超级实用销售英语20句 打开国外市场必备




实用的销售英语句子实用的销售英语句子Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。






下面是一些在英语销售中常用的表达和技巧:开场白•Hello, how can I assist you today?•Welcome! What brings you in today?•Good morning/afternoon/evening! How can I help you?产品介绍•Let me show you our newest product.•This item has been very popular among our customers.•I recommend this product for its high quality and affordable price.推销技巧•Would you like to take advantage of our special promotion today?•If you buy two, you get one free.•This product is perfect for your needs.解决问题•I understand your concern. Let me see how I can help.•Let’s find a solution together.•I apologize for the inconvenience. Let’s work on resolving this issue.签订交易•Are you ready to make a purchase today?•Shall we proceed with the transaction?•Congratulations on your new purchase!结语•Thank you for choosing our products/services.•We appreciate your business. Have a great day!•If you have any questions in the future, feel free to contact us.以上是一些英语销售中常用的表达和技巧,希望能对您在销售过程中的沟通有所帮助。



做外贸必备的200句实用英语1、I’ve come to make sure that your stay in China is a pleasant one 我特地为你们安排使你们在中国的逗留愉快。

2、You’re going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。

3、It’s just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。

4、 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。

5、 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then. 如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。

6、Is there any way of ensuring we’ll have enough time for our t alks? 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判?7、 So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗?8、We’ll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。

9、We’d have to compare notes on what we’ve discussed during the day.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。

10、That’ll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。




1.Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

2.We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

3.This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

4.There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

5.There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

6.There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

7.Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

8.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

9.Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。





国外产品销售英文广告语大全1. The world smiles with Reader's Digest. 《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑2. Nobody is perfect. 没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。

(苗条健身器材)3. The Globe brings you the world in a single copy. 一册在手,纵览全球。

(《环球》杂志) Live well, snack well. 美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。

(斯耐克威尔士饼干)4. We're the dot. in. com. 我们就是网络。

(太阳微系统公司)5. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。

(IBM公司)6. The new digital era. 数码新时代。

(索尼影碟机)7. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。

(理光复印机)Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。

(佳能打印机)8. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境万宝路世界。

(万宝路香烟)10. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。

(轩尼诗酒)11. The taste is great. 味道好极了。



14、We are trying to find a market for this article. 我们正在努力为此项商品找销路。
15、We regret we cannot find any market for this article. 我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。
popular 有销路的
find a market 销售
selling line 销路
trial sale, test sale, test market 试销
salable goods 畅销货
popular goods 快货
16、According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
17、We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products. 等你们全面了解我们产品销售可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。
2、We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price. 我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。
the best selling line (the best seller) 热门货
to find (have) a ready market 有销路,畅销



外贸销售常用的英语口语【篇一】Packing has a close bearing on sales.包装对产品的销路有很大关系。

We are trying to find a market for this article.我们正在努力为此项商品寻销路。

We regret we cannot find any market for this article.我们很抱歉不能为此项商品寻到销路。

There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.因为对此货物的需求将持续增加,请提前补充货源。

According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.依据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。

【篇二】We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products.等你们全面了解我们产品销售可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。



最常⽤销售/推销语句及词汇Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美⽽畅销于你⽅市场。

This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

There is no market for these articles.这些商品⽆销路。

Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的⾃⾏车在此地销路很好。

They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你⽅产品的销售。

Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽努⼒以打开销路。

商务实战 行销英语20招

商务实战 行销英语20招

商务实战行销英语20招如果顾客不置可否或表现出不耐烦的样子,决不可轻言放弃,可以先说:“Everybody is wele here, madam. Whether she buys or not.(这里欢送任何人光临,买不买都没关系。

)”,然后婉转地问:“Are you looking for something?”。


一句:“Would you mind my remending?”十分有用。


当你要说服顾客时,最好用“Well, let me tell you why.”作为解释商品用途、优点的开场白。

可以说:“Please take a look at this.”或“That one, madam?(那个好吗?)”配合产品加以说明时,那么用“As you can see, ~(正如您所见,~)”店铺开张和周年庆典都是很好的宣传时机,销售重点在于“”(因为本店新开张),因此给予优惠,或进一步说明“If you would kindly remend our establishment to your friends, the favor will be greatly appreciated.”(如果您将本店介绍给您朋友,本店将十分感谢。

