主要内容如下:除植物油及副产品外,所有植物源性饲料材料:1.25 ng/kg;
植物油及副产品:1.50 ng/kg;
矿物源性饲料材料:1.50 ng/kg;
动物脂肪,包括乳及蛋类脂肪:3.0 ng/kg;
鱼油: 24 ng/kg;
含20%以上油脂的鱼水解蛋白:11.0 ng/kg;
粘合剂及抗黏结剂类的添加剂:1.5 ng/kg;
微量元素化合物类的添加剂:1.50 ng/kg;
除动物毛皮外合成饲料:1.50 ng/kg;
鱼饲料,宠物饲料:7.00 ng/kg;
点 较 高 ,极 难 溶 于 水 , 可 以溶 于 大 部 分 有 机 溶 尾 族 )的 附 属 肢 肌 肉 肢 ( 和 爪 )和 腹 部 的 肌 腿
剂 ,是 无 色 无 味 的脂 溶 性 物 质 ,非 常 容 易 在 生物 肉 。 对 于 蟹 类 及 其 类 似 种 类 ,法 案 中 的 最 高 限
5 0 家农 场 ,销 毁 约 1 万 颗 鸡 蛋 ,这 次 污 染 事 件 法案 第321 中规 定 的 不执 行镉 最 高残 留 限量蔬 菜 00 0 . 5 . .1 27 发 生 在 德 国 的下 萨 克 森 邦 ,被发 现 当作 饲 料 添 加 和水 果名 单 出排 除 ,而划归 第3 - 条 。 第 六 ,在 水 果 和 蔬 菜 当 中 , 海 藻 不 执 行 重 物 的脂 肪 部分遭 二 恶英 污染 。 2 0 年 1 月 1 日 ,乌 克 兰前 总统 尤 先 科 患 病 金 属 铅 和 镉 的 最 高 残 留 限 量 是 不 切 实 际 的 , 因 04 2 2
常 接 触 的人 更 容 易 患癌 症 。二 恶 英 除 了 具有 致 癌 减 少 镉 接 触 可 能更 可取 。 第 三 , 出 于 一 致 性 的 考 虑 ,需 对 部 分 甲壳 毒性 以外 ,还具有生殖毒性和遗传毒性 ,可直接
危 害子孙 后 代 的健康 和 生活 。
类 动 物 中的 污染 物 质 ( 、镉 、二 恶 英 和 聚 氯联 铅
重 污染 。
二、详情 欧盟 法 律 委 员 会 鉴 于 以下 原 因对 部 分食 品 中 铅 、镉 、汞 、二恶 英 等 污 染 物 的最 高 检 出限 量作
出修 订 。
第 一 ,2 0 年 1 月 1 日通过 的第 18 /0 6 06 2 9 8 1 0号 2 无 机 汞 离 子 可转 变 为毒 性 更 大 的 有 机 汞 ,由食 物 法案 中,只对一定范 围内食品中的污染物最高限 进 入 人 体 ,引起 人 发 生 全 身 中毒 作 用 ;易受 害 的 量作 了规定 。 人 群为 女性 ,尤 其是 孕 妇 、嗜好 海鲜 人 士 。
欧盟出台法规限定二恶因(dioxins)及多氯联苯(PCBs)在食品和饲料中的最大含量2006年2月3日,欧盟发布委员会条例(EC) No 199/2006,修改有关食品及饲料中二恶因(dioxin)及二恶因类多氯联苯(dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls,PCBs)污染物的最大含量标准的欧委会条例(EC) No 466/2001。
多氯联苯(PCBs)是另一组化学物质,是通过将苯直接氯化而合成的氯化芳香族碳氢化合物(chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons)。
一、执行标准现状1. 国家标准是《危险废物焚烧污染控制标准(GB18484-2001)》,二噁英排放标准是0.5 ng TEQ/Nm3;《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准(GB18485-2001)》二噁英排放标准是1.0 ng TEQ/Nm3;2. 欧盟标准是《DIRECTIVE 2000/76/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTAND OF THE COUNCIL of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste DIRECTIVE》,二噁英排放标准是0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3;3. 北京市地方标准是《生活垃圾焚烧大气污染物排放标准(DB11/502-2007)》、《危险废物焚烧大气污染物排放标准(DB11/503-2007)》,二噁英排放标准是0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3;4. 上海市地方标准是《生活垃圾焚烧大气污染物排放标准(DB31/ xxxx—2013)》,二噁英排放标准是0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3;该标准已出意见稿,尚未敲定实施。
5. 广州标准正在制定当中,其它省份、直辖市未出台该类标准。
二、二噁英排放标准是0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3依据通常评价二噁英时采用每日可耐受摄入量(TDI)的概念,即从人体健康的角度出发,把人一生所能耐受的二噁英总量分解为1日/kg体重所能摄取的量。
2001年世界卫生组织根据所取得的最新毒理学研究成果,尤其是对神经系统和内分泌系统的毒性效应研究成果,对外公布的二噁英人体安全摄入量的标准TDI值为1~4 pg/(kg•d)(1 pg=10-12 g)。
按每人生存70年,对人体健康无明显危害的摄入量为:成人体重70公斤体重算,每月摄入量不大于4.9 ng,每年摄入量不大于59 ng,儿童按15公斤体重算,每年摄入量不大于10 ng。
3,0 pg/g
fat (33) 6,0 pg/g
fat ( )
5.6 Hen eggs and egg products (6) Fat of the following animals:
3,0 pg/g fat (33) 6,0 pg/g fat (33)
— bovine animals and sheep 5.7
厦门 WTO/TBT-SPS 通报咨询工作站整理,供参考
(6) Foodstuffs listed in this category as defined in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin (OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 22). (24) Fish listed in this category as defined in category (a), with the exclusion of fish liver falling under code CN 0302 70 00, of the list in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 (OJ L 17, 21.1.2000, p. 22) as last amended by the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded (OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 33). In case of dried, diluted, processed and/or compound foodstuffs Article 2(1) and 2(2) apply. (25) Where fish are intended to be eaten whole, the maximum level shall apply to the whole fish. (31) Dioxins (sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), expressed as World Health Organisation (WHO) toxic equivalent using the WHO-toxic equivalency factors (WHO-TEFs)) and sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (sum of PCDDs, PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), expressed as WHO toxic equivalent using the WHO-TEFs). WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the WHO meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, 15 to 18 June 1997 (Van den Berg et al., (1998) Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs) for PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs for Humans and for Wildlife. Environmental Health Perspectives, 106 (12), 775).
