








A. Listen to the radio.

B. Read a magazine.

C. Go outside.

2. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A. In a garden.

B. At a flower shop.

C. On a roadside.

3. How did the girl usually get back to campus?

A. By car.

B. By taxi.

C. By bus.

4. Who does the mother think spends too much time watching TV?

A. The man speaker.

B. The mother herself.

C. The woman speaker.

5. What do we know about the woman?

A. She broke her leg and stayed at home.

B. She devoted all her time to her studies.

C. she once had the same experience as the man.




6. When do you think Alison most probably telephoned Teresa?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. In the evening.

7. What did Alison do this morning?

A. He rode on ocean waves.

B. He went diving.

C. He surfed on the net.


8. Who’s hav ing a birthday?

A. Don

B. Liz

C. it

9. What does Stella’s mother possibly want her to do?

A. To help her prepare for the party.

B. To stay home looking after Liz.

C. To give her a hand at the sweetshop.


10. Which does the woman think she can afford to buy now?

A. Fish.

B. Cheese.

C. Coffee.

11. Whose price has just increased?

A. Cheese.

B. Bacon.

C. Meat.

12. Why can’t the woman buy instant coffee?

A. Because it’s too dear.

B. Because it has caffeine.

C. Becau se it’s not popular. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. Where is the information on schools most probably from?

A. From the man’s office.

B. From the advertisements of the schools.

C. From the man’s workmates.

14. Which are private schools?

A. Donwell and Comprehensive.

B. Carlton Abb ey and St Mary’s.

C. Comprehensive and St Mary’s.

15. What do we know about Donwell High School?

A. Its rate of going on to university is low.

B. It’s the biggest school in the town.

C. It’s a private one.

16. Which school has the highest rate for the students to go on to university?

A. Comprehensive.

B. Carlton Abbey.

C. Weymouth High.


17. What can we learn from the news?

A. over 200 people were made homeless.

B. 15 houses were badly damaged.

C. No villager was killed.

18. How many people were badly injured in the storm?

A. Seven.

B. Nine.

C. Ten.

19. What do we know about the farmer?

A. One of his children was killed.

B. His wife was missing.

C. His house was destroyed.

20. What did the woman do when she saw her house shaking?

A. She tried to take something out.

B She told her husband not to leave..

C. She rushed out with her children.




21. The driver who had been fined for driving after drinking was at loss when word came

that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.

A. a; the

B. /; the

C. a; /

D. /; /

22. —We’d better go downstairs right now for lunch.

—. They served food 24 hours a day.

A. Hurry up!

B. Take your time.

C. No way!

D. It doesn’t matter.

23. —Why is the manager so worried?

—Because there are so many problems .

A. remained to be solved

B. remaining to be solved

C. remaining to solve

D. remained solving

24. With the word “PM2.5” _________ appearing in media reports, people pay greate r attention to it and

seek health tips for smoggy days.

A. constantly

B. consequently

C. permanently

D. immediately

25. Many people tried to leave the country, _________ there was much violence and a serious shortage of

food supply.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. where

26. The police are trying to find out the ____ of the woman murdered in the bathroom.

A. evidence

B. characteristic

C. status

D. identity

27. The killer insisted that she was defending herself when _______.

A. attack

B. attacked

C. to attack

D. having attacked

28. Although they just met for the first time, they talked _____ they had been friends for many years.

A. as long as

B. even if

C. such as

D. as if

29. Plastic bags are provided for our convenience but they have also ________ the pollution of the


A. adapted to

B. turned to

C. contributed to

D. looked forward to

30. ---What do you think of the novel?

--- It is worth _____ a second time.

A. to read

B. being read

C. to be read

D. reading

31. I have no doubt in my mind ______ they will be happy to accept the job.

A. which

B. that

C. whether

D. if

32. --- Where have you lived these days?

--- I lived in ______ we call “Red Pool”, but I live in the centre of the city.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. where

33. We would have to put off the visit to the Water Cube________ it rain tomorrow.

A. Would

B. Were

C. Should

D. Could

34. Snooker Superstar Ding Junhui owes his great success to many people, his father __________.

A. in turn

B. in particular

C. in return

D. in peace

35. I felt nervous ______ I stepped into the classroom and gave my lecture.

A. for the first time

B. at one time

C. the first time

D. at a time



Who knows the history of mother's day? England was one of the first countries to set aside a day to recognize mothers. In the eighteenth century, 36 many people worked as household servants for the 37 , “Mothering Sunday”was 38 for them to return home to be with their mothers. Though this 39 stopped when the Industrial Revolution changed the working and living patterns of people, one 40 for mothers was established as a holiday in the twentieth century.

In the United States, Mother’s Day did not become a(n) 41 holiday until 1915. Its establishment was 42 due to the perseverance (坚持) and love of one 43 , Anna Jarvis. Anna’s mother had provided strength and support as the family 44 their home in West Virginia and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 45 her father served as a minister.

When Mrs. Jarvis died on May 5, 1905, Anna was determined to 46 her. She asked a minister at the church in West Virginia to give a sermon(布道) 47 memory of her mother.

On the same Sunday in Philadelphia, ministers there honored Mrs. Jarvis and all mothers with a(n) 48 Mother’s Day service. Anna Jarvis began writing to congressmen, asking them to 49 a day to honor mothers. In 1910, the governor of West Virginia proclaimed the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day and a year later every state 50 it.

On Mother’s Day morning some American children 51 the tradition of serving their mothers breakfast in bed. Other children will give their mothers 52 which they have made themselves or bought in 53 . Adults give their mothers red carnations, the official Mother’s Day flower. If their mothers

54 , they may bring white carnations to their grave sites. This is the busiest day of the year for American

55 . On the special day, family members do not want Mom to cook dinner!

36 A. before B. when C. until D. since

37 A. poor B. injured C. living D. rich

38 A. reserved B. changed C. protected D. persuaded

39 A. habit B. form C. custom D. plan

40 A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday D. Sunday

41 A. ordinary B. regular C. official D. common

42 A. nearly B. largely C. deeply D. highly

43 A. mother B. sister C. daughter D. waitress

44 A. made B. found C. left D. destroyed

45 A. when B. how C. why D. where

46 A. reward B. award C. inspire D. honor

47 A. at B. in C. on D. for

48 A. special B. expensive C. simple D. easy

49 A. put off B. set aside C. give up D. take on

50 A. understood B. prevented C. received D. celebrated

51 A. support B. refuse C. follow D. accept

52 A. letters B. gifts C. calls D. toys

53 A. stores B. churches C. hospitals D. schools

54 A. went ahead B. moved on C. stayed up D. passed away

55 A. departments B. offices C. restaurants D. markets

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分, 共40分)


“Now!" whispered Suki.“Quick, while the clerk's not looking."

Heart pounding, Leah slid two tubes of lipstick into her purse. She looked bored as she followed her friends Suki and Jill out of the store, but inside she felt panicked.

"I can't believe you made me do that," Leah cried.

"Relax," said Jill. "Everybody does it sometimes. And we didn't make you do it."

She said nothing, but Leah knew she wouldn't have done that on her own. She was just experiencing huge peer pressure.

