牛津译林版高中英语模块9:Word power
译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U1 Word power

牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Word powerThoughts on the design:本节课是词汇教学课。
词汇教学在高中英语教学中占据重要位置,正如著名语言学家威尔金斯(D.A.Wilkins)曾经说过“Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” 这句话的中文意思是“没有语法,难以表达;没有词汇,寸步难行。
Teaching aims:After learning the section, the students will be able to know what words can be used to describe a country. They are expected to use the words learnt in class to complete the relevant exercises. Meanwhile, the students will gain some knowledge of the United Kingdom, which helps them to promote their cross-cultural awareness.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Brainstorming1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the reading passage ‘Canada—land of the maple tree’. Ask students to answer the following question:What subjects are covered in the passage of Canada—land of the maple tree?2. Show the pictures of Big Ben and Tower Bridge to students, and ask them the questions:(1) Do you know the buildings in the pictures?(2) In which country do they lie? (In the United Kingdom.)3. Ask students to think about the following question:If we were to write a book about the United Kingdom, what subjects should be covered in the book?[Explanation]鼓励学生尽可能多地说出相关词汇。
牛津译林版高中英语模块9 Unit 2 Wordpower 课件

4. (2005广东) He hurried to the station only ________that the train had left. A. to find B. finding C. found D. to have found 5. My dictionary______ . I have looked for it everywhere but still ___it. (1993NEMT) A. has lost; don't find B. is missing; don't find C. has lost; haven't found D. is missing; haven't found
Part C
Part D
1c 2e 3a 4h 5d 6g 7i 8f 9b
2. find ourselves using Greek…(P22) find (DISCOVER) verb [T] found, found 1 to discover, especially where a thing or person is, either unexpectedly or by searching, or to discover where to obtain or how to achieve something: 发现……, 遇见 I've just found a ten-pound note in my pocket. [+ two objects] Has he found himself a place to live yet? [+ object + adjective] She was found unconscious and bleeding. [+ that] The study found that men who were married lived longer than those who were not. Do you think they'll ever find a way of bringing peace to the region?

Colour Idioms
Idioms are fun and useful expressions that usually cannot be understood by defining the separate words. Most idioms don't seem to make any sense because their origins are so old.
1.What’s the name of this country? 2. Would you say something about the national flag of this country? 3. What are the features of this cou
1.Which country is this? 2.Would you like to talk about America’s national flag? 3.Which continent does it belong to?
1.What’s the country’s name? 2. Is it in Europe or in Africa? 3. Would you like to describe its national flag?
Part B(p39)
Keys: 1. feeling blue 2. green with envy 3. in the red 4. in the black 5. white as a sheet 6. tickled pink
1. Find more information on the national flowers 2. Find more colour idioms with you reference books or in the Internet 3. Preview the grammar and usage

Total 244,820 km² (79th) 94,526 sq mi It is a sovereign state to the northwest of mainland Europe. It includes the island of Great Britain and the north-east part of the island of Ireland, together with many small local islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK with a land border, sharing it with the Republic of Ireland.
Unit 1
We have learned the passage „Canada---land of the maple tree‟. What subjects are covered in the reading passage ? How are these subjects organized ?
Canada---land of the maple tree
Area Climate Landscape Flora and fauna Resources Population Lifestyle Cities Language History Society Symbol
Something about the history of the UK.
PRO-FEUDALISM HISTORY The first known setters of Britain were the Iberia. Julius Caesar, the great roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55BC. For nearly 400 years, Britain was under roman occupation. The roman built two great walls to keep the Picts: There were the Hadrian‟s wall and the Antonine wall. In the mid5th century a new wave of invaders, Jutes, Saxons, and Angles came to Britain, they were three Teutonic(Germanic) tribes. In 597, pope Gregory I sent st.Augustine to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity.
译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:u4 word power

