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SBS1 Unit1 重点语法句型总结

1. What's your name? My name is _________.

2. What's your address? My address is _________.

3. What's your phone number? My phone number is _________.

4. Where are you from? 你来自哪里? I'm from _________. 我来自国家名/城市。

= Where do you come from? I come from _________.

SBS1 Unit2 重点语法句型总结

1. Where is (Where’s) the pen(单数)? It is(It’s) on the table.

2. Where are (Where’re) the pens(复数)? They are(They’re) on the table.

3. Where is(Where’s) Tom(人名前面不加the)? He is(He’s) in the park.

4. Where are(Where’re) Tom and Mary? They are(They’re) in the park.

注意:人称I 后系动词是am I am=I’m

You We They 后系动词是are You are=You’re We are=We’re They are=They’re He She It 后系动词是is He is=He’s She is=She’s It is=It’s


格式为“Where + 系动词(is am are) + 东西/人?”问什么东西或什么人在哪里?

Where is she ? She’s (She is) in/on the…

Where are you ? You’r e (You are) in/on the…

SBS1 Unit3 重点语法句型总结



1. 第一人称单数I + am +现在分词

I am reading a book.

I am learning how to swim.

2. 第三人称单数(he/she/it)+ is +现在分词

He is cleaning the room.

Miss White is listening to music.

2. 第二人称单数(you)/各人称复数(we/you/they)+ are +现在分词

Are you doing your homework, Amy?

The girls are singing.

We are sitting around the Christmas tree.


1. 大多数动词在动词原形后面直接加ing

read—reading work—working study—studying

2. 以不发音的e结尾的动词去掉e再加ing

come—coming take—taking write—writing take—taking

3. 以重读闭音节结尾并且词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写最后一个辅音字母加ing get—getting sit—sitting put—putting run—running

4. 少数几个以ie结尾的动词,去掉ie加y再加ing

lie—lying die—dying

SBS1 Unit4 重点语法句型总结

1. 人称代词和形容词性物主代词。

本单元学习形容词性物主代词,包括:my, your, his, her, its, our, their,相当于形容词,



主格:I/we you/you he she it/they

宾格:me/us you/you him her it/them


I 我 my 我的

He 他his 他的

She 她 her 她的

It 它 its 它的

We 我们 our 我们的

You 你 / 你们 your 你的 / 你们的

They 他们they 他们的

2. Be动词引导的一般疑问句。用Yes或No回答的问句叫做一般疑问句。

格式为:Be + 主语 + 表语如:Are you busy? 回答时要说”Yes, I am.”或者“No, I am not.”


Yes, I’m.Yes, you’re.Yes, we’re.Yes, they’re.

SBS1 Unit5 重点语法句型总结

1. 句型:Be动词 + 人称代词 + 形容词?问某人的特征?

比如:Is he tall? 他高吗?


Yes, I am Yes, you are. Yes, we are.

2. 句型:Tell me about sb. 告诉我关于谁的一些情况。比如:Tell me about your father.

3. 选择疑问句:提供两种或两种以上的情况,供对方选择回答的疑问句。全句用or连接,朗读时,or前的部分用升调,or后的部分用降调。如:

Are you in Class One or in Class Two?


Are these apples red or green?

Do you like tea or coffee?


Who is uncle Li, the old one or the young one?

How do you come here, by bike or on foot?

选择疑问句的回答同特殊疑问句类似,不用Yes和No回答,要根据实际情况直接回答。如:A: Are your shoes red or blue?
