AQP1 抑制剂4




随着相关研究的不断深入,临床应用经验的不断积累,GLP-1RA 在国内外糖尿病 治疗指南中的地位逐渐提升。GLP-1RA 从2009年美国糖尿病学会(ADA)和欧洲糖尿
首选药物之一。 GLP-1RA 包括多肽和小分子化合物,在短短的几年中,多肽、血浆白蛋白重组肽、 生物表达重组肽等制剂先后问世,以下GLP-1RA 有些已经在临床应用中,有些仍在发 展临床试验过程中:①艾塞那肽注射液(商品名:百泌达,Byetta);②利拉鲁肽注 射液(商品名:诺和力,Victoza);③艾塞那肽长效制剂(商品名:Bydureon);④ 利西拉来Lixisenatide(商品名(Lyxumia);⑤ 阿必鲁肽(Albiglutide);⑥ 杜拉糖肽
5.孕妇与哺乳期用药 妊娠期妇女使用安全性未知。动物实 验证实其可经乳汁分泌,故哺乳期不 推荐使用。
T1DM 患者在胰岛素基础上加用利拉
鲁肽可减少胰岛素剂量、降低体重、 减少低血糖发生率,但在HbA1c及血
胰高血糖素样肽-1(glucagon-like peptide 1),1964年,Elrick等发现 口服葡萄糖刺激胰岛素分泌的量明显大于静脉滴注相同剂量葡萄糖,这种现象 被称为“肠促胰素”效应。人体内主要有两种肠促胰素:葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛 素释放肽(glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, GIP)和GLP-1。因T2DM 患者的血GIP 水平正常或升高,对β细胞的促胰岛素分泌作用显著降低,且对α



0 180
0 0
口服葡萄糖 静脉注射葡萄糖
0 180
Adapted with permission from Nauck M et al. Diabetologia. 1986;29:46–52. Copyright © 1986 Springer-Verlag.

β 葡萄糖依赖性胰岛素分泌
β 胰岛素合成
α 葡萄糖依赖性胰高糖素 分泌

L细胞分泌 GLP-1 被 DPP-4 分解
Adapted from Baggio & Drucker. Gastroenterol 2019;132;2131–57
• 体内代谢完全
• 仅6%和5%的代谢产物经尿液和粪便排出 • 泌尿系或胃肠道内未见完整的利拉鲁肽
Malm-Erjefalt M. Drug metabolism and disposition 2019; 38(1944-53).
9 8.5
格列苯脲 二甲双胍 胰岛素
8 7.5
罗格列酮 二甲双胍
7.5 7
7 推荐治疗达标目标
6.2% – 正常值上限



调节神经兴奋性 星形胶质细胞上的 AQP4 依赖性水转运参与神经兴奋的调节。
可能通过对血管内水的快速转运而促进细胞毒性 脑水肿的发生、 发展; 促使缺血性中风后脑水肿的发生、 发展; 在血管源性脑水肿的发生发展过程中, 水进入脑 不依赖AQP4, 而水从脑中清除则与其密切相关。
早期,人们一直认为水是以单纯扩散透过细胞 膜的,但在某些细胞如红细胞、肾近曲小管 细胞对水的通透性很高,不能简单以单纯扩 散来解释,于是推测此类细胞膜上可能存在 某种功能性转运水的通道。
Agre于1988年发现并成功分离出一种细胞膜蛋白并证 明这就是科学家孜孜以求的水通道蛋白(aquaporin, AQP)。 2000年,Agre公布了世界第一张水通道蛋白的高清晰 立体照片,照片揭示这种蛋白的特殊结构只允许水分 子通过。
泪腺疾病:AQP5. 参与泪液分泌,维持眼 表泪膜的完整和功能 —— 干眼症。 结膜病:AQP3. 参与泪膜的形成 —— 干 眼症。 角膜病:AQP3 、AQP5. 参与维持角膜的 脱水状态及角膜的透明度 —— 角膜的水 肿和变性。
晶状体病:AQP1 、AQP0. 参与维持晶状体的 脱水状态、 透明性 —— 白内障。 视网膜病:AQP1、AQP4,AQP4 主要存在于 Müller 细胞和星形胶质细胞,对维持视网膜 水平衡起关键作用 —— 视网膜脱离和黄斑水 肿的发病。 视神经病变:Na+-K+的平衡一旦失去平衡,可 能导致发生视乳头水肿(乃至脑水肿)等严重疾 病。
参与对中枢神经系统水、 电解质的调节 允许
水的快速转运,促进星形胶质细胞通过 Kir4.1 对钾 的摄取;在胶质细胞、 血、 脑脊液间进行水的调节, 维持脑的水盐平衡;感受渗透压变化,调节ADH分泌, 调节机体水平衡。


作者单位 : 0 1 2北京 , 军总 医院 医务部 104 空 通讯作 者: 国荣 , mal g .9 i ec 张 E— i: r @l .n 9 v
胞膜 水通 透的关 系。 在生理 环境 中, 网织红 细胞可 以
通 过 调节A 1 QP 的数 量来 适应环境 的变化 。 在细 胞成
膜A 1 QP 增加 来 适应 血浆 渗透 压 力的变化 , 表现 为 细 胞体 积的 膨胀和 缩小 。 根据 A 1‘ QP 使红 细 胞在 血 浆 H ‘  ̄
浓 度 的硝酸 银 浓 聚物 能延长 水 通 道 蛋白活性恢 复的 时 间, 并且 当硝酸 银一旦被去 除, QP 的活性仍然 会 A 1 恢 复。 在研 究 红细胞 上 尿素转运 体抑 制剂 时, 发现 其 并 未影  ̄ AQP 对水 的运 输效 率 , 明尿素转 运体 抑 N I 说
5A P 的抑制剂 Q 1
氯化 汞 ( CI 是 比较 明确的AQ 1 制 剂 , Hg : ) P抑 既 可 以阻滞水流 入细 胞内引起细胞 肿胀 , 能阻滞 细胞 也
内水流 出细 胞导致 细胞皱 缩【 。 1 用测定网织红细 胞的
电流 光闪射的方 法对 比了几种 已被报 道过 的抑制剂 ,
串联序 列是AQ 家 族成 员共 有的特征 性结 构 。 过 P 】通 电子显微 镜和 电子结晶学方法证实 了人红 细胞膜 上 的
AQ 1 P 是以 四聚体的形式 存在 ,  ̄AQ 1 分J i P 的三维结 构 :
胞容积 瞬间增高, 膜A P 密度也大大增高。 胞 Q 1 红细 胞
上大 量的A 1 QP 是适 应环境 变化而产生的红 细胞生 理
长 期镇静 的 高危病 人 , 比如 肾功 能障碍 、 严重 感染 及 毛 细血管渗漏 等病人 , 在选 择药物时 就应该考虑麻 醉 剂 对A 1 抑制 作用 , 免增加 细 胞水代 谢 障碍 的 QP 的 避