COMMISSION DIRECTIVE2006/13/ECof3February2006amending Annexes I and II to Directive2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on undesirable substances in animal feed as regards dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs(Text with EEA relevance)THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Directive2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of7May2002on undesirable substances in animal feed(1),and in particular Article8(1) thereof,Whereas:(1)Directive2002/32/EC provides that the putting intocirculation and the use of products intended for animalfeed that contain levels of undesirable substancesexceeding the maximum levels laid down in Annex Ithereto is prohibited.(2)The term‘dioxins’as referred to in this Directive covers agroup of75polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin congeners(PCDD)and135polychlorinated dibenzofuran(PCDF)congeners,of which17are of toxicological concern.Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)are a group of209different congeners which can be divided into twogroups according to their toxicological properties:12congeners exhibit similar toxicological properties todioxins and are therefore often termed‘dioxin-likePCBs’.The other PCBs do not exhibit dioxin-liketoxicity but they have a different toxicological profile.(3)Each congener of dioxins or dioxin-like PCBs exhibits adifferent level of toxicity.In order to be able to sum upthe toxicity of these different congeners,the concept oftoxic equivalency factors(TEFs)has been introduced tofacilitate risk assessment and regulatory control.Thismeans that the analytical results relating to all17indi-vidual dioxin congeners and to the12dioxin-like PCBcongeners are expressed in terms of a quantifiable unit,namely the‘TCDD toxic equivalent concentration’(TEQ).(4)On30May2001the Scientific Committee for Food(SCF)adopted an opinion on the Risk Assessment ofDioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs in Food,updating itsopinion of22November2000on this subject on thebasis of new scientific information that had becomeavailable since the latter’s adoption(2).The SCF fixed atolerable weekly intake(TWI)of14pg WHO-TEQ/kgbody weight for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.Exposureestimates indicate that a considerable proportion of theCommunity population have a dietary intake in excess ofthe TWI.Certain population groups in some countriescould be at higher risk owing to particular dietary habits.(5)More than90%of human dioxin and dioxin-like PCBexposure derives from foodstuffs.Foodstuffs of animalorigin normally contribute approximately80%ofoverall exposure.The dioxin and dioxin-like PCBburden in animals stems mainly from feedingstuffs.Therefore feedingstuffs,and in some cases soil,are ofconcern as potential sources of dioxins and dioxin-likePCBs.(6)The Scientific Committee for Animal Nutrition(SCAN)has been asked to advise on the sources of contami-nation of feedingstuffs with dioxins and PCBs,including dioxin-like PCBs,the exposure of food-producing animals to dioxins and PCBs,the carry-overof these compounds to food products of animal origin,and any impact on animal health of dioxins and PCBspresent in feedingstuffs.The SCAN adopted an opinionon6November2000.It identified fish meal and fish oilas the most heavily contaminated feed materials.Animalfat was identified as the next most seriouslycontaminated material.All other feed materials ofanimal and plant origin had relatively low levels ofdioxin contamination.Roughages presented a widerange of dioxin contamination depending on location,degree of contamination with soil and exposure tosources of aerial pollution.The SCAN recommended,inter alia,that emphasis should be placed on reducingthe impact of the most contaminated feed materials onoverall diet contamination.(1)OJ L140,30.5.2002,p.10.Directive as last amended by Directive2005/87/EC(OJ L318,6.12.2005,p.19).