



Introduction (介绍)1、There are many elements constituting European Culture.2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.The richness of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.Divison OneGreek Culture and Roman Culture1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour.3、Ancient Greece’s epics was created by Homer.4、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.5、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.6、Three masters in tragedy三大悲剧大师①AeschylusPrometheus Bound—→Shelly Prometheus Unbound②Sophocles(之首)Oedipus the King—→ Freud’s“the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结) —→ David Herbert Lawrence’s Sons and lovers③EuripidesA.Trojan W omenB.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧)C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人)D.Realis m can be traced back to the Ancient Greece. To be specific, Euripides.7、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes.Aristophanes writes about nature.Swift says of him “As for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is.”8、History (Historical writing)“Father of History” —→ Herodotus —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peleponicion wars.“The greatest historian that ever lived.” —→ Thucydides —→ war (Sparta, Athens and Syracuse)9、① Euclid’s Elements解析几何It was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century.② ArchimedesHis work not only in geometry几何学,but also in arithmetic算术, machanics机械, and hydrostatics.流体静力学Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.(Archimedes)10、The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (罗马征服希腊的标志)From 146 B.C., Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire.Greek that of the eastern half.Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.11、The dividing range in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C.12、The year 27 B.C. Divided the Roman history into two periods: republic and empire.13、The idea of Republic can be traced back to Plato’s republic.14、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions(罗马军团)15、In the Roman history, there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was known as Pax Romana.(神圣罗马帝国)16、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana17、The Roman Law protected the rights of plebeians (平民).18、The important contribution made by the Romans to the European culture was the Roman Law.19、After 395,the empire was divided into East (the Byzantine Empire) and West.20、Cicero西赛罗his legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction拉丁语用词described as Ciceronian.西赛罗式的an enormous influence(巨大影响) on the development of European prose.21、Virgil: Aeneid 阿尼德22、The pantheon was built in 27 B.C.The world’s first vast interior space.世界上第一所最大的室内场所23、The representation form of Greek Democracy is citizen-assembly.古希腊民主的表现形式24、The embodiment of Greek democracy is citizen-assembly. 古希腊民主的具体形式25. Many of Plato’s ideas we re later absorbed into Christian thought.How did the Ancient Greek philosophy develop?(1)、Three founders1、Pythagoras① All things were numbers.② Scientific mathematics.③ Theory of proportion.比例的理论2、Heracleitue① Fire is the primary elements of the universe.火是万物之源② The theory of the mingling of opposites produced harmony.矛盾的对立统一3、Democritus① the atomic theory.第一个原子理论开拓者② materialis m.唯物主义(2)、Three thinkers1、Socrates① He hadn’t works. We can know him from Plato’s dialogues.② The dialectical method was established by Socrates.2、Plato①The Academy is the first school in the world, it was established by Plato.②He has four works. Dialogues, Apology, Symposium and Republic.3、Aristotle①The L yceum is the second school in the world, it was established by Aristotle.②Aristotle is a humanist.(2)、Five contending schools1、The Sophists诡辩派①Under the leadership of Protagoras.②The representative of work is On the God.诸神论③His doctrine is “man is the measure of all things”.2、The Cynics犬儒派①Under the leadership of Diogenes.②The word “cynic” means “dog” in English.③He proclaimed his brotherhood. And he had no patience with the rich and powerful.3、The Sceptics置疑学派①Under the leadership of Pyrrhon.②His thought is not all knowledge was attainable, and doubting the truth of what others accepted as true.4、The Epicureans享乐派①Under the leadership of Epicurus.②Pleasure to be the highest good in life but not sensual enjoyment.Pleasure could be attained by the practice of virtue.Epicurus was a materialist. He believed that the world consisted of atoms.5、The Stoics斯多哥派①Under the leadership of Zeno.②His thought is duty is the most important thing in life.One should endure hardship and misfortune with courage.Develop ed into Stoics’ duty.He was also a materialist.What’s the difference between Plato and Aristotle in terms of their philosophical ideas(system)?1、For one thing, Aristotle emphasized direct observation of nature and insisted that theory should follow fact.This is different from Plato’s reliance on subjective thinking.2、For another, he thought that “form” and matter together made up concrete individual realities. Here, too, he differed from Plato who held that ideas had a higher reality than the physical world3、Aristotle thought happiness was men’s aim in life,but not happiness in the vulgar sense, but something that could only be achieved by leading a life of reason, goodness and contemplation.What is the great significance of Greek Culture on the later-on cultural development?There has been an enduring excitement about classical Greek culture in Europe and elsewhere.Rediscovery of Greek culture played a vital part in the Renaissance in Italy and other European countries.1、Spirit of innovation创新精神The Greek people invented mathematics and science and philosophy; They first wrote history as opposed to mere annals; They speculated freely about the nature of the world and the ends of life, without being bound in the fetters of any inherited orthodoxy.2、Supreme Achievement至高无上的成就The Greeks achieved supreme achievements in nearly all fields of human endeavour: Philosophy, science, epic poetry, comedy, historical writing, architecture, etc.3、Lasting effect持续的影响①Countless writers have quoted, borrowed from and otherwise used Homer’s epics, the tragedies ofAeschylus and Sophocles and Euripides, Aristophanes’s comedies, Plato’s Dialogues,ect.②In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three young Romantic poets expressed their admiration of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics经典之作: Byron’s Isles of Greece, Shelley’s Hellas and Prometheus Unbound and Keats’s Ode on a Grecian Urn.③In the 20th century, there are Homeric parallels in the Irishman James Joyce’s modernist masterpiece Ulysses.Division TwoThe Bible and Christianity1、Christianity is by far the most influential in the West.2、Judeo-Christian tradition constitutes one of the two major components of European culture: Judais m and Christianity.3、The Jewish tradition, which gave birth to Christianity. (犹太教是基督教的前身)Both originated in Palestine, which was known as Canaan.4、The ancestors of the Jews — the Hebrews.5、The Hebrews history was recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.6、The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.7、The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God.8、The New Testament is about the doctrine of Jesus Christ.9、The word “Testament” means “agreement”, the agreement between G od and Man.10、The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called Pentateuch.摩西五经11、The Fall of Man was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, The Bible.12、Noah’s Ark was record ed in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, The Bible.13、The content of historical Books: 1200B.C. 586 B.C.Dealing with history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200 B.C., till the fall of Palestine into hands of Assyrians and Chaldeans in 586 B.C.14、The History Books① The development of system of landed nobles.② The development of monarchy. 君主专制③ Establishment of the two Kingdoms. 两大王国的初步形成④ The settlement in the highlands⑤ Age of great prosperity under Saul, David and Solomon.15、Towards the end of the fourth century four accounts were accepted as part of the New Testament, which tells the beginning of Christianity.16、The Birth of Jesus was recorded in Matthew (马塞福音书)17、The first English version of whole Bible was translated from the Latin V ulgate in 1382 and was copied out by hand by the early group of reformers led by John Wycliff.What difference between Christianity and the other religions?Christianity based itself on two forceful beliefs which separate it from all other religions.1、One is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that God sent him to earth to live as humans live, suffer as humans suffer, and die to redeem mankind.2、The other is that God gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(加尔文主义也有这样的观点)What is the great significance of the translations of the bible?1、It is generally accepted that the English Bible and Shakespeare are two great reservoirs of Modern English.2、Miltion’s Paradise Lost , Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Byron’s Cain, up to the contemporary Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, and Steinbeck’s East of Eden.Division ThreeThe Middle Ages1、the Middle agesIn European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages.The middle ages is so called because it was the transitional period(过渡时期) between ancient times and modern times. To be specific, from the 5th century to 15th century.2、In 476 A.D. a Germanic (日耳曼) general killed the last Roman emperor and took control of the government. 西罗马476灭,东罗马1653年灭3、Feudalis m in Europe was mainly a system of land holding (土地所有) — a system of holding land in exchange for military service (军事力量). The word “feudalis m” was derived from the Latin “feudum”,a grant of land.4、5、The Catholic Church made Latin the official language and helped to preserve and pass on the heritage (传统) of the Roman Empire.6、The word “catholic” meant “universal”.(广泛的,无处不在的)7、St. Jerome, who translated into Latin both Old and New Testament from the Hebrew and Greek originals. Vulgate (拉丁语圣经)8、Augustine —→ “Confession” and “The City of God”9、The most important of all courses was Jerusalem. (耶路撒冷)10、Crusades went on about 200 years. There were altogether eight chief Crusades.11、The crusades ended up with the victory of Moslems.(穆斯林)By 1291 the Moslems (穆斯林) had taken over the last Christian stronghold. They won the crusades and ruled all the territory in Palestine that the Crusaders had fought to control.12、Carolingian RenaissanceCarolingian Renaissance is derived from Charlemagne’s name in Latin, Carolus. The most interesting facet (一面) of this rather minor renaissance is the spectacle (有见解) of Frankish or Germanic state reaching out to assimilate (吸收) the riches of the Roman Classical and the Christianized Hebraic culture.13、National Epics(民族史诗运动)The epic was the product of the Heroic Age. It was an important and mostly used form in ancientliterature. “National epic” refers to the epic written in vernacular languages—that is, the languages of various national states (民族国家) that came into being in the Middle Ages. Literary works were no longer all written in Latin. It was the starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture to a culture that was the combination of a variety of national characteristics.14、Chaucer (乔叟) 的诗歌特点:① power of observation (观察)② piercing irony (敏锐的讽刺) ③ sense of humour ④ warm humanity (温暖的人性)15、Gothic① The Gothic style started in France and quickly spread through all parts of Western Europe.② It lasted from the mid-12th to the end of 15th century and, in some areas, into the 16th. More churches were built in this manner than in any other style in history.③ The Gothic was an outgrowth (丰富与发展) of the Romanesque.(罗马式)16、The Canterbury Tales:① The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer.② Chaucer introduced French and Italy writing the English native alliterative verse.③ Both Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales are the best representative of the middle English.17 In the middle ages, what cultures began to merge?Classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged (文化融合). It paved the way for the development of what is the present-day European culture.Why is the middle ages is called Age of Faith (信仰的年代)?1、During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.2、The Christian church continued to gain widespread power and influence.3、In the Late middle ages, almost everyone in western Europe was a Christian and a member of the Christian Church. Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of years.4、It shaped people’s lives. That is why the middle ages is also called the “Age of Faith”.How did Feudalism develop in Europe in middle ages?1、feudalis m in Europe was mainly a system of land holding — a system of holding land in exchange for military service. The word “feudalis m” was derived from the Latin “feudum”, a grant of land.2、In order to seek the protection of large land-owners, the people of s mall farms or land gave their farms and land to large land-owners, but they still had freedom, they were called freemen.3、While the people from towns and cities did not possess farms or land. They had nothing but their freedom to be given to large land-owners, and then they lost their freedom for protection. They were called serfs.4、In Feudalism, the ruler of the government redivided the large lands into small pieces to be given to chancellors or soldiers as a reward for their service. The subdivisions were called fiefs. The owne rs of the fiefs was call vassals.5、There came a form of local and decentralized (分散) government.6、As a knight, he were pledged to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect women of noble birth. These rules were known as code of chivalry, from which the western idea of good manners developed.What positive influence does the Crusades exert on the European Culture?(What is the great significance of the Crusades?)1、The crusades brought the East into closer contact with the West. And they greatly influenced the history of Europe. (拉近了东西方的交流)2、During the wars while many of the feudal lords went to fight in Palestine, kings at home found opportunities to strengthen themselves. Thus among other things, Crusades helped to break down feudalis m, which, in turn led to the rise of the monarchies. (取而代之的是君主专制)3、Besides, through their contact with the more cultured Byzantines and Moslems, the western Europeans changed many of their old ideas. Their desire for wealth or p ower began to overshadow their religious ideals.4、The Crusades also resulted in renewing people’s interest in learning and invention. By the 13th century, universities had spread all over Europe. Such knowledge as Arabic numerals (阿拉伯数字), algebra (代数), and Arab medicine (医学) were introduced to the West.5、As trade increased, village and towns began to grow into cities. And the rise of towns and trade in western Europe paved the way of the growth of strong national governments.How did literature develop in the middle ages?1、The epic was the product of the Heroic Age. It was an important and mostly used form in ancient literature. “National epic” refers to the epic written in vernacular languages—that is, the languages of various national states (民族国家) that came into being in the Middle Ages. Literary works were no longer all written in Latin. It was the starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture to a culture that was the combination of a variety of national charact eristics. Both Beowulf and song of Roland were the representative works of the National Epics.2、Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy: (但丁与神曲)① His masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world literature.② The poem expresses humanistic ideas which foreshadowed (预示) the spirit of Renaissance.③ Dante wrote his masterpiece in Italian rather than in Latin. (只用意大利语创作)3、Geoffery Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales: (乔叟与坎特布雷集)① The Canterbury Tales were his most popular work.②Most of the tales are written in verse (诗) which reflects(反映) Chaucer’s innovation (改革) by introducing into the native alliterative verse (压头韵) the French and Italian styles.③Chaucer is thus to be , regarded as the first short story teller and the first modern poet in English literature.短篇写作第一人④ Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales were representative of the Middle ages.Division FourRenaissance and Reformation1、RenaissanceGenerally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century. The word “Renaissance” means revival (复兴), specifically in this period of history, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, in essence (从实质上讲), was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts (试图) to get rid of conservatism (保守主义思想) in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie (资产阶级), to lift the restrictions (禁忌) in all areas placed by the Roman churchauthorities.(权利威信)Generally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century.Renaissance started in Florence and V enice with the flowering of paintings, sculpture (雕塑) and architecture. 最早开始于painting2、In Renaissance literature of Italy, Petrarch (彼得拉克) was the representative poet.3、Intellectuals became closely tied up with the rising bourgeoisie.(人文主义兴起的重要原因Humanistic ideas to develop)4、At the heart of the Renaissance philosophy was the assertion of the greatness of man.(以人为本—人文主义的核心)5、Last Supper adapted from the New Testament of the Bible.6、Michelangelo—— David—— Sistine Chapel (from the First book of the Bible, the Genesis )—— Dying Slave (垂死的奴隶)—— Moses (摩西)7、Raphael was best known for his Madonna. (圣母玛利亚)He painted his Madonnas in different postures against different backgrounds.8、One of the famous paintings besides the Madonnas is School of Athens (雅典学派). Plato and Aristotle engaged in argument.9、Titian—— The V enus of Urbino (断臂的维纳斯)Man with the Glove (带手套的人) ☆10、John Wyclif —— translation of the Bible into English for the first time.11、Martin Luther —— translation of the whole Bible with the vernacular language.12、The reformation get its victory first in England.13、ReformationThe Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political (社会政治) movement. It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church at the University of Wittenberg his 95 thesis. This movement which swept over the whole of Europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible. The reformists engaged themselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues.宗教改革的实质是:反对罗马天主教,直接形式是用母语翻译圣经14、Calvinis mCalvinis m was established by Calvin in the period of Renaissance. Presbyterian government (长老会). Only those specially elected by God can be saved (上帝的选民) . This belief serves so well to help the rising bourgeoisie on its path (有助于资本主义的兴起)。





















