
Outline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. Conclusion[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。

《新闻标题大全2018摘抄【英语新闻的标题语言】》摘要:(Are) in Pact on Electronics. (《美日就电子设备达成协议》),(The )Bankers (Keep) Silent As ( the ) Dollar Falls. (《美元价跌,银行家保持沉默》),of Petroleum Exporting Countries(欧佩克或石油输出国组织), IPR: Intellectual Property Rights(知识产权),CEO: Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官),Sino-US Ties Crucial. (《基辛格说中美关系至关重要》), China Cooks: Masters at Turning a Turnip into a Flower. (《中国厨师能把一个萝卜变成一朵花》)已发展成为全球性国际通用语的英语,在过去的20多年里,一直是中国开放政策的重要媒介之一。
英语新闻(journalistic English)指英文报刊上常见的各类文章,体裁多样,有新闻报道、新闻特写、广告、公报、述评、访谈……题材广泛,内容包罗万象。

Other examples:
smog = smoke + fog 烟雾 newscast = news + broadcast 新闻广播 atobomb = atom bomb 原子弹 blacketeer = black marketeer 黑市商人 cinemanufacturer = cinema manufacturer 电 影制片商 fruice = fruit + juice 果汁 slanguage = slang language 俚语
Political efforts (are) vital to reform—Party leader (党的领导人说:改革一定要讲政治。 ) Three (are) dead after inhaling oven gas Courses on Practical Skills (are/remain) Popular with Students
2. 逗号代替连词and
Russia, China warn against antagonizing Iran NBC’s President Seeks Big Acquisitions, Ventures for Network ( “强势兼并”+“巨额投资”---NBC总裁赖特为
Van Goghs Recovered After Theft (凡高名画窃而复得) Journalist fired in spy debate. (涉嫌间谍案纠纷,一记者被炒鱿鱼。)
500 Reported killed in Korean Buiding collapse

英语阅读新闻以下是两篇英语新闻:新闻一:Title: NASA Launches New Spacecraft to Study Sun's Effects on EarthNASA has launched a new spacecraft designed to study how the sun's activity affects Earth's atmosphere. The Solar Probe Plus will orbit the sun, collecting data on solar winds and other solar phenomena that can impact our planet. The mission aims to improve our understanding of space weather and how it can disrupt communications and power grids. Solar Probe Plus is scheduled to arrive at the sun in 2025 and will orbit within 4 million miles of the star's surface, facing temperatures of up to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit.新闻二:Title: UK Government to Ban Single-Use Plastics by 2025The UK government has announced plans to ban single-use plastics by 2025 in a bid to reduce waste and protect the environment. Theproposed ban includes plastic straws, bottles, and bags, which will be replaced with sustainable alternatives. The move is part of the government's pledge to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste in the UK by the end of the decade. The ban is expected to have a significant impact on reducing plastic pollution in the world's oceans and on land.希望以上两篇新闻对您有所启发,您也可以通过访问相关英语学习网站,阅读更多新闻报道,以提升您的英文阅读能力。

1.“We will always be friends”: Biden and Trump finally part ways
2.The COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 2 million people worldwide
3.China's first homegrown passenger jet, the C919, takes its maiden flight
introduces strict new measures to curb spread of new coronavirus
Capitol riots: What we know about the pro-Trump mob that stormed

