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2007年11月第28卷 第6期


F oreign L anguage Educa tion

N ov.2007

V o l.28N o.6评价理论对语篇翻译的启示



摘 要:本文研究评价理论对翻译研究的贡献。作为系统功能语言学在基调理论方面的发展,评价理论重点研究语篇中的表态资源、态度来源及语篇姿态。我们的研究表明,翻译理论历来重视对于语篇中态度意义的研究,但缺乏可操作的工具。我们认为,评价理论可以作为翻译中的态度分析工具。此外,评价理论对于语篇中的对话性研究,对于翻译研究也颇有启示。将评价理论引入翻译研究将会推动翻译理论与翻译教学的发展。


中图分类号:H030;H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100025544(2007)0620033204

Abstract:D raw ing on the finding and theo ries of o ther related disci p lines such as lingu istics,sem i o logy and comm u2 n icative science,tran slati on study has been developed in to an in terdisci p linary sub ject.Among tho se theo ries,tex t lingu istics con tribu tes mo re than o thers and leads to the developm en t of tex t tran slati on fo r their common in terests in the research area.T h is paper in tends to verify the app licab ility of A pp raisal T heo ry in tex t tran slati on.A s a too l of discou rse analysis,A pp raisal T heo ry is the developm en t of teno r theo ry w ith in System ic Functi onal L ingu istics, w h ich is concerned w ith attitudinal resou rces,their sou rces,and discou rse stance.W e argue that A pp raisal T heo ry can p rovide tran slati on study w ith an efficien t too l in analysing the attitudinal m ean ing.In additi on,the dialogistic perspective in A pp raisal T heo ry can also shed ligh t on tran slati on study.In troducing A pp raisal T heo ry to tran slati on study is su re to facilitate tran slati on study and tran slati on teach ing.

Key words:A pp raisal T heo ry;tran slati on study;tex t tran slati on




语篇翻译理论是对传统语言学翻译理论的继承和发展。传统翻译理论从形式语言学的角度出发,寻求原文与译文之间的对等,Jakobson(1959)将“异中求等”(equiv2 alence in difference)引入翻译理论;N ida(1964)在其翻译理论中区分了“形式对等”和“动态对等”;Catfo rd (1965)将系统功能语言学理论引入翻译研究,区分了“语篇对等”与“形式对应”。随着上个世纪60年代末语篇语言学的产生和发展,语篇分析开始应用于翻译研究。语篇

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收稿日期 2007201208

责任编校 秦 岭
