网络使人疏远 最全英语辩论稿Internet Makes People More Estranged

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Internet Makes People More Estranged

Honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,and my fellow de baters:

Just now the proposer told us,Internet is convenient to contact others,and pr omotes global communications,so it makes people closer.However,if a man jus t puts his major energy,even all spare time in Internet,how can he wholehearte dly communicate with his friends in reality?

Actually,when we are talking about being close to somebody,it does mean an emotionally intimate relationship,which is a psychological problem.No matter how fast or convenient people can keep in touch with distant friends or family members,they are just easier to get information of other people,but the true st andard to judge whether people get closer or more estranged is to say,whethe r they can trust each other better than before.

So,does Internet help people trust each other better? Our group's answer is NO.

Internet has two main characteristics.For one part,Internet is a virtual world.O n the Internet,no one knows you are a dog.Through a cold computer screen,ho w can we exchange ideas with others sincerely?We have to know,communicati on between human beings is based on spoken language,eye contacts,or soul e xchange.No matter how wonderful Internet is,it can not replace the real world.I magine one day when people meet each other and just say,"Did you surf the I nternet today",do you think people are getting closer or more estranged?Inter

net,as a virtual world,cannot promote a heart-to-heart communication,and,as such,does harm to the trust between people.

For another part,Internet is only a media of communication.What does really make people closer?It is the affection between friends,or the concern about fa mily members,rather than a media,Internet.If I resent someone and Internet he lps me to contact him easily,I don't think our relationship will be closer.Further more,what kind of the medias Internet is?Just as "every advantage has its disa dvantages",when we enjoy the convenience Internet has provided us,we have t o know,long time of accumulation of relying on this method to contact others, makes people ignore the importance of sincere communication.We are losing the precious trust between people day by day.It is the Internet that makes peo ple more estranged.

We the people create the Internet,and Internet changes the people as well.Th e enormous influences Internet has brought us,totally change our ways of life and communications.As for the current events,the opening of the Internet give adequate freedom for people to say whatever they like,so it comes all sorts of network crimes,such as cheating others for money,publishing false advertisem ents.The whole environment of the Internet is full of danger,we have to take pr ecautions against those cheaters when surfing the Internet.How can we trust o thers in such a dangerous condition?If the trust between people can not be pr omoted by the Internet,my fellow debaters,How can you say Internet makes pe