Sometimes, though, the stresses in your life can actually come from your peers. They may pressure you into doing something you're uncomfortable with, such as shoplifting, doing drugs or drinking, or taking dangerous risks when driving a car.

The pressure to conform (to do what others are doing)can be powerful and hard to resist. A person might feel pressure to do something just because others are doing it. Peer pressure can influence a person to do something that is relatively harmless—or something that has more serious consequences. Giving in to the pressure to dress a certain way is one thing—going along with the crowd to drink or smoke is another.

T he people who are most easily influenced will follow someone else's lead first. Then others may go along, too —so it can be easy to think, "It must be O. Everyone else is doing it. They must know what they're doing." Before you know it, many people are going along with the crowd —perhaps on something they might not otherwise do.

`Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature— but some people are more likely to give in, and others are better able to resist and stand their ground. People who are low on confidence and those who tend to follow rather than lead could be more likely to seek their peers' approval by 'giving in to a risky challenge or suggestion. People who are unsure of themselves, new to the group, or inexperienced with peer pressure may also be more likely to give in.

56. The story in the beginning serves as .

A. a warning of security in shops

B. a lesson to young people

C. an example of peer pressure

D. an introduction to bad behavior in youth

57. Which of the following would probably be a case of peer pressure?

A. You cheat in the exam to get good grades.

B. You break up with your friends because they look down upon you.

C. You jump the queue to buy tickets for your fiends.

D. You try drinking at parties as your friends do.

58. The writer tries to tell us that peer pressure .

A. is a normal phenomenon

B. exists only among young people

C. does more good than harm

D. lowers self-confidence

59. People may take a risky challenge because they want to .

A. gain more experience

B. obtain recognition from friends

C. take the lead in a group

D. exercise an influence on their friends


A person’s nose is important for breathing and smelling. The n ose is also used in many popular expressions.

Some people are able to lead other people by the nose. For example, if a wife leads her husband by the nose, she makes him do whatever she wants him to do.

Some people are said to be hard-nosed. They will not change their opinions or positions on anything. If someone is hard-nosed, chances are he will never pay through the nose, or pay too much money, for an object or service.

It is always helpful when people keep their nose out of other people’s bus iness. They do not interfere. The opposite of this is someone who noses around all the time. This kind of person is interested in other people’s private matters. He is considered nosey.

More problems can develop if a person looks down his nose at someone or something. The person acts like something is unimportant or worthless. This person might also turn up his nose at something that he considers not good enough. This person thinks he is better than everyone else. He has his nose in the air.

In school, some students thumb their nose at their teacher. They refuse to obey orders or do any work. Maybe these students do not know the correct answers. My mother always told me, if you study hard, the answers should be right under your nose or easily seen.

I think we have explained the nose expressions. What about ears? Well, I hope you are all ears or very interested in hearing more expressions. We might even put a bug in your ear or give you an idea about something. We also advise you to keep your ear to the ground. This means to be interested in what is happening around you and what people are thinking.

If you are a good person, you will lend an ear to your friends. You will listen to them when they have a problem they need to talk about.

60. The passage mainly wants to tell us_________.

A. the importance of nose for breathing and smelling

B. some expressions connected with the nose and ears

C. the origin of some expressions in spoken English

D. the most widely used expressions in daily life

61. If a person is interested in other people’s private matters, he may .

A. nose around all the time

B. keep his nose out of other peoples things

C. turn up his nose at others

D. keep his ear to the ground

62. When your friend wants to share something with you, you should .

A. put a bug in his ear

B. look down your nose at him

C. lend an ear to him

D. lend him by the nose

63. In which sentence is the expression not used properly?

A. We have a real hard-nosed boss, who always stands firm in his opinions.

B. Sometimes true love is right under your nose.

C. We were all ears, but he forgot what he wanted to say.

D. It is important for us to thumb our nose at our parents.


Andy Tomas is proof of the typical case that life-changing disaster awaits the drunken driver.

“A lot of teachers say, ‘Don’t drink,’ but I’m not going to say that, because I know that students are going to do it,” Andy says. “I just say, ‘Don’t get in a car.’”

As an 18-year-old, he could be a classmate or a friend, and that familiarity adds to the power of his words. He has spoken to more than 2500 high school students so far, and he has noticed their unusual silence.

One year ago, Andy, having been with friends drinking, lost control of his car and was thrown into trees 20 feet away. He was found covered in blood, with many bones broken. He was diagnosed with a severe brain injury and remained in an unconscious state and on life support for nearly three weeks. His skull was opened to reduce pressure on his brain.

At Children’s Specialized Hospital in New Brunswick, Doctor Erin Leahy initially found Andy unable to move the right side of his body. But by the end of his six-week stay, he was able to walk out of the building. Leahy called that an inspiration and a surprise.

Yet Andy’s recovery is incomplete. Brain and muscular therapy(治疗) has helped him regain movement in his right arm, but he still struggles with right hand.

In the process of recovery, Andy has thought deeply about what happened and why, and decided to share his story. Encouraged by his doctor, he began to attending meetings, delivering speeches.

He said he was nervous at first, but has grown used to the spotlight. “I feel like I know how to talk to people.” He said. And his recovery and visible injury help him draw serious attention from students.

Drunk driving, he tells students, is like playing gambles(赌博). “You might do it a bunch of times, but something is going to happen.”

Now his days are all about the therapy, work and going to the gym. Mentally, he says, “I’m a lot happier in my life.”

64. What’s the main purpose of the author?

A. Warn students about the danger of drinking.

B. Tell readers the danger of driving a car.

C. Warn people not to drive a car after drinking.

D. Show readers Andy’s amazing recovery experience.

65. Why does the author say Andy’s story is powerful as an 18-year-old boy?

A. Because his family supported him and cared for him carefully.

B. Because doctors and family never gave him up.

C. Because his classmates and friends are familiar with him.

D. Because he has a lot in common with his classmates or friends.

66. What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. Drunk driving will be fined a lot of money eventually.

B. Drunk driving is as adventurous and thrilled as gamble.

C. Drunk driving will eventually have a serious accident.

D. Drunk driving is banned even if you are an experienced driver.

67. What happened to Andy after the accident?

A. He made a full recovery and returned to his normal life.

B. He shared his stories with others to warn them not to try drunk driving.

C. He became more experienced and eager for more adventures.

D. He recovered quite well at an unbelievable speed.


Virtual reality is no longer a concept of the future. Innovative 3D technology can now transform a desktop computer into an interactive world of adventure, fashion, fun and entertainment.

Using the Internet as an entry platform, the new technology is blurring the lines of the real and virtual worlds.

In contrast to a traditional two-dimensional interface, the 3D environment provides a very large and highly social world, enabling access to people and places that would be virtually impossible in the real world.

Through the use to avatars (化身), a virtual reproduction of yourself, or whoever you want to be, life can take on new dimensions in cyberspace.

Shopping online is not such a new world to most people, but the 3D experience is completely different. Via avatars, shoppers can pick up, try on and test out products in virtual shopping centers. The avatar, set with real-life measurements, can fit a new pair of jeans, get a trendy haircut and see if certain accessories (配件,饰品) suit.