水分子经过Aquaporin时会形成单一纵列,进入弯曲狭窄的通道内,内部的偶极力与极性会帮助水分子旋转,以适当角度穿越狭窄的通道,因此Aquaporin的蛋白构形为仅能使水分子通过之原因水通道蛋白的发现编辑Agre等(1988)在分离纯化红细胞膜上的Rh多肽时,发现了一个28 kD的疏水性跨膜蛋白,称为形成通道的整合膜蛋白28(channel-forming inte—gral membrane protein,CHIP28),1991年完成了其cDNA克隆(Verkman,2003)。

但当时并不知道该蛋白的功能,在进行功能鉴定时,将体外转录合成的CHIP28 mDNA 注入非洲爪蟾的卵母细胞中,发现在低渗溶液中,卵母细胞迅速膨胀,并于5 min 内破裂。



水通道蛋白分类编辑AQP0AQP0最初称之为主体内在蛋白(major intrinsic protein,MIP),在晶状体纤维中细胞中表达丰富,与晶状体的透明度有关.AQpo的突变可能导致晶状体水肿和白内障。





・综 述・水通道蛋白在肾脏的表达及意义Expression and Means of W ater Channel Protein in K idney常笑雪,黄 鹂摘 要:目的 了解水通道蛋白在肾脏的表达及生理、病理意义,为相关的临床研究提供帮助。

方法 收集国内外相关资料,对水通道蛋白的研究内容进行综述。

结果 肾脏水通道蛋白的类型有AQP1-AQP4、AQP6-AQP8,主要分布在近曲小管、细段和集合管,AQP1-AQP4参与水的重吸收和尿液浓缩.AQP6-AQP8的生理与病理意义不明。

结论 肾脏水通道蛋白的类型较多,提示有重要的生理意义。

关键词:水通道蛋白;肾脏中图分类号:Q73 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-688X(2004)03-0236-03 2003年诺贝尔化学奖授予美国科学家彼得、阿格雷和罗德里克、麦金农,以表彰他们在细胞膜通道方面开创性的研究。



1 水通道蛋白的发现及类型所有组织细胞都允许水以单纯扩散方式通过细胞膜。


阿格雷[1]等在分离纯化红细胞膜上的Rh多肽时发现了一个分子量为28K D的疏水性跨膜蛋白,称为形成通道的整合膜蛋白28 (Channel-F orming integral membrane protein,CHIP28)。
















( Aq u a p o r i n s 一 1 , A QP 1 ) 作为特 异性介 导跨膜转 运水 的膜蛋 白 , 在胶质瘤 血管新 生 中至关 重要 。为此 , 研究 干预 AQ P 1 表达的调节机制 , 不仅可 以抑制胶质瘤生长、 浸润和转移 , 而且对改善胶质瘤预后也有重要的临床价值 。
【 关键词 】 水通道蛋 白一 1 ; 调节 ; 血管新 【 文献标识码】 A 【 文章编号】 1 0 0 3 - - 6 3 5 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 9 —1 3 2 0 —O 3
血 管 生成 是 胶 质瘤 突 破 上皮 基 底膜 后 进 一步 生 长所必须 的, 对于高级别胶质瘤生长、 浸润和转移至 关 重要 。在 无血 管 期 , 胶 质瘤 生 长 缓慢 , 直 径 不会 超 过2 m l r l , 一旦进入血管生成期 , 胶质瘤就可在丰富血 供和营养的条件下 , 促进 自身的迅速生长和浸润 。在 血管新生过程 中, AQ P 1 发 挥 了极 其 重 要 的作 用 , 现 就其调节机制及在胶质瘤血管新生 中的作用新进展 综述 如下 : 1 AQP 1 的结构 和功 能 A QP 1 作 为参 与跨膜转 运水 的膜 通道蛋 白家族 成 员 之一 , 广 泛存 在 于各 种组 织 中 。研 究 发 现 AQ P 1 基 因定位于人染色体 7 p 一> p “ 处 】 , 其一级结构为 6 次 跨膜的单肽链, 含3 个胞外环( A 、 c 、 E ) 和2 个胞内环( B 、 D ) , 连接跨膜区的B 、 E 两攀环折返穿人脂质双分子层, 并且 分别 与邻 近 的跨 膜 区形成 半个 孔道 , 彼此 对称 分 布, 构成一 条狭窄 的分子通道 , 水分子则 排列成单一 纵 列, 以适当的角度通过。该通道具有高度的选择性 , 借 助一 个带 正 电的 区域 排斥 带正 电 的水合 质子 , 不允 许 其 他 离子 或分子 通过 的功 能 , 实 现选 择性 地通 过大 量 的水但 】 。 目前多 数学者 认为 A QP s 的三级结构 为 “ 沙 漏 模型” 。生理 情况 下 , AQ P 1 主要分 布于 脉络丛 及面 向 脑脊液 的顶 质膜 的微绒 毛表面 , 与 Na 一 一 A T P 酶定 位 相同, 参与脑脊液分泌, 并调节水和离子平衡 。在脊髓 中, AQP 1 主要 表达 痛 觉与 感 觉神 经纤 维 。近年 来 多 项 研究 显示 , A Q P l 作为 细胞膜 特异性 水转 运蛋 白 , 在促 进瘤周 水肿形成 、 肿瘤细胞迁 移 中发挥 重要作用 , 且认 为它在 实体肿 瘤血管新 生中扮 演重要 角色 。 2 AQ P 1 的调 节 ’ A Q P 1 的表达受到理化 因素、 激素 以及其他活性 蛋白分子等多种 因素的调控。从整体上讲 , A Q P 1 的 调节 大致 可 以分为 两种 : 一 种 是 通 过 改 变 细 胞 上 A Q P 1 浓 度来调节跨膜水流动 , 相对耗 时较长 , 故称






