EP1 短语学

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English Phraseology
Instructor: Cui Lin Fall of 2012
第一章 短语学研究的传统方法


短语学的概念;短语的定义和分类;不同语言ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu分支对
6 Welte, Werner. (1990) Englische Phraseologie und Idiomatik. Ein Arbeitsbuch mit umfassender Bibliographie. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
7 Cowie, A. P. & Peter Howarth. (1996) Phraseology - a Select Bibliography. International Journal of Lexicography 9(1): 38–51
8 Gläser, Rosemarie. 1998. The Stylistic Potential of Phraselological Units in the Light of Genre Analysis In A.P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology. Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 125.
Arsentieva, E.F. 2006. Frazeologiya i frazeografija v sopostavitel’nom aspekte (na materiale angliyskogo i russkogo yazikov). Kazan’.
Burger, Harald, Dobrovol´skij, Dmitrij, Kuhn, Peter, & Norrrick, Neal. (eds.) 2007. Phraseology: An International Handbook of Contemporary Research: Vols. 1-2, Berlin: de Gruyter.
For example, ‘Dutch auction’ is composed of the words Dutch ‘of or pertaining to the Netherlands’ and auction ‘a public sale in which goods are sold to the highest bidder’, but its meaning is not ‘a sale in the Netherlands where goods are sold to the highest bidder’. Instead, the phrase has a conventionalized meaning referring to any auction where, instead of rising, the prices fall.
第一节 短语学及其发展史
The earliest English adaptations of phraseology are by Weinreich (1969)[3] within the approach of transformational grammar), Arnold (1973),[4] and Lipka (1992 [1974]).[5]

第一节 短语学及其发展史

第二节 短语的定义

第三节 短语:语言系统的边缘与核心

第四节 研究方法和分类

第五节 弗斯语言学

第六节 生成语言学

第七节 认知语言学和构式语法

第八节 语料库语言学

第九节 小结
第一节 短语学及其发展史
In linguistics, phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units (often collectively referred to as phrasemes), in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently.
第二节 短语的定义
The basic units of analysis in phraseology are often referred to as phrasemes or phraseological units.
Phraseological units are (according to Prof. Kunin A.V.)[citation needed] stable word-groups with partially or fully transferred meanings ("to kick the bucket", “Greek gift”, “drink till all's blue”, “drunk as a fiddler (drunk as a lord, as a boiled owl)”, “as mad as a hatter (as a march hare)”).
1 Knappe, Gabriele. (2004) Idioms and Fixed Expressions in English Language Study before 1800. Peter Lang.
2 Bally, Charles (1909 [1951]) Traitéde stylistique française. Genève: Georg et Cie.
Altenberg, Bengt. 1998. On the Phraseology of Spoken English: The Evidence of Recurrent Word-Combinations In A.P. Cowie (ed.), Phraseology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
3 Weinreich, Uriel (1969) Problems in the Analysis of Idioms. In J. Puhvel (ed.), Substance and Structure of Language, 23-81. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Amosova, N.N. 1963. Osnovi angliyskoy frazeologii. Leningrad.
Anscombre, Jean-Claude & Salah Mejri (eds.) 2011. Le figement linguistique : la parole en-travée. Paris: Honoré Champion.
4 Arnold, I.V. (1973) The English Word Moscow: Higher School Publishing House
5 Lipka, Leonhard. 1992. An Outline of English Lexicology. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
In Great Britain as well as other Western European countries, phraseology has steadily been developed over the last twenty years.
The activities of the European Society of Phraseology (EUROPHRAS) and the European Association for Lexicography (EURALEX) with their regular conventions and publications attest to the prolific European interest in phraseology.
第一节 短语学及其发展史
Phraseology is a scholarly approach to language which developed in the twentieth century.[1] It took its start when Charles Bally's[2] notion of locutions phraseologiques entered Russian lexicology and lexicography in the 1930s and 1940s and was subsequently developed in the former Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries. From the late 1960s on it established itself in (East) German linguistics but was also sporadically approached in English linguistics.
第二节 短语的定义
According to Rosemarie Gläser, a phraseological unit is a lexicalized, reproducible bilexemic or polylexemic word group in common use, which has relative syntactic and semantic stability, may be idiomatized, may carry connotations, and may have an emphatic or intensifying function in a text.[8]
Álvarez de la Granja, María (ed.). 2008. Fixed Expressions in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. A Multilingual and Multidisciplinary Approach. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac.
第一节 短语学及其发展史
Bibliographies of recent studies on English and general phraseology are included in Welte (1990)[6] and specially collected in Cowie & Howarth (1996)[7] whose bibliography is reproduced and continued on the internet and provides a rich source of the most recent publications in the field.
Cowie, A.P. 1998. Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press.