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*KHale Waihona Puke Baiduas

病理和分类 Pathology and classification
解剖学分类 Anatomy classification
• 1 中央型肺癌 • 1 Central lung cancer
• 2 周围型肺癌 • 2 Peripheral lung cancer
• 3 Air pollution • (1)室外大环境污染 • (1)Outdoor environment pollution • (2)室内小环境污染 • (2)Indoor environment pollution • 4 电离辐射
• 4 Ionizing radiation
• 5 饮食与营养
carcinoma • (3)大细胞癌 • (3)Large cell carcinoma • (4)鳞腺癌 • (4)Adeno-squamous carcinoma
• Squamous cell carcinoma
– Now 2nd most common ( 1st in China) – Strongly linked with smoking – 60-80% in the proximal airways (central type) – Cavitation – Tendency to spread locally/regionally – Prognosis slightly better than Adenocarcinoma
组织学分类 Histology classification
• 1 小细胞肺癌
• 1 Small cell lung cancer, SCLC
• (1)燕麦细胞型 • (1)oat cell type • (2)中间细胞型 • (2)intermediate cell type • (3)混合型 • (3)mixed type
• Lung Cancer
– Worldwide: most common cancer
• 2,000,000 cases per year
– China : first leading cause of cancer death in urban area
– <15% 5-year survival
原发性支气管肺癌 中英文对照
定义 Definition
• 原发性支气管肺癌简称肺癌,是起源于 支气管粘膜或腺体的肿瘤。
• Primary bronchogenic carcinoma is abbreviated to lung cancer, it derives from bronchi mucosa or gland.
Adenocarcicoma Left Lower Lobe
Bronchoalveolar Cell Carcinoma
– Aerogenous and lymphatic spread
20 Year Lag
If what happened on your inside happened on your outside, would you still smoke?
• 2 职业致癌因子
• 2 Occupation carcinogenic factor: Asbestos, Radon 3 空气污染
• Small cell carcinoma
– Rare in non-smokers – Large hilar mass – 70% present with overt metastasis – Very chemo-responsive… – Worst prognosis
Small cell carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Lung Cancer Pathology
• Adenocarcinoma
– Most common pathology(2nd in China) – “Non-smoker’s lung cancer” – Women – Peripheral (75%) – Aggressive metastases
– Amount smoked – Age of smoking onset – Product smoked (tar/nicotine content, filters) – Depth of inhalation – Gender – Risk goes down after > 5 yrs cessation – At 15 years, 80-90% risk reduction – Never gets to “never smoker” risk
• 5 Diet and nutrition
• 6 其他因素
• 6 Other factors
• 7 遗传因素
• 7 Hereditary factor
• Tumor suppressor genes

• Dominant oncogenes
病因和发病机制 Etiology and pathogenesis
• 1 吸烟 • 1 Smoking
Lung Cancer: Smoking Facts
• Tobacco use is the leading cause of lung cancer • 87% of lung cancers are related to smoking • Risk related to:
• 2 非小细胞肺癌
• 2 Non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC
• (1)鳞状细胞癌(鳞癌) • (1)Squamous cell carcinoma, SCC • (2)腺癌和支气管肺泡癌 • (2)Adenocarcinoma,AC,and bronchoalveolar