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映的是讲话者探询的态度,而不是过去时间, 在下列句子中,现在时和过去时都指现在的 精神状态,但后者更为礼貌。 Do/did you want to see me now? I wonder/wondered if you could help us.
(2) 假设过去时,用于某些从属分句,尤其是

5.be to+不定式

表示按计划,安排即将发生的动作。常见于报纸,广播, 用于宣传官方的计划或决定。 China is to import some $1 trillion of goods and services in the next three years and the import market will expand much wider, said Wei Jianguo, Vice Minister of Commerce on September 24 at the third session on Pan-Yellow Sea economic and technical exchange between China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, held in Weihai, east China’s Shangdong Province. (Beijing Review) 表示命令、禁止或可能性等 You are to be back by 10 o’clock. be about to 的意思等同于be on the point of + v-ing 或be going to+just
4. 现在进行体
表示按计划,安排即将发生的动作。现在进 行体的将来用法只限于由人类的努力所致的 动作。因而,象The tree are losing their leaves soon.的句子是不恰当的,因为它表示 树木对它的将来有控制能力了。同样, He’s dying next week只能指某种策划中的死亡, 例如处决。 I’m taking the children to the zoo.

3. be going to+不定式
When are you going to be married? 还可以表示预见,即现在已有迹象表明将要
发生或即将发生的某种情况。 It’s going to rain. She’s going to have a baby.
hear,learn,gather,understand等。 I hear that poor Mr. Simpson has gone into hospital.
的;但现在时似乎意味着:尽管这些事件发生在过 去,但是它的结果还在发生作用。 The Book of Genesis speaks of the terrible fates of Sodom and Gomorrah.

would +不定式
The time was not farBaidu Nhomakorabeaoff when he would regret this
decision. was/were going to+不定式 (常含有“未实现的意 图”) You were going to give me your address. (…but you didn’t)
6. 一般现在时
一般现在时是英语中除了will/shall结构外, 表示将来动作最普遍的方法。不过,只有在 从属分句中,一般现在时才常有这种将来用 法,照例都用在条件或时间连词如if和when 之后,也用在that分句中。 What will you say if I marry the boss? 也可用来描述不能更动的事件或预定活动, 不管它们是否由人的计划所决定 What time does the match begin?

被动句的使用场合 英语常用被动句,主要有下列几方面的考虑: (一)施事的原因:人们表达思想时,通常使用 主动句。但当主动句的施事(agent)由于以下 的原因而不需要或不可能指明时,英语中往往用 被动句。 施事未知而难以言明 The murderer was caught yesterday, and it is said that her will be hanged. 施事从上下文中可以不言自明 She told me that her maser had dismissed her. No reason had been assigned; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress.
He was eventually to end up in the bankruptcy
court. The meeting was to be held the following week.
was/were about to+不定式(正要;带 有未实现的意图的意思)
He was about to hit me.

在主句中,指将来的一般现在时总是伴有时 位状语,用以表示事件是预先就确定和不能 更改的,而且其确定的程度犹如它正在发生 一样。 The plane leaves for Ankara at eight o’clock tonight.
(1) 使用表示意愿及精神状态的动词,反
过去进行体(过去预定的安排)和一般过去 时
I was meeting him in Bordeaux the next day. She told me that she would come to see me when
she visited China again.
was/were to+不定式(表示注定要发生和安 排好的事情)
Aspect: general term, originally of specialists in
Slavic language, for verbal categories that distinguish the status if events, etc. in relation to specific periods of time, as opposed to their simple location in the present, past or future. English has two aspects: progressive and perfect.
if-分句中,表示和讲话人的信念或期待相反 的意思。 If you really worked hard, you would soon get promoted. It’s time we all took a rest.
1. will/shall+ 不定式
常常含有情态意义即带有说话人的主观态度 和看法,可表示预见(prediction),意愿 (willingness)或意图(intention) take this medicine and. You’ll feel better in an hour or so. We shall ensure that the repairs are carried out according to your wishes.

现在时表示非现在时间的特殊用法 表示过去的一般现在时 历史现在时描写仿佛现在正在发生的过去, 因为它传达了目击者的叙述具有某种戏剧 色彩的即时性。 I couldn’t believe it! Just as we arrived, up comes Ben and slaps me on the back as if we’re life-long friends. “Come on, old pal,” he says, “let me buy you a drink!” I’m telling you, I nearly fainted on the spot.
Her only son was run over by a car. 由于特殊的原因而需要指明施事,如为了使 叙述显得圆通、得体,或为了表达某种微妙 的情绪。 Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.


表达形式。当主动句不便于表达时,由于造句的需 要或修辞的考虑,往往采用被动句。 为了使句子承上启下、前后连贯、便于衔接。 Some kinds of plastics can be forced through machines which separate them into long, thin strings, called “fibres”, and these fibres can be made into cloth. 为了使句子平衡,保持末端中心(end focus)和末 端重量(end weight),以符合主语简短,谓语复 杂的表达习惯。 I was astounded that he was preparing to give me a job.

2. will/shall+ 不定式进行体/完成体
will/shall+不定式带有情态意义,而要表示纯粹将 来,可用will/shall+不定式进行体结构。 When you reach the end of the bridge, I’ll be waiting there to show you the way. We’ll be flying at 30000 feet. 这句话由驾驶员对乘 客说的话,意思就是“三万英尺是这次飞行正常和 预期的高度” We’ll fly at 30000 feet. 如果是这个结构,给人的 感觉会不一样:很可能是驾驶员刚刚决定在这一高 度上飞行。
Tense: the relationship between the form of the
verb and the time of the action or state it describes. In English, verbs may be in the past or present tense.
Voice refers to the ways in which a language expresses

the relationship between a verb and the noun phrases which are associated with it. Two sentences can differ in voice and yet have the same basic meaning. However, there may be a change in emphasis and one type of sentence may be more appropriate. For example The wind damaged the fence. The wind is the subject of the verb damaged, which is in the active voice, while in The fence is damaged by the wind. The fence is the subject of the verb was damaged, which is in the passive voice.