(2)Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the RiskAssessment of Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs in Food adopted on 30May2001—Update based on new scientific information available since the adoption of the SCF opinion of22November 2000(http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sc/scf/out90_en.pdf).(7)Although,from a toxicological point of view,themaximum level should apply to dioxins and dioxin-likePCBs,maximum levels were set for dioxins only and notfor dioxin-like PCBs,given the very limited data availableat that time on the prevalence of dioxin-like PCBs.However,in the meantime more data on the presenceof dioxin-like PCBs have become available.(8)According to Directive2002/32/EC,the Commissionshould review the provisions as regards dioxins by theend of2004for the first time,in the light of new dataon the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs,inparticular with a view to the inclusion of dioxin-likePCBs in the levels to be set.(9)All operators in the food and feed chain must continueto make all possible efforts to do all that is necessary tolimit the presence of dioxins and PCBs present in feedand food.Directive2002/32/EC accordingly providesthat the maximum levels applicable should be furtherreviewed by31December2006at the latest with theaim of significantly reducing the maximum levels.Giventhe time necessary to obtain sufficient monitoring data todetermine such significantly lower levels,that time-limitshould be extended.(10)It is proposed to set maximum levels for the sum ofdioxins and dioxin-like PCBs expressed in World HealthOrganisation(WHO)toxic equivalents,using the WHO-TEFs as this is the most appropriate approach from atoxicological point of view.In order to ensure asmooth switchover,for a transitional period theexisting levels for dioxins should continue to apply,inaddition to the newly set levels for the sum of dioxinsand dioxin-like PCBs.The separate maximum level fordioxins(PCDD/F)remains applicable for a temporaryperiod.The products intended for animal feedmentioned in point27a have to comply during thatperiod with the maximum levels for dioxins and withthe maximum levels for the sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.Consideration will be given by31December2008to dispensing with the separate maximum level fordioxins.(11)It is of major importance that analytical results arereported and interpreted in a uniform way in order toensure a harmonised enforcement approach throughoutthe mission Directive2002/70/EC of26July2002establishing requirements for the determi-nation of levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs infeedingstuffs(1)provides that a product intended foranimal feeding shall be considered as non-compliantwith the established maximum level if the analyticalresult confirmed by duplicate analysis and calculated asthe mean of at least two separate determinations exceedsthe maximum level beyond reasonable doubt taking intoaccount the measurement uncertainty.There are differentpossibilities to estimate the expanded uncertainty(2).(12)The scope of Directive2002/32/EC covers the possibilityof establishing maximum levels of undesirable substancesin feed additives.Since high levels of dioxins have beenfound in trace elements,a maximum level should beestablished for dioxins and the sum of dioxins anddioxin-like PCBs for all additives belonging to the func-tional group of compounds of trace elements and themaximum levels should be extended to all additivesbelonging to the functional group of binders and anti-caking agents and to premixtures.(13)In order to encourage a proactive approach to reducingthe dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs present in food andfeed,action levels were set by Commission Recommend-ation2002/201/EC of4March2002on the reduction ofthe presence of dioxins,furans and PCBs in feedingstuffsand foodstuffs(3).Those action levels are a tool forcompetent authorities and operators to highlight thosecases where it is appropriate to identify a source ofcontamination and to take measures to reduce oreliminate it.Since the sources of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs are different,separate action levels should bedetermined for dioxins on the one hand and for dioxin-like PCBs on the other hand.