自考英语《欧洲文化入门》知识点笔记(全十章)1、There are many elements constituting(组成) European Culture.2、There are two major elements:Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.3、The richness(丰富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.第一章1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on(依赖) an immense(无限的)amount of slave labour.3、Olympus mount,776 BC first celebration, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)’s epics was created by Homer.5、They are about events of Homer’s own time. (错)(They are not about events of Homer’s own time,probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)6、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.7、Agamemnon,Hector,Achilles are in Iliad.8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe‘s Ulysses(描述一天的生活)。


00Greek that of the eastern half.
00230Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.
00240The Roman writer Horace(:e0lQCQMR65-8t^ WlN0) said captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive 0
00The world s first vast interior space.NLu
N,{ Colosseum('Yt珐) is an enormous.2)Yvsb_q_gRb
00410Sculpture(QX) She-wolf(
00; Father of History ! Herodotus ! war(between Greeks and Persians)
00This war is called Peleponicion wars. ZSWTY嬒d 3
00fH[ v^l g_洺0
00; The greatest historian that ever lived. ( geggO'YvS[) ! Thucydides ! war (Sparta Athens and Syracuse)
00200The burning of Corinth in 146 B.C. Marked Roman conquest of Greece.
00210The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (Wl_ g ^Jvh)
00220From 146 B.C. Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire.



欧洲文化知识总括(总108页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除《欧洲文化入门》知识总括Introduction1、There are many elements constituting European Culture.2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.3、The richness of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.Unit 11、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labor.3、Olympus mount, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)4、Ancient Greek epics were created by Homer.5、They events of Homer‘s own time. (F)(They are not about events of Homer‘s own time,probably in the period 1200-1100 .)6、The Homer‘s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.7、Agamemnon, Hector, Achilles are in Iliad.8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe‘s Ulysses(描述一天的生活); in the 20th century.10、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century .11、三大悲剧大师① Aeschylus《Prometheus Bound》—→模仿式作品 Shelly《Prometheus Unbound》② Sophocles(之首)《Oedipus the King》—→ Freud‘s “the Oedipus complex”(恋母情结)—→ David Herbert Lawrence’s《Sons and lovers》(劳伦斯)③ EuripidesA.《Trojan Women》B. He is the first writer of “problem plays”.Perfection----IbsenClimax----Bernard ShawC. Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides the human”D. Realism can be traced back to the Ancient Greece.To be specific, Euripides.12、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. 18页Aristophanes writes about nature. —→浪漫主义湖畔派(The lakers)Wordsworth)13、History (Historical writing)※“Father of History”—→ Herodotus —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peloponnesian wars.只是陈述史实,并没有得出理论。



欧洲文化入门总结Introduction1、There are many elements constituting(组成) European Culture.2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.3、The richness(丰富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.第一章1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on(依赖) an immense(无限的)amount of slave labour.3、Olympus mount, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)’s epics was created by Homer.5、They events of Homer’s own time. (错)(They are not about events of Homer’s own time, probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)6、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.7、Agamemnon, Hector, Achilles are in Iliad.8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe’s Ulysses(描述一天的生活). In the 20th century.10、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.11、三大悲剧大师①Aeschylus《Prometheus Bound》—→模仿式作品Shelly《Prometheus Unbound》②Sophocles(之首)《Oedipus the King》—→ Freud’s “the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结) —→ David Herbert Lawrence’s《Sons and lovers》(劳伦斯)447页③EuripidesA.《Trojan Women》B.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧) 在肖伯纳手中达到高潮,属于存在主义戏剧的人物C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人)D.Realism can be traced back(追溯到) to the Ancient Greece.To be specific(具体来说), Euripides.12、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. 18页Aristophanes writes about nature. —→浪漫主义湖畔派(The lakers)华兹华兹Swift says of him “As for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is.”(新古典主义代表作家《格列夫游记》《大人国小人国》《温和的提议》用讽刺的写作手法) 13、History (Historical writing)史学创作※“Father of History” —→ Herodotus —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peleponicion wars. 博罗奔泥撒,3只是陈述史实,并没有得出理论。

































我们要牢记文化的五分法:一、社会历史(包括政治、经济、宗教、历史) 二、哲学三、文学四、科学五、艺术(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐),以记忆每个时代的各要点为主,理解纵向的变迁为辅,后者主要的作用时帮助我们更好的记住前者。