Book 9_教案_U4_Word power_4-9牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块九) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计——教案单元:Unit 4 Behind beliefs板块:Word powerThoughts on the design:本节课是以看,说,读为主的词汇教学课。
Teaching aims:After learning this section, the students will be presented different expressions related to religious and some religious words. They will read a passage about religions around the world and then learn some religious expressions that are used in everyday English without religious meaning. Exercises are designed for students to practice and reinforce the new vocabulary they have just learnt. Students are expected to make themselves familiar with the expressions related to religion.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1. Holy places of different religions (PPT5-6)Show students pictures of temples of Buddhism.Temples are a good choice for Buddhists to worship in, and where do other religious people go to worship?(Possible answer: Muslims say prayers five times a day. They pray in a building called mosque.) 2. Introduction of mosque (PPT7-8)What are the architectural features of a mosque?(Possible answer: The architecture of mosque is unique. It is based on Muslim traditions and uses of the mosque.)It is said that the first mosque was built based on the structure of Muhammad’s house in the city of Medina. Basically, a mosque consists of a courtyard, a domed hall and a fountain. Before prayer, people need to wash themselves in the fountain and then they can worship in the courtyard or the hall facing the holy city of Mecca. The wall facing Mecca is called qibla. It is not allowed to draw human forms in the mosque, so all the decorations appear as shapes such as circles and squares.3. Other places for worshipShow pictures and introduce. (PPT9-11)Christians worship in a church.Jews pray in a synagogue and rest.Hindus worship at a Hindu temple.[Explanation]这个步骤是本课时的导入部分。
高中英语新牛津译林版精品教案《Word power》9

n-it, -ian, -er;
ad-it, ian
What wi ou do now to reaie our dream
2.Give tudent four minute for dicuion andthen athemto ta about their dream ob
1.Steade videoand introduce a former graduate from midde chooto them A them to thin about the foowing quetionat the ame time
What woud ou ie to be in the future Wh
高中英语牛津译林模块9第四单元 wordpower的课件和教案选修九