(14)Directive2002/32/EC provides for the possibility ofsetting action levels.The action levels should thereforebe transferred from Recommendation2002/201/EC toAnnex II to Directive2002/32/EC.(15)The reduction of human exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs through food consumption is important andnecessary to ensure consumer protection.As foodcontamination is directly related to feed contamination,an integrated approach must be adopted to reduce dioxinand dioxin-like PCB incidence throughout the food chain,i.e.from products intended for animal feed throughfood-producing animals to humans.A proactiveapproach is followed to actively reduce the dioxins anddioxin-like PCBs in feed and food and consequently themaximum levels applicable should be reviewed within adefined period of time with the objective to set lowerlevels.Therefore consideration will be given by31December2008at the latest to significantly reducingthe maximum levels for the sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.(1)OJ L209, 6.8.2002,p.15.Directive as amended by Directive2005/7/EC(OJ L27,29.1.2005,p.41).(2)Information on different ways for the estimation of the expandeduncertainty and on the value of the measurement uncertainty can be found in the report‘Report on the relationship between analytical results,measurement uncertainty,recovery factors and the provisions of EU food and feed legislation’—http://europa.eu.int/comm/food /food/chemicalsafety/contaminants/report-sampling_analysis_2004_ en.pdf(3)OJ L67,9.3.2002,p.69.(16)Operators need to make efforts to step up their decon-tamination capacity to remove effectively dioxins anddioxin-like PCBs from fish oil.Further efforts have todone by the operators to investigate the different possi-bilities to remove dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs from fishmeal and fish protein-hydrolysates.Once the decontami-nation technology is also available for fish meal and fishprotein hydrolysates,operators will have to do efforts toprovide for sufficient decontamination capacity.Thesignificant lower maximum level for the sum of dioxinsand dioxin-like PCBs,to which consideration shall begiven by31December2008,shall be for fish oil,fishmeal and fish protein hydrolysates based on the technicalpossibilities of the most effective,economically viable,decontamination procedure.As regards fish feed,thissignificant lower level shall be determined based on thetechnical possibilities of the most effective,economicallyviable,decontamination procedure for fish oil and fishmeal.(17)The extraction procedure used for the analysis of dioxinsand dioxin-like PCBs has a large influence on theanalytical result in particular on products intended foranimal feed of mineral origin and it is therefore appro-priate to determine before the date of application theextraction procedure to be used for the analysis ofdioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.(18)Directive2002/32/EC should therefore be amendedaccordingly.(19)The measures provided for in this Directive are inaccordance with the opinion of the StandingCommittee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article1Annexes I and II to Directive2002/32/EC are amended in accordance with the Annex to this Directive.Article21.Member States shall bring into force the laws,regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by4November2006at the latest.They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a correlation table between those provisions and this Directive.When Member States adopt those provisions,they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication.Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.Article3This Directive shall enter into force on the20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article4This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Brussels,3February2006.For the CommissionMarkos KYPRIANOUMember of the CommissionANNEX (a)Point27in Annex I to Directive2002/32/EC is replaced by the following:Undesirable substances Products intended for animal feed Maximum content relative to a feedingstuff with a moisture content of12%(1)(2)(3)‘27a.Dioxins(sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins(PCDDs)and polychlorinateddibenzofurans(PCDFs)expressed inWorld Health Organisation(WHO)toxicequivalents,using the WHO-TEFs(toxicequivalency factors,1997(*)(a)Feed materials of plant origin with theexception of vegetable oils and their by-products0,75ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(b)Vegetable oils and their by-products0,75ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(c)Feed materials of mineral origin1,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(d)Animal fat,including milk fat and egg fat2,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(e)Other land animal products includingmilk and milk products and eggs andegg products0,75ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(f)Fish oil6,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(g)Fish,other aquatic animals,their productsand by-products with the exception offish oil and fish protein hydrolysatescontaining more than20%fat(****)1,25ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(h)Fish protein hydrolysates containing morethan20%fat2,25ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(i)The additives kaolinitic clay,calciumsulphate dihydrate,vermiculite,natrolite-phonolite,synthetic calcium aluminatesand clinoptilolite of sedimentary originbelonging to the functional groups ofbinders and anti-caking agents0,75ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(j)Additives belonging to the functionalgroup of compounds of trace elements1,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***) (k)Premixtures1,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(l)Compound feedingstuffs,with theexception of feed for fur animals,petfoods and feed for fish0,75ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)(m)Feed for fish.Pet foods2,25ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)27b.Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs(sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins(PCDDs),polychlorinated dibenzofurans(PCDFs)and polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)expressed in World Health Organi-sation(WHO)toxic equivalents,using theWHO-TEFs(toxic equivalency factors,1997(*)(a)Feed materials of plant origin with theexception of vegetable oils and their by-products1,25ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(b)Vegetable oils and their by-products1,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(c)Feed materials of mineral origin1,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(d)Animal fat,including milk fat and egg fat3,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(1)(2)(3)(e)Other land animal products including1,25ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)milk and milk products and eggs andegg products(f)Fish oil24,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)4,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(g)Fish,other aquatic animals,their productsand by-products with the exception offish oil and fish protein hydrolysatescontaining more than20%fat(****)(h)Fish protein hydrolysates containing more11,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)than20%fat1,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(i)Additives belonging to the functionalgroups of binders and anti-caking agents(j)Additives belonging to the functional1,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)group of compounds of trace elements(k)Premixtures1,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)1,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(l)Compound feedingstuffs,with theexception of feed for fur animals,petfoods and feed for fish7,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(m)Feed for fish.Pet foods(*)WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organisation meeting in Stockholm,Sweden,15-18June1997(Van den775).Berg et al.,(1998)Toxic Equivalency Factors(TEFs)for PCBs,PCDDs,and PCDFs for Humans and for Wildlife.Environmental