欧洲文化入门听课笔记和重点总结第一篇:欧洲文化入门听课笔记和重点总结欧洲文化入门听课笔记和重点总结1.希腊罗马Homer Author of epics Sappho Lyric poet 三大悲剧家:Aeschylus Tragic dramatist Sophocles Tragic dramatist Euripides Tragic dramatist 喜剧家:Aristophanes Comedy writer 历史学家:Herodotus wrote about wars between Greeks and Persians Father of history Thucydides wrote about wars between Athens and Sparta and Athens and Syracuse the greatest historian that have ever lived 哲学和科学:Pythagoras All things were numbers founder of scientific mathematics Heracleitue Fire is the primary element Democritus Materialist,one of the earliest exponents of the atomic theory Socrates Dissect of oneself,virtue was high worth of life,dialectical method Plato Man have knowledge because of the existence of certain general ideas Aristotle Direct observation,theory follow fact,idea and matter together made concrete individual realities Euclid a textbook of geometry Archimedes when a body is immersed in water its loss of weight is equal to the weight of the water displaced “Give me a place to stand and I…ll move the World”Others Diogenes(the Cynics)Pyrrhon(the Sceptics)Epicurus(the Epicureans)Zeno(the Stoics)4th century B.C.后半叶希腊在Alexander,king of Macedon的领导下,5th century B.C.达到顶峰,146 B.C.被罗马攻克2.基督教和圣经Jews—以前叫Hebrews,3800B.C.穿过中东沙漠,1300B.C.Moses带领Hebrews离开埃及,开始他们的Exodus,他在Sinai山定了ten commandments in the name of God,40年后Hebrews定居Pelestine,known as Canaan,Hebrew人的历史口头传送记入the old Testament,6th century B.C.,他们在Babylon形成synagogue(忧太集会)来发扬他们的教义。



