呆

He is completely unaware of how absolutely adorable he is. 他不知道自己多迷人多招蜂引蝶Oh. Okay, well, thank you. 好了好了谢谢夸奖

But I am aware when someone has a crush on me, 但是要是有人迷上了我我看得出来的and he does not have a crush on me. 可他是真的没有迷上我

Yes, he has a crash on me. 他绝对是迷上了我

I was a little concerned when 我本来还真有点担心

they said they could only take us at 6:30, but... 他们居然只有六点半才有位置

I know. This house is on fire, right? 我理解可这里火的很啊是吧

Now, this is how you do V-Day. 你看情人节就是应该这么过的

Except most of these people 除了这里大多的人

could have been here on V-E Day. 在欧战胜利纪念日[1945年]时就应该来这庆祝了could have been here on V-E Day. 情人节缩写是V-Day

二次世界大战欧战胜利纪念日缩写是VE Day 只有一字之差

But it's classy, which we deserve. 还是很有格调嘛跟我们很搭

Yes, we do. 是啊绝配

What were we thinking last year, 去年我们是发了什么疯

acting like a couple of teenagers? 怎么会想扮演一对年轻小情侣啊

I know. Oh! 我知道

Hey, we've had our crazy Valentine's Days. 我们已经享受过我们的疯狂情人节了We tore it up! 我们玩疯到了极点

But you got to know when to let that stuff go. 可是过了之后你不能念念不忘啊Yeah. 你说得对

All those kids out there are 现在外面的小屁孩追求的刺激

just looking for something that we've already got. 对我们而言不过是过往云烟Yeah. 是的

- I love you. - I love you, too. -我爱你 -我也爱你

Oh, my gosh! 我的天呐

- Are you okay? - I'm good. We're good. -你没事吧 -没事我们都没事

Are you all right? 您没事吧

This is my first day in one of these things. 这是我第一天骑这玩意

Oh, hey, let me, let me help you out. 让我来吧我来帮你吧

How about I park it over there for you, okay? 我帮你把停在那边好吗

Oh, thank you. 谢谢你了

Here's your valet ticket. 这是你的停车票

I'm kidding, actually. That's my valet ticket. 我开玩笑的这是我的停车票
