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so that spend would like to carry 1.I w_o_u_l_d_l_ik_e to stay at home on Sunday.
2.I get up early s_o__th_a_tI won’t be late for school.
3.I s_p_e_ndtwo hours (in) doing my homework. 4.She got on the bus, _c_a_rr_y_in_g_ her baby in
4.What do people usually do on the first morning of the lunar new year? on the first morning of the lunar new year,we get up early,
d_re_s_s__u_p_and __g_o__to__s_h_o_w__r_e_s_p_e_c_t_t_o_t_h_e_s_e_n_i_o_r_m__e_m_b__e_rs_ of the family and to express good wishes to our friends, neighbors and __r_e_la_t_iv_e_s____. 5.What can you enjoy in the celebration of the spring festival ? we can enjoy _t_h_e__h_a_p_p_in_e_s_s___and _t_h_e_t_e_n_d_e_r_s_e_n_t_im__e_n_ts of our family.
set off fireworks and crackers
Q3. What do people do on the first morning of the Lunar New Year ?
show respect to the senior members
express good wishes
her arms.
Step 4 Summary:
• The Spring Festival is on the first day of a year on the Lunar Calendar. We usually _c_le_a_n__our house to sweep out all the bad luck, prepare Chinese _t_ra_d_it_io_n_al_food , get new _c_l_ot_h_es_for children , h_a_n_g_u_p_red lanterns in the yard, paste __c_o_u_p_le_ts___and Spring Festival _p_a_pe_r_-c_u_ts__. Besides, we have a__fa_m_il_y_re_u_n_io_n__ on New Year’s Eve. We have delicious food, play games, sing, dance, watch TV and _s_e_t_o_ff__crackers and fireworks to welcome the New Year.
receive the “lucky” money
Step 2 While-reading:
Task1 Read the text quickly and decide whether the following statements are T or F. 1.Spring Festival is people’s favorite festival of a
5.We learn a lot about Chinese traditional culture
during the Spring Festival.( T ).
Scanning Answer the following questions.
1.When is the spring festival? The Spring Festival is on _th__e_f_ir_s_t_d_a_y__o_f _a_y_e_a_r__________ on the lunar canlendar .
2.When do people usually start preparing for the celebration of the Spring Festival? ___A__w_e_e_k__b_e_fo_r_e__th_e__fe_s_t_i_v_a_l _________________________
Step 2 Useful Expressions
1.would like to do sth. “想要做某事”, 如: I would like to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶. Would you like to go with us? 你愿意和我们去吗?
2. spend的用法: 主语+spend+ 花(时间、金钱等)+ on sth.
3.As for our family, we have a family reunion on the
first day of the Lunar New Year .( F)
4.Children are very happy to receive the lucky
money from the senior members of the family.( T )
Unit 12 The Spring
Step1 Pre-reading:
The Most Important Festival of China
the Spring Festival
the Chinese Lunar New Year’源自文库 Day
Customs of the Spring Festival
Q1. What do people do to welcome or prepare for the Spring Festival?
clean their house
we clean our houses and sweep out bad luck in the past year. 我们打扫房子的卫生,将过去一年的霉运扫走。
having…是动词-ing短语作伴随状语。如 : 1.The boy went to school, jumping and dancing.
那个小男孩 蹦蹦跳跳 去上学了。
2.They ’re waiting for a bus,talking and laughing.
他们说着笑着 在等公交车
prepare different kinds of food
Q1. What do people do to welcome or prepare for the Spring Festival?
get new clothes for children
hang up red lanterns
Q1. What do people do to welcome or prepare for the Spring Festival?
paste Spring
paste colorful
Festival couplets paper-cuts
Q2. What do people do on the Lunar New Year’s Eve?
have delicious food
watch CCTV New Year’s programs
year in China and many Asian countries.( T ).
2.They clean their houses a few days before the Spring Festival mainly because the houses are very
dirty.( F )
3.What do people usually do at midnight on the Lunar New Year’s Eve? People usually eat __j_ia_o_z_i_,watch _w_o_n_d_e_r_f_u_l _T_V_p__ro_g_r_a_m__s_ and set off fireworks at midnight on the Lunar New Year’s Eve.
• On the first morning of the New Year, we visit friends and the senior members of the family to show our_r_e_sp_e_c_t . Just in Chinese “Bainian”.
• Spring Festival is our traditional festival . No matter how far away from home , we try to get back home to spend the Spring Festival with our family, Just as the old saying goes, “_E_a_st_o_r _W_e_s_t, _h_om__e _is_b_e_s.t”
• /( in ) doing sth.”又如 • I spend a lot of time (in) cleaning the house. • 我花很多时间打扫房子。 •He didn’t spend much money on his house. • 他在房子上没花费多少钱
so that 表示目的。如: My teacher speaks loudly so that everyone can hear clearly. 老师大声地讲话是为了每个人都能听清楚