欧洲文化知识要点第一——四章戏剧三个悲剧作家AeschylusHis works“Prometheus Bound”“Persians”“Agamemnon”SophoclesHis works“Oedipus the King”“Electra”“Antigone”EuripidesHis works“Andromache”“Medea”“Trojan Women”Aristotle said of Euripides ―If a bad manager in all other points, Euripides is at least the most tragic of the poets‖.喜剧作家AristophanesHis works“Frogs”“Clouds”“Wasps”“Birds”Swift said of Aristophanes: As for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is.历史HerodotusHe is often called ―Father of History‖, wrote about the wars between Greeks and PersiansThucydidesHe is more accurate as an historianHe told about the war between―Athens and Sparta‖―Athens and Syracuse‖Macaulay, himself an eminent historian, called Thucydides―the greatest historian that ever lived哲学和科学PythagorasHe was the founder of Scientific mathematicsTo him and his school we owe the abstract conceptions underlying mathematics--- point, line, magnitude, surface, body ----and the first theory of proportion.HeracleitusHe believed“fire”to be the primary element of the universe.He said ―all is flux, nothing is stationary‖―you can’t step twice into the same river‖DemocritusHe speculated about the atomic structure of matter,选段for all men good and truth are the same ,but pleasure is different for different me n…………哲学家Socrates:we know him chiefly through what Plato recorded of him in his famous ―Dialogues‖PlatoHis major works“The Apology”,“Symposium”《会饮篇》“ T he Republic”He built up a comprehensive system of philosophy. It dealt with, among otherthings, the problem of how, in the complex, ever—changing world, men were to attain knowledge.He said: ―We look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are bit seen: for the things which are seen are temporal ―but the things which are not seen are eternal‖.His philosophy is called―Idealism‖.Shelly said: ―Plato was essentially a poet----the truth and splendor of his imagery, and the melody of his language, are the most intense that it is possible to conceive.AristotleHis major works “Ethics”“Politics”“Poetic”“Rhetoric”Dante called Aristotle the master of those who know.The difference between Plato and Aristotle (见课后题)百家争鸣①Sophists —Protagoras: ―man is the measure of all things‖②Cynics —Diogenes“◆decided to live like a dog, ◆rejected all conventions , ◆advocated self-sufficiency and extreme simplicity in life, ◆proclaimed hisbrotherhood.③Sceptics —Pyrrhon④Epicureans — Epicurus : ―◆believed pleasure to be the highest good in life ,but bypleasure he meant ,not sensual enjoyment ,but freedom from pain and emotionalupheaval .⑤Stoics—Zeno : ―the most important thing in life is not pleasure but duty‖科学EuclidWell-known for his ―Elements‖ArchimedesHe discovered that when a body is immersed in water its loss of weight is equal to the weight of the water displacedHe invented machines which greatly helped his native city Syracuse against the Romans.He said: ― give me a place to stand , and I will move the world‖建筑ParthenonAcropolis an Athens建筑风格Ⅰ.the Doric: masculine style ,sturdy ,powerful, severe-looking ,show a good sense of proportions and numbers , monotonous ,and unadorned.ⅱ.Ionic : feminine style ,graceful and elegant ,show a wealth of ornament.ⅲ.Corinthian : ornamented and luxury .雕刻1.Discus Thrower2. Venus de Milo3. Laocoon group陶器1.Black-figure paintings2.Red-figure paintings罗马文化罗马和希腊The burning of Corinth in 146B.C. marked Roman conquest of Greece.拉丁文学Marcus Tullius Cicero:⑴noted for his oratory and fine writing styl e⑵his legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction⑶his eloquent, oratorical manner of writing described as ―Cieronian”(4)the good of the people is the chief law(5)The thing which is the most outstanding and the most desirable to all healthy andgood and well-off persons, is peaceful life with honor.(6)Never less idle than when wholly idle, nor less alone than when wholly aloneJulius Caesar(1)became dictator in Rome for a few years(2)his work“Commentaries”(3)models of succinct Latin(4)I came , I saw , I conquered.(5)The die is cast.(6)Man willingly believe what they wish.押韵的散文诗歌LucretiusHis work“On the Nature of Things”Nothing can be created out of nothingMatter is eternalVirgilThe greatest of Latin poetsHis work ― Aeneid”He was also the Dante’s book建筑(1)The Pantheon(2)Pont du Gard(3)The Colosseum雕刻(1)Constantine the Great(2)Spoils from the Temple in Jerusalem(3)She-wolf第二章总述Christianity is by far the most influential in the west, it originated in Palestine.Some 3800years ago the ancestors of the Jews-the Hebrews ---wandered through the deserts of the Middle East .Hebrews, which means “wanders‖旧约The Bible is a collection of religious writings composing two parts :the Old testament (about God and the Laws of God)and the new testament (the doctrine of Jesus Christ) .The word ―Testament‖means―agreement”—namely, the agreement between God and Man1.The Pentateuch∕ Torah(摩西五经)Genesis : a religious account of the origin of the Hebrew people, including the origin of the world and the man ,the career of Issac and the life of Jacob and his son Joseph(the fall of the Man ,Noah’s Ark).Exodus: a religious history of the Hebrews during their flight from Egypt ,the period when they began to receive God’s Law.Leviticus : a collection of primitive laws.Numbers: a continuation of the account of the flight from Egypt with two censuses about the Exodus.Deuteronomy: the final words of Moses to his people , restating his orders and fifty years experiences ad a leader.摩西十诫(见课后题)The Historical Books(史书)Book of JoshuaBooks of JudgesBooks of SamuelBooks of KingsBooks of the ChroniclesBook of EzraBook of NehemiahThese works were written sometimes between 800B.C. and 500B.C.,dealing with history of the Hebrew form their entry into Palestine around 1200B.C..The Poetical Booksa.Book of Jobb.Book of Psalmsc.Proverbd.Ecclesiastese.Song of Solomon选段:I am the rose of Sharon,And the lily of the Valleys.As the lily among thorns,So is my love among the daughters.The ProphetsAmos: he was the spokesman of labor class基督教的兴起Christianity based itself on two forceful beliefs which separate if from all other religion a: Jesus Christ is the Son of God. b: God gave his only begotten sonAt the heart of Christianity is the life of Jesus基督教的蔓延The chief persecutions were under Nero, Diocletian.By 305Diocletian gave up his effort to destroy the young religion.Soon a war between rivals for the throne followed and was won by Constantine. He, who believed that God had helped him in winning the battle issued the Edict of Milan in 313 and made the Christianity legal.In 1932A.D., Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religionsAfter 5-th, Nestorianism reached China新约The four accounts were believed to have been written by Matthew, Mark Luke and John, four of Jesus’ early followersThe last Supper and the Crucifixion is from St. John .圣经的十个版本1.Septuagint( the oldest extant)Greek2.Vulgate version(the most ancient extant by Jerome)Latin3.First English version(translated by Wycliff)4.William Tyndale’s version5.The Great Bible by HenryⅧ6.Authorized/King James version(the most important and influential of English Bible)7.American edition of Revised version8.New King James Bible9.Good News Bible10. The New English Bible第三章总述Age of faith(辅导书)庄园和教堂Feudalism(见辅导书)V assals: in 732 Charles Martel , a ruler gave his soldiers estates known ad fiefs as a reward for their service, they granted the right to govern large sections of landad fiefs to great lords ,these lords knows ad vassals.Knighthood and Code of Chivalry(见辅导书)教会组织The word ―catholic‖ meant―universal‖教父和修道院的生活St. JeromeA notable champion of early monasticismHe translate the Bible into Latin from the Hebrew and Greek originalsHis translation work, the Vulgate , became the official Latin Bible used by the Roman Catholic Church of this dayAugustine of HippoHe lived in North Africa in 5-th century.His works “the Confessions” and ―the City of God.St. BenedictHe founded Benedictine Rule about 529A.D.He gave up all his possessions before entering the monarchy.He wore simple clothes and ate only certain simple foodsHe could not marry and had to obey without question the orders the abbot (男修道院院长)He had to attend service seven times during the day and once at midnight.天主教的权力和影响1.Under feudalism, people of western Europe were mainly divided into three classes:clergy, lords and peasants.2.In the late Middle Ages only Catholics were considered members of society.3.most of Kings and nobles could not read and write, they used clergy to carry outimportant government duties.4.For centuries, the clergyman were the only teachers, as they were the best educatedmen in their day.5.People had to pay heavy taxes to their parish churches, art of which passed on to thePope in Rome.6.Nobles and kings often gave lands, crops or cattle to support the church.7.many high church officials were themselves big landowners and influential nobles8.The Church even set up a church court--- the inquisition to stamp out so calledheresy.