英语新闻标题大全篇一:英语新闻标题常用词汇英语新闻标题常用词汇aid=assist(帮助,援助)alter=change or modify(改变)ask=inquire(询问)assail=denounce(谴责)axe=dismiss\reduce(解雇,减少)balk=impede(阻碍)ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露)blast=explode(爆炸)begin=commence(开始)bid=attempt(努力)bilk=cheat(欺骗)bolt=desert or abandon(放弃)boost=increase(增加,提高)check=examine(检查)claim=abuse the death of…(夺去……的生命) clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curb=control or restrict(控制)dip=decline or decrease(下降)ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)end=terminate(结束,中止)flay=criticize(批评)flout=insult(侮辱)foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)grill = investigate(调查)gut=destroy(摧毁)head=direct(率领)hold=arrest(逮捕)laud=praise(赞扬)lop=diminish(下降,减少)map=work out(制订)mark=celebrate(庆祝)name=appoint\nominate(命名,提名) moot=discuss(讨论)mull=consider(考虑)nab=arrest(逮捕)nip=defeat(击败)nix=deny\disapprove(否决,拒绝)opt=choose(选择)oust=expel(驱逐)peril=endanger(危害,危及)pledge=determine(发誓)plot=conspire(预谋,密谋策划)plunge=plummet(价格等)暴跌poise=ready for action(作好准备) probe=investigate(调查)raid =attack(进攻)rap =criticize(批评)rebuke=criticize(批评)rout=defeat completely(击溃,打垮) slay=murder(谋杀)soar=skyrocket(急剧上升)spur=encourage(激励,鞭策)swap=exchange(交流,交换)sway=influence(影响)trim=reduce(削减)vie=compete(竞争)vow=determine(决心,发誓)weigh=consider(考虑)woo=seek to win(争取,追求)常见诸报端的标题小词,以备不时之需:ace=champion(得胜者)aid=assistance(帮助)blast=explosion(爆炸)body=committee,commission (委员会)clash=controversy(机构)crash=collision(碰撞,坠毁)deal=agreement,transaction (协议,交易)dems=democrats(民主主义者,民主人士,民主党党员)envoy=ambassador(大使)fake=counterfeit(赝品,骗局)fete=celebration(庆祝)feud=strong dispute(严重分歧)flop=failure(失败)freeze=stabilization (冻结,平抑)glut=oversupply(供过于求)GOP=Grand 0ld Party(〈美国〉共和党)nod=approval(许可,批准)pact=agreement,treaty (条约,协议)poll=election,public opinion poll (投票选举,民意测验) probe=investigation(调查)pullout=withdrawal(撤退,撤离)rift=separation(隔离,分离)row=quarrel(争论,争议)set=ready(准备)snag=unexpected difficulty (意外障碍,意外困难)statement=dispute that cannot be settled(僵持,僵局) stance=attitude(态度)step=progress(进程,进步)strife=conflict(冲突,矛盾)ties=(diplomatic)relations (关系)一些常见诸英语报端的这类节缩词,供读者读报时对照、查考: Aussie=Australian(澳大利亚的)biz=business(商业)champ=champion(冠军)con=convict(罪犯)deli=delicatessen(熟食)expo=exposition(博览会)homo=homosexual(同性恋)lib=liberation(解放)pro=professional(专业的,职业的)rep=representative(代表)Russ=Russia(俄罗斯)Sec=secretary(秘书)chute=parachute(降落伞)copter=helicopter(直升机)nat’l=national(全国的)com’l=commercial(商业的,广告)c’tee=committee(委员会)C’wealth=Commonwealth(英联邦)telly=television(电视机)tech=technology(技术)pix=pictures(电影)vet=veteran(老兵,老手)vic=victory(胜利英语新闻标题中经常出现的缩写词主要分为三类:1、组织机构等专有名称,如上述例句中的CPPCC (全国政协)和PLO(巴解组织)。
news headline新闻标题

Referent transformations 1. Impact Test Backs/ Bolsters Shuttle Foam Theory 2. Bomb Rips Bus in Kabul, Kills 3 Soldiers 3. Maria, Liz Share Best Young Actress 4. Banker Found Dead in Garage 5. Crude Oil Prices Soaring 6. Stocks on(Constant) Decline
Although both active and passive voices are often used, it is strongly recommended that active voices should be applied whenever and wherever possible instead of passive. Punctuations are used in news headlines to function as parts of speech, or carry typical grammatical meanings in replacement of members of sentences( for instance, using comma to replace “and”, using hyphen to indicate the speaker, using colon to replace “be” in addition to referring to the speaker or commentator or other source or attribution etc.)