Avatars can also join with like-minded people as they travel, take on adventures and socialize.

From a businessman's point of view, interactive 3D experiences allow them to precisely judge consumer

demand via instant feedback and requests.

Buying property and taking a holiday in the real world also present great virtual opportunities. Before buying a home, renting an apartment or booking a hotel, you can walk through a digital version of the property, making sure that it meets your every desire.

For people short of time and money in the real world, virtual tourism allows adventures in a virtual dimension. A virtual tourist can step inside the Louvre, trek into the Sahara, or bungee jump in New ealand.

"3D technology will influence many aspects of human life in that we can entertain ourselves from similar cyber games and experience exciting 3D tourism," explained Martin Tong, marketing director of The 1st Virtual Business, professional creators of a virtual world.

"Our understanding of the virtual world is to give customers an enhanced interactive experience. It is not only a game, but also life itself," he added.

The new way of traveling will not necessarily meet everyone's satisfaction. Dong Lifen, an engineer with China Unicom commented that while the virtual world gives the freedom of traveling to sought-after destinations, it is not the same as the real thing.

68. The passage is mainly about________.

A. the concept of 3D technology

B. various uses of 3D technology

C. the future of 3D technology

D. different views on 3D technology

69. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 means “________”.

A. combining the real and virtual worlds

B. separating the real world from the virtual one

C. making it difficult to tell the real world from the virtual one

D. making the difference between the real world and the virtual one become less important

70. Through the use of avatars, people can ________.

A. pick up, try on and test out products exactly like in the real shopping centers

B. buy property and take a holiday in the real world

C. experience virtual tourism if they are short of time and money

D. experience the same joy of traveling just as they do in the real world

71. On the whole, the writer’s attitude to the wide use of 3D technology is________.

A. critical

B. optimistic

C. negative

D. ambiguous


Cathy Hutchinson has not been able to move her arms, legs or speak since suffering a stroke nearly fifteen years ago. Recently, she learned how to control a robotic arm using her thoughts. She now can use brain activity to serve herself a drink. The American woman is one of the two people who took part in a research project known as BrainGate2. The researchers have spent years studying how to help people like Cathy Hutchinson regain movement.

People who are paralyzed (瘫痪的)have their brain disconnected from their body. The idea of the project is to bypass that damaged nervous system. The two paralyzed people had small sensors connected to the part of the brain that controls movement. The devices measured brain activity and sent information to a computer. The computer has special software that turns the information into digital commands for operating

other devices. The researchers used a highly developed robotic arm to recreate human actions.

John Donohue is a neuroscientist at Brown University, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. He was part of the project. He says the latest development of using robotic arms is a major victory. A video of the latest experiment shows Cathy Hutchinson using the robotic arm to pick up a cup of coffee. She guides the cup toward her mouth, moves it forward and drinks through a straw. Lead investigator Leigh Hochberg says the first time she did it was a magical moment. He said, “It was an incredible moment to see her with that robotic arm reach out and pick up that cup of coffee and serve herself that coffee for the first time in nearly fifteen years.”

The research team carried out almost two hundred tests with two different robotic arms. The two individuals were able to pick up their target objects forty-three to sixty-six percent of the time. The researchers are calling the information very promising. But they say it will take years to fully develop the technology for everyday use.

72. The research project BrainGate2 aims to_____________.

A. help people make better use of their brain.

B. help paralyzed people master computer skills.

C. help people make better use of their arms and legs.

D. help paralyzed people serve themselves.

73. In the project, researchers used small sensors on the two paralyzed people to___________.

a. measure their brain activity

b. receive digital commands

c. send information to a computer

d. turn information into digital commands

A. a, b

B. b, c

C. a, c

D. c, d

74. According to the last paragraph, we can learn that the technology .

A. is very easy to be fully developed

B. is very disappointing to the researchers

C. will only be used by rich people at first

D. cannot be developed for everyday use in the near future

75. The passage is mainly about_________.

A. a project helping two people to regain movement

B. everyday activity of paralyzed people

C. disconnecting the brain from the body

D. making better use of the modern technology



杭州二中2015学年第一学期高一年级期终考试 思想政治试题 本试题卷分为第Ⅰ卷(判断题、选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 一、判断题(判断下列说法是否正确,正确的请将答卷相应题号后的 A 涂黑,错误的请将答卷相应题号后的D涂黑。每小题1.5 分,共30 分。) 1.以货币为媒介的商品交换,叫做流通手段。 2.外汇是两种货币之间的兑换比例。 3.单位商品的价值量是由生产该商品的社会必要劳动时间决定的。 4.一种商品的价格上升,会使消费者增加对相关商品的需求量。 5.超市购物属于社会再生产中的消费环节。 6.非公有制经济是社会主义经济的重要组成部分。 7.解放和发展社会生产力是中国特色社会主义的根本任务。 8.股东大会及董事会是公司的决策机构,负责组织实施公司的日常经营管理事宜。 9.贷款业务是商业银行的基础业务,是我国商业银行利润的主要来源。 10.商业保险是保险人根据合同约定向保险公司支付保险金以规避风险的投资理财方式。11.在经济过热、物价上涨时,国家可以采取紧缩性财政政策,减少税收,给经济“降温”。12.虚报自然灾害获得国家税收优惠,是偷税行为。 13.坚持公有制的主体地位,是社会主义市场经济的基本标志。 14.深入贯彻落实科学发展观,必须把全面协调可持续作为基本要求。 15.人民民主专政的本质是公民当家作主。 16.行使选举权和被选举权是公民参与管理国家和管理社会的基础和标志。 17.公民向国家机关反映意见、提出建议,这是通过信访举报制度参与民主决策。 18.自己选举当家人是村民参与民主管理的主要途径。 19.政府履行基本职能,并不意味着政府包办一切。 20.对人民负责,要求政府树立求真务实的工作态度。 二、选择题(每小题中只有一个选项是符合题意的,不选、多选、错选均不得分;每小题2 分,共50分。) 21.29岁的塔尼娅是个学生,买公寓的时候获赠了一个车位,但她没有车,于是就在网站上把车位租出去。2013年7月以来已经成交了100笔生意,每个月能为她带来200英镑(1854元人民币)收入。这就是分享经济,它以互联网技术为基础,使人们可以互相分享彼此的财产、时间和技能。党的十八届五中全会公报明确指出“发展分享经济”。 据此判断下列经济活动中属于分享经济的是()


浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学2019-2020学年高一数学12月月考试题 满分:150分 时间:120分钟 一、选择题(每小题4分,共40分)1.设集合,,则等于( ) 2{650}M x x x =-+=2{50}N x x x =-=M N A.{0} B.{0,5} C.{0,1,5} D.{0,-1,-5} 2. 函数的定义域为( )()lg(21)f x x =+A . B . C . D .1(,)2- +∞1(,)2-∞-1 [,)2 -+∞(0,)+∞3.等于( )sin 330?A . B . C . D 12 - 12 4.下列四组函数中,表示同一函数的是( )A .f (x )=|x |,g (x )= 2x B .f (x )=lg x 2,g (x )=2lg x C .f (x )=,g (x )=x +1 1 +1+2 x x D .f (x )=·,g (x )= 1+x 1+x 1+2x 5.函数f (x )=-x 2+2(a -1)x +2在区间(-∞,4]上递增,则a 的取值范围是( )A .[-3, +∞) B .(-∞,-3) C .( -∞,5] D.[5, +∞) 6. 若,,,则( ) 0.52a =πlog 3b =2log 0.5c =A . B . C . D.a b c >>b a c >>c a b >>b c a >>7. 奇函数f (x )在(-∞,0)上单调递增,若f (-1)=0,则不等式f (x )<0的解集是( )A .(-∞,-1)∪(0,1)B .(-∞,-1)∪(1,+∞)C .(-1,0)∪(0,1) D. (-1,0)∪(1,+∞) 8.函数y =的值域是( ).x 416-A .[0,+∞) B .[0,4] C .[0,4) D. (0,4) 9.已知( ). || 01,|log |x a a a x 则方程根的个数为 <<=A .1个 B . 2个 C .3个 D. 1个或2个或3个


杭州二中2019届高三第二次月考 政 治 试 题 选择题部分共24小题,每小题2分,共48分。在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. 在右图这一购物流程中 A .货币执行了价值尺度的职能 B .货币充当了一般等价物的功能 C .货币执行了流通手段的职能 D .货币执行了转账结算的职能 2.2019年,某县在农村开展“变牌桌为书桌,变酒柜为书柜,变玩风为学风”的群众性读书活动,引导农民在农闲时进农家书屋学知识、学技术,讲文明、树新风,使农家书屋真正成为农民致富、娱乐的新天地。这说明政府 A .引导人们把精神产品消费放在首位 B .注重消费对生产的反作用 C .引导群众物质消费与精神消费协调发展 D .认识到读书学习是致富的主要途径 看右图回答3-4题 3.右图《变动着的市场价格》反映出的合理道理有 ①如果高档耐用品在N 点,其替代产品需求量增加 ②如果生活必需品在M 点,其互补产品需求量增加 ③从单个交换过程看,Q 点处于等价交换 ④生活必需品在M 、N 、Q 点需求弹性均变化不大 A .①③ B .③④ C .①② D .②④ 4.商品价格由价值决定,围绕价值上下波动,但价值也不是一成不变的,商品价值量又随社会劳动生产率的提高而下降。这体现的哲学道理是 A .物质决定意识 B .运动具有绝对性 C .规律的存在和发挥作用是有条件的 D .静止的事物是不存在的 5.民营经济投资已成为浙江省固定资产投资的主要组成部分,2019年一季度全省民营经济 投资1846亿元,占全部投资比重达63.9%。达从一个侧面反映了我国的非公有制经济 A .在国民经济中与公有制经济地位相同 B .适合我国较高的生产力水平 C .在国民经济发展中起着不可替代的作用 D .代表着我国社会主义经济的发展方向 6.国家发改委宣布从2019年9月11日零时开始,汽、柴油销售价格每吨分别提高550元和540元。对发改委调高油价,你认为其合理依据应该包括 ①油价提高有利于供油企业提高生产效率 ②石油资源供需失衡,生产成本提高 ③油价的调整应以国家政策为主,以市场调节为辅 ④利用价格调整,促进石油资源的节约和保护 A .①④ B .①② C .②③ D .②④ 变动着的市场价格


杭州学军中学2019学年第一学期期中考试 高三数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.设全集U =R ,集合2{|1},{|1}M x x P x x =>=>则下列关系中正确的是( ) A.P M = B.M P M = C.M P M = D.()U C M P =? 2.设纯虚数z 满足 11i ai z -=+(其中i 为虚数单位) ,则实数a 等于( ) A.1 B.-1 C.2 D.-2 3.若,x y 满足约束条件03020x x y x y ≥?? +-≥??-≤? ,则2z x y =+的取值范围是( ) A.[]6,0 B.[]0,4 C.[)6,+∞ D.[)4,+∞ 4.已知,a b R ∈,下列四个条件中,使a b >成立的充分不必要的条件是( ) A.1a b >- B.1a b >+ C.a b > D.22a b > 5.函数2ln x x y x = 的图象大致是( ) A B C D 6.已知函数1()0 x D x x ?=? ?为有理数为无理数 ,则( ) A.(())1D D x =,0是()D x 的一个周期 B.(())1D D x =,1是()D x 的一个周期 C.(())0D D x =,1是()D x 的一个周期 D.(())0D D x =,()D x 最小正周期不存在 7.若关于x 的不等式2 2 2213x t x t t t +-+++-<无解,则实数t 的取值范围是( )

A.1,15??-???? B.(],0-∞ C.(],1-∞ D.(],5-∞ 8.若O 是ABC ?垂心,6 A π ∠=且sin cos sin cos 2sin sin B C AB C BAC m B C AO +=, 则m =( ) A. 1 2 9.已知二次函数2 ()(2)f x ax bx b a =+≤,定义{}1()max ()11f x f t t x =-≤≤≤, {}2()min ()11f x f t t x =-≤≤≤,其中{}max ,a b 表示,a b 中的较大者,{}min ,a b 表示b a ,中的较小者,下列命题正确的是( ) A.若11(1)(1)f f -=,则(1)>(1)f f - B.若22(1)(1)f f -=,则(1)(1)f f -> C.若21(1)(1)f f =-,则11(1)(1)f f -< D.若21(1)(1)f f =-,则22(1)(1)f f -> 10.已知数列{}n a 满足2111 ,312 n n n a a a a +=-=++,若1 2 n n b a =+,设数列{}n b 的前项和为n S ,则使得2019S k -最小的整数k 的值为( ) A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 二、填空题(本大题共7小题,多空题每题6分,单空题每题4分,共36分.) 11. ()5 12x -展开式中3 x 的系数为 ,所有项的系数和为 . 12.等比数列{}n a 中,12a a =22013 82019 a a a a +=+ ,1234a a a a = . 13.在ABC ?中,角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,已 知s i n c o s c A a C =,则 C = ,若c =,ABC ? 的面积为 2 ,则a b += . 14.已知函数222,0()2(1),0 x x x f x f x x -?+-≥=?+

浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学2019-2020学年高一12月月考英语试题 Word版含答案

杭西高2019年12月高一英语试卷(模块一测试) 第一部分:听力(满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What did the man think of the play? A. It was interesting. B. It was moving. C. It was boring. 2. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man will return the magazine. B. The magazine is gone. C. The woman will buy a new magazine. 3. What will John have for dinner? A. Noodles. B. Pizza. C. Fish and chips. 4. Who probably knows the exact location of the supermarket? A. Julie. B. Lily. C. Anna. 5. What does the man mean? A. He doesn’t like the hats. B. He wants the woman to buy all the hats. C. He doe sn’t think the woman can afford all the hats. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. When will the woman meet the man? A. On Friday. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday. 7. What does the woman usually do at two o’clock?


