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【各种爱的表示】母爱 maternal love; 父爱 paternal love; 父母的爱 parental love;子女对长辈的爱 filial love;慈爱 the benevolent affections;疼爱 the tender love;夫妻之爱 conjugal love; 强烈的爱 a keen affection;狂热的爱fanatic love;真诚的爱love sincerely; 温柔的爱love tenderly
【五险一金的表达】1. medical insurance(医疗保险);2. endowment insurance(养老保险);3. unemployment insurance(失业保险);4. work-related injury insurance(工伤保险);5. childbirth insurance(生育保险)6. housing accumulation funds(住房公积金)
吃货 foodie
拜金女 material girl
情侣装:his-and-hers clothes
国际莫尔斯电码救难信号SOS (Save Our Souls; )
师德 teachers' code of morality
百年老店 century-old shop
拜年 pay a New Year's visit
班车 shuttle bus
暴力拆迁 forced relocation
北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing
奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
逼上梁山 be driven to do something
便衣警察 police in plain clothes
博鳌亚洲经济论坛 Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)
补习班 tutoring center
论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense
步行街 pedestrian street
步行天桥 pedestrian overpass
插播广告 commercial interruption/ commercial break
撤侨 evacuation of nationals
车展 auto show
跟团旅游 package tour
公关 public relations
公益广告 public-interest ad
古装剧 costume drama
航空母舰 aircraft carrier
好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster
核讹诈 nuclear blackmail
盒饭 packed meal; box lunch
核辐射 nuclear radiation
贺岁片 New Year's Film
和谐社会 harmonious society
货到付款 cash on delivery
机器阅卷 machine scoring
集装箱公寓 container apartment (The daily rent for this 18-square-meter container apartment is eight yuan. They can also be refitted as mobile restrooms, kitchens, offices and garages.这种18平米的“集装箱公寓”一天的租金是8元,这种集装箱还可改造成移动厕所、厨房、办公室、车库等。)
金元外交 dollar policy
金砖国家 BRICS countries
九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education
居民身份证 resident identification card
驴友 travelers
秒杀 seckilling
【俗语表达】:for the birds 形容某事不值一钱或索然无味;had their wings clipped 束手束脚;chicken-livered 胆小;eats like a bird 指人吃得很少;a birds-eye view 鸟瞰;chickens come home to roost 自食其果;counts her chickens before they are hatched 过早打如意算盘
【各种love各种爱】deep~ 深深的爱;chaste~ 贞洁的爱;devoted~ 专一的爱; loyal~ 忠诚的爱;tender~ 温柔的爱;sincere~ 真挚的爱;fervent~ 热烈的爱;burning~ 炽热的爱;intense~ 强烈的爱;wild~ 狂热的爱; ~at first sight一见钟情; ~story爱情故事; ~triangle三角恋爱; ~affair风流韵事~
【常见用法】1. sleep like a
baby/log. 睡的很香;Nothing can wake Rea up. She sleeps like a baby.没有啥声能吵醒Rea, 她睡的超香;2. babysitter 保姆; kisser 为拉选票而拉拢人心的政客;4. Rea is expecting a baby. Rea 怀孕啦; buggy ['b?g?] 婴儿车
a cry-baby, someone, usually a child, who cries too easily and too often 容易哭的人,爱哭的人,动不动就哭的人;例如:Don't be such a cry-baby. I hardly touched you. 别动不动就哭,我都没碰你。
【舞蹈名称】street dance街舞;folk dance 民族舞;ballet芭蕾;tap dance 踢踏舞;jazz 爵士舞;striptease脱衣舞;belly dance肚皮舞;ballroom dance交谊舞;latin dance拉丁舞;hula草裙舞;rumba伦巴舞;tango探戈舞;samba桑巴舞;waltz华尔兹舞;foxtrot狐步舞;flamenco弗拉曼柯舞
【天气预报】 1. partly cloudy局部多云 2 .sleet 雨夹雪 3.drizzle 毛毛雨 4. light rain小雨 5.clear sky晴天 6.heavy rain 大雨 7 . thunder shower 雷阵雨 8. downpour 大暴雨 9 .fog雾 10 . hail 冰雹 11 . rainstorm 暴风雨 12.tornado龙卷风 13.rainbow彩虹
国内机场 domestic airport ;机场候机楼 airport terminal;国际航班出港 international departure;不需报关 nothing to declare;海关 customs;登机口 gate/departure gate;候机室 departure lounge;航班号 FLT No (flight number)
两限房 house of two limits/house with limited price and habitable area;廉租房 low-rent housing;农民工 migrant worker;农业税 agricultural tax;泡网吧 hit the Internet bar;双休日 two-day weekend;双职工 working couple;群租客 tenant groups;入住率 occupancy rate
1)Can I try these on? 我能试穿一下吗? 2)Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里? 3)Does this shirt come in other colors? 这件衬衣有其他颜色的吗?)4)Are these jeans on sale?这些牛仔裤打折吗?