学术与科学Charlemagne and Carolingian RenaissanceCharlemagneHe temporarily restored order in western and central Europemost important figure of the early medieval period.He encouraged interest in the Christian religion and ancient learning.功绩1.setting up monastery schools2.giving support to scholars3.setting scribes to work copying various ancient booksAlfred the GreatRuler of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, contributed greatly to the Medieval European culture..Founding new monasteriesPromoting translations into the vernacular from the Latin worksInspires the compilation of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.St. ThomasAn Italian philosopher and theologianHis work ―Summa Contra Gentiles‖Roger BaconA monk, one of the earliest advocates of scientific research ,Called for observation and experimentationMain work“Opus maius” and “encyclopedia of the science of his time”Beolwulf is an Anglo-Saxon epic, in alliterative verse, originating from the collective efforts of oral literature.Song of Roland is the most well-known of a group of French epics known as La Chanson de GestsDante Alighieri and the Divine ComedyDanteThe greatest poet of Italy and Also a prose Writer, literary theorist, moral philosopher as well as political thinkersHis masterpiece “Divine Comedy‖Express humanistic ideas which foreshadowed the spirit of RenaissanceWrote his masterpiece in Italian rather than in Latin which influenced decisively the evolution of European literature away from its origins in Latin culture to a new varied expression.第四章文艺复兴和改革新文学Giovanni Boccacciohis work“ Decameron”《十日谈》Petrarchbest known for “Canzoniers”《歌集》早期复兴的艺术家GiottoHe was the forerunner of the Renaissance.His figure were massive rather than graceful and elegantHis works“Flight to Egypt”“Betrayal of Judas”DonatelloHe was a sculptorHis works“David”“T he Gattamelata Equestrian Statue”《格泰梅拉达骑马塑像》顶峰时期的艺术家da VinciHe was a man of many talents, a Renaissance man in the true sense of the word.His works“Last Supper”“Mona Lisa”选段:A good painter has two chief objects – to paint man and the intension of his soul.The former is easy, the latter hard….MichelangeloHe was the towering figure of the Renaissance.His works“David”“Sistine Chapel”“Dying Slave”“Moses”RaphaelHis work“Madonna”“School of Athens”TitianHe was the most prolific of the great Venetian painters of the western worldThe father of the modern mode of paintingHis works“The V enus of Urbino”“Sacred and Profane love”“Madonna of the Pesaro Family”“Man with the Glove”法国的文艺复兴RabelaisGargantua and PantagruelSonnets pour HeleneMontaigneHis works “Essays”“of Repentance”His famous words ―what do I know?‖西班牙的文艺复兴CervantesHe was a novelist, a dramatist, and a poet.His work “Don Quixote”艺术El Greco(格列柯)One of the outstanding artists of the Counter-ReformationHis major work“ the Burial of Count Orgaz”《奥尔加斯伯爵下葬》北方文艺复兴ErasmusHe was a great Dutch scholar and humanistHis work“The Praise of Folly”佛兰德的文艺复兴Bruegel(勃鲁盖尔)He was a Flemish painterHis works “The Land of Cockayne”《理想之逸乐乡》“Return of the Hunters”德国的文艺复兴DurerHe was the leader of the Renaissance in GermanyHis work“ Knight, Death and the Devil”《骑士,死神与魔鬼》第五章The seventeenth century总述1:These scientists abandoned the traditional reliance on authority and the accepted method of“deductive reasoning”《演绎论》2:New scientific method was developed3:Nearly all the scientific achievement that modern world were made in 17-th4:There is new understanding to the man and universe and material5:The new science and philosophy gave a great push to the political struggle waged by the newly emerged class ,the bourgeoisie, and other class, this set the foundation for democracy.科学Copernicus (哥白尼)The forerunner of the modern scienceChief work“The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs《天体运行论》Kepler(凯普勒)Kepler’s Laws1:Each planet moves in an ellipse ,not a perfect circle, with the sun at one focus.2:Each planet moves more rapidly when near the sun than farther from it3:The distance of each planet from the sun bears a definite relation the time period the planet took to complete revolution around the sun.Galilei (伽利略)He was the first man to use telescope to universeHe invented the first astronomical discoveryHe finally proved the Copernicus’ theory with the telescopeHe discovered Law of inertia(惯性定律)He discovered the law of falling bodiesHis main works “The starry Messenger”(天空信使) and “Sidereus Nuncius”Newton (牛顿)He invented calculusHe discovered that white light is composed of all the colors of the spectrumHis discovery of the law of the universal gravitationHis work “Mathematical Principal of Natural Philosophy”(自然哲学的数学原理) Leibniz (莱布尼兹)He was a German philosopher , scientist ,mathematician ,historian and diplomat.He opposed the Cartesian account of matterHis major works“New Essays Concerning Human Understanding”, (论人类意识新说)“New Physical Hypothesis”(物理学新假说)“Discourse on Metaphysics”(形而上学论)“New System of Nature (新自然体系)New Essays Concerning Human Understanding”(人类理解新论)哲学,政治学,文学(英国)Francis Bacon (略)Thomas Hobbes(托马斯·霍布斯)Works : Leviathan(利维坦)He argued that our knowledge comes from experienceHe believed that only material things are perceptible, and knowledge to us .He believed that man is selfish by natureHe held that man are by nature equal in bodily an mental capacitiesJohn Locke(约翰洛克)He was a English empiricistHis works“Essay Concerning Human Understanding”“Treatises of Civil Government”选段―A ll men are naturally free and equal in the state of nature .‖ Men living together according to reason without a common…….法国古典主义Descartes(笛卡尔)His major works “Discourse on Method an Meditation”《方法论》“Rules for the direction of the Mind”《指导理智的规则》“Meditations Concerning First Philosophy and Objects and Replies”《沉思录》He said ―I doubt, therefore I think ; I think, therefore I am‖Corneille(高乃依)He was the first great French neoclassical dramatistHis masterpiece“Le Cied”《熙德》Racine(拉辛)He was the greatest tragic dramatist of the French neoclassical theatreHis representative tragedies “Andromaque”《安德落玛刻》“Phaedraè”《菲德尔》Molière(莫里哀)He was the best representative dramatist of French classical comediesMajor works“Le Misanthrope”《愤世嫉俗》“L’Avare”《吝啬鬼》“Tartuffe”《伪君子》艺术Baroque Art(解释见课后题)Bernini(贝尔尼尼)He was a Italian sculptor and architect, and the prominent figure of Italian Baroque.Major works “David”“The Ecstasy of St. Theresa”《特雷萨的狂喜》Caravaggio (卡拉瓦乔)Major works “The Calling of St. Matthew”《呼唤圣马泰蒙》“The Cardsharps”《以诈术读纸牌为生者》Rubens (鲁本斯)Major works “The Raising of the Cross”《十字架的竖起》荷兰新教艺术Rembrandit (伦勃朗)Major works “Blinding of Samson”《叁孙弄瞎眼》“The Polish Rider”《波兰骑士》第六章启蒙时代Enlightenment (定义见课后题)法国的哲学和文学MontesquieuMajor works “Persian Letters”《波斯人信札》“The Spirit of the Laws”《论法的精神》Voltaire(伏尔泰)Major works“Lettres Anglaise”《哲学书简》“Candide”《老实人》Whatever you do, crush the infamous thing and love those who love you.Love truth, but pardon error.Liberty of thought is the life of the soul.I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.Rousseau(卢梭)Major works“The Origin of Human Inequality”《论人类不平等的起源》“The Social Contract”《民约论》“The Confessions”《忏悔录》Nature made men happy and good, but society makes him evil and miserableDiderot (狄德罗)Encyclopédie德国文学和哲学Lessing(莱辛)Major works“Minna von Barnhelm”《明娜封,巴尔赫姆》“Laocoon”《拉奥孔》“Hamburgische Dramaturgie”《汉堡剧评》Goethe (歌德)Major works“ The Sorrows of Young Werther”《少年维特的烦恼》A Chinese translation of it by Guo Moruo during the New Culture Movement of 1919 also moved many young Chinese to tears, a situation which draw from the translator these sentimental lines:青年男子那个不善钟情?青年女子那个不善怀春?“Faust”《浮士德》Schiller (席勒)Major works “The Robber”《海盗》“Cabal and Love”《阴谋与爱情》“ Wallenstein”《华伦斯坦》Kant (康德)Major works“Critique of Pure Reason”《纯粹理性批判》“ Critique of Practical Reason”《实践理性批判》―Critique of Judgment‖《判断力的批判》音乐BachHandel 韩德尔GermanyHe is good at oratorio古典时期Hayden海顿Austrian composerSonata(奏鸣曲)Mozart (莫扎特)Austrian composerConcerto(协奏曲)and opera第七章浪漫主义Romanticism (定义见课后题)德国的浪漫主义Goethe(见上面)Schiller (席勒) (见上面)Heinrich Heine(海涅)He was both romantic and classicist.His major work“Book of Songs”法国的浪漫主义Hugo (雨果)His major works“Notre Dame de Paris”《巴黎圣母院》“ Les Miserables”《悲惨世界》“Cromwell”《克伦威尔》Georg e·Sand (乔治·桑)俄国的浪漫主义Pushkin (普希金)He stood in the van of the Roman movement in RussianHis work“Eugene Onegin”《叶甫盖尼·奥尼金》音乐Beethoven(贝多芬)German composerHis most important contributions ―sonata‖His Symphony No.6 marked the beginning of 19th-century program musicSchubert (舒伯特)Austrian ComposerHe was the first figure in the history of the German ― Lied‖(浪漫曲) a combination of poetry and music.Chopin(肖邦)Polish ComposerHe was the poet of the pianoSchumann (舒曼)Tchaikovsky (柴可夫斯基)Russian ComposerSwan Lake《天鹅湖》现实主义法国的现实主义Stendhal (司汤达)His works “The Red and the Black”Balzac(巴尔扎克)His work“The Human Comedy”Flaubert(福楼拜)His work “Madame Bovary”《包法利夫人》MaupassantHis famous works“The Necklace”“The Piece of String”“The Umbrella”俄国的现实主义Gogol (果戈理)His work“Dead Soul”Turgenev(屠格涅夫)His work “A Hunter’s Sketches”《猎人的笔记》Dostoyevsky(陀思妥耶夫斯基)His work “Crime and Punishment”《罪与恶》Tolstoy(托尔斯泰)War and PeaceAnna Karenina《安娜·尼娜》Resurrection后印象主义Van Gogh (梵高)His works ―Starry Night‖―Sunflower‖―The Night Café11。