Outline1. Introduction2. Development of English News Title2.1 History of English News Title2.2 Functions of English News Title2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects.2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences3. Translation of English News Titles3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Addition3.4 Omission3.5 Negation Translation3.6 Alliteration3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation4. Conclusion[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey.[Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods英语新闻标题及其翻译[摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。

1)北有煤海(暗含一般现在时) (2)明天必将美好(将来时) (3)十年后重访国外(省略主语,英语新闻标题不可以) (4)America Will Not Curb Arms for Israel(一般将来时) 美无意削减对以武器援助 (5)Women Are Becoming Experts at Home Repairs(进行时) 妇女正在成为家庭装修能手 From the above examples, we can see that the tense marker is obvious in English news headlines while in the Chinese news headlines the tense marker is not obvious.
Lexical difference From the point view of lexical, Chinese news headlines prefer to verbs while English news headlines prefer nouns. (1)开放 搞活 改革 致富(连用四个动词) (2)Britain “Flagship” Detention Center Abandoned (连用四个名词) In the first example, Chinese news headline uses four verbs. In the second example, English news headline uses four nouns.
Grammatical Features of English News Titles
较多使用现在时 大量使用非谓语动词 词语的省略
▪ 英语新闻标题中大量使用一般现在时来代替其他 各种时态,因为一般现在时可以增加新闻报道的 现实感和生动性,拉近读者与阅读对象的情感距 离,这也正是新闻学中的Journalistic Tense(新 闻现在时),其作用就是增强所报道事件的新鲜 感。例如:
(Quake=earthquake,地震) ▪ IBM Sets Wireless Web Pacts for E-business
(IBM=International Business Machines Corporation,美国商用机器公司) ▪ Members’ Close Ties Emphasized Ahead of SCO Summit (SCO=Shanghai Co-operation Organization,上海合作组织) ▪ US seeks MIAs (MIA= Missing in Action,作战失 踪人员)
▪ 大陆工厂产量正飞速增长
▪ People Flow Hurting the Wall (=People Flow Is Hurting the Wall)
▪ 过多的人流正破坏长城
▪ India Mending Fences with Neighbors (=India Is Mending Fences with Neighbors)
▪ 印度正改善与邻国关系
▪ Mainland Factory Output Booming (=Mainland Factory Output Is Booming)
▪ Annan Reaches Bagdad in Last-Minute Peace Bid (安南抵达巴格达做最后一刻的和平努力, bid=attempt)

newsheadline最新双语新闻标题中国日报9.26China,Japan talk on Diaoyu 中日就钓鱼岛问题磋商Mainland buyers spend more 香港内地奢侈消费迥异Carrier fails sea trial 印度二手航母瘫痪海上Delicious cake wardrobe 蛋糕衣橱:可以吃的美味Red envelopes become burden 婚礼致国庆节变“黄金劫”Delaying means saving “错峰”出游可省一半费用Yahoo CEO lays out goals雅虎新CEO推复兴计划Chinese dating tours popular 找另一半?试试相亲游!9.27Obamas in Brazilian election 巴候选人争冠名奥巴马Mooncake coupons in grey 月饼券滋生灰色利益链US army on suicide hold 美陆军“停摆”一天防自杀Japan’s palm-reading ATM 手掌感应ATM机亮相日本Family’s crazy lottery wins 挪威妈妈三产“招财童子”Bid to revise pension system 戴相龙坦承养老金缺口£40M to marry off daughter 富豪天价招女婿掰“直”女儿9.28Suri Cruise learning Chinese 阿汤哥千金苏瑞学中文Sotheby’s taps into China 拍卖巨头苏富比落户京Suicide bridge gets makeover 韩“自杀桥”交谈安慰路人The hula hoop washer 转转呼啦圈把衣洗Cupcake ATM machines to UK美蛋糕售卖机进军英国9.29Google’s interview unveiled 谷歌面试题遭破解Tips:“life’s not all…”点津:人生不是吃喝玩乐HK cracks down on smugglers 香港严打大陆扫货“水客“10.7Mo Yan leads race for Nobel 诺贝尔文学奖莫言有戏Psy receives special visa “江南大叔“获美人才签证Artist paints with his blood “重口味“画家血作画Golden week sparks gold rush 黄金周国人扎堆买黄金Venezuela upsets global oil 委大选将影响全球油价Seniors tap online shopping 我国老年网购族超百万10.8WB cuts China growth to 7.7% 世行下调中国增长预期Rowling’s new book dull? 