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The Difference of Business ]/Culture Between China and The West Different countries all around the world have different certain understanding of cultures, generally speaking,the definition of culture is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created in the process of practice of the history of human society. As we know, culture is the grammar of our behavior ,so social and cultural difference between China and the West determines the difference of business culture between China and the West. As people with different culture have little in common when it comes to ideas,ways of thinking and a whole way of life ,so all countries and all people of the business culture there are naturally very different .In international business activities, cultural differences often affect the way they deal with business. Different cultural backgrounds make different business styles, such as the British are mainly interested in profit, and Chinese are keen on market share. Also, the application of different languages lead to different ways of thinking. Thus, to handle international business activities well, being familiar with the rules of business activities is inevitable,understanding each other's social habits and cultural characteristics should also be attached importance to.

In general,culture mainly includes four aspects which greatly influence the cross-cultural business , they are language and body-language behaviors, customs, ways of thinking and values.

The first one is the difference in language and body-language behaviors. Chinese people pay much attention tot manners . Take Chinese and Americans as example, when hearing others' commendation, Chinese usually use self-depreciatory expression to manifest their humility,and Chinese tend to use appellations in conversations,especially with the elders.While American stress equality. The younger generation call the elder or boss directly by his or her name. Regarding to others' praise, Americans will accept it gratefully. Body-language happens all the time.Movents of certain body parts are vital forms of human communication. Knowing other foreign languages is another important contribution in the process of communication.Briefly,people from diverse cultures vary in the ways of expressing their thoughts and opinions.

Secondly,it is the difference in customs. Customs mainly consist of some social activities. Chinese care much about their images in other people' eyes and mind how others think of him,always are afraid of being laughed at and misunderstood. Yet, American don't care much about how others think about them, they don't ask about others' age, earnings, marriage which they consider to invade others' privacy. Americans are oriented to express their idea directly while Chinese are more tactful and deliberate.

The third difference is the way of thinking. Chinese is perceptual in their comprehensive thought,while the West have developed their rational and analytic thinking modes.Also, Chinese are more concerned with their own bodies in expressing emotions,so intuition thinking is the main feature of this mode of