The skirt is a little tight. I need one size up. 短裙有点紧,我需要大一号。I love the dress, but I'll need to lose a few pounds to fit into it. 我很喜欢这条裙子,但是得先减几磅,才能穿进去。The size 8 is a bit loose. Can I try a size 6? 八号有点肥,我能试试六号吗?
【音量相关的表达】音量volume;volume control 音量控制; 响度loudness; 声波振幅amplitude; 分贝decibel; 音长duration; 低音bass; 扬声器speaker; 麦克风microphone; 音质quality; 音色timbre; 音强sound intensity; 声压sound pressure
【口语控:含糊其辞的回答】①Not exactly. 不完全;②I guess so. 可能是吧;③I'm not sure. 我不太清楚;④Sort of 有那么点儿;⑤It's something like that 差不多吧;⑦There's no guarantee. 不能保证;⑧I can't say. 我说不好;⑨Half and half. 一半一半;⑩It's difficult to say 怎么说呢~
【电影相关词汇】预告片trailer; 试映preview; 首映premiere; 上映releaseshowscreenbe on 票
房box office; 演员阵容cast; 男主角leading actor;女主角leading actress;配角supporting actor;客串角色cameo role ; 演技acting 电影或电视结尾时的悬念a cliffhanger。
【各种“钱”的英文表达 】 现金 2.coin 硬币 3.note 纸币 4.cheque 支票 5.change 零钱 资金 7.tuition 学费 8.cost成本 9.tip 小费 10. postage 邮资 11.admission 入场费 12.rent租金 13.freight 运费 14.fare 票价 15.dough 金钱 16.banknote 纸币 mission佣金 18.bonus奖金
【英语陷阱】有人表达“我喜欢喝浓茶”时这样说:I like to drink thick tea. 事实上这里不该用thick tea,而是strong tea;大家学习一下与口感有关的词汇:sweet-甜的;bitter-苦的;salty-咸的;spicy-辛辣的;strong-浓的;weak-淡的;light-口味轻的;heavy-口味重的;chewy-耐嚼的;crispy-脆生的
【如何形容味道】 taste 味道; tasty/yummy 美味的; delicious 味道好的; sour 酸的; spiced 加香料的; fragrant 香的; seasoned 加作料的; tasteless 无味的; flat 淡而无味的(如走了气的啤酒); greasy 油腻的; bland 清淡的
Is that so?是这样吗;Don’t get loaded. 别喝醉了;Don’t get high hat. 别摆架子;Right over there. 就在那里;Doggy bag. 打包袋;That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟;Sleeping on both ears. 睡的香;Play hooky. 旷工、旷课;It’s up in the air. 尚未确定。
学习几个时尚的词汇:puppy love早恋;unrequited love暗恋,单恋;toy boy小白脸;two timer劈腿男(女);true love真命天子;gold digger拜金女;sugar daddy老色狼;affair外遇;stalker跟班;trophy wife少奶奶/花瓶老婆;cradle snatcher追求年龄比自己小得多的异性的人
trophy wife 花瓶妻,即A young, attractive woman married to an older, more powerful man;ex-boyfriend 前男友;ex-girlfriend 前女友;ex-husband 前夫;ex-wife 前妻;口语中常直接用Ex 来指代前
【剩女难嫁的因素】1)自身优秀,相貌俊俏 Excellent both inside and outside 2)一技之长,薪酬较高 Specialized and high salary 3)独立生活能力强 Independent 4)完美主义者 The perfectionist 5)下班后爱做宅女 Stay at home after work 6)对男人有偏见 Prejudice against men
上联:subway,railway,highway,way way to die。 下联:officer,announcer,investigater,sir sir to lie。横批:Welcome to China
1. Go steady with someone 和某人确立正式恋爱关系;2. Close, but no cigar. 差不多,不全对; 3. Inner beauty 内在美; 4.Wrong on so many levels 怎么都不对;5. Have sth. up one’s sleeve 心中藏着秘密的想法
K歌常用英语。Put on something by Jay Chou. 来首周杰伦的歌。This is "your" song. I picked it for you. 这是你的招牌歌,我点给你的。I can`t sing that high. 我唱不了那么高的调。I can`t carry a tune. 我唱歌跑调。