罗琳新书被批“很不咋地“10.9Traffic punishment harsher 明年起“新手”不得上高速Campaign on social media 美国大选社交媒体过招Old-fashioned stuff hits “国民”床单脸盆重出江湖10.9McGrady finalizes China deal 麦蒂将成CBA最大牌外援Graduate as human scarecrow 英毕业生甘当稻草人10.10SAT a big busines s “洋高考”衍生一条龙服务Google wants to be a bank 谷歌推贷款进军信贷业NZ bans illegal milk export 新西兰奶粉代购被禁止UK houses for Chinese buyers 英房企进军中国抢市场Canada may exclude Huawei 加拿大暗示将“封杀”华为10.11JP firms halt campus hires 日企校园招聘季“玩失踪”Internet firm revenue listed 互联网企业收入榜出炉No bel bets boost book sales “诺奖效应”莫言作品热卖10.28Google has same-day delivery 谷歌试水当日送达快递Girl, 15,living as a doll 萝莉扮洋娃娃爆红11.1Smartphone vs tablet users 智能机平板用户大比拼Famous Japanese faked resume 加藤嘉一为“学历门”致歉11.9Apple shares hit 5-month low 苹果股价重挫4%创新低KSA women to be heard 沙特女性有望“垂帘听政”11.13Migrants better in cities 农民工进城落户将推进US chief in Afghan probed 美驻阿军涉“情妇门”案11.14Hotel rooms contaminated 速8登加国酒店卫生黑榜Mrs Obama pleads for DVDs 美第一夫人看电视求“剧透”11.15New CPC top leaders meet press 新一届政治局常委今亮相Milk prices see hike 乳品或迎新一轮涨价潮Silence urged for BBC staff BBC禁员工微博谈“家丑”Cash bonus for being in love 公司恋爱福利鼓励“脱光”McAfee wanted in murder case “杀毒教父”涉嫌谋杀World’s worst hotel a hit 荷旅馆宣传打“脏乱差”牌11.16War with the mom-in-law 英国四成婆媳关系紧张(早)Congrats to Xi from abroad 多个国家政党发来电函祝贺习近平当选总书记Petraeus to testify on Libya 中情局前局长接受质询“Twin” in Italian painting 美青年画中遇“胞弟”New-style Christmas tree “女裙”圣诞树显优雅(早)Air tickets go for a song 处境游机票价格“大跳水”(晚报) 11.17(早)SH Volleyball coach fired 沪女排涉骚扰教练“下课”11.18“No cap”for rail pay outs 铁路赔偿不再15万封顶(早)11.27Men in pink shirts earn more 男人穿粉衬衫更有“钱”途(早)12.5Bad image of returnees 7成企业拒优先录用海归(早) Wintel loses advantage? 报告:Wintel 联盟将崩溃(早)New boom in registrations “1314”结婚潮逼停民政网PKU canteens snub outsiders 北大将拒绝校外“蹭饭族”12.6(早)Tie doubles as a flask 偷喝神器“酒瓶领带”问世QR code popular among youth 年轻人热捧二维扫描码(晚)Most lipsticks contain lead 唇膏含铅小心“毒从口入”(晚)12.9Robot to accompany astronauts 太空“陪聊”机器人将问世(晚)12.10PSY apologizes for lyrics 鸟叔因“歌词门”致歉美国(晚)12.12Universities share exam 三大联盟自招笔试“撞车”(晚) Confessing love on Dec 12 单身族双十二扎堆告白12.13Master’s degree the minimum 7成中产家庭“望子读研”(晚)12.17Gas shortage hits China 多地遇“气荒”殃及出租车(晚)12.22Economists busy moonlighting 经济学家年末“走穴”忙(早)Woolen versions of dishes 毛线钩出美味“大餐”(早)12.24China to protect online data 关注“网络信息保护立法”(早) France tackles class repeats 法“留级生”比例高欲减员“F iscal cliff”财政悬崖(早)12.27Katie Holmes’ hot body 前阿汤嫂领衔“最辣身材”(早)1.1Dear reached on fiscal cliff 美通过决议案“悬崖”勒马(晚)3.20 早Lew eats dumpling in BJ 美财长在京109元下馆子3.21 晚Chinese searches spouse 外媒:“婚恋猎头”中国受捧DPRK issues fresh US threat 朝:如遇挑衅将打击美军3.22 早Officials “live up to words”李克强:政府不能放空炮3.22 晚8000 fined for jaywalking 浙罚8000起“中国式过马路”3.23 早Foxconn post biggest loss 富士康创上市最大亏损DPRK proficient in cyberwar 朝鲜网战力匹敌中情局?3.23 晚100 essential books for Brits 英国人100“必读”书单揭晓3.25 晚US parents anxious for kids 美父母“送子补习”也疯狂Richer parents, who want the best for their children, tend to settle in some family friendly neighbourhoods. Parents waiting in line at 4 am on a Sunday for summer camp registration for their children.1.