创新大学英语预备级Unit 3 讲义

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Unit 3 Communication

Part One Listening Comprehension

Task I Listening practice--listen to the word.

1.Guide Ss to read the six phonetic symbols: /f/, /v/,/l/,/m/,/n/

2.Let Ss take turns to read one group of words respectively, and correct the pronunciation if necessary. (10')

3.Write down the vowels on the blackboard, and let Ss read after the teacher. (3')

4.Listen to the tape and tick the word you hear. (5')

5.Play the recording once again and check the answers one by one.(5')

Task I Listening practice--listen to the conversations.

1.Guide Ss to read the choice items so as to get known something of the conversation. (3')

2.Play it once again and let Ss repeat it sentence by sentence. The teacher repeat and explain some difficulty points to make Ss know the contents of the conversation.(5')

3.Play the tape once again sentence by sentence, trigger Ss to repeat the sentences so as to get the exact meaning of the conversations. (3')

probable difficult phrases: business number (公司电话,办公电话) order (预定),agree on (同意),pay the bill(付账),bite into my skin like a mad dog (像一只疯狗咬我的皮), Western library (西方的图书馆), show me around here (带我在这转一下), elevator (电梯), even (偶数), interview (采访), visiting hours (探病时间), nurse (护士), bell (铃), passengers (乘客), come off the plane(下飞机), suitcase (行李箱), retire (退休), in the suburbs (在郊区), have a wide selection of (有很大的选择余地), waken me with soft music (用轻音乐叫醒我)

Task II Topic-related listening

1.Let Ss listen to the tape of two conversations and do the exercises.(8')

2.Check their answers without correcting their wrong answers. (12')

3.Listen to the tape once again and then check their answers one more times to see if they can understand the conversations better.(5')

4.Play the tape sentence by sentence and let Ss repeat what they heard.(6')

Part Two Reading


1.As we see just now, the title of this unit is communication, then could you tell me in what way we communicate with others? Or to be more specific, how do you communicate with your friends and your parents?

Call them and speak with them on the phone

Chat with them through QQ, send e-mails to them, sometime write to them or call them.

2.What you've just listed actually is realized through verbal language, however, in our daily life, another kind of language do play an very important role in our communication, what is it?

Body language

3.Besides it, what else can communicate our feelings and attitudes?

Smile, eye contact and so on

Task I Reading Comprehension—Eyes Can Speak

1. Read through the passage and do the exercise. (12')

Remind them to make full use of the same words appearing in the passage and the questions and take

a guess. And tell them nearly all the answers can be found in the passage.

2. Check the answers and explain some useful phrases. (8')

Guide Ss to find the answers even they don't know the exact meaning of the passage.

Step 1: find the key words or phrases in the question

Step 2: scan the passage for the key words

Step 3: study the very sentence the key words in, or the sentence before and after it.

Step 4: make a decision based on your understanding of the sentence

3.Explain the difficult sentences.

Task I Reading Comprehension—Rules of Internet Communication

1.Read through the passage and do the exercise. (15')

Apply the tips the teacher just told them into the reading.

2. Check the answers in the fast reading.(5')

Task II Fast Reading—Learn English Expressions Related to the Human Body

Read the fast-reading after class, and finish the exercise following the passage.
