








1. How much longer will the woman wait for the bus?

A. 45 minutes.

B. 30 minutes.

C. 15 minutes.

2. What is the man going to do?

A. Talk to more soldiers.

B. Organize the information.

C. Read a book about the war.

3. What time will the woman arrive at her destination?

A. At 5:00.

B. At 6:00.

C. At 7:00.

4. How many people are in the family?

A. Two.

B. There .

C. Four.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a gym.

B. At a clinic.

C. At the man’s house.




6. Where might the accident take place?

A. On Frasier Road.

B. By the bridge.

C. On the freeway.

7. According to the man, how long will it take to get to the freeway?

A. 15-45 minutes.

B. 30-45 minutes.

C. 45-60 minutes.


8. Who doesn’t worry about global warming?

A. The man.

B. The woman.

C. Many scientists.

9. According to the woman, what will happen in a couple years?

A. Things will be normal.

B. Temperatures will stay the same.

C. Things will be like 15 years ago.


10. How many foreign languages can the man speak?

A. Four.

B. There.

C. Two.

11. What class did the man attend for three months?

A. Japanese.

B. French.

C. Chinese.

12. Who is the man?

A. A salesman.

B.A student.

C. A language teacher.


13.How many kids does the woman have?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Four.

14. What type of car is the woman looking for?

A. Something fast.

B. Something safe for kids.

C. Something with enough space.

15. Why does the man introduce the Honda at first?

A. It has four doors.

B. It is the latest style.

C. It is cheaper than SUVs.

16. What is the woman’s final decision?

A. She’ll buy the Honda.

B. She’ll consider the SUV.

C. She still needs to think about it.


17. What should people do if they need help?

A.Ask the speaker.

B.Tell an air hostess right away.

C.Push the button above their seat.

18. Where is the flight headed?

A. To Canada.

B. To Beijing.

C. To Chicago.

19. According to the pilot, when will the flight probably arrive?

A. At 4:50 p.m., Beijing time.

B. At 5:00 p.m., Chicago time.

C. At 10:40 p.m., Beijing time.

20. What will the temperature probably be upon arrival?

A.17 degrees.

B.20 degrees.

C.30 degrees.




New Annotated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

Price: £28. 00

Publication Date: 30/11/2006

Publisher’s description

Collects Doyle’s fifty-six classic short stories, arranged in the order in which they appeared in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century book editions, in a set complemented by four novels, editor biographies of Doyle, Holmes, and Watson as well as literary and cultural details about Victorian society.

Breaking Ground by Daniel Libeskind

Price: £16.00

Publication Date: 11/10/2006

Brief introduction

This is a book about the adventure life that can offer each of us if we seize it, and about the powerful forces of tragedy, memory and hope. For Daniel Libeskind, life’s adventure has been through architecture, which he has found has the power to reshape human experience. Although often relating to the past, his buildings are about the future. This memoir(自传)of one man’s journey brings together history, personal experience, our physical environment and a fresh international vision. In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman


Publication Date: 02/09/2006

Brief introduction

On 11th September 2001, Art Spiegelman raced to the World Trade Center, not knowing if his daughter Nadja was alive or dead. Once she was found safe -- in her school at the foot of the burning towers -- he returned home, to meditateon the trauma(创伤), and to work on a comic strip. In the Shadow of No Towers is New Yorker Art Spiegelman’s extraordinary account of “the hijacking on 9.11 and the following hijacking of those events” by America.

Light on Snow by Anita Shreve

Price: £14.00

Publication Date: 07/10/2006

Publisher’s description

This is the 11th novel by Anita Shreve, the critically accepted bestseller. A moving story of love and courage and tragedy and of the ways in which the human heart always seeks to heal itself.

21. Who is the writer of the book latest published among the four books?

A. Arthur Conan Doyle.

B. Daniel Libeskind .

C. Art Spiegelman.

D. Anita Shreve.

22. If one would like to know something about the descriptions of the hijacking on 11th September,2001 , he or she may read ______.