缩略词2.直接引用一个其他领域的词汇3.套用结构4.文化模因——垂帘听政Desk helps you sleep 办公桌1秒变单人床(4月22日早)The convertible Napping Desk contains not only a bed, but also its own television. Office workers can now rest whenever they like.Disney draws senior citizens 东京迪士尼“打老人主意”4.16晚As the population in Japan is ageing, the theme park is beginning to turn its eye to senior citizens, launching new strategies such as “3 ggenerations enjoy themselves together in Disneyland” to attract visi tors.Shortcut to space station 宇航员“抄近路”抵空间站(3.30早)Part of Berlin Wall removed 柏林墙让路豪华楼被拆(3.28wan)Police removed 4 sections of the Berlin Wall known as the East Side Gallery to make way for an access route to a planned luxury high-rise project along the nearby Spree River.。

1、Gun battle is far from over. By: Jones, Arthur; Vidulich, Dorothy. NationalCatholic Reporter. 5/20/94, V ol. 30 Issue 29, p3-3. 3/4p.2、Gun control. (cover story). Current Events. 11/6/97, V ol. 97 Issue 9, p1. 2p. 2Color Photographs.3、States trigger federal action. By: Cohan, Paul. State Government News. Aug94,V ol. 37 Issue 8, p8. 4p.4、Gun rights and restrictions: The territory reconfigured. (cover story). By: Idelson,Holly. Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report. 4/24/93, V ol. 51 Issue 17, p1021.5p.5、N.R.A. Down Under. By: Corn, David. Nation. 6/19/1995, V ol. 260 Issue 24,p880-880. 2/3p.6、NRA convention. By: Gest, T. U.S. News & World Report. 4/27/87, V ol. 102Issue 15, p44. 1p.7、Guns save lives? Time. 5/18/1992, V ol. 139 Issue 20, p24. 1/5p.8、Gunning for guns. By: Wilkinson, Francis. Rolling Stone. 12/9/93, Issue 671, p36.2p.9、Gunning for the world. By: Stanglin, Douglas; Walsh, Kenneth T. U.S. News &World Report. 12/25/95-1/1/96, V ol. 119 Issue 25, p36. 2p.10、NRA mascot draws fire. Curriculum Review. Feb98, V ol. 37 Issue 6, p3.1/5p.11、UNDER THE GUN. New Republic. 8/26/85, V ol. 193 Issue 9, p7-8. 2p.12、The gun. By: Berendt, John. Esquire. Sep93, V ol. 120 Issue 3, p39. 2p.13、 A boost for Brady. By: Morganthau, T.; Cohn, B. Newsweek. 4/8/1991, V ol.117 Issue 14, p30. 2p.14、NRA muzzles gun issue in ads against Dem. By: Colford, Steven W.Advertising Age. 5/25/1992, V ol. 63 Issue 21, p51-51. 1/4p.15、The NRA aims at gun fees. By: Stone, Peter H. National Journal. 6/13/98,V ol. 30 Issue 24, p1380. 1/4p.16、NRA endorses Reagan. Field & Stream. Oct84, V ol. 88 Issue 10, p43. 1p.17、Secrets behind the gun lobby's staying power. (cover story). By: Gergen, D.R.U.S. News & World Report. 5/8/89, V ol. 106 Issue 18, p26. 1p.18、Should federal gun control laws be eased? U.S. News & World Report.3/24/86, V ol. 100 Issue 12, p21. 1p.19、NRA Suing FBI Over Gun-Owner List. By: Elvin, John. Insight on the News.12/28/98, V ol. 14 Issue 48, p35. 1/6p.20、Lines in the sand. By: McIntyre, Thomas. Sports Afield. Oct95, V ol. 214Issue 4, p16. 5p.21、A-hunting they will go--for new members. U.S. News & World Report.3/29/93, V ol. 114 Issue 12, p8. 