Module 9 Unit 4 Behind beliefsWord power某某六中X晓琳Teaching aims:1.Get the Ss to knowmore idioms from the Bible that are used in English.2.Get the Ss to read a passage about religions around the world and learnsome expressions related to religions and some religious words. 3.Get the Ss to learn some religious expressions that are used ineveryday English without religious meaning.4.The Ss are expected to tell a story about Father Christmas after theyhave gained some information by reading a short dialogue.5.Get the Ss to write a report about historic religious site. Teaching steps:Step one: Review.❖We have learnt many biblical idioms in last class.❖Now I’d like to show you some more idioms and please try to guess their meanings.1.Get the Ss to know more idioms from the Bible that are used in English.Match the meaning to the idioms.❖at the drop of a hat an easy job❖c hild’s play immediately❖see eye to eye to have the same opinion as someone else Use the idioms we have just learned to fill in the blanks.❖My sister and I agree about everything from fashion时尚 to politics 政论. We on almost anything.❖He is very experienced in this kind of problem. Helping you solve the problem will be to him.❖When her friends call, Megan will drop everything to go and meet them. She will leave .Step two: petition.Get the Ss to read a passage about religions around the world and do some exercises by usingthe expressions related to religions and some religious words found in the passage.❖Most of the idioms used in English e from the Bible, which is the religious book of Christianity(基督教).❖Besides Christianity, could you name any other religions around the world?A. 基督教ChristianityB. 伊斯兰教IslamC. 佛教 BuddhismD. 印度教HinduismE. 犹太教Judaism❖Which religions are the most popular three ones all around the world?A. Islam 伊斯兰教B. Buddhism 佛教C. Christianity 基督教D. Hinduism 印度教E. Judaism 犹太教❖Which religion do you think is the oldest?A. Islam 伊斯兰教B. Hinduism 印度教C. Christianity 基督教D. Buddhism 佛教E. Judaism 犹太教❖The Jewish sabbath (犹太教安息日) is on .A. SundayB. SaturdayC. MondayD. Friday❖Where do they worship in?Islam 伊斯兰教 A. templeBuddhism 佛教 B. synagogue犹太教会堂Christianity 基督教 C. churchHinduism 印度教 D. mosque 清真寺Judaism 犹太教❖What do we call the believers?基督教 Christianity A. Hindus 伊斯兰教 Islam B. Buddhists 佛教 Buddhism C. Jews印度教 Hinduism D. Christians犹太教 Judaism E. Muslims❖What / Who do they believe in?基督教 Christianity A. Buddha伊斯兰教 Islam B. many different gods 佛教 Buddhism C. Jesus印度教 Hinduism D. Allah犹太教 Judaism E. One god❖What are the religious book they read?Islam 伊斯兰教 A. Vedas吠陀经Hinduism 印度教B. Torah旧约Christianity 基督教C. Buddhist sutras佛经Buddhism 佛教D. Bible圣经Judaism 犹太教E. Koran可兰经Hinduism 印度教1.founded in India, . years ago2. believers called .3. worship gods4. as the religious book5. strict rules to be followed6. worship at a❖Buddhism 佛教began years agobelievers called . the religious book known as . worship in a .❖Judaism 犹太教began over years agobelievers called .one Godthe as the religious book the Jewish sabbath on .worship in a❖Christianity 基督教believers called .about years oldoriginally a part of .believe in -the son of the Godthe as the religious bookworship in a .❖Christianity 基督教Good Friday 万圣节Easter Day 感恩节Christmas Day 圣诞节All Saints’ Day 耶稣受难节Thanksgiving Day 复活节Step three: Practice.Get the Ss to learn some religious expressions that are used in everyday English without religious meaning. ( angel; devil; soul) Sarah felt that an angel from heaven was helping her.To my uncle, my cousin was a little angel.❖The Bible talks about the devil as the source of evil(邪恶)in the world.I was a naughty child —— a real little devil!❖Christians believe that doing good things will save their souls.Listening to beautiful music is good for the soul.❖The word means a messenger or helper from God, but it is also used to describe a sweet or very good person.❖The is the spirit inside someone's body. It can suffer if it is in a bad person, but we also use it to talk about our mood and feelings in general.❖The is the opposite of goodness and represents evil. We can also use the word to describe a naughty child.Islam 伊斯兰教started about years ago by Muhammadbelievers called .believe in .pray five times a dayworship in a .the as the religious bookLegendary传奇 person of religion❖Islam 伊斯兰教Father Christmas❖Christianity 基督教 Monkey King 美猴王❖Buddhism 佛教Muhammad 默罕默德Step four: Tell a story about Father Christmas.The Ss are expected to tell a story about Father Christmas after they have gained some information by reading a short dialogue.Read a story about Father Christmas and fill in the note sheet.(1) fat (2) white(3) green (4) 1931(5) red suit (6) black(7)bag (8) North(9)chimney (10) stockingsStep five: Report on a historic religious site.1. Where is the White Horse Temple?Why was it given the name of White horse Temple?Why is the White Horse Temple important ?2. Choose one of the two historic religious sites to write a report.Shao Lin Temple in HenanProvinceWu Tai Shan Mount in ShanxiStep six: Homework.Write a short passage about a famous religious site with about 120-150 words by using the expressions we have learnt today.。
牛津译林版高中英语模块9:Word power (4)

What other things can you think of to represent Canada?
The man is a beefeater, or the Yeomen Warder of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London. In the past, the beefeaters looked after the prisoners in the London Tower and guarded the Britain crown jewels. Now, they no longer safeguard the Queen’s jewels. Instead, they are ceremonial guardians who also act as tour guides. To most of the tourists, they are tourist attractions in their own right.
What other things can you think of to represent the USA?
Statue of Liberty The White House
Can you choose a symbol to represent China?
Can you say something about the symbol?
Can you find out which country does the following symbol represent?
The Pyramid and the Sphinx Egypt
高中英语新牛津译林版精品教案《Word power》

教学设计1.课题:M6 U2 Word of nowedge知识目标1)to now ome word reated to emotion2)to now ome eotion2.Aim of abiitie能力目标1)to enabe tudent to now different form of emotiona word2)to imotion3)to mae tudent now how to ue emotiona idiom3.Affective aim情感、态度与价值观目标1)to mae tudent treat their different emotion correct三、学习者特征分析我们班的学生平均十五六岁,处在一个情感逐渐成熟的年龄阶段。
四、教学策略选择与设计1、tudent-centered teaching以学生为中心让学生积极参与课堂2.ta-baed teaching词汇巩固环节教师设置任务,锻炼学生能力五、教学重点与难点1、to gra of emotiona word2、to recognie different emotion b itening to different converation六、教学过程1.Steing ue video about different o their feeing now1.Steotiona word2.Review the new word b ooing at different emotionSteeA tudent how hi facia eotiona word are1.Ste of emotiona word on the bacboard2.Fi in the ban with the right form of emotiona word3.Liten to evera diaogue to get different emotionSte1.Learn ome idiom in reation to emotion2.Learn to ue them correctSteanSteeworUe the emotiona word to mae u a hort tor。