Introduction1、There are many elements constituting European Culture.2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.The richness of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.Divison One Greek Culture and Roman Culture1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour.3、Ancient Greece’s epics was created by Homer.4、The Homer’s epics con sisted of Iliad and Odyssey.5、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.6、Three masters in tragedy三大悲剧大师①AeschylusPrometheus Bound—→Shelly Prometheus Unbound②Sophocles(之首)Oedipus the King—→ Freud’s “the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结) —→ David Herbert Lawrence’s Sons and lovers③EuripidesA.Trojan WomenB.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧)C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人)D.Realism can be traced back to the Ancient Greece. To be specific, Euripides.7、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes.Aristophanes writes about nature.Swift says of him “As for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is.”8、History (Historical writing)“Father of History” —→ Herodotus —→ wa r(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peleponicion wars.“The greatest historian that ever lived.” —→ Thucydides —→ war (Sparta, Athens and Syracuse)9、① Euclid’s Elements解析几何It was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century.② ArchimedesHis work not only in geometry几何学,but also in arithmetic算术, machanics 机械, and hydrostatics.流体静力学Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.(Archimedes)10、The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (罗马征服希腊的标志)From 146 B.C., Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire. Greek that of the eastern half.Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.11、The dividing range in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C.12、The year 27 B.C. Divided the Roman history into two periods: republic and empire.13、The idea of Republic can be traced back to Plato’s republic.14、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions(罗马军团)15、In the Roman history, there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was known as Pax Romana.(神圣罗马帝国)16、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana17、The Roman Law protected the rights of plebeians (平民).18、The important contribution made by the Romans to the European culture was the Roman Law.19、After 395,the empire was divided into East (the Byzantine Empire) and West.20、Cicero西赛罗his legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction拉丁语用词described as Ciceronian.西赛罗式的an enormous influence(巨大影响) on the development of European prose.21、Virgil: Aeneid 阿尼德22、The pantheon was built in 27 B.C.The wor ld’s first vast interior space.世界上第一所最大的室内场所23、The representation form of Greek Democracy is citizen-assembly.古希腊民主的表现形式24、The embodiment of Greek democracy is citizen-assembly. 古希腊民主的具体形式25. Many of Plato’s ideas were later absorbed into Christian thought.How did the Ancient Greek philosophy develop?(1)、Three founders1、Pythagoras① All things were numbers.② Scientific mathematics.③ Theory of proportion.比例的理论2、Heracleitue① Fire is the primary elements of the universe.火是万物之源② The theory of the mingling of opposites produced harmony.矛盾的对立统一3、Democritus① the atomic theory.第一个原子理论开拓者② materialism.唯物主义(2)、Three thinkers1、Socrates① He hadn’t works. We can know him from Plato’s dialogues.② The dialectical method was established by Socrates.2、Plato①The Academy is the first school in the world, it was established by Plato.②He has four works. Dialogues, Apology, Symposium and Republic.3、Aristotle①The Lyceum is the second school in the world, it was established by Aristotle.②Aristotle is a humanist.(2)、Five contending schools1、The Sophists诡辩派①Under the leadership of Protagoras.②The representative of work is On the God.诸神论③His doctrine is “man is the measure of all things”.2、The Cynics犬儒派①Under the leadership of Diogenes.②The word “cynic” means “dog” in English.③He proclaimed his brotherhood. And he had no patience with the rich and powerful.3、The Sceptics置疑学派①Under the leadership of Pyrrhon.②His thought is not all knowledge was attainable, and doubting the truth of what others accepted as true.4、The Epicureans享乐派①Under the leadership of Epicurus.②Pleasure to be the highest good in life but not sensual enjoyment.Pleasure could be attained by the practice of virtue.Epicurus was a materialist. He believed that the world consisted of atoms.5、The Stoics斯多哥派①Under the leadership of Zeno.②His thought is duty is the most important thing in life.One should endure hardship and misfortune with courage.Developed into Stoics’ duty.He was also a materialist.What’s the difference between Plato and Aristotle in terms of their philosophical ideas(system)?1、For one thing, Aristotle emphasized direct observation of nature and insisted that theory should follow fact.This is different from Plato’s reliance on subjective thinking.2、For another, he thought that “form” and matter together made up concrete individual realities. Here, too, he differed from Plato who held that ideas had a higher reality than the physical world3、Aristotle thought happ iness was men’s aim in life,but not happiness in the vulgar sense, but something that could only be achieved by leading a life of reason, goodness and contemplation.What is the great significance of Greek Culture on the later-on cultural development? There has been an enduring excitement about classical Greek culture in Europe and elsewhere.Rediscovery of Greek culture played a vital part in the Renaissance in Italyand other European countries.1、Spirit of innovation创新精神The Greek people invented mathematics and science and philosophy; They first wrote history as opposed to mere annals; They speculated freely about the nature of the world and the ends of life, without being bound in the fetters of any inherited orthodoxy.2、Supreme Achievement至高无上的成就The Greeks achieved supreme achievements in nearly all fields of human endeavour: Philosophy, science, epic poetry, comedy, historical writing, architecture, etc.3、Lasting effect持续的影响①Countless writers have quoted, borrowed from and otherwise used Homer’s epics, the tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles and Euripides, Aristophanes’s comedies, Plato’s Dialogues,ect.②In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three young Romantic poets expressed their admiration of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics经典之作: Byron’s Isles of Greece, Shelley’s Hellas and Prometheus Unbound and Keats’s Ode on a Grecian Urn.③In the 20th century, there are Homeric parallels in the Irishman James Joyce’s modernist masterpiece Ulysses.Division Two The Bible and Christianity1、Christianity is by far the most influential in the West.2、Judeo-Christian tradition constitutes one of the two major components of European culture: Judaism and Christianity.3、The Jewish tradition, which gave birth to Christianity. (犹太教是基督教的前身)Both originated in Palestine, which was known as Canaan.4、The ancestors of the Jews — the Hebrews.5、The Hebrews history was recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.6、The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.7、The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God.8、The New Testament is about the doctrine of Jesus Christ.9、The word “Testament” means “agreement”, the agreement between God and Man.10、The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called Pentateuch.摩西五经11、The Fall of Man was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, The Bible.12、Noah’s Ark was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Ol d Testament, The Bible.13、The content of historical Books: 1200B.C. 586 B.C.Dealing with history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200 B.C., till the fall of Palestine into hands of Assyrians and Chaldeans in 586 B.C.14、The History Books① The development of system of landed nobles.② The development of monarchy. 君主专制③ Establishment of the two Kingdoms. 两大王国的初步形成④ The settlement in the highlands⑤ Age of great prosperity under Saul, David and Solomon.15、Towards the end of the fourth century four accounts were accepted as part of the New Testament, which tells the beginning of Christianity.16、The Birth of Jesus was recorded in Matthew (马塞福音书)17、The first English version of whole Bible was translated from the Latin Vulgate in 1382 and was copied out by hand by the early group of reformers led by John Wycliff. What difference between Christianity and the other religions?Christianity based itself on two forceful beliefs which separate it from all other religions.1、One is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that God sent him to earth to live as humans live, suffer as humans suffer, and die to redeem mankind.2、The other is that God gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(加尔文主义也有这样的观点)What is the great significance of the translations of the bible?1、It is generally accepted that the English Bible and Shakespeare are two great reservoirs of Modern English.2、Miltion’s Paradise Lost , Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Byron’s Cain, up to the contemporary Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, and Steinbeck’s East of Eden. Division Three The Middle Ages1、the Middle agesIn European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages.The middle ages is so called because it was the transitional period(过渡时期) between ancient times and modern times. To be specific, from the 5th century to 15th century.2、In 476 A.D. a Germanic (日耳曼) general killed the last Roman emperor and took control of the government. 西罗马476灭,东罗马1653年灭3、Feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding (土地所有) — a system of holding land in exchange for military service (军事力量). The word “feudalism” was derived from the Latin “feudum”, a grant of land.4、5、The Catholic Church made Latin the official language and helped to preserve and pass on the heritage (传统) of the Roman Empire.6、The word “catholic” meant “universal”.(广泛的,无处不在的)7、St. Jerome, who translated into Latin both Old and New Testament from the Hebrew and Greek originals. Vulgate (拉丁语圣经)8、Augustine —→ “Confession” and “The City of God”9、The most important of all courses was Jerusalem. (耶路撒冷)10、Crusades went on about 200 years. There were altogether eight chief Crusades.11、The crusades ended up with the victory of Moslems.(穆斯林)By 1291 the Moslems (穆斯林) had taken over the last Christian stronghold. They won the crusades and ruled all the territory in Palestine that the Crusaders had fought to control.12、Carolingian RenaissanceCarolingian Renaissance is derived from Charlemagne’s name in Latin, Carolus. The most interesting facet (一面) of this rather minor renaissance is the spectacle (有见解) of Frankish or Germanic state reaching out to assimilate (吸收) the riches of the Roman Classical and the Christianized Hebraic culture.13、National Epics(民族史诗运动)The epic was the product of the Heroic Age. It was an important and mostly used form in a ncient literature. “National epic” refers to the epic written in vernacular languages—that is, the languages of various national states (民族国家) that came into being in the Middle Ages. Literary works were no longer all written in Latin. It was the starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture to a culture that was the combination of a variety of national characteristics.14、Chaucer (乔叟) 的诗歌特点:① power of observation (观察)② piercing irony (敏锐的讽刺) ③ sense of humour ④ warm humanity (温暖的人性)15、Gothic①The Gothic style started in France and quickly spread through all parts of Western Europe.② It lasted from the mid-12th to the end of 15th century and, in some areas, into the 16th. More churches were built in this manner than in any other style in history.③ The Gothic was an outgrowth (丰富与发展) of the Romanesque.(罗马式)16、The Canterbury Tales:① The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer.②Chaucer introduced French and Italy writing the English native alliterative verse.③Both Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales are the best representative of the middle English.17 In the middle ages, what cultures began to merge?Classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged (文化融合). It paved the way for the development of what is the present-day European culture.Why is the middle ages is called Age of Faith (信仰的年代)?1、During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.2、The Christian church continued to gain widespread power and influence.3、In the Late middle ages, almost everyone in western Europe was a Christian and a member of the Christian Church. Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of years.4、It shaped people’s lives. That is why the middle ages is also called the “Age ofFaith”.How did Feudalism develop in Europe in middle ages?1、feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding — a system of holding land in exchange for military service. The word “feudalism” was derived from the Latin “feudum”, a grant of land.2、In order to seek the protection of large land-owners, the people of small farms or land gave their farms and land to large land-owners, but they still had freedom, they were called freemen.3、While the people from towns and cities did not possess farms or land. They had nothing but their freedom to be given to large land-owners, and then they lost their freedom for protection. They were called serfs.4、In Feudalism, the ruler of the government redivided the large lands into small pieces to be given to chancellors or soldiers as a reward for their service. The subdivisions were called fiefs. The owners of the fiefs was call vassals.5、There came a form of local and decentralized (分散) government.6、As a knight, he were pledged to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect women of noble birth. These rules were known as code of chivalry, from which the western idea of good manners developed.What positive influence does the Crusades exert on the European Culture?(What is the great significance of the Crusades?)1、The crusades brought the East into closer contact with the West. And they greatly influenced the history of Europe. (拉近了东西方的交流)2、During the wars while many of the feudal lords went to fight in Palestine, kings at home found opportunities to strengthen themselves. Thus among other things, Crusades helped to break down feudalism, which, in turn led to the rise of the monarchies. (取而代之的是君主专制)3、Besides, through their contact with the more cultured Byzantines and Moslems, the western Europeans changed many of their old ideas. Their desire for wealth or power began to overshadow their religious ideals.4、The Crusades also resulted in renewing people’s interest in learning and invention. By the 13th century, universities had spread all over Europe. Such knowledge as Arabic numerals (阿拉伯数字), algebra (代数), and Arab medicine (医学) were introduced to the West.5、As trade increased, village and towns began to grow into cities. And the rise of towns and trade in western Europe paved the way of the growth of strong national governments.How did literature develop in the middle ages?1、The epic was the product of the Heroic Age. It was an important and mostly used form in ancient literature. “National epic” refers to the epic written in vernacular languages—that is, the languages of various national states (民族国家) that came into being in the Middle Ages. Literary works were no longer all written in Latin. It wasthe starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture to a culture that was the combination of a variety of national characteristics. Both Beowulf and song of Roland were the representative works of the National Epics.2、Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy: (但丁与神曲)① His masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world literature.②The poem expresses humanistic ideas which foreshadowed (预示) the spirit of Renaissance.③ Dante wrote his masterpiece in Italian rather than in Latin. (只用意大利语创作)3、Geoffery Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales: (乔叟与坎特布雷集)① The Canterbury Tales were his most popular work.②Most of the tales are written in verse (诗) which reflects(反映) Chaucer’s innovation (改革) by introducing into the native alliterative verse (压头韵) the French and Italian styles.③ Chaucer is thus to be , regarded as the first short story teller and the first modern poet in English literature.短篇写作第一人④ Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales were representative of the Middle ages.Division Four Renaissance and Reformation1、RenaissanceGenerally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century. The word “Renaissance” means revival (复兴), specifically in this period of history, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, in essence (从实质上讲), was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts (试图) to get rid of conservatism (保守主义思想) in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie (资产阶级), to lift the restrictions (禁忌) in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.(权利威信)Generally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century.Renaissance started in Florence and Venice with the flowering of paintings, sculpture (雕塑) and architecture. 最早开始于painting2、In Renaissance literature of Italy, Petrarch (彼得拉克) was the representative poet.3、Intellectuals became closely tied up with the rising bourgeoisie.(人文主义兴起的重要原因Humanistic ideas to develop)4、At the heart of the Renaissance philosophy was the assertion of the greatness of man.(以人为本—人文主义的核心)5、Last Supper adapted from the New Testament of the Bible.6、Michelangelo—— David—— Sistine Chapel (from the First book of the Bible, the Genesis )—— Dying Slave (垂死的奴隶)—— Moses (摩西)7、Raphael was best known for his Madonna. (圣母玛利亚)He painted his Madonnas in different postures against different backgrounds.8、One of the famous paintings besides the Madonnas is School of Athens (雅典学派). Plato and Aristotle engaged in argument.9、Titian—— The Venus of Urbino (断臂的维纳斯)Man with the Glove (带手套的人) ☆10、John Wyclif —— translation of the Bible into English for the first time.11、Martin Luther —— translation of the whole Bible with the vernacular language.12、The reformation get its victory first in England.13、ReformationThe Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political (社会政治) movement. It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church at the University of Wittenberg his 95 thesis. This movement which swept over the whole of Europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible. The reformists engaged themselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues.宗教改革的实质是:反对罗马天主教,直接形式是用母语翻译圣经14、CalvinismCalvinism was established by Calvin in the period of Renaissance. Presbyterian government (长老会). Only those specially elected by God can be saved (上帝的选民) . This belief serves so well to help the rising bourgeoisie on its path (有助于资本主义的兴起)。