Health Perspectives,106(12),(b)Annex II to Directive2002/32/EC is replaced by the following:‘Undesirable substances Products intended for animal feedAction threshold relative to afeedingstuff with a moisture contentof12%Comments and additional information(e.g.nature of investigations to beperformed)(1)(2)(3)(4)1.Dioxins(sum of polychlorinateddibenzo-para-dioxins(PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)expressed in World Health Organisation(WHO) toxic equivalents,using the WHO-TEFs(toxic equivalency factors,1997(*)(a)Feed materials of plant originwith the exception ofvegetable oils and their by-products0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(b)Vegetable oils and their by-products0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(c)Feed materials of mineralorigin0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(d)Animal fat,including milk fatand egg fat1,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(e)Other land animal productsincluding milk and milkproducts and eggs and eggproducts0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(f)Fish oil5,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not benecessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level insome areas is close to or above theaction level.However,in caseswhere the action level is exceededall information,such as samplingperiod,geographical origin,fishspecies etc.,should be recordedwith a view to future measures tomanage the presence of dioxinsand dioxin-like compounds inthese materials for animal nutrition.(g)Fish,other aquatic animals,their products and by-products with the exceptionof fish oil and fish proteinhydrolysates containing morethan20%fat 1,0ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not benecessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level insome areas is close to or above theaction level.However,in caseswhere the action level is exceeded,all information,such as samplingperiod,geographical origin,fishspecies etc.,must be recordedwith a view to future measures tomanage the presence of dioxinsand dioxin-like compounds inthese materials for animal nutrition.(h)Fish protein hydrolysatescontaining more than20%fat 1,75ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not benecessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level insome areas is close to or above theaction level.However,in caseswhere the action level is exceeded,all information,such as samplingperiod,geographical origin,fishspecies etc.,must be recordedwith a view to future measures tomanage the presence of dioxinsand dioxin-like compounds inthese materials for animal nutrition.(i)Additives belonging to thefunctional groups of bindersand anti-caking agents 0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(j)Additives belonging to the functional group of com-pounds of trace elements 0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(k)Premixtures0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified, take appropriate measures,where possible,to reduce or eliminate source of contamination.(l)Compound feedingstuffs, with the exception offeedingstuffs for fur animals,pet foods and feedingstuffsfor fish 0,5ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(m)Feedingstuffs for fish.Pet foods 1,75ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not benecessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level insome areas is close to or above theaction level.However,in caseswhere the action level is exceeded,all information,such as samplingperiod,geographical origin,fishspecies etc.,must be recordedwith a view to future measures tomanage the presence of dioxinsand dioxin-like compounds inthese materials for animal nutrition.2.Dioxin like PCBs(sum of poly-chlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) expressed in World Health Organisation(WHO)toxic equivalents,using the WHO-TEFs(toxic equivalency factors, 1997(*)(a)Feed materials of plant originwith the exception ofvegetable oils and their by-products0,35ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(b)Vegetable oils