1/2p.22、 A case against newspapers squaring off against guns. By: Schumann Jr., John.Editor & Publisher. 12/25/93, V ol. 126 Issue 52, p25. 5/6p.23、Bush's NRA departure welcomed. National Catholic Reporter. 5/19/95, V ol.31 Issue 29, p24-24. 1/3p.24、The politics of crime. By: Turque, Bill; Clift, Eleanor. Newsweek.12/6/1993, Vol. 122 Issue 23, p20. 3p.25、The Rhetoric of the NRA. By: Rodgers, Raymond S. Vital Speeches of theDay. 10/1/83, V ol. 49 Issue 24, p758. 4p.26、The NRA comes under the gun. By: Sandza, R.; Lerner, M.A. Newsweek.3/27/1989, V ol. 113 Issue 13, p28. 3p.27、Marion Hammer, president of the National Rifle Association. By: Peterson,Linda. Biography. Jan1997, V ol. 1 Issue 1, p58. 3p.28、Gun play. By: Faucheux, Ron. Campaigns & Elections (1996). Feb98, V ol.19 Issue 1, p34. 6p.29、NRA, gun-control supporters take aim at swing votes. By: Biskupic, J.Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report. 3/9/91, V ol. 49 Issue 10, p604. 4p.30、Gun-safety program comes under attack for cartoon character. By: Portner,Jessica. Education Week. 11/26/97, V ol. 17 Issue 14, p8. 1/3p.31、Guns don't have accidents, people do. By: Kemper, Vicki. Common CauseMagazine. Apr-Jun92, V ol. 18 Issue 2, p6. 1/9p.32、Gun ban `energized' NRA members. By: Babson, Jennifer. CongressionalQuarterly Weekly Report. 8/20/94, V ol. 52 Issue 33, p2454. 5/6p.33、Top gun. By: Rogers, Patrick; Dampier, Cindy. People. 3/18/96, V ol. 45 Issue11, p91. 2p.34、Cashing in on fear. By: Neuborne, Ellen. Ms.. May/Jun94, V ol. 4 Issue 6, p46.5p.35、Unmerciful and mighty. Economist. 10/16/1993, V ol. 329 Issue 7833, p34-34.1p.36、Armed and dangerous. By: Zeskind, Leonard. Rolling Stone. 11/2/95, Issue720, p54. 10p.37、In Waco's wake. Economist. 5/1/1993, V ol. 327 Issue 7809, p29-29. 2/3p.38、Conservative spotlight. By: D'Agostino, Joseph A. Human Events. 05/29/98,V ol. 54 Issue 21, p16. 1/2p.39、Fighting crime isn't social work. By: Feder, Don. Human Events. 9/25/93,V ol. 53 Issue 39, p16. 1/2p.40、Legend in the making: The raid that wasn't. (cover story). By: Larson, Erik.Time. 7/24/1995, V ol. 146 Issue 4, p24. 2p.41、The guns of August. By: Weisberg, Jacob. New York. 9/12/94, V ol. 27 Issue36, p30. 2p.42、Swing voters under pressure as gun lobbies rev up. By: Biskupic, J.Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report. 4/27/91, V ol. 49 Issue 17, p1065. 1p. 43、NRA efforts draw local police fire. By: Silverstein, Kenneth. American City& County. Aug95, V ol. 110 Issue 9, p12. 1p.44、`More guns, less crime': A scholar's thesis inflames debate overweapons control. By: Shea, Christopher. Chronicle of Higher Education.6/5/98, Vol. 44 Issue 39, pA14. 2p.45、The Remington revolution. By: Gresham, Grits. Sports Afield. May95, V ol.213 Issue 5, p40. 2p.46、Chicago's uphill battle. By: Prud'homme, A.; Burleigh, N. Time. 6/17/1991,V ol. 137 Issue 24, p30. 1p.47、NRA corrects NPR on 2nd Amendment. By: Kincaid, Cliff. Human Events.4/14/94, V ol. 51 Issue 14, p19. 2/9p.48、He shot back. Economist. 4/9/1994, V ol. 331 Issue 7858, p29-29. 