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8, a variety of = varieties of = various 种种,各种各样的
9, queue up 10, rely on 11, make jokes/ a joke about
拿--- 开玩笑
12, point to
point at point out 13, trip over 被 … 绊倒
George burns
A famous American stand-up comedian. He often acted with his wife. He once was given the Academy Awards in 1975.
1. laughter 不可数名词 burst into laughter burst out laughing howl with laughter
5, depend on/ upon 6, react to 7.previous adj. 先前的,以往的 No previous experience is necessary for this job. Previous to this, she’d always been well. 在这之前,她身体一向很好。
23, be popular with/ among 24.amuse vt. 逗笑/乐;使娱乐
amuse sb. be amused by/at…被…逗乐
an amusedlook一种 感到愉悦的表情 an amusing story 一个逗人笑的故事 amusement n.愉悦,开心;娱乐(活动) To my amusement, he couldn’t get the door open.
22, make up ① 组成,构成 One hundred years make up a century. ② 编造 make up a story ③ 准备,布置 make up a bed ④ 凑齐,补齐
make up the rest of the money. ⑤ 化妆
It takes her one hour to make up every morning. ⑥ 补上,补回 ⑦ make up with sb 与某人和好
19, be broadcast live 现场直播
20, (L34-35) One reason Crystal has become so famous is that he is very quick thinking, and is often ---
21, come up with 想出,提出(主意,计划等) Someone had better come up with a solution fast.
28. be good for be good at be good to sb be good with sb/ sth
29. have an effect on/ upon 30 saying n.格言,谚语,警句
as the saying goes,
对---有好处,有用 擅长,精通 对某人态度好 擅长与…打交道
31. pass away 去世= die ▲pass by 通过,经过 --- 的旁边 ▲ pass down 流传,代代相传 ▲ pass sth. on to… 将某物递给…
突然笑起来 放声大笑
2. stand up for 支持,维护 You must stand up for your friends/rights. 你必须支持你的朋友。 ▲ stand for 代表 ▲ stand out 突出,显眼
3, stage ① 舞台
on (a/ the) stage 在舞台上 There were more than 50 people on stage.
指着 指出
14, make fun of
15, have (an) affection for 喜爱,钟爱
I have a great affection for New York.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
16, be famous as
be famous for
17, later on
18, one such person such 常放于many , some, any, other, all , no ,数词之后; 但放在a/ an 之前; Two such examples are not enough. No such person can do such a silly thing.
go/ be on the stage 当演员 ② 时期,阶段
at one stage 有一段时间 People tend to work hard at this stage of life.
4.tease vt.取笑,戏弄 tease sb. about sth. 就某事(物)取笑某人
I used to be teased about my name. 过去别人总拿我的名字开我玩笑。
Module 6 Unit 1 Reading
Billy Crystal
Bob Hope
A famous American comedian, born in London. He is good at compromising (妥 协) and famous for speaking at a fast speed and enjoy a long life of acting.
25, have the ability to do sth have a/ no plan to do sth
26, follow in the footsteps of sb = follow in one’s footsteps 仿效某人
eg: She works in television, following in her father’s footsteps. 27, live to be 100 years old