江苏省建湖县镇北中学2017-2018年度7年级上学期英语7A Unit3 周考卷(无答案)

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( )1. A. dinner B. her C. worker D.player (选出发音不同的一个)( ) 2.Please don’t before 8 o’clock. He is too tired..

A. wake up him

B. wake him up

C. wake him

D.wakes him up ( ) 3. lunchtime, I often chat my friends in the playground.

A. At; for

B.For; with

C.At; with

D. For; at

( ) 4.Mr Brown does sports. It’s not good for his health.

A. always

B. often

C. seldom

D. usually

( ) 5.The boys always have a good time football every day..

A. play

B. to play

C. played

D. playing ( ) 6.Do you have any time _____ me about this math problem?

A. to talk with

B. talking

C. talk with

D. talking with

( )7.Simon, you are late again. Please don’t________ class next time.

A. are late for

B. be late for

C. is late to

D. be late to

( ) 8. —When is Kelly Clarkson’s concert(演唱会)?

—It’s three o’clock the afternoon of July 18th.

A. at; on

B. at; in

C. on; in

D. in; on

( ) 9. Millie goes to the Reading Club ________ every Tuesday and Thursday.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. /

( )10.-- do you go shopping every week? --Twice.

A. How many times

B. How often

C. How long

D. How much ( )11.—My son never reads ______ books at home. What can I do?

—You can try (试着) reading books with him.

A. a

B. an

C. some

D. any

( ) 12.It’s time CCTV news. Turn on the TV, please.

A. to

B. in

C. for

D. At

( ) 13.-- We will have a picnic next week. -_______.

A. Have a good time

B. We will too

C. I’m happy to hear it

D. Don’t forget it

( )14. We hope ____________ today’s show.

A. he enjoy

B. him to enjoy

C. he will enjoy

D. him enjoy

( ) 15.--Would you like to go walking with me? -- .

A. Yes, I’d like

B. Yes, I do

C. Yes, I’d like to

D. No, I’m very busy.

( )16.Don’t eat _______ snacks or ______ meat if you want to keep healthy.

A too many; too many

B too much; too many

C too much; too much

D too many; too much

( )17.His mother ______ him to be a doctor when he grows up.

A hopes

B needs

C thinks

D wishes

( )18. Eating a good breakfast ____ you _____ a day.

A. help, get ready for

B. help, getting ready for

C. helps; get ready to

D. helps; get ready for

( )19.Playing basketball is good ______ him, and he’s good _____ it.

A at; at

B at; for

C for; at

D for; for

( )20. ______ breakfast, I usually eat an egg, some bread and a glass of milk.

A. At B On C. In D. For

( )21. Good luck ______ you _______ your exam.

A. for; to

B. to, on

C. to; with

D. with; to

( )22. We’d better wait ____________ more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon.

A. a few

B. few

C. a little

D. little

( )23. Daniel is a funny boy. It’s great fun ________ with him.

A. playing

B. to playing

C. play

D. to play

( )24. Look! Sandy looks ____ at the party. She looks at her friends______.

A. happy, happy

B. happy, happily

C. happily, happy

D. happily, happily

( )25 This is a secret(秘密) between _____ and _____.

A. I and you

B. me and you

C. you and I

D. you and me


Mary is __26_ English girl, but she is in France (法国) now. She is six __27 _ old. Her mother says to her. “You are six, 28 you will be school here. You will like the school because (因为) it’s a __29_ school.”“Is it an English school?”Mary asks. “Yes, it 30 .”Mother answers.

Mary goes to school. The teachers __31__ very friendly and speak good __32__. And there 33 two other English girls in the class, __34__. She begins to like the school.

Her mother takes her 35 school __36__ the morning and brings her home in the afternoon.
