摩登家庭 -第2季第1集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

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Honey, do you need me to move the car? 亲爱的要我把车开出去吗No, it's nothing. I'm alright 不不用我能行

Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down 不铁十字给我力量它要栽了

Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down [铁十字纳粹德军勋章]

Oh god! Phil... 当心菲尔

- You okay? - Yes. I am. -你没事吧 -没事

I am okay. 我没事

Honey, why do we keep this car? 亲爱的我们为什么要留着这辆车

It's a classic! 这车老经典了

No, it just sits here. 不它只是空占地方

And the seatbelts don't work. 安全带也坏了

The doors stick. It leaks fluids. 门也卡还漏油

We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. 我们也十年没给它加过油了Well, I'm gonna fix all that anyway. 我会把这些毛病都修好

And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. 然后送给海莉

Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. 我才不要给海莉

It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. 车后座都宽得可以放床垫了Remember? 当年这车可是我们的洞房啊

Oh, no. We're selling it. 要命了这车必须卖

What?! 什么

Unless you don't think you can. 除非你觉得你卖不出

- Really? - Yeah. -此话当真 -是的

- Seriously? - You can't. -确定当真 -绝对当真

You honestly think that's gonna work? 你确定我卖不掉

You can't sell it. 就是卖不掉

You know what? 话说

You can insult a lot of things about me... 你怎么羞辱我都可以

My hair, my voice, my balance-board exercises... 发型啊声音啊平衡板游戏啥的

But don't insult my selling. 就是不要羞辱我强大的销售能力

That crosses a line. 过分了哈

What line? Oh, you don't see it? 过在哪里你瞧不见?

That's 'cause I just sold it. 因为我以光速给它卖了

That's 'cause I just sold it. 《摩登家庭》第二季第一集

While the spray-tanned starlet claims 当这个美黑小星星声称

to be six weeks sober, sources down under say: 自己有六个星期没嗑药时知情者爆料道She has been bar-hopping 她就像一个嗑药过量的袋鼠一样

like a coked-up kangaroo." 蹦啊跳啊混迹于酒吧

Ah, what's daddy reading to you? 爹地给你读什么呢

If I have to read "the very hungry caterpillar" 如果还要我再读一次

One more time, I will snap. 《饥肠辘辘的毛毛虫》我会抓狂的

- oh, it's not that bad. - I will snap! -哪有那么差劲啊 -别逼人家

So, um, I laid the toolbox outside, 那啥我把工具箱拿到外面了

And all the supplies are ready, 所有的材料也都准备好了

And I think we are good to go! 可以开工了

Terrific. 好极了

Aren't you gonna change into a working man's outfit? 你不打算换身工人套装吗

No, I'm good, 不用了

And I don't think workmen really call them "outfits." 况且我不觉得工人管它叫"套装" We are building a princess castle for Lily. 我们要给莉莉建一座公主城堡

Uh, it's something every father wants to be able to do for his daughter.


You know, and I fancy myself 并且我把自己幻想成

as a bit of a castle designer. 这个城堡的设计师

I have done a few sketches. 我画了一些草图

Which we have archived so we can use the kit. 那些以备后用这样我们就能用组装套件

- Mm, yeah. - The kit. -对 -套件

Uh, the kit. Which, uh, we're gonna do together. 套件我们夫妇一条心一起做

I am petrified to do this with Mitchell. 要跟米奇尔一起做这个还不如杀了我

He built a couple of theater sets in college or something,


And now he thinks he knows everything about building. 就以为自己是建筑帝了

Well, he doesn't. 但他根本不搭边

Every home-improvement project that we've undertaken. 每次我们家要做改造

Has been a near-death experience. 都让人好想死好想死

Make the appetizers. And then we'll be... 做开胃菜然后...

If an accident does happen, I hope he kills me... 如果真出了啥意外我希望他一下解决了我Because I don't think I would be a very inspiring disabled person.


Honey, relax. 亲爱滴放亲松

She's not here yet. 她还没来

You might want to play it a little cooler. 你最好蛋定一下别猴急猴急的

You don't want to scare off your girlfriend. 要不会把你女朋友吓跑的

She's not my girlfriend! 她才不是我女朋友

She's just coming over to study the life cycle of silkworms.


Oh. She's here. 嗷她到了

She's here! okay, how's my hair? 她到了那啥我头发不乱吧

I thought it was just a friend. 是谁说只是朋友来着

I heard that. 我可听到了

I wasn't whispering. 我故意的

Manny, open the door. Make her feel welcome. 曼尼去开门让她感受什么叫宾至如归