Introduction (介绍)1、There are many elements constituting European Culture.2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.The richness of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.Divison OneGreek Culture and Roman Culture1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour.3、Ancient Greece’s epics was created by Homer.4、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.5、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.6、Three masters in tragedy三大悲剧大师①AeschylusPrometheus Bound—→Shelly Prometheus Unbound②Sophocles(之首)Oedipus the King—→ Freud’s“the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结) —→ David Herbert Lawrence’s Sons and lovers③EuripidesA.Trojan WomenB.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧)C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人)D.Realism can be traced back to the Ancient Greece. To be specific, Euripides.7、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes.Aristophanes writes about nature.Swift says of him “As for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is.”8、History (Historical writing)“Father of History” —→ Herodotus —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peleponicion wars.“The greatest historian that ever lived.” —→ Thucydides —→ war (Sparta, Athens and Syracuse)9、① Euclid’s Elements解析几何It was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century.② ArchimedesHis work not only in geometry几何学,but also in arithmetic算术, machanics 机械, and hydrostatics.流体静力学Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.(Archimedes)10、The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (罗马征服希腊的标志)From 146 B.C., Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire. Greek that of the eastern half.Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.11、The dividing range in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C.12、The year 27 B.C. Divided the Roman history into two periods: republic and empire.13、The idea of Republic can be traced back to Plato’s republic.14、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions(罗马军团)15、In the Roman history, there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was known as Pax Romana.(神圣罗马帝国)16、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana17、The Roman Law protected the rights of plebeians (平民).18、The important contribution made by the Romans to the European culture was the Roman Law.19、After 395,the empire was divided into East (the Byzantine Empire) and West.20、Cicero西赛罗his legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction拉丁语用词described as Ciceronian.西赛罗式的an enormous influence(巨大影响) on the development of European prose.21、Virgil: Aeneid 阿尼德22、The pantheon was built in 27 B.C.The world’s first vast interior space.世界上第一所最大的室内场所23、The representation form of Greek Democracy is citizen-assembly.古希腊民主的表现形式24、The embodiment of Greek democracy is citizen-assembly. 古希腊民主的具体形式25. Many of Plato’s ideas we re later absorbed into Christian thought.How did the Ancient Greek philosophy develop?(1)、Three founders1、Pythagoras① All things were numbers.② Scientific mathematics.③ Theory of proportion.比例的理论2、Heracleitue① Fire is the primary elements of the universe.火是万物之源② The theory of the mingling of opposites produced harmony.矛盾的对立统一3、Democritus① the atomic theory.第一个原子理论开拓者② materialism.唯物主义(2)、Three thinkers1、Socrates① He hadn’t works. We can know him from Plato’s dialogues.② The dialectical method was established by Socrates.2、Plato①The Academy is the first school in the world, it was established by Plato.②He has four works. Dialogues, Apology, Symposium and Republic.3、Aristotle①The Lyceum is the second school in the world, it was established by Aristotle.②Aristotle is a humanist.(2)、Five contending schools1、The Sophists诡辩派①Under the leadership of Protagoras.②The representative of work is On the God.诸神论③His doctrine is “man is the measure of all things”.2、The Cynics犬儒派①Under the leadership of Diogenes.②The word “cynic” means “dog” in English.③He proclaimed his brotherhood. And he had no patience with the rich and powerful.3、The Sceptics置疑学派①Under the leadership of Pyrrhon.②His thought is not all knowledge was attainable, and doubting the truth of what others accepted as true.4、The Epicureans享乐派①Under the leadership of Epicurus.②Pleasure to be the highest good in life but not sensual enjoyment.Pleasure could be attained by the practice of virtue.Epicurus was a materialist. He believed that the world consisted of atoms.5、The Stoics斯多哥派①Under the leadership of Zeno.②His thought is duty is the most important thing in life.One should endure hardship and misfortune with courage.Develop ed into Stoics’ duty.He was also a materialist.What’s the difference between Plato and Aristotle in terms of their philosophical ideas(system)?1、For one thing, Aristotle emphasized direct observation of nature and insisted that theory should follow fact.This is different from Plato’s reliance on subjective thinking.2、For another, he thought that “form” and matter together made up concrete individual realities. Here, too, he differed from Plato who held that ideas had a higher reality than the physical world3、Aristotle thought happiness was men’s aim in life,but not happiness in the vulgar sense, but something that could only be achieved by leading a life of reason, goodness and contemplation.What is the great significance of Greek Culture on the later-on cultural development? There has been an enduring excitement about classical Greek culture in Europe and elsewhere.Rediscovery of Greek culture played a vital part in the Renaissance in Italy and other European countries.1、Spirit of innovation创新精神The Greek people invented mathematics and science and philosophy; They first wrote history as opposed to mere annals; They speculated freely about the nature of the world and the ends of life, without being bound in the fetters of any inherited orthodoxy.2、Supreme Achievement至高无上的成就The Greeks achieved supreme achievements in nearly all fields of human endeavour: Philosophy, science, epic poetry, comedy, historical writing, architecture, etc.3、Lasting effect持续的影响①Countless writers have quoted, borrowed from and otherwise used Homer’s epics, the tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles and Euripides, Aristophanes’s comedies, Plato’s Dialogues,ect.②In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three young Romantic poets expressed their admiration of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics经典之作: Byron’s Isles of Greece, Shelley’s Hellas and Prometheus Unbound and Keats’s Ode on a Grecian Urn.③In the 20th century, there are Homeric parallels in the Irishman James Joyce’s modernist masterpiece Ulysses.Division TwoThe Bible and Christianity1、Christianity is by far the most influential in the West.2、Judeo-Christian tradition constitutes one of the two major components of European culture: Judaism and Christianity.3、The Jewish tradition, which gave birth to Christianity. (犹太教是基督教的前身)Both originated in Palestine, which was known as Canaan.4、The ancestors of the Jews — the Hebrews.5、The Hebrews history was recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.6、The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.7、The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God.8、The New Testament is about the doctrine of Jesus Christ.9、The word “Testament” means “agreement”, the agreement between G od and Man.10、The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called Pentateuch.摩西五经11、The Fall of Man was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, The Bible.12、Noah’s Ark was record ed in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, The Bible.13、The content of historical Books: 1200B.C. 586 B.C.Dealing with history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200 B.C., till the fall of Palestine into hands of Assyrians and Chaldeans in 586 B.C.14、The History Books① The development of system of landed nobles.② The development of monarchy. 君主专制③ Establishment of the two Kingdoms. 两大王国的初步形成④ The settlement in the highlands⑤ Age of great prosperity under Saul, David and Solomon.15、Towards the end of the fourth century four accounts were accepted as part of the New Testament, which tells the beginning of Christianity.16、The Birth of Jesus was recorded in Matthew (马塞福音书)17、The first English version of whole Bible was translated from the Latin Vulgate in 1382 and was copied out by hand by the early group of reformers led by John Wycliff. What difference between Christianity and the other religions?Christianity based itself on two forceful beliefs which separate it from all other religions.1、One is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that God sent him to earth to live as humans live, suffer as humans suffer, and die to redeem mankind.2、The other is that God gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(加尔文主义也有这样的观点)What is the great significance of the translations of the bible?1、It is generally accepted that the English Bible and Shakespeare are two great reservoirs of Modern English.2、Miltion’s Paradise Lost , Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Byron’s Cain, up to the contemporary Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, and Steinbeck’s East of Eden.Division ThreeThe Middle Ages1、the Middle agesIn European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages.The middle ages is so called because it was the transitional period(过渡时期) between ancient times and modern times. To be specific, from the 5th century to 15th century.2、In 476 A.D. a Germanic (日耳曼) general killed the last Roman emperor and took control of the government. 西罗马476灭,东罗马1653年灭3、Feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding (土地所有) — a system of holding land in exchange for military service (军事力量). The word “feudalism” was derived from the Latin “feudum”, a grant of land.4、5、The Catholic Church made Latin the official language and helped to preserve and pass on the heritage (传统) of the Roman Empire.6、The word “catholic” meant “universal”.(广泛的,无处不在的)7、St. Jerome, who translated into Latin both Old and New Testament from the Hebrew and Greek originals. Vulgate (拉丁语圣经)8、Augustine —→ “Confession” and “The City of God”9、The most important of all courses was Jerusalem. (耶路撒冷)10、Crusades went on about 200 years. There were altogether eight chief Crusades.11、The crusades ended up with the victory of Moslems.(穆斯林)By 1291 the Moslems (穆斯林) had taken over the last Christian stronghold. They won the crusades and ruled all the territory in Palestine that the Crusaders had fought to control.12、Carolingian RenaissanceCarolingian Renaissance is derived from Charlemagne’s name in Latin, Carolus. The most interesting facet (一面) of this rather minor renaissance is the spectacle (有见解) of Frankish or Germanic state reaching out to assimilate (吸收) the riches of the Roman Classical and the Christianized Hebraic culture.13、National Epics(民族史诗运动)The epic was the product of the Heroic Age. It was an important and mostly used form in ancient literature. “National epic” refers to the epic written in vernacular languages—that is, the languages of various national states (民族国家) that came into being in the Middle Ages. Literary works were no longer all written in Latin. It was the starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture to a culture that was the combination of a variety of national characteristics.14、Chaucer (乔叟) 的诗歌特点:① power of observation (观察)② piercing irony (敏锐的讽刺) ③ sense of humour ④ warm humanity (温暖的人性)15、Gothic① The Gothic style started in France and quickly spread through all parts of Western Europe.② It lasted from the mid-12th to the end of 15th century and, in some areas, into the 16th. More churches were built in this manner than in any other style in history.③ The Gothic was an outgrowth (丰富与发展) of the Romanesque.(罗马式)16、The Canterbury Tales:① The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer.②Chaucer introduced French and Italy writing the English native alliterative verse.③Both Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales are the best representative of the middle English.17 In the middle ages, what cultures began to merge?Classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged (文化融合). It paved the way for the development of what is the present-day European culture.Why is the middle ages is called Age of Faith (信仰的年代)?1、During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.2、The Christian church continued to gain widespread power and influence.3、In the Late middle ages, almost everyone in western Europe was a Christian and amember of the Christian Church. Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of years.4、It shaped people’s lives. That is why the middle ages is also called the “Age of Faith”.How did Feudalism develop in Europe in middle ages?1、feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding — a system of holding land in exchange for military service. The word “feudalism” was derived from the Latin “feudum”, a grant of land.2、In order to seek the protection of large land-owners, the people of small farms or land gave their farms and land to large land-owners, but they still had freedom, they were called freemen.3、While the people from towns and cities did not possess farms or land. They had nothing but their freedom to be given to large land-owners, and then they lost their freedom for protection. They were called serfs.4、In Feudalism, the ruler of the government redivided the large lands into small pieces to be given to chancellors or soldiers as a reward for their service. The subdivisions were called fiefs. The owners of the fiefs was call vassals.5、There came a form of local and decentralized (分散) government.6、As a knight, he were pledged to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect women of noble birth. These rules were known as code of chivalry, from which the western idea of good manners developed.What positive influence does the Crusades exert on the European Culture?(What is the great significance of the Crusades?)1、The crusades brought the East into closer contact with the West. And they greatly influenced the history of Europe. (拉近了东西方的交流)2、During the wars while many of the feudal lords went to fight in Palestine, kings at home found opportunities to strengthen themselves. Thus among other things, Crusades helped to break down feudalism, which, in turn led to the rise of the monarchies. (取而代之的是君主专制)3、Besides, through their contact with the more cultured Byzantines and Moslems, the western Europeans changed many of their old ideas. Their desire for wealth or power began to overshadow their religious ideals.4、The Crusades also resulted in renewing people’s interest in learning and invention. By the 13th century, universities had spread all over Europe. Such knowledge as Arabic numerals (阿拉伯数字), algebra (代数), and Arab medicine (医学) were introduced to the West.5、As trade increased, village and towns began to grow into cities. And the rise of towns and trade in western Europe paved the way of the growth of strong national governments.How did literature develop in the middle ages?1、The epic was the product of the Heroic Age. It was an important and mostly usedform in ancient literature. “National epic” refers to the epic written in vernacular languages—that is, the languages of various national states (民族国家) that came into being in the Middle Ages. Literary works were no longer all written in Latin. It was the starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture to a culture that was the combination of a variety of national characteristics. Both Beowulf and song of Roland were the representative works of the National Epics.2、Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy: (但丁与神曲)① His masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world literature.②The poem expresses humanistic ideas which foreshadowed (预示) the spirit of Renaissance.③ Dante wrote his masterpiece in Italian rather than in Latin. (只用意大利语创作)3、Geoffery Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales: (乔叟与坎特布雷集)① The Canterbury Tales were his most popular work.②Most of the tales are written in verse (诗) which reflects(反映) Chaucer’s innovation (改革) by introducing into the native alliterative verse (压头韵) the French and Italian styles.③ Chaucer is thus to be , regarded as the first short story teller and the first modern poet in English literature.短篇写作第一人④ Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales were representative of the Middle ages.Division FourRenaissance and Reformation1、RenaissanceGenerally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century. The word “Renaissance” means revival (复兴), specifically in this period of history, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, in essence (从实质上讲), was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts (试图) to get rid of conservatism (保守主义思想) in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie (资产阶级), to lift the restrictions (禁忌) in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.(权利威信)Generally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century.Renaissance started in Florence and Venice with the flowering of paintings, sculpture (雕塑) and architecture. 最早开始于painting2、In Renaissance literature of Italy, Petrarch (彼得拉克) was the representative poet.3、Intellectuals became closely tied up with the rising bourgeoisie.(人文主义兴起的重要原因Humanistic ideas to develop)4、At the heart of the Renaissance philosophy was the assertion of the greatness of man.(以人为本—人文主义的核心)5、Last Supper adapted from the New Testament of the Bible.6、Michelangelo—— David—— Sistine Chapel (from the First book of the Bible, the Genesis )—— Dying Slave (垂死的奴隶)—— Moses (摩西)7、Raphael was best known for his Madonna. (圣母玛利亚)He painted his Madonnas in different postures against different backgrounds.8、One of the famous paintings besides the Madonnas is School of Athens (雅典学派). Plato and Aristotle engaged in argument.9、Titian—— The Venus of Urbino (断臂的维纳斯)Man with the Glove (带手套的人) ☆10、John Wyclif —— translation of the Bible into English for the first time.11、Martin Luther —— translation of the whole Bible with the vernacular language.12、The reformation get its victory first in England.13、ReformationThe Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political (社会政治) movement. It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church at the University of Wittenberg his 95 thesis. This movement which swept over the whole of Europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible. The reformists engaged themselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues.宗教改革的实质是:反对罗马天主教,直接形式是用母语翻译圣经14、CalvinismCalvinism was established by Calvin in the period of Renaissance. Presbyterian government (长老会). Only those specially elected by God can be saved (上帝的选民) . This belief serves so well to help the rising bourgeoisie on its path (有助于资本主义的兴起)。