A. Light on Snow

B. In the Shadow of No Towers

C. Breaking Ground

D. New Annotated Sherlock Holmes

23. Of the four books listed above, there are two referring to tragedies. They are ___.

A. Light on Snow & Breaking Ground

B. In the Shadow of No Towers & Breaking Ground

C. Light on Snow & In the Shadow of No Towers

D. New Annotated Sherlock Holmes & In the Shadow of No Towers


For years I have had no idea what I have been doing with my life. I was a 30-year-old lawyer in New York. But being a lawyer was never my dream or goal in life. I honestly wanted to be a writer. I have a great imagination and would write amazing stories in my head. But I always knew that being a writer was never possible for me because it was a better financial decision to stay a lawyer.

Recently, I couldn’t fall asleep at my usual time of 10 p. m. and when I did fall asleep I had the same dream over and over again. The dream starts with me in the ocean trying to go for a swim and I’m searching for something, but I start to drown and have no control over my body. Then a light shines through the waters and when I look up all I can see is myself in a bright white room writing a novel. Then I hear a voice say repeatedly, “Now is the time to try something new!”

It wasn’t just a dream; it was my opportunity to make something good out of my life. That afternoon, I quit my job at the law firm and I couldn’t have been any happier. My life started at 30, and every day since that point I haven’t stopped enjoying life. I started to write and have been on the best-sellers list for the last two months. Things have definitely turned around.

Change is a good thing; it gives us an opportunity to take a chance. So my two favorite words I live by and so should you are “change and chance”.

24. From the first paragraph, we can know that ________.

A. the author is now 30 years old

B. It is impossible for the author to become a writer

C. a lawyer can be likely to earn more than a writer

D. the author prefers to be a lawyer rather than a writer

25. The second paragraph mainly talks about the author’s ________.

A. difficulty in sleeping at night.

B. strong desire to become a writer

C. wish to have a swim in the waters

D. terrible swimming experience in the ocean.

26. The underlined part in the 3rd paragraph probably means the author ________.

A. regretted having quitted his job as a lawyer

B. was unhappy after giving up his job as a lawyer

C. was upset because he had to give up his job as a lawyer

D. was pretty happy when he quitted his job as a lawyer

27. The best title of the text might be _________.

A. Lawyer or Writer

B. Change and Chance

C. Change and Regret

D. Risk or Opportunity


Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same.

Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material, for example, in technology rather than in values; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the less basic and less emotional aspects of society than in their opposite; in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange elements.

Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies (一分为二). This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and white people.

28.The expression “greater tolerance” in Para.1 refers to __________.

A. quicker adaptation to changing circumstances

B. greater willingness to accept social change

C. greater readiness to agree to different opinions and ideas

D. more respect for different beliefs and behaviors

29. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE within a society?

A. Social change is less likely to occur in technology than in values.

B. The basic and emotional aspects of society tend to slow down social change.

C. What people learned in their early times tends to change quickly.

D. Strange elements are likely to quicken social change.

30. Social change is easier if it takes place __________.

A. among Black Americans

B. step by step

C. between Black Americans and white people

D. between Black Americans and other American minorities

31. The passage is mainly discussing __________.

A. the necessity of social change

B. the way to slow down social change

C. certain factors that determine the ease with which social change occurs

D. how to promote social change


Whenever we see a button, we are eager to press it because we know something will happen. This is true in most cases, for example on a doorbell and on the “on/off” button on the TV. But some buttons are actually fake, like the “close” button on a lift.

Many people are in the habit of pressing the “close” button because they don’t have the patience to wait for the lift doors to shut. But lifts’“close”buttons are a complete scam (骗局), at least in the US --the doors will not close any faster no matter how hard you press.

It started in the 1990s when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in the US, making sure that all lifts stayed open long enough so that people with disabilities could enter. Only US firefighters and repairmen can use the buttons to speed up the door-closing process if they have a code or special keys.

But to normal lift riders, the buttons aren’t completely useless. According to psychologists, fake buttons can actually make you feel better by offering you a sense of control.

“Perceived (能够感知的) control is very important. It reduces stress and increases well-being,”Ellen J. Langer, a psychology professor, said, “having a lack of control is associated with depression.”

Experts have revealed that a lot of buttons that don’t do anything exist in our lives for this same purpose. For example, many offices in the US have fake thermostats (温度调节器) because people tend to feel better when they think they can control the temperature in their workspace.

But psychologists found it interesting that even when people are aware of these little “white lies”, they still continue to push fake buttons because as long as the doors eventually close, it is considered to be worth the effort.

“That habit is here to stay,” John Kounios, a psychology professor, said. “Even