【关于Man的俚语】第3辑:1. man-about-town 游手好闲到处寻欢作乐的人;2. man-eater 男人杀手,指很容易迷倒男人、具有很多恋情的女人(非正式);3. Renaissance man 聪明有文化多才多艺的人;4. iron man 身体强健可以长时间工作的人;5. be man enough to do sth勇敢去做某事 第2辑:1. man of the world 阅历丰富饱经世故的人;2. man of letters 文人、作家、学者;3. man of his word 守信用的人、说话算数的人;4. man of God 先知、圣人;5. man of means 有钱人、财主;6. man of many parts 多才多艺的人;7. man of few words 沉默寡言的人
【女孩漂亮的表示】1、You are gorgeous!你真漂亮。2、She is a babe 她是个美女。3、She turns me on. 她让我眼睛为之一亮。4、 She is a hottie 她是个辣妹。5、She is a cutie=She is so cute 她好可爱。6、She is well-developed/well-endowed 她很丰满。
【吃货必知词汇】 barbecue(BBQ)野外烧烤 ;picnic野餐;undercooked未煮熟的;overcooked煮过头的 ;bake烘烤 ;boil 水煮 ;fry煎炒 ;poach水煮;roast 烤;steam蒸;stew炖 ;tasteless淡而无味;salty 咸 ;sour 酸 ;spicy 辣;sweet 甜 ;home cooking家里做饭
【面类】兰州牛肉拉面Lanzhou beef noodle;红烧牛肉拉面Stewed beef noodle;雪菜排骨拉面Xuecai pork noodle;鸡肉拉面 Chicken noodle;海鲜拉面 Seafood noodle;牛肉炒面Fried noodle with beef;猪肉炒面 Fried noodle with pork;山西凉拌面Shanxi cold noodle;刀削面sliced noodle。
【音乐词汇】singer 歌手; performance 演唱;melody 旋律;music Album 音乐专辑;lyrics 歌词;lyricist 歌词作者;compose 作曲;composer;track 音轨;tune曲调;曲作者;songwriter词曲作者; concerto 协奏曲;accompaniment 伴奏;musician 音乐人;conductor指挥
【keep常用词组搭配】1.keep a low profile.保持低调 2.Keep calm 保持冷静!3.Keep it to yourself. 保密 4.Keep up the good work! 继续加油! 5.Keep your mouth shut! 闭上你的嘴! 6.keep away from me.离我远点。7.keep in mind 记住 8.I'm here to keep an eye on him. 9.Keep going.继续
【各种“耳朵”】 be all ears 全神贯注地听,如:I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听;2. Fall on deaf ears 未被理睬;3. turn a deaf ear 不加理睬、充耳不闻;4. Play it by ear 随机应变、见机行事;5. Prick up your ears 竖起耳朵仔细听; one's ear off 喋喋不休
【网络语】恶搞 parody joke;房奴 mortgage slave;秒杀 seckill;法人legal person;雷人 shocking; weird; wacky;山寨 copycat; Shanzhai; knock-off;裸婚simplistic marriage; bare-handed marriage;伪娘 drag queen;蚁族city ants; antizen ;隐婚族pseudo-singles;潜规则unspoken rule[转]
【烹饪词汇】1.Fry 油炸 2.Roast 烘烤(肉类) 3.Bake 烘焙(面食类) 4.Grill 用(烤架)烤 5.Stew 焖 6.Simmer 炖 7.Stea
m 蒸 8.Knead 揉面 9.Mash 捣碎 10.Boil 煮熟 11.Mince/chop 绞碎 12.Dice 切小块 13.Shred 切丝 14. Whip 搅拌 15.Grate 磨碎 16.toss 拌 17.drain 捞 剥皮
【生气的各种表达】be furious with 对...大发雷霆;get angry/mad at对...生气;piss someone off.惹某人十分的生气;get on one`s nerves.让某人生气;lose one`s rag 发脾气;lose your cool.失去了冷静;blow a fuse勃然大怒;blow one`s top怒发冲冠;go ballistic/mad/crazy非常生气
一心一意with undivided attention/heart and soul; 一丘之貉 be tarred with the same brush/cut from the same cloth; 一目了然 leap to the eye; 一帆风顺 Everything goes well; 一刻千金 Every minute counts./Lost time is never found again.