目前报道的多数遗传性肾性尿崩症病例是以X连锁方式遗传的,由编码V2 受体的基因突变引起,另外的病例则是由于编码AQP2基因的突变引起,以常染色体显性或隐性方式遗传[11]。





哮喘发作时,水分子运动在气道阻塞中起重要作用,特别在冷哮喘或运动哮喘时, 上皮黏膜下血管(含AQP1) 、气管及支气管(含AQP3 和AQP4) 的肿胀是形成气道阻塞的重要原因[1]。







经证实,AQP 1和AQP4在脑胶质瘤中的表达明显高于正常组织,且在星型细胞的表达量与恶性程度有直接关系[8]。





在多种因素诱导的肺损伤和其他非心源性肺水肿的发生进展中,水通道蛋白1、3、4和5(AQP1、3、4、5)发挥了重要作用,尤以 AQP1和 AQP5为主。

应用基因技术发现在 ALI中 AQP1、3、4和5在细胞迁移、黏蛋白产生等过程和核转录因子κB(NF-κB)和丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)信号通路中均有参与。

多种因素能够干预 AQP1和 AQP5的表达进而加重或减轻肺水肿。

AQP1在 ALI的胸水形成中尚发挥一定作用。

本文主要从 ALI中 AQP1、3、4和5在蛋白质水平和基因水平上的参与、多种因素干预以及胸膜水通道蛋白几方面进行综合论述。

【期刊名称】《吉林大学学报(医学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】4页(P1119-1122)【关键词】水通道蛋白;急性肺损伤;肺水肿【作者】刘笑玎;原铭贞;王司仪;刘相良;梁豪君;高歌;李波;董春玲【作者单位】吉林大学基础医学院人体解剖学系,吉林长春 130021;吉林大学基础医学院人体解剖学系,吉林长春 130021;吉林大学基础医学院人体解剖学系,吉林长春 130021;吉林大学基础医学院人体解剖学系,吉林长春 130021;吉林大学基础医学院人体解剖学系,吉林长春 130021;吉林大学基础医学院人体解剖学系,吉林长春 130021;吉林大学基础医学院人体解剖学系,吉林长春 130021;吉林大学第二医院呼吸内科,吉林长春 130041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R563急性肺损伤(acute lung injury,ALI)及其严重形式急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS)表现为与严重炎症和弥漫性肺泡损伤有关的急性呼吸衰竭[1]。



降糖药物glp1a和ddp4简介汇报人:目录•介绍•glp1a和ddp4的药物特性•glp1a和ddp4的临床试验结果•glp1a和ddp4的适应症与副作用•glp1a和ddp4的研发前景与挑战•总结01介绍什么是glp1a和ddp4?•GLP-1(Glucagon-like peptide-1)是一种天然的肠促胰素,由肠道L细胞分泌,能够刺激胰岛素分泌并降低血糖。



