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*Translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one language ( the source language ) by equivalent textual material in another language ( the target language ) (Catford 1965:20)

*Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Nide &Taber 1969:12)

2. Classifications

(a)根据翻译方向来分:source language(译出语)、target/receptor language(译入语)

(b)根据涉及到的语言符号分:Intralingual Translation(语内翻译)、Interlingual Translation(语际翻译)、Interserniotic Translation(符际翻译)

(c)根据翻译的手段来分:Interpretation(口译)、translation(笔译)、computer translation(计算机翻译)



3. Nature


5.Criteria (P4-5)

*严复: Triple Principle of Translation (《天演论》1898)







*傅雷:神似(resemblance in spirit)

*钱钟书:化境(reaching the acme of perfection)

*刘重德:信、达、切(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness)

*许渊冲:三重标准(three levels of criteria)(《翻译的艺术》,1984) 意美、音美、形美(信、达、优)

*Alexander Fraser Tytler (泰特勒):Three Principles of Translation) (1) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work(译作应完全传达原作的思想)

(2) The style and manner of writing in the translation should be of the same character with that of the original(译作的风格与笔调应当与原作保持一致)

(3) The translation should have all the ease of the original composition (译作应当和原作一样流畅)

6. Prerequisites of the translator

*Excellent command of the two language

*Considerable knowledge of the two cultures

*Adequate knowledge of the subject matter

*Fair capacity for writing

*Plenty of practice and adequate knowledge of translation theories and skills

*Skills in the use of information technology

7. Three climaxes of translation in China

*1st climax 佛经翻译(西汉—唐宋)

*2nd climax 科技翻译(元明清)

*3rd climax 西学翻译(晚清—五四)


*东汉“三支”的翻译(Argument between literal translation and liberal translation appears ):支谶、支亮、支谦




*玄奘:“既须求真,又须喻俗” “五不翻”(即音译)


8. English &Chinese comparisons

*Lexicon: alphabetic vs. ideographic (form vs. content)