英语高三译林牛津版选修9同步精品教案:Unit4(Word power)《牛津高中英语》(模块九·高三上学期)Unit 4 Word power一、Teaching goals1. Target language: new words and sentence structure2. Ability goals: Read a passage about religions around the world and then learn some religious expressions that are used in everyday English without religious meaning.3. Learning ability goals: Students are expected to make themselves familiar with the expressions related to religion.二、Teaching important and difficult pointsGain some knowledge about some religious expressions that are used in everyday English without religious meaning and make themselves familiar with them.三、Teaching aidsA tape recorder and a computer.四、Teaching procedures and waysStep I Lead-in1. Show some pictures of different religions to students and motivate them to learn more knowledge about it.印度教(Hinduism) ,乃印度的婆罗门教。
译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U2Word power

牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块九) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计——教案单元:Unit 2 Witnessing time板块:Word power作者:商三英Thoughts on the design:本节课是词汇学习课,要求学生了解英语中的希腊语词汇。
Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to recognize some borrowed words from Greek. And thus they will be able to learn the vocabulary more effectively. Meanwhile, some Greek proverbs are appreciated in this period.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision (ppt6-14)Tell the students: The Acropolis is just one of the many monuments listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. Can you identify where the following World Heritage sites are?[Explanation]通过讨论世界文化遗址激活主题,引导学生复习了前几个课时刚刚学过的知识,重点复习了部分国家和世界文化遗址名称。
Step 2 Brainstorming (ppt15)Tell the students: In the previous period, we’ve learned something about Greek architecture. We’ve learnt that no one had a greater impact on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks. Similarly, the Greek language has also influenced the English language. There are a lot of English words derived from Greek. Can you list some examples?Activity: Pair workThe students can refer to the article in the textbook or share what they have already known.[Explanation]将课文复习自然地过渡到词汇学习,同时激发学生已有知识。
译林牛津版高中英语选修9课件 Unit 1 wordpower 课件

• appendix
• Now lets have a quiz about Britain. • Let’s see howห้องสมุดไป่ตู้much do you know about Britain
What is the area of Britain ?
Total 244,820 km² (79th) 94,526 sq mi
What about the cities in The UK ?
• London - 7,172,091 (though the City of London proper is one of the smallest cities in England) • Birmingham - 970,892 • Other major cities with urban sub-area populations in excess of 250,000 inhabitants are Belfast, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Coventry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Kingston Upon Hull, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Stoke on Trent and Wolverhampton.
Northern Ireland
England Scotland Wales
part C
Complete the page, using the vocabulary from Parts A and B.
1. history 3. England 5. monarchy 7. trade 9. resources 11. lifestyle 2. society 4. government 6. commerce 8. Agriculture 10. population 12. customs
牛津译林版高中英语选修九课件 Unit 1 Word Power

Introducing the UK
Discovering the UK
பைடு நூலகம்
The UK on the map
A portrait of the UK
The history of the UK
Great Britain
Great Britain at a glance 47
Cardiff [ˈkɑ:dɪf]
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland at a glance 86
Belfast [,bel'fɑ:st]
Travellers’ needs
Where to stay
Where to eat
Shopping in the UK
book about the United Kingdom.
Then we are required to read a
diagram [ˈdaɪəɡræm] (简图;图解; 图表;示意图) explaining the
composition of the British
Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦).
• Last month, I toured in the UK for two weeks with some of my friends. I have learnt a lot about the UK. The full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of
译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案U1 Word power

牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Word powerThoughts on the design:本节课是词汇教学课。
词汇教学在高中英语教学中占据重要位置,正如著名语言学家威尔金斯(D.A.Wilkins)曾经说过“Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” 这句话的中文意思是“没有语法,难以表达;没有词汇,寸步难行。
Teaching aims:After learning the section, the students will be able to know what words can be used to describe a country. They are expected to use the words learnt in class to complete the relevant exercises. Meanwhile, the students will gain some knowledge of the United Kingdom, which helps them to promote their cross-cultural awareness.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Brainstorming1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the reading passage ‘Canada—land of the maple tree’. Ask students to answer the following question:What subjects are covered in the passage of Canada—land of the maple tree?2. Show the pictures of Big Ben and TowerBridge to students, and ask them the questions:(1) Do you know the buildings in the pictures?(2) In which country do they lie? (In the United Kingdom.)3. Ask students to think about the following question:If we were to write a book about the United Kingdom, what subjects should be covered in the book?[Explanation]鼓励学生尽可能多地说出相关词汇。
译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U3 Word power

牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 3 The meaning of colour板块:Word powerThoughts on the design:本课件是以听、说、读为主的词汇教学课。
Teaching aims:After learning the word power, Ss will be able to know some words related to national flowers and some expressions related to colour idioms.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision1. Competition.Guess different names of the countries according to the national flags given. (PPT 5-6)2. Ask Ss to discuss the question:What kind of things can represent a country? (PPT 7-10)National flags, national flowers, national emblem, national anthem[Explanation]本课的教学从复习入手,让学生了解一些国家的国旗。
然后通过回答问题What kind of things can represent a country? 导入到National flowers。
Step 2 Read and understandAsk Ss to read the article about national flowers for different countries in Part A.1. Ask Ss to find out which flowers are mentioned in the article as national symbols for different countries and give a brief description of each. (PPT 11-12)2. Encourage Ss to fill in the table. (PPT13-15)[Explanation]通过阅读第38页的文本, 让学生找出文中所介绍的几种国花,并对它们进行描述。
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• According to Taoism, wise people will achieve a balance between the interactions of these two forces.
Taoist site
Taoist monks
Mount Wudang In Hubei Province
Taoism believes in ‘wuwei’, which means that everything must follow its course and happen naturally.
Symbol of Taoism What does the yinyang mean?
The yinyang of Taoism has greatly influenced Chinese philosophy.
• It was founded by Lao-tzu in about the 6th century B.C.
• The most important text of Taoism is Tao-te-Ching.
• In the 5th century AD, Taoism developed as a religious system.
choose this destination? • What to see?
During the trip, you saw …
What are they doing? Why?
What makes them believe that will help?
They believe someone who is powerful may control their future.
—the influence of religion
What is religion?
The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods and do activities to praise or worship them.
Behind beliefs Word power
Contents • Religious sites • Religious days • Religious literatures
Your class are going on a trip …
• Where to go? • why do you
Mecca, In Saudi Arabia 22
sacred city for Hindu pilgrims
Gaya, in Bihar, in India
the Roman Catholic Church
the Vatican, in Italy 24
What day is it in the church ?
What are the most popular religions in the world?
• Hinduism • Buddhism • Judaism • Christianity • Islam
Religions in China
Have you ever been to any famous religious sites in China?
The Potala Palace
In Lhasa, Tibet
Symbols and god of Budow about Taoism?
Taoism—Another religion in China
• Taoism is one of the major religions in China.
• Taoism believes that ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ are two fundamental forces in the universe. ‘Yin’ is the passive or negative force, while ‘yang’ represents active and positive things, such as the bright, dry and masculine aspects.
Buddhist site
The Mogao Grottoes In Dunhuang, Gansu Province 9
Buddhist site
The White Horse Temple In Louyang, Henan Province 10
Tibetan Buddhist site
Christmas Day
Christmas brings families and friends together to share the much loved customs and traditions which have been around for centuries. Most people are on holidays and stay at home with their family on Christmas.
Have you ever been to any famous religious sites overseas?
Holy city for Judaism, Christianity and Islam
The holiest place for Islam —birthplace of Muhammad
What is the belief behind Taoism?
Taoism is also a system of thought. The central concept of Taoism is Tao, which refers to the ways the universe functions.