浙江省杭州市杭州二中2019-2020学年高一(下)期末物理试题 一、单选题 (★★) 1. 如图所示,均不带电的橡胶棒与毛皮摩擦后,橡胶棒带负电,毛皮带正电,这是因为() A.空气中的正电荷转移到了毛皮上B.空气中的负电荷转移到了橡胶棒上 C.毛皮上的电子转移到了橡胶棒上D.橡胶棒上的电子转移到了毛皮上 二、多选题 (★★) 2. 下列说法正确的是() A.电场强度的单位用国际单位制的基本单位来表示,为牛顿每库仑,即N/C B.重力势能、弹性势能、电势能都是系统所共有的能量 C.由开普勒第二定律可知,在相同时间内,地球与太阳的连线扫过的面积和火星与太阳的连线扫过的面积相同 D.库仑定律对任意空间中任意状态的两个点电荷都成立,并且库仑定律与万有引力定律公式具有相似的形式,都与距离的平方成反比,因此被称为平方反比定律 三、单选题 (★★★) 3. 在物理学发展的过程中,有许多伟大的科学家做出了突出贡献。关于科学家和他们的贡献,下列说法正确的是() A.英国物理学家焦耳在热学、电磁学等方面做出了杰出贡献,成功地发现了焦耳定律

B.德国天文学家开普勒对他导师第谷观测的行星数据进行多年研究,得出了万有引力定律C.法国物理学家库仑利用库仑扭秤首先较准确的测定了万有引力常量 D.英国物理学家麦克斯韦引入了电场线来辅助描述电场 (★★) 4. 如图所示为两个固定在同一水平面上的点电荷,距离为d,电荷量分别为+ Q和- Q。在它们的中垂线上水平固定一根内壁光滑的绝缘细管,一电量为+ q的小球缓慢经过细管,则 小球() A.小球的电势能先增大后减小B.受到的库仑力先做负功后做正功 C.受到的库仑力最大值为D.管壁对小球的弹力最大值为 (★★★) 5. 静电计是在验电器的基础上制成的,用其指针张角的大小来定性显示其金属球与外 壳之间的电势差大小.如图所示, A、 B是平行板电容器的两个金属板,G为静电计.开始时 开关S闭合,静电计指针张开一定角度,为了使指针张开的角度增大些,下列采取的措施可行 的是( ) A.断开开关S后,将A、B两极板分开些 B.保持开关S闭合,将A、B两极板分开些 C.保持开关S闭合,将A、B两极板靠近些 D.保持开关S闭合,将变阻器滑动触头向右移动 (★★) 6. 如图所示,实线是两个等量点电荷P、Q形成电场的等势面,虚线是一带电粒子仅在 电场力作用下运动的轨迹, a、 b、 c是轨迹上的三个点, b位于P、Q连线的中点。则()


浙江省杭州市杭州学军中学2019-2020学年高一(下)期末物理试 题 一、单选题 (★★) 1. 如图所示,测量示数的单位属于国际单位制中基本单位的是() A.B. C.D. (★) 2. 下列各组物理量中,全部是矢量的是( ) A.时间、位移、速度B.功、动能、势能 C.电场强度、磁感应强度、磁通量D.线速度、向心加速度、向心力 (★★) 3. 下列说法正确的是 A.最早将实验和逻辑推理(包括数学演算)和谐地结合起来,从而发展了人类的科学思维方式和科学研究方法的科学家是牛顿 B.避雷针是利用了导体尖端的电荷密度很小,附近场强很弱,才把空气中的电荷导入大地 C.伽利略首先建立了描述运动所需的概念,如:瞬时速度、加速度等概念 D.安培首先发现了电流会产生磁场,并且总结出安培定则

(★★★) 4. 下列说法中不正确的是() A.根据速度定义式,当非常非常小时,就可以表示物体在t时刻的瞬时速度,该定义应用了极限思想方法. B.在探究加速度、力和质量三者之间关系时,先保持质量不变研究加速度与力的关系,再保持力不变研究加速度与质量的关系,该实验应用了控制变量法. C.在推导匀变速直线运动的位移公式时,把整个运动过程划分成很多小段,每一小段近似看作匀速直线运动,然后把各小段的位移相加,这里采用了微元法. D.在不需要考虑物体本身的大小和形状时,用质点来代替物体的方法叫假设法 (★★) 5. 未来“胶囊高铁”有望成为一种新的交通工具.“胶囊高铁”利用磁悬浮技术将列车“漂浮”在真空管道中,由于没有摩擦,其运行速度最高可达到.工程人员对“胶囊高铁”在 A 城到 B城的一个直线路段进行了测试,行驶了公里,用时6分13秒.则 A.5000是平均速度 B.6分13秒是时刻 C.“胶囊高铁”列车在真空管道中受重力作用 D.计算“胶囊高铁”列车从A城到B城的平均速度时,不能将它看成质点 (★★) 6. “世界杯”带动了足球热.某社区举行了颠球比赛,如图所示,某足球高手在颠球过程中脚部几乎不动,图示时刻足球恰好运动到最高点,估算足球刚被颠起时的初速度大小最接近的是 A.1 B.2


浙江省一二三级重点中学名单(杭州) 一、省一级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州高级中学杭州第二中学浙江大学附属中学杭州学军中学 杭州第四中学杭州第十四中学杭师院附属三墩高级中学杭州长河高级中学 杭州外国语学校萧山中学萧山区第二高级中学萧山区第三高级中学 萧山区第五高级中学余杭高级中学余杭第二高级中学富阳中学 富阳市第二高级中学富阳市新登中学桐庐中学临安中学 临安昌化中学临安市於潜中学淳安中学严州中学 二、省二级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州市源清中学杭州西湖高级中学杭州市第二中学分校杭州市第四中学分校 杭州第七中学杭州第九中学杭州第十一中学萧山区第八高级中学 建德市新安江中学 三、省三级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州余杭中学杭州市塘栖中学建德市寿昌中学萧山区第六高级中学 杭州市绿城育华学校(民办)余杭区瓶窑中学淳安县威坪中学桐庐分水高级中学(原桐二高) 临安市天目外国语学校(民办)杭州市长征中学杭州市第十中学富阳市大源中学 富阳市场口中学萧山区第十高级中学杭州市夏衍中学萧山区第十一高级中学 桐庐富春高级中学(桐三高、四高合并)淳安县汾口中学

浙江省一级普通高中特色示范学校名单(面向杭州城区招生) 1.杭州外国语学校 2.杭州高级中学 3.杭州第二中学 4.杭州第十四中学 5.杭州师范大学附属中学 6.杭州第七中学 7.杭州绿城育华学校 8.杭州市萧山区第五高级中学 9、余杭高级中学 10、富阳中学 包含: 杭二中东河校区, 杭高钱江校区, 杭四中吴山校区, 杭十四中康桥校区, 学军紫金港校区, 浙大附中丁兰校区 11.浙江大学附属中学 12.杭州学军中学 13.杭州市长河高级中学 14.杭州第四中学 15.杭州市源清中学 16.浙江省萧山中学 17.杭州市余杭第二高级中学 18.杭州市富阳区第二中学