and their by-products0,5ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(c)Feed materials of mineralorigin0,35ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(d)Animal fat,including milk fatand egg fat0,75ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(e)Other land animal productsincluding milk and milkproducts and eggs and eggproducts0,35ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(f)Fish oil14,0ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not be necessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level in some areas is close to or above the action level.However,in cases where the action level is exceeded, all information,such as sampling period,geographical origin,fish species etc.,must be recorded with a view to future measures to manage the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in these materials for animal nutrition.(g)Fish,other aquatic animals,their products and by-products with the exceptionof fish oil and fish proteinhydrolysates containing morethan20%fat 2,5ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not benecessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level insome areas is close to or above theaction level.However,in caseswhere the action level is exceeded,all information,such as samplingperiod,geographical origin,fishspecies etc.,must be recordedwith a view to future measures tomanage the presence of dioxinsand dioxin-like compounds inthese materials for animal nutrition.(h)Fish protein hydrolysatescontaining more than20%fat 7,0ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not benecessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level insome areas is close to or above theaction level.However,in caseswhere the action level is exceeded,all information,such as samplingperiod,geographical origin,fishspecies etc.,must be recordedwith a view to future measures tomanage the presence of dioxinsand dioxin-like compounds inthese materials for animal nutrition.(i)Additives belonging to thefunctional groups of bindersand anti-caking agents 0,5ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(j)Additives belonging to the functional group of com-pounds of trace elements 0,35ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(k)Premixtures0,35ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified, take appropriate measures,where possible,to reduce or eliminate source of contamination.(l)Compound feedingstuffs, with the exception offeedingstuffs for fur animals,pet foods and feedingstuffsfor fish 0,5ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)Identification of source of contam-ination.Once source is identified,take appropriate measures,wherepossible,to reduce or eliminatesource of contamination.(m)Feedingstuffs for fish.Pet foods 3,5ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg(**)(***)In many cases it might not benecessary to perform an investi-gation into the source of contami-nation as the background level insome areas is close to or above theaction level.However,in caseswhere the action level is exceeded,all information,such as samplingperiod,geographical origin,fishspecies etc.,must be recordedwith a view to future measures tomanage the presence of dioxinsand dioxin-like compounds inthese materials for animal nutrition.(*)WHO-TEFs for human risk assessment based on the conclusions of the World Health Organisation meeting in Stockholm,Sweden,15-18June1997(Van den Berg et al.,(1998)Toxic Equivalency Factors(TEFs)for PCBs,PCDDs,PCDFs for Humans and for Wildlife.Environmental Health Perspectives,106(12),775).。
欧盟 饲料 砷 方法 iso
欧盟饲料砷方法 iso【实用版3篇】目录(篇1)1.欧盟对饲料中砷含量的限制2.砷对动物和人类的影响3.检测饲料中砷的方法4.ISO 在饲料砷检测中的作用5.我国应对欧盟饲料砷限制的措施正文(篇1)1.欧盟对饲料中砷含量的限制欧盟对于饲料中砷含量有着严格的限制,以保障动物健康及食品安全。
根据欧盟法规,猪、鸡和牛饲料中的总砷含量分别不得超过 100mg/kg、100mg/kg 和 50mg/kg。
3.检测饲料中砷的方法检测饲料中砷的方法主要包括原子吸收光谱法、X 射线荧光光谱法、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法等。
4.ISO 在饲料砷检测中的作用ISO(International Organization for Standardization,国际标准化组织)是一个全球性的非营利性组织,负责制定国际标准。
在饲料砷检测领域,ISO 制定了一系列国际标准,为各国提供了统一的检测方法和技术要求。
4. 上海市地方标准是《生活垃圾焚烧大气污染物排放标准(DB31/ xxxx—2013)》, 二噁英排放标准是0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3; 该标准已出意见稿,尚未敲定实施。