1/2p.49、How not to beat the IRA. By: Bogus, Carl T. Tikkun. Jan/Feb94, V ol. 9 Issue1, p79. 3p.50、 A small step toward gun control. America. 5/25/1991, V ol. 164 Issue 20,p557-557. 1p.51、 A pistol-whipped nation. By: Greider, William. Rolling Stone. 9/30/93, Issue666, p31. 3p.52、The NRA targets safety laws. By: Roan, Ansley. Ms.. May/Jun98, V ol. 8Issue 6, p25. 2p.53、Change the NRA's thinking. By: Bernstein, Sid. Advertising Age. 3/16/1992,V ol. 63 Issue 11, p24-24. 1/4p.54、Senate begins annual ritual of toughening crime law. By: Biskupic, J.Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report. 6/22/91, V ol. 49 Issue 25, p1664. 5p. 55、NRA efforts draw local police fire. By: Silverstein, Kenneth. American City& County. Aug95, V ol. 110 Issue 9, p12. 1p.56、Decency, honor and the gun lobby. By: Bruning, Fred. Maclean's. 6/12/95,V ol. 108 Issue 24, p9. 1p.57、Interviewing myself. By: Petzal, D.E.; Brown, D. Field & Stream.Mar1990, Vol. 94 Issue 11, p12. 2p.58、Is the NRA being shot down? By: Drinan, R.F. Christian Century. 4/12/89,V ol. 106 Issue 12, p372. 2p.59、Americans and their guns. By: Salmi, J. World Press Review. Jun92, V ol. 39Issue 6, p38. 2p.60、Freedom, guns and women. Economist. 6/14/1997, V ol. 343 Issue 8021,p30-30. 1p.61、Why gun grabbers usually win media shootouts. By: Sarracino, Carmine.Insight on the News. 12/29/97, V ol. 13 Issue 48, p29. 2/3p.62、US gun lobby takes aim at CDC injury centre. By: Rovner, Julie. Lancet.8/26/1995, V ol. 346 Issue 8974, p563. 2p.。
[英美报刊] 英文新闻标题
![[英美报刊] 英文新闻标题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/22584ca4a300a6c30c229fed.png)
▪ 如snake head(蛇头),telephone harassment(电话 骚扰),junk mail(垃圾邮件),elevated highways (高架道路),talk show(访谈节目;谈话类节目), down payment(首付款),maglev train(磁悬浮列 车),cyberlove(网恋),eco-friendly car(环保车), selling points(卖点),suicide bomber(人体炸弹), big city ills(都市病),reality show(真人秀)等新词, 无一不是通过报刊等媒介传播后为人们所熟知的。
▪ To Buy or Not to Buy Is the Question for Homebuyers 买 还是不买是购房人的大心事
▪ A Tale of Two Hearts 双心记 ▪ Farewell to SARS 永别了 非典 ▪ 出自莎士比亚的名剧Hamlet中的To be or not to be—that
▪ Trials to Begin for Four Inmates at Guantanamo 古巴 关塔纳摩基地的4名囚犯将要受审
▪ Chinese Leader to Visit U.S. 中国领导人将访美 ▪ Peace Talks to Resume 和平谈判将恢复
▪ India Mending Fences with Neighbors ▪ Mainland Factory Output Booming ▪ People Flow Hurting the Wall ▪ Workers Checked After Radiation Leak ▪ 61 Killed in American Plane Crash

作者: 罗建国 出版物刊名: 外国语 页码: 34-37页 主题词: 主标题;新闻标题;新闻内容;基本内容;英文标题;新闻报导;直接影响;导语;精炼;吸引 读者
摘要: <正> 一、标题重在用词精炼报纸的新闻,一般由标题(headline)、导语(lead,即新闻 报导的第一或最前面几个段落)和新闻正文(body 或development of thenews story)三个部 分组成。标题不仅要以独特的形式和显要的地位引人注目,而且要以精炼的文字提示新闻的基本 内容,使读者能一览而知其大概,从而根据各自需要选择阅读新闻内容。因此,标题常被比作“新闻 的眼睛”, 它的好坏,直接影响读者对新闻的兴趣。
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2. 逗号代替连词and
Russia, China warn against antagonizing Iran
NBC’s President Seeks Big Acquisitions, Ventures for Network
新闻标题的重要性 新闻标题的语法特点 新闻标题的措词特点 新闻标题的修辞及汉译
The Significance of News Headline
The reality we face: our time and stamena don’t allow us to read all the news sentence by sentence, word by word without choice.
