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表示地点、时间或方位的副词或介词短语here,there,now,then,up,down,away,off,in,out,in the room,on the wall等置于句首,且主语为名词时。

At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River lies Chongqing,one of the ten largest cities in China.



(1)否定副词(never,neither,nor,hardly,little,seldom,rarely等)或表示否定意义的介词短语(at no time,by no means,on no condition,in no case等)置于句首时。



(4)在not only...but (also)...句型中,若not only置于句首时,需将not only所在的句子部分倒装。

(5)not until...置于句首时,主句需部分倒装。


Not until recently did they encourage the development of tourist­related activities in the rural areas.直到近期,他们才鼓励在农村地区开展与旅游业有关的活动。

Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours did they reach a decision.




1.Only with the greatest of luck_______ to escape from the rising flood waters.A.managed she B.she managed

C.did she manage D.she did manage

2.So much of interest _______ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.

A.offers Beijing B.Beijing offers C.does Beijing offer D.Beijing does offer

3.Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away _____.

A.fleeing the thief B.was fleeing the thief

C.the thief was fleeing D.fled the thief

4.Among the crises that face humans ________ the lack of natural resources.

A.is B.are C.is there D.are there 5.Never Lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last minute.

A.did we think B.have we thought

C.we thought D.we have thought

6.Not only ____ at music, but also they are ready to help others.

A.they are talented B.they have been talented

C.are they talented D.they have talented

7.Only in recent years ______ to realize the importance of wildlife conservation. A.do people begin B.have people begun

C.people have begun D.people begin

8.Only when the age-old distrust between the two nations is overcome _________ to the area.A.lasting peace will be restored B.will lasting peace be restored C.will be lasting peace restored D.will be restored lasting peace 9.Twenty years ago, hardly ________ that they could pay for things with their smartphones.

A.people realized B.realized people C.did people realize D.people did realize

10.Not until _____ the bottom of the ocean _____ the discovery of the traces of the unidentified

alien-like creatures.

A.did the scientists reach… they believed

B.the scientists reached ...did they believe

C.did the scientist reach…did they believe

D.the scientists reached …they believed

11.At the personal level, the main health problem is apparently lack of activity.

___________that the problem of obesity causes a variety of illness, including heart attack.