1.gentle reminder温馨提示 2.on top of that 除此之外3.on one's behalf 代表某人 4.generally speaking一般而言 5. in conclusion 总之 terms of 在某方面7.apart from that 此外 8.Due to 由于
1. Don't be so childish. 别这么孩子气/别这么幼稚。 2. Don't make a fool of yourself. 别丢人现眼了。3. Don't flatter yourself. 别自我陶醉了/别臭美了/别往自己脸上贴金了。
1. Don't put on airs with me.别跟我摆架子/别跟我装X 2.Do as I said. 照我说的去做!3.Don't you talk back to me! 跟跟我顶嘴!4.Don't waste your breath.别浪费口舌了。5.Don't be so fussy.别这么吹毛求疵的!6.I don't buy your story.我才不信你的鬼话呢!
1.One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。2.More hasty,less speed. 欲速则不达。3.It is hard to please all. 众口难调。4.Ill news travels fast. 坏事传千里。5.The older, the wiser. 姜是老的辣
1. Go get some sleep. 去稍微睡会儿吧。2. I'll sleep on it. 我会仔细考虑的。3. Don't worry. You will sleep it off. 别担心,睡一觉就好了。4. They slept together. 他们发生性关系了/他俩上床了。
Tomorrow is another day明天又是崭新的一天;come out in the wash 真相大白;Every dog has his day. 十年风水轮流转;bury the hatchet 言归于好;A good man is hard to find. 好人难找;in the nick of time 及时;Don`t speak too soon. 别说的太早; pay through the nose 花很多钱
【常用口语】1. Hard to tell. 很难说。2. Quit that thought. 想都别想。 3. You never know. 世事难料。4. Just let it go.别纠结了。5. Keep it down. 小声一点。6. We are even. 我们扯平了。7. Don't fool me. 别骗我。8. You're thick-skinned.你脸皮真厚。9. What for? 这是干嘛?
Business is business公事公办;Fish in troubled waters浑水摸鱼;Friends must part.聚散离合总有时。/天下无不散之宴席;Great minds think alike英雄所见略同;Health is better than wealth家有万贯财,不如一身健;Hedges have eyes, walls have ears隔篱有眼,隔墙有耳
on the tip of one`s tongue 差一点就说出口;let someone off th
e hook 让某人摆脱麻烦、解脱困境;beside the point 离题的,不是重点;meet a deadline 截稿;out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净;go from bad to worse 每况愈下;hit the jackpot 中大奖; in one`s book对……而言
【时尚口语】From what I can tell 依我看,在我看来,我是这么觉得的,用在句首引出自己的观点,英文解释:Based on all the information I've seen...; This is what I think...;例如:I'm not sure how your relationship is going, but from what I can tell, you're going to lose everything.
【关于电视的那些词儿】?电视节目 television program ?电视选秀 selective TV trials ?季(部)season ?集 episode ?字幕 subtitles ?黄金时段 prime-time ?预告片 trailer ?肥皂剧soap opera ?电视剧 TV drama ?角色characters ?情节 plot ?美剧series ?广告commercial
【电影 style】1. romance movie 爱情片 2. detective movie 侦探片 3. action movie 动作片 4. musical 音乐片 5. thriller 恐怖片 6. comedy 喜剧片 7. serial movies 系列片 8. science fiction movie 科幻片
Nothing works什么都不对劲儿;Money will come and go钱乃身外之物;You have my word我保证;You`re too outspoken你太直率了;Every dog has his day凡人皆有得意时; Are you out of you mind?你疯了吗;Who is to blame?该怪谁;I`m mad at myself我生自己的气
【音乐词汇】 singer 歌手; performance 演唱;melody 旋律;music Album 音乐专辑;lyrics 歌词;lyricist 歌词作者;compose 作曲;composer;track 音轨;tune曲调;曲作者;songwriter词曲作者; concerto 协奏曲;accompaniment 伴奏;musician 音乐人;conductor指挥
【好朋友具备】a listening ear倾听心事;a warm shoulder 温暖的肩膀;a helping hand 提供帮助;share everything分享一切;give good advice.提出好的建议;always tell u the truth.总是真诚相待;encourage each other鼓励彼此; never expect anything in return.不期望回报
【安慰朋友可以这样表达】1) I'm so sorry for your loss. 对你的损失我深表遗憾 2)I'm so sorry to hear that. 真的很遗憾。3)Don't worry. It's their loss. 别丧气,那只是他们的损失而已。4)That's really unlucky. 真的是很不幸。 5)Things will get better soon.情况很快会好转的!