2000年,第一个G L P -1受体激动剂(glp1a)和DPP-IV 抑制剂(ddp4)进入临床试验。












AQP1 抑制剂 2007 4

AQP1 抑制剂 2007 4

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2007, 8, 229-240International Journal ofMolecular SciencesISSN 1422-0067© 2007 by MDPI/ijms/ Effects of Acetazolamide Combined with or without NaHCO3 on Suppressing Neoplasm Growth, Metastasis and Aquaporin-1 (AQP1)Protein ExpressionXue-Jun Li 2, Yang Xiang 1,*, Bing Ma 2 and Xiao-Qiang Qi 11 State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,Life Science Institute, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China2Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100083, China* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: Ph.D., M.D. Yang Xiang, E-mail:xiangy@. School of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, P.R.China. Tel/ Fax: +86-25-83685616Received: 16 December 2006 / Accepted: 5 March 2007 / Published: 13 March 2007______________________________________________________________________________Abstract: This study was made to explore the effects of acetazolamide on tumor growth,metastasis and the possible mechanisms. The mice bearing with Lewis lung carcinomaswere taken as the animal model. The effects of acetazolamide were compared with thecombination treatment of NaHCO3on tumor growth, metastasis and carbonic anhydraseactivity in lung and tumor tissues using imidazole-Tris technique. And also the possible roleof AQP1 in tumor tissues was investigated by Western blot and immuno-histochemicalanalysis. Results showed that acetazolamide alone could sharply reduce the number of lungmetastasis and primary tumor growth, and appeared in a dose-dependent manner.Acetazolamide significantly inhibited carbonic anhydrase activity in tumor tissue. After theaddition of NaHCO3, the suppression of acetazolamide on tumor growth, number ofmetastasis and carbonic anhydrase activity in primary tumor tissue could not be alteredsignificantly, but the inhibitory rate of metastasis in lung and carbonic anhydrase activity inlung tissue appeared to show a reversal trend in the dose dependency from the acetazolamidetreatment alone. The exactly mechanisms need to be clarified in future. Western blot andimmunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that AQP1 expression in the tumor tissue washigher than both tissue of normal and treated with acetazolamide treatment alone.Combination with NaHCO3 could not synergistically inhibit the expression of AQP1 withacetazolamide. The results suggested that the mechanism of acetazolamide on anti-tumorespecially on its anti-metastasis actions might partly involve either inhibiting the carbonicanhydrase activity or reducing AQP1 water channel protein expression, whatever if treatedwith or without NaHCO3.Key words: acetazolamide, aquaporin, carbonic anhydrase, tumor, metastasisAbbreviations: AQP1-aquaporin-1;CA-Carbonic anhydrase______________________________________________________________________________1. IntroductionTumor metastasis is the major characteristic of carcinoma and the direct cause of clinical death. Carbonic anhydrases (CA) are a family of zinc-binding metalloproteinases that catalyze reversible hydration of carbon dioxide, produce H+ and HCO3-, and induce pH decrease [1]. Some CA isozymes (CA IV, IX, XII) were prominently found to be expressed only in tumor cells [2]. The cell surface CA might play an important role in controlling the level of protons and bicarbonate in the immediate vicinity of tumor cells by sensing pH and tipping the proton balance across the cell membrane. It has been shown that acidic pH enhances invasive behavior of tumor cells [3, 4]. Acetazolamide is a kind of sulfanilamide served as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.Teicher et al. [5] reported that CA inhibitors, as part of a chemotherapy regimen enhances the chemotherapeutic drug effects and help the delay in tumor growth. Several new type CA inhibitors have acted as the effective compounds on suppressing tumor cell growth in vitro, such as on leukaemia, non-small cell lung cancer, melanoma, ovarian, renal, prostate, and breast cancer cell lines [6]. Although several mechanisms of action of CA inhibitors exist, it is believed that they could lead to the suppression in the acidification of tumor cell extra-environment after directly inhibiting tumor related CA isozymes. That seems to be contrary to the theory described above. Therefore, we postulated that there must be other pathways on suppressing tumor metastasis by CA inhibitors.Aquaporins, is a large family of membrane proteins that function as highly selective water channels [7]. Recently published articles have drawn attention to their role in physiology[21]and several human diseases involving rapid water transport and they have been identified as potential targets for therapeutic intervention. AQP1 as the first characterized water channel protein[8], was identified in erythrocyte membranes, renal proximal tubule, choroids plexus, eye, lung, vascular endothelium, hepatobiliary epithelium [9], and some tumor cells themselves [10]. Most tumors have shown to exhibit high vascular permeability and high interstitial fluid pressure [11,12], but the transport pathways for water within tumors remain unknown.In reviewing the previous published studies on AQP1 and carbonic anhydrase, especially carbonic anhydrase II and carbonic anhydrase IV, we found that they shared many common biological characteristics. For instance, they are all widely distributed in fluid transporting tissues including the kidney, lung, brain, eye, erythrocytes, pancreas and some glands and having the function of facilitating reabsorption and secretion of water [13]. AQP1 has the tendency to increase the response to estrin [14] and developmentally increase after birth [15]. In addition, AQP1 is capable of transporting CO2 [16],CO2 is a substrate of carbonic anhydrase in catalyzing the formation of HCO3-, which suggests a close relationship in biological characteristics between carbonic anhydrase and aquaporins.As a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, acetazolamide mainly used for edematous diseases such as glaucoma, mountain sickness, congestive heart failure, drug-induced edema, and to correct metabolic alkalosis. Parkkila et al. [17]have shown that acetazolamide