2020年浙江省杭州二中高考地理选考模拟试卷(4月份) 一、单选题(本大题共20小题,共40.0分) 1.读“我国森林锐减、土地荒漠化、水土流失、酸雨四种环境问题的分布示意图”,完成1-2题。 图示数码②表示森林资源破坏,其中东北林区因纬度高,温度低,蒸发弱,终年地表湿度较大,所以森林(采伐)破坏最严重的季节是() A. 春季 B. 夏季 C. 秋季 D. 冬季 2.读“我国森林锐减、土地荒漠化、水土流失、酸雨四种环境问题的分布示意图”,完成1-2题。 图示数码④表示的环境问题在我国中部分布最广的自然原因主要是() A. 地处山地迎风坡,多地形雨 B. 受板块运动影响,多地质灾害,地表破碎 C. 地处地势阶梯交界处,地势起伏大 D. 人口密集,人类活动对植被破坏严重 3.如图是某地区大地震后救灾工作程序示意图。读图,回答第3-4题。 图中所示救灾工作程序还可能适用于() A. 鼠害 B. 洪涝 C. 旱灾 D. 寒潮

4.如图是某地区大地震后救灾工作程序示意图。读图,回答第3-4题。 为降低大城市震后救灾活动强度,应采取的主要防灾减灾措施包括:() ①完善城市功能区划 ②调整产业结构 ③人口外迁 ④房屋加固 ⑤组建志愿者队伍 ⑥避灾自救技能培训 A. ①②③④ B. ②③④⑤ C. ③④⑤⑥ D. ①④⑤⑥ 5.风向方位图通常用角度来表示。如图分别为风向方位图和1950-2011年渤海海域冬、夏季风向 与速度变化趋势统计图。读图,完成5-6题。 60年以来渤海冬季风风向变化趋势是() A. 由西西北向西北方向转变 B. 由北西北向西北方向转变 C. 由东东南向东南方向转变 D. 由南东南向东南方向转变 6.风向方位图通常用角度来表示。如图分别为风向方位图和1950-2011年渤海海域冬、夏季风向 与速度变化趋势统计图。读图,完成5-6题。


浙江省杭州学军中学2015届高三第一学期期中考试高三 2013-12-25 19:26 浙江省杭州学军中学2015届高三第一学期期中考试语文试题 一、语言文字运用(共24分,其中选择题每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,注音全都正确的一项是 A.耄耋(dié)盛(chéng)器白云观(guàn)独辟蹊径 (jìng) B.梵(fàn)文罡(gāng)风订(dīng)书机金钗 (chāi)布裙 C.钝(dùn)器粗糙(cāo)哈巴(ba)狗翻箱倒(dào)柜 D.谄(xiàn)媚藩(fān)篱寒暑假(jià)奉为圭(guī)臬 2.下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是 A.新安江的习习江风,送来17度的清凉。建德,这个坐落在新安江边的城市,正借着清凉,演译着多彩的生活。 B.这里山清水秀,民风纯朴,还有一帮如同着了魔般喜欢玩拔河的村民,他们白天跑山练体能,晚上挑灯练战术。 C.近期登陆市场的嘉实理财宝7天债基特点鲜明,其随时申购、每周可赎回的投资方式,能满足投资者对闲置资金的高流动性要求。 D.之所以失望,是因为外界总是把房产税看成了平溢房价的利器,似乎只要能祭出此剑,便能天下无贼。 3.下列各句中,加点的词语运用正确的一项是

A.通知上写着:“因内部消防整改,本月17日起停止营业,请舞客相互转告并请谅解。”抬头是杭州丰乐歌舞厅。 B.根据日本政府的有关规定,虽然是日本人,登陆钓鱼岛也必须获得政府许可,否则会被处以重罚。 C.进入大学之后,我参加了好几个组织,平时活动多,精力比较分散,一直担心考试不及格,果不其然,这次真的没过关。 D.自古以来我们不乏清醒的画者,他们在桑间濮上的变换和时代的更迭之中,坚持着自我的审美。 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是 A.对城市道路中驾驶员是否使用安全带,一般来说,第一次以教育为主,再犯者处以50元罚款。 B.作为十八大代表中唯一的农民专业合作社社长,她更关注农业现代化建设,她的议题主要在白茶产业的多元化发展。 C.空军第一批歼击机女飞行员日前驾驶我国自主研发的歼—10战机顺利完成单飞,具备了独立驾驭第三代战机翱翔蓝天的能力。 D.董历丽随即向重庆市渝北区人民法院提起诉讼,要求银行返还卡里被盗刷存款并支付利息。 5.在下面语段的横线上补写一个句子,使文段的意思完整、明白。(3分) “你工作多久挣的钱,才够买一个麦当劳的‘巨无霸’?”要是猛然被这样提问,多数人可能都会打个愣,因为对这个问题人们通常更习惯另一种算法,即“我一个月的工资,够买几个‘巨无霸’?”这两个问题看上去是一回事,在统计学意义上却有明显的差别。前者是以商品来考察劳动力的价值,后者则是。 6.使用下面的词语写一段描写性文字,至少运用两种修辞方法。(不超过70字)(4分) 火焰初春色彩枯枝 口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口口 7.阅读下面材料,完成文后两题。(5分)


浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学2020┄2021学年高二下学期3月 月考化学试题 一、选择题(每小题只有一个.... 选项符合题意,每小题2分,共50分) 1、本题列举的四个选项是4位同学在学习“化学反应速率和化学平衡”专题后,联系工业生产实际所发表的观点,你认为不正确的是 A .化学反应速率理论是研究怎样在一定时间内快出产品 B .化学平衡理论是研究怎样使用有限原料多出产品 C .化学反应速率理论是研究怎样提高原料转化率 D .化学平衡理论是研究怎样使原料尽可能多地转化为产品 2、将 4 mol A 气体和 2 mol B 气体在 2 L 的容器中混合并在一定条件下发生如下反应 2A (气)+B (气)=2C (气)若经 2 s (秒)后测得 C 的浓度为 0.6 mol ·L —1 ,现有下列几种说法:① 用物质 A 表示的反应的平均速率为 0.3 mol ·L —1·s —1② 用物质 B 表示的反应的平均速率为 0.6 mol ·L —1·s —1③ 2 s 时物质 A 的转化率为70% ④ 2 s 时物质 B 的浓度为 0.7 mol ·L —1其中正确的是 A .①③ B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ③④ 3、某温度下在密闭容器中发生如下反应:)()(2g N g M 2E (g ) 若开始时只充入2mol E (g ),达平衡时,混合气体的压强比起始时增大了30%;若开始时只充入2mol M 和1mol N 的混合气体达平衡时M 的转化率为 A .20% B .40% C .60% D .80% 4、2A (g (g )+C (g );△H >0,达平衡时,要使v 正降低、c (A )增大,应采 取 A .加压 B .减压 C .增加B 的浓度 D .降温