大吵大闹英语怎么说?1. kick up a row/fuss/storm: He kicked up a fuss about the food. 他为那个食物大吵大闹。2. make a scene: His old girlfriend made a scene at his wedding. 他前女友在他的婚礼上大吵大闹。3. raise hell: She raised hell over trifles.她为一些小事大吵大闹。还有scream bloody murder:大吵大闹 to shout or to complain very loudly. 例:Sometimes t
he baby screams bloody murder when we give her a bath.
【孙悟空的本领】如意金箍棒will-following golden-banded staff;火眼金睛fiery golden eyes; 翻筋斗云cloud somersault;七十二变72 polymorphic transformations;长生不死immortality;花果山Mountain of Flowers and Fruits;水帘洞Cave of Water Curtains;美猴王Handsome Monkey King 弼马温Supervisor for Heavenly Horses;齐天大圣Great Sage Equalling Heaven;大闹天宫Havoc in Heaven;斗战胜佛Warring and Winning Buddha;降妖伏魔subdue demons and monsters;经历81难survive 81 calamities;取经bring back the scriptures
【常用抱怨口语句型】1. This team sucks. 这支队太逊(太挫)了。2. That movie was really a turn-off. 那部电影真是太倒胃口了。3. You are so mean. 你丫太刻薄了。4. I am pissed off with his attitude. 他的态度让我很恼火。
Stay out of this matter, please请别管这事;Let`s forgive and forget让我们摈弃前嫌;I`ve heard so much about you!久仰大名;She gives me a headache.她让我头疼; You`ve got to do something你一定要想办法;You`re going too far!你太过分了;Don`t look wise.别自作聪明
【电影】预告片trailer;试映preview;首映premiere; 上映release/show/screen/be on;票房box office; 演员阵容cast;男主角leading actor;女主角leading actress;配supporting actor;客串角色cameo role ;电视剧TV series;娱乐节目game show;相亲节目dating show;综艺节目variety show
【关于考试的地道表达】1. What's going to be covered on the test? 考试的范围是什么?2. a comprehensive test.没有范围的综合考试。3. I think we can bring a cheat sheet with us. 我想我们是可以带一张小抄的。4. I bombed the test. 我考砸了。5. I'm gonna ace it next time! 我下次要考好!
【关于考试的小词】复习:review, go over;参加考试:take an exam;监考:proctor / Invigilator;口试/笔试:oral / written examination;试卷:test / question paper;作弊:cheat on a test/the exam;夹带/小抄 cheat sheet / crib notes ;通过/挂了考试:pass / fail the exam
【给力求职短语】break an agreement 违约;self-assessment 自我评估;constructive criticism 建设性的批评;enhance the efficiency 提升效率;enhance customer loyalty 增强客户忠诚度;future projection 长远规划;strive for sth. 努力(追求)…;do one`s utmost 竭力
【两个单词的地道口语】1.all right. 没关系 wish! 想得美! what? 那又怎样? 4. no way! 没门儿!5. that’s out! 这可不行!6. same here. 我也一样。 offence. 没有冒犯的意思 8.eyes front. 朝前看 9.good point!说得好 10. got it? 明白了吗?