alone can inhibit the invasive potential of cancer cells in vitro, but the mechanism of action has not been clarified. Our laboratory have indicated that acetazolamide inhibited gene expression of AQP1 in rat kidney and testis, where we have established a AQP1expression system by using Xenopus oocytes to study the effect of acetazolamide on water transport function of AQP1,and confirmed that acetazolamide was a direct inhibitor of AQP1 [18-21]. Hence we have hypothesized that the reductive action of acetazolamide on AQP1gene expression and water transportation might be contributed to their effects on cancer growth and metastasis.In this study, we characterized and evaluated the expression of AQP1 in tumor tissues and its relation with carbonic anhydrase activity, and further explored the possible mechanisms of acetazolamide on tumor metastasis in vivo. It is well known that the most serious side effect of CA inhibitor is metabolic acidosis after a long period of administration. In order to correct the acidification of the extracellular milieu, animals were treated with acetazolamide that was combined with NaHCO3 for comparison.2. Methods2.1 Lewis-lung-carcinoma in vivo modelFemale C57BL/6 mice weighing 18-20 g were purchased from the Experimental Animal Center of Peking University (GradeⅡ, Certificate №11-00-0004). Lewis lung carcinoma cells were provided by the Chinese Medical Science Institute and were maintained in C57BL/6 mice by subcutaneous injections in the axillary region of 0.2 ml of homogenized tumor tissues [tumor tissue (g): 0.9% Sodium chloride (ml) = 1:3] that were prepared from donors who were similarly inoculated for experimental tumor transplantation purposes.2.2 Drug treatment and tissue collectionAcetazolamide was purchased from Sigma and given at a volume of 0.1 ml/mice. NaHCO330 mg/kg/day ig was applied. The animals were divided into nine groups of 10 mice each, control (C): normal animals; model (M): with tumor implantation; acetazolamide treatment (AH, AM, AL): corresponding to 80, 40, 20 mg/kg/day ig; acetazolamide combined with NaHCO3 (ABH, ABM, ABL): corresponding to acetazolamide 80, 40, 20 mg/kg/day and NaHCO3 30 mg/kg/day ig (the dosage of NaHCO3 used here was according to the dose clinically used in human and converted to mice dosage in order to neutralize the metabolic acidosis).Treatment was initiated the first day after tumor transplant for a period of 20 days. On day 21, animals of every group were killed to calculate the tumor weight ratio in comparison to the body and lung weights (g/g). Also the numbers of lung metastases were counted under microscopy as well.Primary tumor and lungs were then surgically resected and the tissue specimens were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen for further analysis.2.3 Carbonic anhydrase activity assayThe tissue specimens of lung and tumor were sonicated in a lysis buffer containing 0.3 M sucrose. The activity of CA in tissue was analyzed according to an established procedure [22]. One enzyme unit (EU) of CA activity was defined as the amount of homogenate necessary to halve the time of the control. CA activity was generally calculated from the formula:CA (EU/mg prot) = [log(B/S)]/[(prot)log2]Where B and S are the times measured for paired boiled inactivated enzyme and active sample, respectively. (prot) is milligrams of protein used for the measurement.2.4 Western Blot analysisHomogenized tissue specimens were solubilized in a sample buffer and heated to 60°C for 15 min[23]. The total protein concentration was measured by Lowry’s method, using bovine serum albumin asa standard. Each sample containing 50 µg of protein was loaded on a 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and electroblotted onto nitrocellulose membranes. The SDS-PAGE gels were stained with Coomassie brilliant blue to confirm equivalence of the samples. The nitrocellulose membranes were blocked in blotting buffer containing 5% nonfat dry milk in Tris-buffered Saline (TBS, 50 mM pH 7.4), followed by incubation with anti-AQP1 antibody (rabbit anti-human IgG, a gift from Dr. Yang BX, University of California, San Francisco) diluted 1:1000 in blotting buffer at 4°C overnight. The membranes were washed three times for 5 min with TBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 (TBST) and incubated for 2 h with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG which was diluted in 1:5000 in TBS buffer. After washing three times for 5 min with TBST buffer, staining was developed with BCIP/NBT. Stained bands were scanned and the pixel intensity was quantified using Gel Doc 2000 Image system (Bio-Rad, USA) (n = 6-9 for each experiment).2.5 ImmunohistochemistryOn day 21st of treatment, mice were killed. Tissue specimens were then surgically resected into small blocks and transferred immediately into cold fixative solution (4% paraformaldehyde in PBS 0.1 M, pH 7.4). The tissue blocks were then rinsed in PBS, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned at 5 µm. The paraffin sections were deparaffinized with xylene and rehydrated in a gradient series of ethanol. Slides were then submerged in 3% hydrogen peroxide to quench any endogenous peroxidase activity, washed with distilled water, and heated in citrate buffer (10 mM, pH 6.0) in a microwave oven for 15 min, then cooled and washed with PBS. Non-immune serum for blocking was applied to eliminate nonspecific staining. Sections were incubated overnight at 4°C with rabbit anti-human AQP1antibody. The sections were washed with PBS and incubated with the secondary antibody of biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG for 40 min, rewashed with PBS and incubated with peroxidase-conjugated streptavidin for 40 min. The peroxidation activity was visualized by incubating the sections with a peroxidasesubstrate solution (DAB kit) after sufficient washing. The sections were counterstained with hematoxylin and mounted. Non-immune rabbit serum was used as a negative control.2.6 Statistical analysisData were expressed as a mean±SD. The comparison of differences in metastasis number and tumor weight indexes between treatment group and model group were evaluated with Mann-Whitney U-test. The comparisons of AQP1 expression level in the lungs and CA activity in tissues between treatment group and