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[作者简介] 谭芬来,男,博士,主要从事分子医学研究工作。联系

电话:(010)67869692,E 2mail:tanfenlai@hot m ail .com 。




,张 力2

,赵 琼3



,刘 勇1


,胡 蓓4





[摘要] 盐酸埃克替尼(icotinib hydr ochl oride,克美纳T M

,浙江贝达药业有限公司生产,规格:100,125,150,200mg )是一种新型口服表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(EGFR 2TKIs ),临床用于治疗既往接受过1种或2种化疗的局部晚期或转移的非小细胞肺癌。文中对盐酸埃克替尼在中国的I ~II a 期临床试验进行


[关键词] 盐酸埃克替尼;非小细胞肺癌;表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂;药理学;药动学

[中图分类号]R983;R979.1 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1003-3734(2009)18-1691-04

Pharmacology and cli n i ca l eva lua ti on of i coti n i b hydrochlor i de

T AN Fen 2lai 1

,ZHANG L i 2

,Z HAO Q i ong 3

,L IU Dong 2yang 4

,HU Yun 2yan 1


L IU Yong 1

,D ING L ie 2m ing 1

,HU Bei 4

,WANG Yin 2xiang


(1Zhejiang B eta Phar m a,Hangzhou Zhejiang 311100,Ch ina;2D epart m ent of R espiratory,Peking U nion M ed ical College Hospita l,B eijing 100730,Ch ina;3D epart m ent of R espiratory,The F irst A ffiliated Hospital of College of M edicine,Zhejiang U niversity,Hangzhou 310003,China ;4C linical Pha r m acology R esearch Center ,

Peking U nion M edica l College Hospital,B eijing 100730,China )

[Abstract] I cotinib hydr ochl oride is a novel oral ep ider mal gr owth fact or recep t or 2tyr osine kinase inhibit or (EGFR 2TKI ).It is indicated f or the treat m ent of patients with l ocally advanced or metastatic non 2s mall cell lung cancer (NSCLC )p revi ously treated with one or t w o che motherapy .Several phase I and II a trials in both healthy vol 2unteers and NSCLC patients have been conducted in China recently .I n this revie w we summarized the brief results fr om these trials,the phar macol ogy and phar macokinetics of icotinib hydr ochl oride .

[Key words] icotinib hydr ochl oride;non 2s mall cell lung cancer (NSCLC );ep ider mal gr o wth fact or recep 2t or 2tyr osine kinase inhibit or (EGFR 2TKI );phar macol ogy;phar macokinetics


最常见的疾病。据世界卫生组织估计,我国每年新发现的肺癌患者超过40万人,其中约317000(80%)为非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC ),死亡病例约272000例。以铂类为基础的化疗是目前全世界范



培美曲塞(pe metrexed,力比泰)或表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(Ep ider mal Gr owth Fact or Re 2cep t or 2Tyr osine Kinase I nhibit ors,EGFR 2TKIs ),如吉

非替尼(gefitinib )和厄洛替尼(erl otinib )。其中多西紫杉醇、培美曲塞属于细胞毒类,不良反应较大;厄洛替尼和吉非替尼属靶向抗癌药,不良反应明显低于多西紫杉醇和培美曲塞。

盐酸埃克替尼(icotinib hydr ochl oride,商品名CONMANAT M ,克美纳



产,规格:100,125,150,200mg )是一种口服EGFR 2TKIs,属国家化药“1.1”类新药,化学结构和阿斯利