2017年浙江省杭州市二中高二英语下学期期末(理)试卷 英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷1至12页。第Ⅱ卷13至14页。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并贴好 条形码。请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Why does the woman make a call to the man? A.Because she has something important to tell him. B.Because she has left something important in the man’s office. C.Because she is going to leave next day. 2.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Customer and manager. B. Teacher and receptionist. C. Customer and salesman. 3.Why do most Chinese students find it difficult to express themselves? A.They’ve spent too much time on reading and written exercises. B.They are too shy to open their mouths. C.The don’t like to exchange their ideas with others. 4.What are they talking about? A. A football match. B. A basketball match. C. A baseball match. 5.When are they going to meet each other? A. At 12 a.m. this Wednesday. B. At noon next Wednesday. C. At 11 a.m. next


2015年浙江省杭州二中高三年级仿真考 数学(理科)试题卷 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分.全卷共4页,选择题部分1至2页,非选择题部分3至4页.满分150分,考试时间120分钟. 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上. 参考公式: 柱体的体积公式V =Sh 其中S 表示柱体的底面积,h 表示柱体的高 锥体的体积公式V = 13 Sh 其中S 表示锥体的底面积,h 表示锥体的高 台体的体积公式1()123 V h S S = ++其中S 1,S 2分别表示台体的上,下底面积 球的表面积公式S =4πR 2 其中R 表示球的半径,h 表示台体的高 球的体积公式V = 43 πR 3 其中R 表示球的半径 第I 卷(共40分) 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知定义域为R 的函数()f x 不是奇函数,则下列命题一定为真命题的是() A .()()x R f x f x ?∈-≠-,B .()()x R f x f x ?∈-=,

C .000()()x R f x f x ?∈-≠-, D .000()()x R f x f x ?∈-=, 2.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,3813a a +=且735S =,则7a =() A .11B .10C .9D .8 3.函数)sin()(?ω+=x A x f (其中)2 ,0π ?<>A )的图象如图所示,为了得到()sin g x x ω=的图 象,则只要将)(x f 的图象() A .向右平移 6 π 个单位长度B .向右平移12π个单位长度 C .向左平移6 π 个单位长度D .向左平移12π个单位长度 4.设R b a ∈,,则“a b >”是“a a b b >”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 5.若变量,x y 满足210 201x y x y x -+≤??-≥??≤? ,则点(2,)P x y x y -+所在区域的面积为() A . 34B.43C.1 2 D.1 6.已知函数2|log |,02 ()sin(),2104 x x f x x x π <>=-b a b y a x 右支上一点,21,F F 分别为 双曲线的左右焦点,且a b F F 2 21||=,I 为三角形21F PF 的内心,若 1 2 12 IPF IPF IF F S S S λ???=+成立,则λ的值为() A . 2 2 21+B .132-C .12+D .12- 8.过正方体ABCD-A 1B 1C 1D 1棱DD 1的中点与直线BD 1所成角为40°,且与平面ACC 1A 1所成角为50°的直线条数为() A .1B .2 D 1 C 1 B 1 A 1 D C


杭州学军中学2020学年第一学期期末考试 高一数学试卷 一、选择题(1-8为单选题,每题一个正确答案,每题4分;第9题和第10题为多选题,少选和错选均不 给分,每题4分;合计40分) 1.若全集{1,2,3,4,5,6}U =,{1,4}M =,{2,3}P =,则集合{5,6}=( ) A .M P ? B .M P ? C . ( )()U U M P ? D . ( )()U U M P ? 2.命题p :“* N x ?∈,11 22 x ??≤ ???”的否定为( ) A .* N x ?∈,1122 x ??> ??? B .* N x ??,1122 x ??> ??? C .* 0N x ??,011 22 x ??> ??? D .* 0N x ?∈,011 22 x ??> ??? 3.设sin33a =?,cos55b =?,tan37c =?,则( ) A .a b c >> B .b c a >> C .c b a >> D .c a b >> 4.函数2 ()22x x x f x -=+的图象大致是( ) A B C D 5.如图,梯形ABCD 中,//AB CD ,且2AB CD =,对角线AC ,BD 相交于点O ,若AD a =,AB b =,则OC =( ) A . 36 a b - B . 36 a b + C . 233 a b + D . 233 a b -

6.将函数sin 26y x π? ? =- ?? ? 的图象上各点沿x 轴向右平移 6 π 个单位长度,所得函数图象解析式可以是( ) A .sin 2y x = B .sin 23y x π?? =- ?? ? C .cos 2y x =- D .cos 2y x = 7.设函数()y f x =,x R ∈,则“|()|y f x =是偶函数”是“()y f x =的图象关于原点对称”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 8.已知定义在R 上的奇函数()y f x =的图象关于直线1x =对称,当10x -≤<时,2 ()f x x =,则方程 1 ()02 f x + =在[2,6]-内的所有根之和为( ) A .12 B .6 C .4 D .2 9.(多选题)在ABC 中,三边长分别为a ,b ,c ,且4abc =,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .2 2 4a b ab <+ B .4ab a b ++> C .2 2 4a b c ++> D .4a b c ++< 10.(多选题)如图,直角ABC 的斜边BC 长为2,30C ∠=?,且点B ,C 分别在x 轴正半轴...和y 轴正半.. 轴. 上滑动,点A 在线段BC 的右上方则( ) A .||OA OC +有最大值也有最小值 B .OA O C ?有最大值无最小值 C .||OA BC +有最小值无最大值 D .OA BC ?无最大值也无最小值 二、填空题(11-13每空3分,14-17题每空4分,合计34分) 11 .已知函数2,0 ()0 x x f x x ?≤?=?>??,则(3)f -=________;[(4)]f f =________. 12.若ABCD 是边长为2的菱形,且3 BAD π ∠= ,则AB AD ?=________,||AB CB -=________.


2020年浙江省杭州学军中学高考模拟试卷高中化学 化学试题 本试卷分第一卷〔选择题〕和第二卷〔非选择题〕两部分。共150分。考试时刻120分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H : 1 C : 12N: 14O: 16 Na: 23Mg : 24 A1 : 27 Si: 28S: 32 C1:35.5K : 39Ca: 40 Fe:56 Cu: 64Br: 80 第- 「卷〔选择题共64分〕 一、选择题〔此题包括 8小 题, 每题 4分,共32 分。 每题只有1个选项符合题意〕 1 ?以下描述的现象中,不可能发生的是 A. 银在900C熔化 B.浓硫酸中加水后密度增大 C.水在111C沸腾 D. 1mol H2O的体积约为22.4 L 2. 以下四个表示化学反应的化学用语中,其化学计量数不能表示粒子数的是 3 A .氯化铁溶液中滴加氢氧化钠溶液:Fe 3OH Fe(OH)3 B. 氯化铁溶液显酸性:F eCl 3 3H 2。^= Fe(OH )3 3HCl C. 饱和氯化铁溶液滴入沸水中:F e33H2O F e(OH)3(胶体)3H D. 铁生成氢氧化铁的热化学方程式:4Fe(s) 3O2(g) 6H2OU) 4Fe(OHb(s); 1 H a kJ mol 3. 以下对化学知识概括合理的是 A .氧化物不可能是还原产物,只可能是氧化产物 B. 一种元素可能有多种氧化物,但同种化合价只对应一种氧化物 C. 原子晶体、离子晶体、金属晶体、分子晶体中都一定存在化学键 D. 原子晶体熔点不一定比金属晶体高,分子晶体熔点不一定比金属晶体低 4 .硝酸和浓硫酸是氧化性酸,盐酸是一种非氧化性酸。:Fe 2HCl FeCl 2 H 2 , MnO? 4HCl MnCl 2 2H2O Cl 2 。试判定以下关于盐酸的性质的表达中正确 的选项是 A .有酸性和氧化性,无还原性 B. 有酸性、氧化性和还原性 C. 有酸性、还原性,无氧化性 D. 盐酸是非氧化性酸,在化学反应中不可能表现氧化性 5. 2007年7月11日起,国家规定不能在牙膏中添加甘醇〔即乙二醇〕。以下有关甘醇的表达正确