model group were done by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 10.0, p < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.3. Results3.1 Effect of acetazolamide with or without NaHCO3on primary tumor growth and formation of spontaneous lung metastasisThe murine Lewis lung carcinoma is known to produce spontaneous lung metastasis. To determine whether combination treatment with acetazolamide and NaHCO3could reduce the number of lung metastasis synergistically, we compared the effect of two medications. Data that was collected from the treatment with acetazolamide alone were previously reported in Life Sciences[24].We found that acetazolamide treatment alone could sharply reduce the number of lung metastasis and primary tumor growth. The tumor weight index were 19.9 ± 2.8, 20.2 ± 2.8, 19.5 ± 3.4 (p < 0.05) and the inhibition rate of metastasis were 62.0, 72.5, 77.7 % (p < 0.05) corresponding to the doses of 20, 40, 80 mg/kg/day, appeared in a dose-depend manner.After adding the NaHCO3, the suppression of acetazolamide on tumor growth and metastasis was almost the same as a single therapy, but the inhibition rate of lung metastasis appeared to show a reversal in the dose dependency from the acetazolamide treatment alone, which suggested the NaHCO3 might deprave the action of acetazolamide on metastasis especially in combination with higher dose of acetazolamide (Table1). The exact mechanisms need to be clarified.3.2 Effect of acetazolamide with or without NaHCO3 on carbonic anhydrase activityCarbonic anhydrase activity was measured by imidazole-Tris technique.The results that are displayed that acetazolamide treatment significantly inhibited CA activity in primary tumor tissue and lungs. Increased doses of acetazolamide showed a dose-dependent inhibitory effect. After adding NaHCO3, the result showed a trend to reverse the dose dependency of acetazolamide on CA activity in the lung. Whereas in primary tumor tissue, the NaHCO3 did not affect the action of acetazolamide dramatically, and appeared a dose dependent suppression and the tendency was same as that acetazolamide treated alone (Table 2).Table 1. Effect of acetazolamide treatment with NaHCO3 on experimental tumor growth and metastasis in mice (mean ± SD). Acetazolamide and NaHCO3 i.g. were used for 21days. C: normal, M: tumor model, ABL: low dose of acetazolamide at 20 mg/kg and NaHCO3 30 mg/kg, ABM: acetazolamide at medium dose of 40 mg/kg and NaHCO3 30 mg/kg, ABH: high dose of acetazolamide at 80 mg/kg with NaHCO3 30 mg/kg. a Tumor weight index means the ratio of tumor weight to body weight (g/g)×100. b Inhibition rate of lung metastases = Model-Treatment/Model-Control(lung wet weight)×100%. *p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.05 vs Model.Group Number Tumor weightindex a Number ofMetastasisLungs wetweight(mg)Inhibition rate oflung metastases %bC M 97 25.3±7.3 18.6±3.9*170.8±17.1*250.0±30.2 0ABL 8 18.6±3.7*** 11.0±2.6* 192.5±17.4* 72.8ABM 9 18.0±5.2*** 7.2±1.9* 199.7±23.6** 64.6ABH 6 19.8±6.5 7.2±2.3* 201.8±38.9*** 61.0Table 2. Effect of Acetazolamide or combination with NaHCO3 on total CA activity (mean±SD). C: normal, M: tumor model, B: NaHCO3, AL: acetazolamide 20 mg/kg, AM: acetazolamide 40 mg/kg, AH: acetazolamide 80 mg/kg,ABL: acetazolamide 20 mg/kg and NaHCO3 30 mg/kg, ABM: acetazolamide 40 mg/kg and NaHCO3 30 mg/kg, ABH: acetazolamide 80 mg/kg and NaHCO3 30 mg/kg. *p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.05 vs Model.Number CA activity in lung(EU/mg prot)CA activity in primary tumor (EU/mg prot)C 9 1.98±0.39M 7 2.09±0.42 0.99±0.20B 9 1.68±0.25*** 0.78±0.20*** AL 8 1.16±0.33* 0.79±0.23 AM 7 0.95±0.27* 0.65±0.19** AH 8 0.71±0.25* 0.57±0.10* ABL 8 0.78±0.24* 0.89±0.08 ABM 9 1.31±0.26* 0.77±0.14*** ABH 6 1.98±0.38 0.65±0.16**3.3 AQP1 protein expressionWestern blot demonstrated that the AQP1 expression in the lungs bearing tumor was higher than that of normal mice tissue. Acetazolamide clearly inhibited the protein expression of AQP1 in the treated group in comparison to the tumor transplanted model group. The dose of 20 mg/kg is the most effective group. Adding NaHCO 3, there was a trend of decrease in the suppression action of acetazolamide (Figure 1) but not dramatically, which was identical with the changes of CA activity in the lung and the rate of metastasis in lungs.Figure 1.The AQP1 protein level in the lung specimen of each group. Arrow points to the 28 kD AQP1 protein. C: normal, M: tumor model, B: NaHCO 3, AL: acetazolamide 20 mg/kg, AM: acetazolamide 40 mg/kg, AH: acetazolamide 80 mg/kg, ABL: acetazolamide 20 mg/kg and NaHCO 3 30 mg/kg, ABM: acetazolamide 40 mg/kg and NaHCO 3 30 mg/kg, ABH: acetazolamide 80 mg/kg andNaHCO 3 30 mg/kg. n = 6-9, mean±SD, *p < 0.001, **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.05 vs Model.3.4 Localization and expression of AQP1 in tumor tissuesImmunohistochemical localization of AQP1 in mice tumor and lung was labeled in capillaries, postcapillary venules and bronchiolar basal membrane (Figure 2, positive staining was showed in dark color). Immunostaining showed strongly staining for AQP1 in mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (Figure 3. A), but presented a diminished staining in treated by acetazolamide at the medium dose (40mg/kg, Figure 3. B) which was consistent with the result of Western blotting. Combination with NaHCO 3 (30 mg/kg) could not dramatically inhibit the expression of AQP1 (Figure 3.D) , in comparison with mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (Figure 3. C).Marker C M B AL AM AH ABL ABM ABH MW 33kDFigure 2. Localization of AQP1 in mice lung. AQP1 positive staining were found in capillaries, postcapillary venules, bronchiolar basal membrane and alveolar epithelial cells as arrows pointed(Mgroup×100).Figure 3. Localization and expression of AQP1 protein in the lungs after treatment with or without NaHCO 3. The arrow indicate the expression of AQP1 in alveolar epithelial cells. A: M group, showedstrongly positive for AQP1 in mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (× 400); B: treated withacetazolamide showed a thin staining of AQP1 at the dose of 40 mg/kg (× 400), C: M group (× 100), D: treated with acetazolamide (40 mg/kg) and NaHCO 3 (30 mg/kg) which could not inhibit the expression of AQP1 dramatically