5. 广州标准正在制定当中,其它省份、直辖市未出台该类标准。环测评定时,二噁英依据标准,根据垃圾焚烧单位所在在而定,首先依据地方标准,如无地方标准则依据国家标准。
1. 国家标准是《危险废物焚烧污染控制标准(GB18484-2001)》, 二噁英排放标准是0.5 ng TEQ/Nm3;
《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准(GB18485-2001)》 二噁英排放标准是1.0 ng TEQ/Nm3;
二、二噁英排放标准是0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3依据
通常评价二噁英时采用每日可耐受摄入量(TDI)的概念,即从人体健康的角度出发,把人一生所能耐受的二噁英总量分解为1日/kg体重所能摄取的量。2001年世界卫生组织根据所取得的最新毒理学研究成果,尤其是对神经系统和内分泌系统的毒性效应研究成果,对外公布的二噁英人体安全摄入量的标准TDI值为1~4 pg/(kg?d)(1 pg=10-12 g)。按每人生存70年,对人体健康无明显危
尔克斯特饲料厂,使该厂1999年1 月
400 多家养鸡厂和500余家养猪厂,并
4月26日,有关部门对肉鸡的脂肪进行化验后发现,二恶英(DIO XIN,又译为二氧杂环已烷、二氧杂芑)的含量超过世界卫生组织规定标准的140倍。
All feed materials of plant origin, including vegetable oil and byproducts
0.75 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Vegetable oils and their byproducts
0.75 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Additives belonging to the
functional group of compounds
of trace elements
1.25 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Fish protein hydrolysates containing more than 20 % fat
2.25 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Additives belonging to the functional groups ofbinders and anti-caking agents
2009-03-24 16:43:00
(Directive 2002/32/EC,last amended in 3 February 2006)
Undesirable substances
Products intended for animal feed
欧盟兽药残留标准 现行
欧盟关于食品污染物最高限量的最新法规欧盟关于食品污染物最高限量的最新法规(EC 1881/2006号条例)于2007年3月1日正式生效,同时废止了原EC 466/2001号食品污染物限量法规。
第二类:真菌毒素(Mycotoxins),其中2.1黄曲霉毒素(Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1)主要涉及花生,带皮坚果,干果,粮食,玉米,原奶,部分调味品等2.2 赭曲霉毒素A(Ochratoxin A)主要涉及未加工粮食,葡萄干,咖啡豆,葡萄酒,葡萄汁等2.3棒曲霉毒素(Patulin)主要涉及果汁,果酒,苹果食品2.4 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(Deoxynivalenol)主要涉及其他未加工粮食如硬麦,燕麦,玉米等,面团,面包等2.5 玉米烯酮(Zearalenone)其他未加工粮食和玉米,直接食用的粮食粉、麸皮、植物胚胎,面包等2.6 伏马霉菌B1、B2(Fumonisins,B1和B2)主要涉及玉米、玉米碴,玉米胚胎,玉米油,玉米食品2.7 T-2 & HT-2毒素主要涉及未加工粮食和粮食制品第三类:重金属,其中3.1 铅(Lead)主要涉及原奶,(牛、羊、猪和禽类)的肉、副产品,鱼的肌肉,虾类,贝类,头足纲动物,豆荚蔬菜和水果,部分蔬菜和水果,莓类水果,脂肪,果汁,葡萄酒等3.2 镉(Cadmium)主要涉及肉,动物的肝、肾,鱼的肌肉,虾类,贝类,头足纲动物,粮食,黄豆,蔬菜和水果等3.3汞(Mercury)主要涉及鱼制品,鱼的肌肉等3.4 无机锡(Tin, inorganic)主要涉及罐头食品等第四类:三氯丙醇(3-MCPD)主要涉及植物蛋白和酱油。
第五类:二恶英及类二恶英多氯联苯(Dioxins & Dioxin-like PCBs)主要涉及牛、羊、猪和禽类的肉、脂肪和肉制品,肝,鱼的肌肉,原奶,鸡蛋和蛋制品,动物和植物脂肪等第六类:苯并(a)吡(Benzo(a)pyrene)主要涉及直接食用的脂肪,熏制肉制品,虾类,贝类等。
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Action threshold relative to a feedingstuff with a moisture content of 12 %
(sum of PCDDs,PCDFs expressed in WHO toxic equivalents, using the WHO-TEFs)
0.75 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Additives belonging to the
functional group of compounds
of trace elements
1.0 ng WHO-Pxtures
1.0 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
All feed materials of plant origin, including vegetable oil and byproducts
0.75 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Vegetable oils and their byproducts
(Directive 2002/32/EC,last amended in 3 February 2006)
第2002/32 / EC号2006年2月3日最后一次修改
Undesirable substances
Products intended for animal feed
Feedingstuffs for fish, Pet foods
2.25 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
0.75ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Feed materials of mineral
1.0 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
动物脂肪,包括奶脂肪、蛋脂肪Animal fat, including milk fat
and egg fat
2.0 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Fish, other aquatic animals, their products and byproducts with the exception of fish oil and fish protein hydrolysates containing more than 20 % fat
配合饲料(毛皮动物和鱼饲料除外)Compound feedingstuffs, with the exception of feedingstuffs for fur animals,pet foods and feedingstuffs for fish
0.75 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
1.25 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Fish protein hydrolysates containing more than 20 % fat
2.25 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Additives belonging to the functional groups of binders and anti-caking agents
Other land animal products
including milk and milk
products and eggs and egg
0.75 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg
Fish oil
6.0 ng WHO-PCDD/FTEQ/kg