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Double Seventh Festival Mid-Autumn Festival
the 1st of the 1st lunar month the 15th day of the 1st lunar month the 5th day of the 4th lunar month the 5th day of the 5th lunar month
April April Fool's Day(愚人节) Easter Day(复活节) Arbor Day(植树节) Earth Day(世界地球日) Shakespeare's Birthday(莎士比亚诞辰纪念日) Queen's Day in Holland(荷兰女王节) May Labour’s Day Shavuot(五旬节) Mother's Day(母亲节) Constitution Day in Norway(挪威宪法日) Memorial Day(美国阵亡将士纪念日)
June Children’s Day World Environment Day(世界环境日) Flag Day(美国国旗日) Father's Day(父亲节) Deaf-Blind Awareness Week(海伦•凯勒周) Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)
July US Independence Day(美国国庆日) Pamplola Bull-running Fiesta(西班牙奔牛节) International Co-operative Day(国际合作节) World Population Day(世界人口日) Bastille Day(法国国庆日) Kyoto Gion Festival(日本京都祗园祭)
Promoting to a higher position
Wishing May all your wishes you every success come true
Safe trip Peace all year round wherever you go
Lion/ dragon dances
Festivals and Holidays
What kinds of festivals in China do you know about?
The Double Ninth Festival
The Double The Spring Festival Seventh Festival
Carved Pumpkin Lantern
Fancy Ball
Halloween Parade
Traditional Western festivals
Saint Valentine's Day Easter April Fool's Day Mother's Day Father's Day Halloween February 14th The first Sunday after the full moon on or after March21st April 1st The 2nd Sunday of May The 3rd Sunday of June October 31st
September Labor Day(美国劳动节) Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节) Accordion & Fiddle Festival(苏格兰风琴提琴节) The Munich Oktoberfest(慕尼黑啤酒节) International Day of Peace(国际和平日)
Tips : My favourite … is … I like … best. I prefer …. I enjoy/like….
Spring Festival
Spring Festival couplets
Auspicious (吉兆的)words:
Every Treasures Business Wishing you Money and -thing treasures will goes fill the home flourishes prosperity be plentiful well
One-week holiday: for or against
• The pro side: more advantages than disadvantages – To relieve people of the heavy work load – To relax ourselves from the fast pace of life (from the heavy pressure of work) – To Get together with the family – To enable people to travel a long distance – To go on vacation – To go sightseeing – To visit places of interest (scenic spot, historic sites) – To stimulate the consumption – Come back to their routine work with a fresh brain after the holiday – A good time to recharge our battery (to refresh our mind) – You can find good bargain almost in every department store
December World Aids Day(世界艾滋病日) Christmas(圣诞节) New Year's Day(新年)
Oral practice 3
• Do you like to celebrate Western festivals? Should we encourage the celebration of traditional Chinese festivals?
What holiday is this?
A Christian holy day in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. Kids usually color and decorate eggs or search for Easter eggs hidden by the parents in their backyards
Easter Egg Hunts
In the USA, a national holiday, on the forth Thursday in November. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrim Fathers in New Plymouth colony, Massachusetts, after their first good harvest.
the 7th day of the 7th lunar month the 15th day of the 8th lunar month
Double Ninth Festival the 9th day of the 9th lunar month
What Chinese public holidays do you know ? Children’s Day New Year’s Day The Youth Day National Day InternaBiblioteka Baiduional Labour Day
August Chinese Valentine‘s Day(七巧节) AT&T San Jose Jazz Festival(AT&T圣•乔斯爵士音乐节) The Edinburgh International Festival(爱丁堡国际艺术节) International Left-hander’s Day(国际左撇子节) Hungry Ghost Festival(中元节) Notting Hill Carnival(诺丁山狂欢节)
October Columbus Day(哥伦布纪念日) White Cane Safety Day(国际盲人节) The Double Ninth Festival(重阳节) United Nations Day(联合国日) Diwali(排灯节) Halloween(万圣节) November Veterans‘ Day(美国老兵纪念日) Ramadan (Muslim’s Holy Month)(斋月) Thanksgiving Day(感恩节) St. Andrew's Day(圣安德鲁日)
Thanksgiving Day Christmas
The 4th Thursday of November December 25th
Some Festivals around the world
January Spring Festivals(春节) Coming-of-Age Day (Japan)(日本成人节) Dr. Martin Luther King Day
The Tomb Sweeping Day The Dragon Boat Festival
The Lantern Festival
The Mid-autumn Festival
Traditional Chinese festivals
Spring Festival Lantern Festival Qingming Festival Dragon Boat Festival
February Lantern Festival(元宵节) St. Valentine‘s Day(情人节) George Washington’s Birthday
March Japanese Children's Festivals(日本儿童节) Mardi Gras(四旬斋前的狂欢节) International Women's Day(国际妇女节) St. Patrick's Day(圣帕特里克节)
International Women’s Day
Oral Practice 1
What is your favorite festival? Why? Which part of it do you like best - the music, the things to see, the visits or the food?
• 蔡继明:“黄金周并不 是长久之计,如条件成 熟,十一长假也有取消 的必要。节假日是奢侈 品,多放一天假,少干 一天活,创造的财富也 会相应减少。”
蔡继明,经济学博士学位,清华大学人文社会科学学院责任教授,博 士生导师,兼任中国社会科学院和南开大学等10所科研院校教授。 从事研究假日改革……
What holiday is this?
Valentine’s Day
On that day you send a card or a rose, a flower to someone you love or think is attractive.
St. Patrick’s Day
• Patrick, St. the patron saint of Ireland. He brought Christianity to Ireland. He described his work in his Confession. On March 17, people wear green to celebrate the luck of the Irish, and eat corned beef and cabbage washed down with green beer.
The Spring Festival
dress in colorful clothing/ dress up lucky money in red paper let off firecrackers a get-together feast
Oral Practice 2
• Should we ban firecrackers?