in comparison with mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (× 100).4. DiscussionIt is reported that some new sulfonamide derivatives possessing potent carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitory properties are effective on repressing tumor cell growth and metastasis in vitro [6]. In the present study and in our previous study, we have demonstrated that acetazolamide could dramatically reduce the rate of lung metastasis and primary tumor growth, which appeared in a dose-dependent manner. Its inhibition rate of lung metastases was 77.7% (80 mg/kg/day i.g. for 21days). In addition, we observed that acetazolamide could significantly inhibit CA activity in tumor tissue and lung tissue. After adding NaHCO3, the suppression of acetazolamide on tumor growth, metastasis and CA activity could not be increased. Therefore, the suppressive effects of acetazolamide on some tumor-associated CA (I, II, IV, IV, IX, XII) isozymes activity may be one of the mechanisms in promoting its inhibitory effect on tumor metastasis.As we know, when acetazolamide was introduced as a chemotherapeutic agent, a notable side effect was detected which is metabolic acidosis. Furthermore extracellular pH in solid tumors is more acidic than that in adjacent normal tissue [25]. Acidic extracellular microenvironment is beneficial to tumor growth and metastasis [26]. Hence, the neutralizing the metabolic acidosis can assist the anti-tumor effect of acetazolamide. However our results did not show that adding NaHCO3 could synergize the effect of acetazolamide. This fact provides a compelling argument for a more thorough evaluation of metabolic acidosis as an underlying interfering factor or mechanism of action to CA inhibitors on its anti-tumor activity and leading the emergence of some other hypothesized mechanisms of acetazolamide.In this study, the results of Western blotting analysis indicated that AQP1 protein expression in the lung of mice bearing tumor was higher than that in normal mice tissue. Acetazolamide dramatically inhibited the expression of AQP1 and addiction of NaHCO3could not synergize the effect of acetazolamide. Immunohistochemical localization of AQP1in mice lung was labeled in capillaries, postcapillary venules and bronchiolar basal membrane. Immunostaining showed a strongly positive for AQP1in mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma, but negative result in those animals treated with acetazolamide. This study suggests the possibility that tumors growth might have higher water permeability since that a general function of AQP1 is to increase membrane water permeability. We proposed that appropriate management of fluid in the vascular, interstitial, and cells would be in parallel to anti-tumor growth. Furthermore, the expression of AQP1 in tumors might reflect a role of this water channel in pathological processes including the development of effusions or edema due to changes in hydrostatic or tumor oncotic pressures. Ivanov et al. [27] reported that the high vascular permeability and high interstitial fluid pressure of most tumors might result from activation, as a consequence of the acidic tumor microenvironment, of trans-membrane aquaporins that are widely distributed in tumors. Therefore, the most straightforward explanation for our finding is that acetazolamide suppresses tumor metastases, at least partially by inhibiting the expression of AQP1. Our finding is consistent with the views of that transcript levels of AQP1 might serve as a new molecular prognostic marker in patients with renal cell carcinoma following nephrectomy [28], and might be a therapeutic target for human diseases in the coming future. The exact role of AQP1 in tumor growth and metastasis is being studied through gene transfection in vitro by our laboratory.On the basis of our data in vivo, the possible mechanisms remain to be explored in detail. We have carried out a comprehensive proteomic analysis by investigating the protein targets of acetazolamide on tumor growth and tumor metastases, which will help us to understand the molecular insight for its antagonistic effects on carcinogenesis and metastasis[24]. Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is required for sustaining tumor growth in the face of an accumulating cell mass and providing access to the systemic circulation so that tumor microemboli can be transported to distant sites andestablished metastatic foci. In a previous study, our laboratory has demonstrated acetazolamide can repress the ability of the endothelial cell to participate in the angiogenic process, and the mechanism of acetazolamide on tumor metastases could be involved in reducing AQP1 water channel protein expression[29].In conclusion, acetazolamide has a strong anti-tumor and anti-metastasis effect on mice bearing Lewis-lung-carcinoma. The mechanism on its anti-tumor effects especially on the anti-metastasis actions might partly involve either inhibiting the carbonic anhydrase activity or reducing AQP1 water channel protein expression, whatever if treated with or without NaHCO3.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundations of China (No. 30471991, 30572202, 30570731) and 973 Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology (No. 2004CB518902) and 985 and 211 Programs of Ministry of Education of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Jangsu Provincial (No. BK2004082).References1. Supuran, C. T.; Scozzafava, A. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and their therapeutic potential. Exp.Opin. Ther. Patents2000, 10, 575-600.2. Supuran, C. T.; Scozzafava, A. 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6种肺AQPs , AQP1、 AQP3、 AQP4及AQP5在 肺泡毛细血管的液体转运中发挥着重要作用。
• 哮喘发作时,水分子运动在气道阻塞中起
重要作用,特别在冷哮喘或运动哮喘时, 上 皮黏膜下血管(含AQP1) 、气管及支气管 (含AQP3 和AQP4) 的肿胀是形成气道阻 塞的重要原因从而说明了水通道蛋白和哮 喘的发生也有密切关系。
· AQPs可以作为预防和减轻脑水肿的靶点 · AQPs可以作为减轻或抑制卵巢癌腹水形成 · AQPs可以作为减少肿瘤转移、使之局限化、甚至降 级的靶点 · AQPs可以作为较早发现炎症、癌症的标志物
空间结构:四 聚 体
当水通道蛋白的调节出现紊乱的时候 可能会引起多种疾病
研究表明,水通道蛋白基因突变将引 起尿崩症(diabetesinsipidus,DI)。 尿崩症广义上讲是指多饮、低比重尿 和低渗尿为特征的一组综合征。目前 报道的多数遗传性肾性尿崩症病例是 以X连锁方式遗传的,由编码V2 受体 的基因突变引起,另外的病例则是由 于编码AQP2基因的突变引起,以常
是什么导致许多细胞对水的转运 很迅速?如果这种机制出现问题会带 来哪些疾病?
水扩散通过人工膜的速率很低,人 们推测膜上有水通道。 2003年Agre与离子通道的研究者 MacKinnon同获诺贝尔化学奖。 目前在人类细胞中已发现的此类蛋白至 少有11种,被命名为水通道蛋白 Aquaporin,AQP)。