杭州市西湖高级中学七年级历史(下)期末备考卷 时间:60分钟满分:100分 一、选择题(每小题2.5分,共50分) 1.“古今称国计之富者莫如隋”,这一状况形成的原因主要是() A.隋统一后,隋文帝励精图治 B.隋炀帝营建东都洛阳 C.隋炀帝修建大运河 D.隋朝屡次发动对外战争 2.按先后顺序排列下列唐朝皇帝,正确的是() ①唐太宗②唐高宗③唐高祖④唐玄宗 A.①②④ B.③②④ C.①②④ D.③①④② 3.下列人物中,被唐太宗比喻为可以“知得失”的一面镜子的是() A.魏征 B.皮日休 C.房玄龄 D.李白 4.在《资治通鉴》中可以查阅到的历史资料是() A.黄帝战蚩尤 B.赤壁之战 C.澶渊之盟 D.杯酒释兵权 5.以下哪一项发明最有利于将世界各地联系在一起?() A.造纸术 B.指南针 C.火药 D.印刷术 6.史书记载:“水激轮转,众筒兜水,次第下倾于岸上…以灌稻田,日夜不息,绝胜人力。”这种提水 灌溉工具最早出现于() A.东汉 B.三国 C.隋朝 D.唐朝 7.下列朝代不是以北京为都城的是() A.唐朝 B.元朝 C.明朝 D.清朝 8.明长城东起() A.鸭绿江 B.山海关 C.居庸关 D.嘉峪关 9.明朝的北京城分为三重,现今故宫博物院位于() A.皇城 B.宫城 C.京城 D.外城 10.如果要研究明朝的手工业生产技术,应查阅的文献是() A.《齐民要术》 B.《梦溪笔谈》 C.《农政全书》 D.《天工开物》 11.明清时期逐渐成为文学主流的是() A.戏剧 B.诗歌 C.小说 D.杂文 12.郑和下西洋的最根本条件是() A.明朝国力雄厚 B.船队配有航海图和罗盘针 C.明朝航海技术十分先进 D.郑和本人具有勇于开拓的精神


浙江省杭州市杭州二中2020-2021学年高三(上)第四次月 考物理试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列物理量属于标量的是() A.速度 B.加速度 C.电流 D.电场强度 2.关于以下各物理量的理解正确的是( ) A.速度是矢量,-3m/s比-5m/s大B.位移是矢量,-3m 比-5m大 C.重力势能是标量,-3J比-5J大D.功是标量,做功-3J比-5J多 3.物理学家通过对实验的深入观察和研究,获得正确的科学认知,推动物理学的发展,下列说法符合事实的是() A.赫兹通过一系列实验,预言了电磁波的存在 B.查德威克用 粒子轰击147N获得反冲核178O,发现了中子 C.贝克勒尔发现的天然放射性现象,说明原子核有复杂结构 D.卢瑟福通过对阴极射线的研究,提出了原子核式结构模型 4.把一根柔软的螺旋形弹簧竖直悬挂起来,使它的下端刚好跟杯里的水银面接触,并使它组成如图所示的电路,当通电后,将看到的现象是() A.弹簧收缩后静止B.弹簧被拉长C.弹簧仍静止不动D.弹簧上下振动5.利用三颗位置适当的地球同步卫星,可使地球赤道上任意两点之间保持无线电通讯,目前地球同步卫星的轨道半径为地球半径的6.6倍,假设地球的自转周期变小,若仍仅用三颗同步卫星来实现上述目的,则地球自转周期的最小值约为 A.1h B.4h C.8h D.16h 6.回旋加速器是加速带电粒子的装置,其核心部分是分别与高频交流电源两极相连接的两个D形金属盒,两盒间的狭缝中形成周期性变化的电场,使粒子在通过狭缝时都能


内在驱动·个性发展·精神成长 ——杭州学军中学(2013—2017年)五年发展规划 杭州学军中学作为一所浙江省首批重点中学,办学宗旨明确,立意深远;教师敬业奉献,名师荟萃;学校管理严谨,校风优良;教学质量优异,人才辈出。为进一步落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》精神,根据《浙江省教育厅关于试行学校发展性评价的指导意见》和《杭州市教育局关于在直属学校开展第二轮学校发展性评价工作的通知》的要求,根据学军中学现状,确立学校进一步发展的目标和方针,特制定本发展规划。 第一部分学校现状及分析 一、学校目前发展的基础和优势分析 1.坚持教育发展观,办学特色独具风格 学军中学始终坚持“学教和谐,因人施教,发展个性,提高素质”的十六字办学方针,坚守“质量为本、规范为重、学术立身、文化立校”的办学思路,恪守“以人为本”的教育发展观,多年来已形成独特的“以培养师生责任心为主旨,以内驱型教学推动力建设为主题”的办学特色。学军中学的教师用爱与责任推动教师的教育内驱力建设,用正确的学生观生成教师的教育内驱力,以“严明要求,严格管理,严实教学,严谨教风”等相对严格的管理凝聚教师的教育内驱力,以“爱心立校、责任强校、科研兴校、质量荣校”提升教师的教育内驱力。以“亲和力、学科魅力、课堂吸引力”推动学生的学习内驱力建设,以“自信定位、自觉求知、自我完善”激发学生的学习内驱力,走出了一条注重内涵、彰显特色、追求卓越的特色之路,也在浙江省教育界起到一定的示范作用。 2.着力推进新课改,课程建设初见规模 我校把课程建设作为学校的中心工作,在原有的竞赛型、兴趣特长型、知识拓展型、综合活动型等40余门校本课程的基础上,进一步将课程选择权交给学生,将课程开发权交给老师,减少必修,增加选修,全面实施选课制,开发校本教材,实践“课程超市”,已初步形成较为完整的课程体系,现已开设有54门选修课程,其中知识拓展类选修课程有23门,包括必修内容的拓展课程、大学初级课程、介绍学科最新成果的课程和学科应用性课程等,这部分课程在大学期,主要由自己学校的老师完成教学任务。部分大学课程,通过聘请大学老师来完成教学任务。职业技能类选修课程有5门,主要放在小学期,通过中等职业学校合作,从职业教育引入的职业教育课程。兴趣特长类选修课程有9门,在大学期开设,以学校现有的老师为主,聘请专业老师为辅。社会实践类选修课程有17门,包括调查探究活动、社会实践活动、校园文化活动、学生社团活动等,安排在小学期,学校派出专门的带队和指