以下是一些国家及其首都的例子:- 法国:首都为巴黎- 德国:首都为柏林- 英国:首都为伦敦- 西班牙:首都为马德里- 俄罗斯:首都为莫斯科历史与文化:- 古希腊:古希腊文明对欧洲和世界文化产生了巨大影响。


- 罗马帝国:古罗马帝国是古代欧洲最伟大的帝国之一。


- 文艺复兴:文艺复兴是欧洲历史上的一个重要时期,它标志着对古代文化的重新研究和赞赏。



以下是一些欧洲常见的语言:- 英语:是世界上最为广泛使用的语言之一,在欧洲和其他许多国家都被广泛使用。

- 西班牙语:主要在西班牙和拉丁美洲国家使用,也在欧洲的许多地区被讲使用。

- 法语:是很多国际组织的官方语言之一,同时也是许多欧洲国家的官方语言之一。


以下是一些著名的景点:- 埃菲尔铁塔(法国,巴黎):巴黎的象征之一,是世界上最著名的建筑物之一。

- 大本钟(英国,伦敦):位于伦敦议会广场的著名钟楼,是英国标志性建筑物之一。

- 罗马斗兽场(意大利,罗马):古罗马时期的著名建筑,是世界上最大的古代斗兽场之一。





















欧洲文化入门 第二章 考点 复习要点

欧洲文化入门 第二章 考点 复习要点

I. General IntroductionIn European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages,also called Medieval times(476-1450). It is so called because it came between ancient times and modern times.In the latter part of the fourth century the Huns(匈奴人) swept into Europe from central Asia, robbing and killing as they came along, and large-numbers of the half civilized Germanic tribes such as the Visigoths, the Franks, the Angles and Saxons, and the Vandals fled(逃避) their homelands in northern Europe and were pushed to cross the Danube river*(多瑙河) into the territory(领土) of the Roman Empire. In A. D. 476 a Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor(君主) and took control of the government. While the Eastern Roman Empire continued, the power of ancient Rome was gone. In its place mushroomed a great many Germanic kingdoms, which in a few hundred years were to grow into the nations known as England. France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. Between the fifth and eleventh centuries, western Europe was the scene of frequent wars and invasions(战争和侵略). The political unity had given way to widespread destruction and confusion. Hunger and disease killed many lives; towns and villages fell into ruin and great areas of land lay waste.During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. It continued to gain widespread power and influence- In the Late Middle Ages,almost everyone in western Europe was a Christian and a member of the Christian Church.It is also known as the medieval period(1000), and as the Dark Ages(476-1000). As during the Middle times there wasno central government to keep the order, and the Christian church shaped people ’ s ideas and lives by taking the lead in politics, law, art, and learning of Europe, it is also called “ Age of Faith .”Whatever names we may give to this span of time, this is a period in which classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged(传承、融合). And it is this fusion and blending of different ideas and practices 'that paved the way for the development of what is the present-day European culture.II . Manor and Church1. FeudalismFeudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding a system of holding land in exchange for military service. The word "feudalism" was derived from the Latin "feudum", a grant of land.a. Growth of FeudalismWhen the Western Roman Empire grew weak, people lived in constant danger of attacks from invaders and robbers. They had to find ways to protect their families and homes. Owners of small farms sought protection from large landowners, by giving them land and services; In return the large landowners promised to protect the landless peasants and their families. Besides, war had destroyed lots of towns, trade and business had declined, more and more townspeople fled to the countryside to seek protection from those powerful landowners. In this way, the large landowners came to own more and more and while the peas ants ended up giving the lords not only their land but their freedom as well. Most of them became serfs(农奴), bound to the land where they had been born. Only very fewpeasants were freemen, they were usually the workers who made the ploughs, shod the horses, and made harnesses for oxen and horses.Then in 732 Charles Martel, a Prankish ruler gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their service. They, granted the right to govern large sections of land as fiefs to great lords. These lords known as vassals in turn promised to fight for the king. And they themselves further granted parts of their fiefs to lesser vassals. Thus, a complicated system of government developed. After 800, the kings in Europe were usually very weak. Without a strong central government the kingdoms of Western Europe were divided into thousands of feudal manors or farming communities, each as big as an ancient polis. Some nobles grew more powerful than the king, and became independent rulers. They had the right to collect taxes and to make their own laws. Many of them coined their own money and raised their own armies. Therefore feudalism was also a system of government a form of local and decentralized government.b. The ManorThe centre of medieval life under feudalism was the manor. Manors were founded on the fiefs of the lords. Some lords owned only one manor; others owned many. They lived in a manor house. The manor(庄园主的住宅) house originally consisted of one big room with a high ceiling and astraw-covered floor. There nobles(贵族) met with vassals(奴仆), carried the laws and said their prayer. By the twelfth (第十二)century manor houses were made of stone and designed as fortresses(堡垒). They came to be called castles(城堡). Medieval Europe was dotted with castles. For instance in Germany alone [here were as many as 1 0 000 castles.Near the manor stood a small village of wood and dirt cottages with thatched roof. The village was surrounded by forests, meadows, pastures,and fields. Most village had a church, mill(作坊), bread oven(烤炉), and wine press. At the centre of the manor stood the church.c. Knighthood and Code of Chivalry(骑士!)Almost all nobles were knights in the Medieval days. But no one was born a knight ― knighthood had to be earned. The training was both long and hard. A noble began his education as a page at the age of seven. He was taught to say his prayers, learned good manners and ran errands for the ladies. At about fourteen, the page(学习骑士,接收训练期间做侍从,可以被训练为骑士) became a squire(地主,乡绅) or assistant to a knight (骑士) who became his master.学习骑士在十四岁的时候成为乡绅或者作为自己导师(也是骑士)的助手。



《欧洲文化入门》知识点笔记1、There are many elements constituting(组成) European Culture.2、There are two major elements:Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.3、The richness(丰富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.第一章1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on(依赖) an immense(无限的)amount of slave labour.3、Olympus mount, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)’s epics was created by Homer.5、They events of Homer’s own time. (错)(They are not about events of Homer’s own time, probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)6、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.7、Agamemnon,Hector, Achilles are in Iliad.8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe’s Ulysses(描述一天的生活) In the 20th century.10、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.11、三大悲剧大师① Aeschylus《Prometheus Bound》—→模仿式作品Shelly《Prometheus Unbound》② Sophocles(之首)《Oedipus the King》—→ Freud’s “the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结)—→ David Herbert Lawrence’s《Sons and lovers》(劳伦斯)447页③ EuripidesA.《Trojan Women》B.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧) 在肖伯纳手中达到高潮,属于存在主义戏剧的人物C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人)D.Realism can be traced back(追溯到) to the Ancient Greece.To be specific(具体来说),Euripides.12、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. 18页Aristophanes writes about nature. —→浪漫主义湖畔派(The lakers)华兹华兹(新古典主义代表作家《格列夫游记》《大人国小人国》《温和的提议》用讽刺的写作手法)13、History (Historical writing)史学创作※“Father of History” —→ Herodotus —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peleponicion wars. 博罗奔泥撒,3只是陈述史实,并没有得出理论。






















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