彼得·阿格雷(Peter Agre),科学家。





50年代,许多科学家(Arthur K. Solomon in Boston, Alan Finkelstein in New York, Robert Macey in Berkeley, Gheorghe Benga in Romania, Guillermo Whittembury in Venezuela, Mario Parisi in Argentina)通过大量实验证实水分子能快速,大量通过选择性通道进入红细胞,而其他分子或离子(H+)通不过,这种现象同样存在于唾液腺,肾脏和膀胱(99%的水分被肾小管重吸收利用)中。


1988年,Peter Agre和他的团队在研究分离提纯兔子Rh血型抗原蛋白(利用抗体—抗原结合特性来鉴定一定分子质量的物质并进行过滤)结果发现抗体与质量接近30kDa的蛋白结合,起初以为是32kDa的抗原水解产物,但是由银光标记的琼脂糖凝胶电泳实验(SDS-PAGE)结果显示有一条28kDa的不连续条带。


这便引起了Peter Agre的极大兴趣。



视神经脊髓炎相关抗体范欣;冯丽莎【摘要】视神经脊髓炎是主要累及视神经和脊髓的自身免疫性中枢神经系统疾病,水通道蛋白4是主要靶抗原,其特异性抗体NMO-IgG阳性患者以女性多见,临床症状较重,同时出现双侧视神经炎或视神经炎和脊髓炎,受累脊髓节段较长.而在NMO-IgG阴性患者血清中可以检出抗水通道蛋白1(AQP1)抗体和抗髓鞘少突胶质细胞糖蛋白(MOG)抗体,抗AQP1抗体阳性患者女性少见,长节段脊髓病变多见,视神经炎少见;抗MOG抗体阳性患者男性多见,视神经炎多见,尤其是双侧视神经同时受累,胸腰髓受累多见.【期刊名称】《中国现代神经疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(016)010【总页数】5页(P660-664)【关键词】视神经脊髓炎;水通道蛋白质4;水通道蛋白质1;髓鞘;少突神经胶质;糖蛋白类;综述【作者】范欣;冯丽莎【作者单位】300120 天津市中医药研究院附属医院神经内科;300120 天津市中医药研究院附属医院神经内科【正文语种】中文视神经脊髓炎(NMO)是临床少见的中枢神经系统疾病,由Devic于1894年率先描述[1],主要影响视神经和脊髓,病程中可复发,复发时不完全缓解,可出现病残积累,导致失明和截瘫,因此,很长一段时间内被认为是多发性硬化(MS)的亚型。







水通道蛋白-1及其在心脏中作用的研究进展闫玉梅;梅举;孙锟;丁芳宝【摘要】Aquaporin-1 (AQP1), which has a special molecular structure and is regulated by many factors, is the earliest found and most widely distributed aquaporin (AQP).In addition to transporting water, AQP1 may participate in a variety of gas transportation and be involved in cell metastasis process.In heart tissues, AQP1 is mainly expressed in erythrocytes,capillary endothelial cells and myocardial cells.AQP1 is located in cytoplasma membrane of myocardial cells, and may participate in the process of excitation-contraction coupling and transportation of water, which regulates water metabolism in various physiological and pathological process.Cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation can influence the expression and activity of AQPs, leading to cardiac edema.The investigations of AQPs have important guiding effects in clinical practice.%水通道蛋白-1(AQP1)是水通道蛋白(AQPs)家族中发现最早且分布最广泛的成员,具有特殊的分子结构,受多种因素的调节.除转运水分子外,AQP1还能转运多种气体分子并参与细胞游走过程.心脏组织中AQP1主要在红细胞、毛细血管内皮细胞以及心肌细胞中表达.心肌细胞内AQP1定位于细胞质膜,可能参加兴奋-收缩偶联过程以及水分子的转运,调节心脏的各种生理和病理过程的水代谢.体外循环心脏手术可以影响AQPs的表达及活性,导致术后心肌水肿.心脏中AQPs的研究对临床工作有重要的指导意义.【期刊名称】《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(031)001【总页数】5页(P99-103)【关键词】水通道蛋白;心肌水肿;调节;体外循环【作者】闫玉梅;梅举;孙锟;丁芳宝【作者单位】上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心心内科,上海,200127;上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院心胸外科,上海,200092;上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心心内科,上海,200127;上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院心胸外科,上海,200092【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R654.2水是构成动植物体最主要的成分,在人体约占总体质量的60%,其代谢转运对生命活动非常重要。



A Q P1抑制剂4关于乙酰唑胺与碳酸氢钠联合是否影响肿瘤的生长、转移及水通道蛋白的表达摘要:这项研究目的在于探索乙酰唑胺影响肿瘤的生长、转移以及可能的机制。








Wwstern-blot 技术和免疫组化技术同时显示水通道蛋白1在肿瘤组织中的表达明显高于正常组织和单独接受过乙酰唑胺治疗的肿瘤组织。









最新型局部碳酸酐酶抑制剂派立明的临床前及临床研究徐岩;庞广仁;陈祖基【期刊名称】《中华实验眼科杂志》【年(卷),期】2002(020)006【摘要】派立明是一种最新型的局部碳酸酐酶抑制剂.此药可选择性、高亲和力及明显地抑制碳酸酐酶同功酶Ⅱ的活性,有效地降低眼压.本品滴眼后可快速进入眼组织,在虹膜、睫状体、脉络膜、视网膜、晶状体和血液中有较长的半衰期(数天).虽然用派立明滴眼后,可在全血中测出药物浓度,提示该药可全身吸收,但主药和其代谢产物的血浆浓度非常低,在稳定状态下药物与红细胞内碳酸酐酶的结合达不到完全饱和.因此,不会出现全身酸中毒或其他与口服碳酸酐酶抑制剂有关的副作用.对兔眼滴用派立明还可增加视乳头血流量,而对全身酸碱平衡的影响极小.如这一作用在人眼被证实,将对有视神经病变的青光眼患者十分有益.1%派立明每日滴眼2次的降眼压效果最好,且患者的耐受性较多佐胺好,这可提高患者长期用药的依从性.滴眼后最常见的副作用是视物模糊(6%)及口苦、口酸等味觉异常(6%).总之,派立明的降眼压作用强,副作用小,滴眼舒适,患者耐受性好,是一种非常有价值的抗青光眼新药.【总页数】5页(P560-564)【作者】徐岩;庞广仁;陈祖基【作者单位】450003,郑州,河南省眼科研究所;450003,郑州,河南省眼科研究所;450003,郑州,河南省眼科研究所【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R988.1【相关文献】1.碳酸酐酶抑制剂的局部应用对大鼠角膜新生血管形成过程中水通道蛋白1表达的影响 [J], 张洁;李立2.碳酸酐酶抑制剂的局部应用对大鼠角膜新生血管形成过程中水通道蛋白1表达的影响 [J], 张洁;李立3.局部碳酸酐酶抑制剂对睫状体非色素上皮细胞AQP1表达的影响 [J], 李嘉文;李平华;张黎4.局部应用碳酸酐酶抑制剂治疗青光眼的前景 [J], 张延斌5.拉坦前列素、溴莫尼定、噻吗心安和局部碳酸酐酶抑制剂的混合物对青光眼及高眼压症患者24h眼压的影响 [J], NicolaOrzalesi,MD LucaRossetti,MD AndreaBottoli,MD ElenaFumagalli,MD PaoloFogagnolo,MD 张钰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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尽管存在一些CA 抑制因子作用机制。



















2.4Western blot印记分析
3.1 乙酰唑胺联合使用碳酸氢钠与否对于原发肿瘤生长以及自发形成肺转移的影响















