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high 指从地面到最高点,常用于物和空间的高度,也指海拔。 【火眼金睛】用tall 和High 填空 (1) He' s only 5 metres ____ .

⑵ The hill ( 山)is very _________ .

探究二:How tall is he / she?


How tall “多高“常用来提问人的身高或树等细长物体的高度,其结构 是”

How+tall+be+ 主语?” .答语可用”主语 +be+数词 +metre (s )+tall. ” . 如:--How tall is your father? 你父亲多高?

--He is 1.75 metres tall.

他 1.75 米高。

【拓展延伸】 句型” How 形容词+be+主语?”.可以询问物体的长,宽,高,深 等,答语可用”主语+be+数词+名词(表示量))+形容词.”来回答。如:Howlong is the river?


It ' s 4,000 metres long .4000 米长。 【火眼金睛】1. She is 1.5 metres tall.( 对画线部分提问)

______________ is she? 2.Lucy 有多咼。她1.66米咼。 --- __________ is she?

—She is __________________ .

3.is /your/desk/how/long/(?)(

连词成句) 探究三:She ‘ s a bit short. 她有点儿矮。

a bit

意为“一点儿,稍微” 。A bit 修饰形容词或副词时,相当于

a little,

可以与a little

互换;修饰不可数名词时应在 a bit 加介词of ,而a little 可

直接修饰不可数名词。如: It ' s a bit /a little hot. 天有点儿热。

There is a bit of /a little water. 有一点儿水。

【火眼金睛】1: I feel_______ tired. A . a bit B . a bit of C . bit D . a little bit 2.给我一点儿面包吧!

Give me __________________ bread. 课堂检测:

知识点一:how tall 的用法

1. is your frie nd,Billy He is 1.80 metres tall


A . How high


. How tall

C.How many metre D . How many metres 知识点二:表达身高的用法 2 . How long is the bed?

It ' s 2

(米)long .

Lesson 15 Tall or Short

知识点三:a bit的用法

---Ca n you speak En glish? —Yes,but only _____ .

A. a bit B . a bit of C . bit D . a little bit

作业I .写出画线部分的反义词。

1 . I ' m now ,but Danny is a little sad

2. I ' m 1.85 metres tall , but Jenny is a bit .

3. Please head , tail down


()1. —How you feel? —I ' m sad.

A. are

B. is

C. do

D. does

()2. —is the boy?

—1.81 metres.

A. How many

B. How old

C. How tall

D. How much ()3. —Is your teacher tall or ?


A. small

B. lo ng

C. little

D. short ()4. Danny two big brow n eyes.

A. is

B. has

C. are

D. have

()5 . Danny ' s

is very big.

A. eyes


C. legs

D. nose

()6. We see things our eyes.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. with

()7. I eight markers. He ten.

A. has; have

B. have; has

C. has; has

D. have; have ()8. Li Ming black eyes and I black hair.

A. has; has

B.have; have

C.has; have

D.have; has ()9. Look the roses in her hand. They are pink.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. at

()10. —is your friend?

—He is okay.

A. Who

B. What

C. Where

D. How

()11. The boy feels sick. His shoulders .

A. are okay

B. are fine

C. hurts

D. hurt

()12. is a stude nt. n ame is Hu Jia.

A. He; He

B. Her; His

C. He; His

D. His; His


1. “” (悲伤的)is the opposite (相反的)of “happy” .

2. That alien (外星人)has four ( 脚).

3. Do you have a toothache? Please ope n your ( 嘴).

4. Eric sits on Brian ' s (左边).

5. How many (胃)does a lion have?
