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Personal Conduct 行为原则

Personal conduct is particularly important in the hospitality industry. As the hotel employees, team members are expecte to maintain proper decorum at all times, display professionalism at work , be repected to maintain proper decorum at all times, display professionalism at work, be repectful to supervisors, colleagues and subbordinate. One is expected to take care of hotel’s assets and pqoperties and ensure minimal wastage. Maintaining and ensuring the work environment if of high hugience standards and security is part of all team members’ duty .


Team Spirit 集体精神

Team spirit is particularly important in the hotel . Employees are part of the team and are expected to ensure and miantian harmony in the work environment an avoid any actions which will resultin damage to the team spirit or reputation.


Grooming Standard 仪容仪表

Image is everything when working in the service & hoapitality industry. For our cutormers, you are the “face of Daysinn” and therefor a very important part of the Daysinn”s mak up.

As we all know , first impressions are crucial , so the better you look & feel. The better our customers will also feel.


As a representive of Daysinn, you are expected to take pride and care in your personal appearance. It is improtant that you project a conservative, business-like image in both behavior and dress, whether you are in direct contact in direct with our guests and owners, in a supporting area or in a non-guest lacation . In general , you must be neat , clean and well groomed in your appearance and follow your department’ grooming standards.


To assist you in projecting your best image,we have set the following grooming and dress

standards to be maintained by all team members. Additional guidelines may be in effect in work areas with safty and santitation requirments. If you report to work in may be disciplined up to and including termination of employment.


Work Attire 工服

You are required to be neat and tidy in appearance and when in contact with cutomers, be smartly dress and well groomed.


You are required to use the uniform supplied. The uniform should be in a clean pressed condition. 必须穿着酒店提供的制服,并保持制服的熨帖干净。

Where uniform are not provided, normal business attire should be worn. Normal business attire normally means a shirt , tie , trousers and a jecket for men and a blouse , shirt or trouses and jacket for women .


Uniform should be kept in good order in team member locker.


Shirt should be changed every day.


The uniform should be buttoned up appropriately.


Shoes /Tights/Socks 鞋

For men , either plain lace style or plain black slip style shoes. For ladies,either plian black court shoes with a low heel or plain black loafer style shoe. Shoes should have a non-slip sole.


For men ,plain black socks .For ladies , a specified color and style of hosiery (usually flesh colore dor barelly black tights) must be worn at all times by team members wearing either a skirt or dress.


You are required to use the shoes/tights/socks provied to you.


Safety shoes are provided for all team members who require then due to the nature of their job.This will include porters, maintenance , kithchen staff ,housekeeping staff and any other individual as appropriate to each hotel.


You are equired to maintain your shoes in a clean an polished condition .


Hair 头发