【情绪表达-感动】1. I'm deeply touched by his kindness. 我被他的善良感动了。2. The movie moved me to tears. 这部电影感动得我流泪了。3. This is the mo
st touching movie I've ever watched. 这是我看过的最感人的电影了。
【时尚口语】It's on somebody 是指由某人买单,由某人请客,例如:This dinner is on me. 晚餐我买单。 Hey, let's go have a drink. It's on me. 嘿,我们去喝一杯吧,我请客。类似的,on the house 可以理解为由酒吧、餐馆、酒店等的老板为顾客买单,请顾客免费享用。on the house 餐馆酒吧免费提供的。比如调酒师说,Here, sit down and have a beer. It's on the house. 过来坐,喝杯啤酒,免费。Today is my birthday. The bartender offered me a drink on the house. 今天我生日,调酒师给我的一杯免费酒水。Is the dessert on the house? 甜点是免费的吗?
【时尚口语】What's the hold up? Just grab your bag and let's go. 墨迹啥?拿上你的包我们走。What's the hold up? 意思是why is this taking such a long time? 也就是:怎么拖了这么长时间?墨迹什么啊?用来催促他人快点;例如:What's the hold up? We should be hitting the road now.
【Trees树木】1. pine(松树);2. cypress(柏树);3. poplar(白杨);4. birch(桦树);5. palm(棕榈);6. papaya tree(蕃木瓜树);7. phoenix tree(梧桐);8. maple(枫树);9. gingko tree(银杏树);10. fir(冷杉);11. black locust(刺槐);12. willow(柳树)13. magnolia tree(玉兰树);14. camphor tree(樟树);15. oak(橡树);16. elm(榆树);17. olive(橄榄树);18. banyan(菩提树/印度榕树);19. coconut palm(椰树);20. rubber tree(橡胶树)
【各种''鞋''的英文表达】1)时尚靴:fashion boot 2)高跟鞋:high-heeled shoes 3)跑鞋:racing shoes 4)拖鞋:slippers 5)皮鞋:leather shoes 6)旱冰鞋:roller skates 7)篮球/足球鞋: basketball/soccer shoes 8)旅游鞋:sneakers 9)休闲鞋:casual shoes 10)凉鞋:sandals 11)鞋带:shoestring 12)鞋底:sole13)网球鞋:tennis shoes 14)健行靴:hiking boots 15)平底鞋: flats 16)无带皮鞋:pumps 17)靴子:boots 18)系带便鞋:oxfords 19)平底便鞋:loafers 20)鞋带:shoelaces 21)鞋尖:toe 22)鞋跟:heel
We`re in the same boat我们处境相同;My mouth is watering我在流口水了;I`ll keep my ears open我会留意的;Neck and neck不分上下;Don`t get me wrong不要误会我;You`re the boss听你的;Over my dead body!休想;Take it easy别紧张;Let`s give him a big hand让我们热烈鼓掌
【谢耳朵损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference半斤八两;You just don't appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing with fire 找死;Lucky bastard! 狗屎运;Don't play innocent!别装蒜;That's rubbish!胡扯
长得像:1) take after. He takes after his mother. 他长得像他妈。2) the very image/the spitting image. He is the very image of his father. 他跟他爸长得一样。3) lookalike
/someone's double (像名人)She's a Zhang Ziyi lookalike. She could be Zhang Ziyi's double. 她长得太像章子怡了。还有 dead ringer 酷似某人;与某人相像 That guy is a dead ringer for Liu Ye. 那哥们长的和火华哥很像。1. picture 相似的人或事物,She's the picture of her mother. 她长得很像她妈妈。 2. a dead ringer 形容容貌极其相似,She's a dead ringer for K. 她和K简直是一个模子里刻出来的。 3. Like two peas in a pod 一模一样、就像一个模子刻出来的。
【关于"感冒"的英语】很多人都知道"打喷嚏"(sneeze)和"流鼻涕"(have a runny nose)吧。那么,当你的nose is running(流鼻涕)时,你会经常"抽鼻子"。而"抽鼻子"的英文表达就是"snuffle"了,如: She cried and snuffled(她哭着吸鼻涕)。附:大家知道"sheng鼻涕(粤语)"(就是把鼻涕弄出来)的英文怎么说吗?"擤鼻涕"英文就是"blow one's nose"例如:"He blows his nose with toilet paper(他用纸巾擤鼻涕)";"After you sneeze, try to blow your nose to get all the snot out"(你打喷嚏以后,试着把鼻涕擤干净。)