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o e w ndow n ne tw lve d ink

d sk l nch br

e kfast fo r un er


()1. A. open B. wake C. robot ()2. A. lunch B. one C. breakfast ()3. A. under B. in C. cake ()4. A. five B. eight C. wish ()5. A. bed B. cake C. pie 三、选出与划线部分读音一样的单词(10分)

()1. six A. class B. sorry C. pen

()2. robot A. ten B. Paul C. black

()3. bird A. stand B. friend C. behind ()4. ruler A. talk B. red C. floor

()5. pie A. drink B. eight C. up


( )1. a nice bird!

A. What

B. How

( )2. It’s nine o’clock in the . It’s ti me for bed.

A. morning

B. evening

( )3. What’s over there?

A. this

B. that

( )4. It’s too hot(热). Don’t the window.

A. open

B. close

( )5. - are you? -I’m five.

A. How

B. How old

( )6. –Happy birthday, Miss Li. -

A. Thank you.

B. Yes, please.

( )7. - Look at my toy car. -

A. A pencil.

B. It’s lovely.

( )8. –What time is it, mum? -It’s o’clock. It’s time for breakfast.

A. seven

B. ten

( )9. –Hurry up, Liu Tao. It’s eight o’clock. You’re late. - , Miss Li.

A. Thank you.

B. I’m sorry.

( )10. -What colour is Liu Tao’s pen? -

A. It’s in the pencil case.

B. Black.


( )1. 快要赶不上公交车了,你可以怎么做:

A. Don’t run.

B. Run.

( )2.当你称赞洋娃娃可爱时,可以说:

A. Great!

B. How lovely.

( )3. 当你问新认识的小朋友年龄的时候,可以跟他说:

A. What’s that?

B. How old are you?

( )4.当你把东西交给对方的时候,可以这样说:

A. Here you are.

B. Look at me.

( )5.你想知道自己的橡皮在哪里,可以这么问:

A. Where’s your rubber?

B. Where’s my rubber?

( )6.你想知道那现在几点了,可以这样问他:

A. What time is it, lease?

B. Is this your clock?

( )7.早上上学的时候,有人问你几点略,你可能会说:

A. It’s seven o’clock.

B. It’s eleven o’clock.

( )8.Bobby正在桌子下面,你可以这么说:

A. Bobby is behind the chair.

B. Bobby is under the chair. ( )9.上学快迟到了,你可能跟你的好朋友说:

A. Hurry up.

B. Good morning.

( )10.你过生日的时候,爸妈让你许个愿,他们会说:

A. Make a wish.

B. It’s o ver there.


David: Good morning, Lucy.

Lucy: David. This is my sister, Lily.


Lily: Hello, Mike!

Lucy: Today’s Lily’s birthday.

David: Really?(真的吗)

Lily: I’m six.

David: I’m ten. Happy birthday, Lily.




o ne w indow n ine tw elve d rink

d esk l unch br

e akfast fo ur un der


( C )1. A. open B. wake C. robot ( B )2. A. lunch B. one C. breakfast ( C )3. A. under B. in C. cake ( C )4. A. five B. eight C. wish ( A )5. A. bed B. cake C. pie 三、选出与划线部分读音一样的单词(10分)

( A )1. six A. class B. sorry C. pen

( A )2. robot A. ten B. Paul C. black

( C )3. bird A. behind B. friend C. stand

( B )4. ruler A. talk B. red C. floor

( B )5. pie A. drink B. up C. eight


( A )1. a nice bird!

A. What

B. How

( A )2. It’s nine o’clock in the . It’s time for bed.

A. morning

B. evening

( B )3. What’s over there?

A. this

B. that

( B )4. It’s too hot(热). Don’t the window.

A. open

B. close

( B )5. - are you? -I’m five.

A. How

B. How old

( A )6. –Happy birthday, Miss Li. -

A. Thank you.

B. Yes, please.

( B )7. - Look at my toy car. -