Political efforts (are) vital to reform—Party leader (党的领导人说:改革一定要讲政治。 )
Three (are) dead after inhaling oven gas
Courses on Practical Skills (are/remain) Popular with Students
( “强势兼并”+“巨额投资”---NBC总裁赖特为
Irish Group Kills Ex-chief (= An Irish group kills its ex-chief )
China expects to slow down growth (=China expects to slow down its growth)
Financier / killed by burglars.
Moscow’s food prices / soaring
Move to ban tobacco advertising
South Asia earthquake kills at least 30,000 (people)
move troops from Seoul Satellites to “improve forecasting”
动词现代分词在英文报刊新闻标题中直接表 示正在进行的动作或正在变化的事件。
Deposits, loans rising in HK (= The deposits and loans are rising
Headline is considered as a useful guide leading readers to get the main ideas of news, marked by vividness, conciseness and novelty.
By skimming headlines we can save much time and energy.
省略 时态 语态 标点
一 省略
为起到言简意赅的效果,从而突出重要的内 容。标题往往只标识实义词而略去虚词.省 略最多的虚词是冠词,连词and及动词to be, 有时实义词也省略掉,但以不影响理解为前 提。
1. 冠词基本省略
Top Indian Hotel Angry at BBC (=A top Indian hotel is angry at the BBC.)
UK’s oldest person dies at 115 Leaders highlight common interests
英语新闻标题中动词的将来时表达形式除用 “will+动词原形”外,更多采用“be+动词不定 式”结构,其中“be”可省。故动词不定式在标题 中可直接表示未来动作、计划、打算等
鉴于英文报刊新闻标题常言简意赅,不可能 采用英语中的所有时态形式来浓缩新闻事实。 为此,新闻标题形成了自身独特的时态特点。
英文标题的常见动词形态有:一般现在时、 一般将来时、现在进行时
一般现在时通常被用来表示过去发生的事. 英语新闻标题常用一般现在时,从形式上增 强报道的新鲜感、现实感和直接感。
英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被动语态 结构“be+过去分词” 中的助动词“be”通常被省 略,剩下的过去分词在标题中就可直接表示被动意 义,读者切忌将这误解为该动词的过去式. 而“by” 和由它引出的动作执行者也常省略。
新闻标题只有在事件或动作的接受者比执行者更重 要时才使用被动语态。
in HongKong ) 香港储蓄与贷款额上升
1.一般现在时除了表示现在存在的事实外, 还广泛用来表示过去发生的事情,有时也可 表示正在进行或将要发生的事情。
2.现在进行时除了表目前或现阶段正在发生 的动作外,亦可表示将要进行的事实。
3.将要发生的事情或动作通常由动词不定式 来表示。
Van Goghs Recovered After Theft (凡高名画窃而复得)
Journalist fired in spy debate. (涉嫌间谍案纠纷,一记者被炒鱿鱼。)ຫໍສະໝຸດ 比较同一新闻事实的两则标题
500 Reported killed in Korean Buiding collapse
Next century will challenge law of land Largest Chinese trade delegation to visit US
in Nov (中国经贸代表团定于11月访美 代表团阵容规模空前) In agreement with South korea, US to