英语人教版九年级全册I like music that……

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painful adj. 令人痛苦的;令 人疼痛的
请同学们在 课后参照《 巴蜀英才•英 语》P87的内 容进行复习

1. pain n. 痛苦;疼痛;苦恼 形容词为painful(令人痛苦的 ;令人疼痛的)。 He has a pain in the knee. 他
1.Finish Self Check. 2.Wenti Daoxue155-156.
sense v. 感觉到;意识到 n. 感觉;意识
sadness n. 悲伤;悲痛 pain n. 痛苦;疼痛;苦恼
reflect v. 反映;映出 moving adj. 动人的;令人感
perform v. 表演;执行 lifetime n. 一生;有生之年
Section B (2b、2d)
学习目标 (Learning Aims)
Key Words: sense, sadness, pain, reflect, perform, pity,
total, master ,praise, wound, painful Key Phrases: a piece of, along with ,look up ,be born,
合作探究(Group work) 1.Read the first paragraph and answer the
following questions. a. What does the writer think of Erquan
Yingyue? b. How does the writer begin to understand the
pity n. 遗憾;怜悯 v. 同情;怜悯
total n. 总数;总计 adj. 总的;全体的
in total 总共;合计 master n. 大师;能手;主人
v. 掌握 praise v. & n. 表扬;赞扬 recall v. 回忆起;回想起
wound n. 伤;伤口;创伤 v. 使(身体)受伤; 伤害
beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain. 2. Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abing’s
own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.
such as, be known for, make money, get married, in this way, be the end of, in total Key and difficult Sentences: 1. The music was strangely beautiful , but under the
2.Put forward the questions you can’t solve. 向其他小组提出组内无法解决的问题.
Extention(延伸拓展) 1.move (verb)移动;感动
moving (adj) 动人的 moved (adj) 感动的
2.amaze (verb)使吃惊 amazing (adj) 令人惊异的 amazed (adj) 感到吃惊的,惊奇的
4. Discuss the problems you met yesterday. 讨论昨天预习过程中遇到的问题.
5. Biblioteka Baiduinish 2d.
小组展示(Presentation) 1.Give your answers to the questions above
in actively. 积极给出你们组对于以上问题的答案
sadness in the music?
2.Read the second paragraph and finish the time table.
died his musical ability
sing and play
had a home again
no home on the streets
grew worse
3. What’s the main idea in paragraph 3? And what are the supporting details?
Main idea: Abing’s musical skills made him very popular. Supporting details: By the end of his life, he could play over 600 pieces of music. It is a pity that only six pieces of music were recorded for the future world to hear…
3.perform (verb)表演 performance (n)演出 performer (n)表演者,演员
四、完成句子。(每空不止一词) 1.那位科学家一生中总计有1000项发明。 The scientist had 1000 inventions ________________________. 2.他用这种方法挣了很多钱。 He ________________________________________________. 3.没能看到那场精彩的表演真遗憾。 ________________that I haven’t watched the wonderful performance. 4.上个星期我的一个朋友嫁给了一个医生。 A friend of ____________________________ a doctor last week. 5.它是我听到过的最动人的乐曲之一。 It’s_______________________________________I have ever heard.