)店铺出清存货时是购置价廉物美的货物的好时机,您可以说“I understand there's not much left over.”(存货不多。

)除非是熟客,双方足够信任,否那么,餐馆、旅店通常的应对方式是“What time can we expect you ?”(您几点来?)。



外贸英语:做外贸的必会的口语句子1.Your T shirts can find a ready market in the easternpart of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

2.We all understand that Chinese shippers are verypopular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

3.This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

4.There is a good market for these articles. 这些商品畅销。

5.There is a poor market for these articles. 这些商品滞销。

6.There is no market for these articles. 这些商品无销路。

7.Your bicycles find a ready market here. 你们的自行车在此地销路很好8.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

9.Please furnish us with more information from time totime so that we may find outlets for our stationery.因为对此货物的需求将持续增加,请提前补充货源。

10.They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽努力以打开销路。



国外品牌英文销售广告语1. good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

麦氏咖啡 a kodak moment. 就在柯达一刻。

柯达胶卷/share moments. share life. 柯达胶卷2. started ahead. 成功之路,从头开始。

飘柔洗发水 we integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。

三菱电工3. never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好.4. connecting people.nokia 科技以人为本。

诺基亚5. we lead. others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。

理光复印机6. not all cars are created equal. 并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。

三菱汽车7. the globe brings you the world in a single copy. 一册在手,纵览全球。

《环球》杂志 live well, snack well. 美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。

斯耐克威尔士饼干8. impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。

佳能打印机9. take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!雀巢冰激凌10. “your future depends on your dreams.” so go to sleep. “现在的梦想决定着你的将来”,所以还是再睡一会吧.11. there should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来.12. the relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。


















Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美⽽畅销于你⽅市场。

This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

There is no market for these articles.这些商品⽆销路。

Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的⾃⾏车在此地销路很好。

They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你⽅产品的销售。

Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽努⼒以打开销路。

Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。

【优质】销售人员必必备英语口语分享-范文模板 (3页)

【优质】销售人员必必备英语口语分享-范文模板 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==销售人员必必备英语口语分享1.Your T-shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

2.We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

3.This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

4.There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

5.There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

6.There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

7.Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

8.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

9.Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。



销售人员20句超级实用英语Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。



1.Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country. 贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

3.This product has been a best seller for nearly one year. 该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

4.There is a good market for these articles. 这些商品畅销。

5.There is a poor market for these articles. 这些商品滞销。

6.There is no market for these articles. 这些商品无销路。

7.Your bicycles find a ready market here. 你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

8.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products. 他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的`销售。

10.They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet. 他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。

11.Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase. 我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。

12.We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end. 根据你地的市场情况,我们确信今年你们有望销得更好。

13.Packing has a close bearing on sales. 包装对产品的销路有很大关系。



经典销售英语句子经典销售英语句子Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

2.We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

3.This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

4.There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

5.There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

6.There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。

7.Your bicycles find a ready market here你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

8.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了增加你方产品的.销售。

9.Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

10.They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

We are trying to find a market for this article.
We regret we cannot find any market for this article.
Your market still has great potential.
There are only a few unsold pieces.
Words and Phrases
salable 畅销的
According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?
The market situation is not known to us.
popular 有销路的
find a market 销售
selling line 销路
trial sale, test sale, test market 试销
salable goods 畅销货
popular goods 快货
the best selling line (the best seller) 热门货
发布时间: 2006-2-13 11:53:20 被阅览数: 252 次 来源: VOA慢速英语网
文字 〖 大 中 小 〗 自动滚屏(右键暂停)
Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.
There is a poor market for these articles.
There is no market for these articles.
Your bicycles find a ready market here.
We all uBiblioteka derstand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.
to find (have) a ready market 有销路,畅销
to have a strong footing in a market 很有销路
good market 畅销
poor(no) market 滞销
goods that sell well 畅销货
sell like wild fire 畅销,销得很快
They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.
Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.
This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.
There is a good market for these articles.
They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.
Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.
According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.
We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products.
We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end.
Packing has a close bearing on sales.