笔译基础 长句复杂句

1. He finds that students who were easy to teach because they succeeded in putting everything they had been taught into practice, hesitate when faced with the huge untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside his textbooks.
他发现原来比较容易教的学生现在踌躇不前: 原来比较容易教是因为他们能把教给他们的东 西付诸实践;现在踌躇是因为他们面对大量的 教科书上没有接触过的英语单词和习惯用语。
2.We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.
3. What would doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a physical check up just before going on vacation with his family who,though he feels in good health,is found to have a form of disease that will cause him to die within six months.
我们知道,与我们的眼睛相比,猫的 眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以猫在黑 夜பைடு நூலகம்看得更清楚.

例如:⑴If she had long lost the blue-eyed, flower-like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom coloring ⑵which had so swiftly and oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, ⑶she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion, ⑷whose cheeks were faintly mottled, ⑸and whose gray-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness.分析:这个句子是由一个主句、一个状语从句和三个定语从句组成的。

• Finally,because the ultimate take holders are patients,the health research community should actively recruit应该积极争取to its cause not only well -known personalities such as Stephen Cooper,who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research,but all who receive medical treatment.
一、分析长句 一般来说,这些长句的共同点就是同位语、定语和 分句很多,主语和谓语之间的距离很远,还时常 伴有插入成分,所以理解长句的要领就是先找出 主干,化繁为简,然后再看各个分句或修饰成分 与它的关系。 (一)分析句子,找出全句的主语、谓语、宾语。 (二)找出句中非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引 导词。 (三)分析从句和短语的作用,是主从、宾从、表 从等还是 某种状语等。 (四)注意插入语等其他成分。 (五)注意一些固定句型、固定搭配等。
• I wondered how she would feelif she learned that the Negrobefore whom she had behaved in such an unladylike mannerwas in fact a white man.
长句翻译的操作方法: 理顺原句内部关系,理出句中包含的各语义点
• 实际上,在翻译一个英语长句时,并不只 是单纯地使用一种翻译方法,因为有些英 语长句顺译或逆译都不合适,分译也有困 难,单纯地使用一种译法不能译出地道的 汉语,此时就应仔细琢磨,或按时间先, 或按逻辑顺序,顺逆结合,有主有次地进 行综合处理。

• 我心中思衬(1),在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士 风度(4),倘若得知这个黑人其实是白人时(3),不知 她作何感想(2)。
• Finally,because the ultimate take holders are patients,the health research community should actively recruit应该积极争取to its cause not only well -known personalities such as Stephen Cooper,who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research,but all who receive medical treatment.
• 译文:最后,因为最有发言权的人是病人,医疗 研究机构不仅应该积极争取斯蒂芬·库柏这样曾大 胆陈述动物研究价值的名人来支持自己的事业, 而且应该争取所有接受过治疗的人的支持。
• 英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概 念, 汉语不同,常常使用若干短句,清晰 简洁地表达,
• 在进行长句翻译时,要特别注意英语和汉 语之间的差异,一般采取下列方法
长句翻译的操作方法: 理顺原句内部关系,理出句中包含的各语义点
• I wondered (1)how she would feel(2)if she learned that the Negro(3)before whom she had behaved in such an unladylike manner(4)was in fact a white man(3).

一般来说,在以下几种情况下都可以断句:1. 汉语句子较长,内容较复杂这种句子如果同样译作一个长句,在结构上有困难,语境也不清楚;断句则便于清晰地表达原意,又符合英语的表达习惯。
Throughout the ages only honest laboring people see the truth that wealth is created through labor. Only they can free their minds of any fantastic ideas of getting rich. And only they create and accumulate wealth for both society and themselves through hard practical work.·如今没奈何,把你雇在隔壁人家放牛,每月可以得他几钱银子,你又有现成饭吃,只在明日就要去了。
There’s no way out but to set you to work looking after our neighbor’s buffalo. Y ou’ll make a little money every month, and you’ll get your meals there too. Y ou are to start tomorrow.2. 汉语的总分复句汉语的总分复句都包括总说和分述两个部分。

所以作为翻译的人如果发现很多词语在翻译之后,根本没有必要存在,那 么就可以对它进行适当的删减。

同过去一样,将来必然会出现新 的思维对象和思维方式,给完美 以新的标准。
New forms of thought,as well as new subjects for thought,must arise in the future as they have in the past,giving rise to new standard of elegance.
我要是出国,我会尽量地 周游这个国家,设法尽可 能多地结识一些人,不仅 以他们作为语言实践的对 象,而且要和他们讨论问 题。我希望结识一些真正 的朋友。
More and more Americans apparently are looking not just for places with more jobs but with fewer people,too.
5.Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injury, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cottage.
独自旅行的人,要是饿了,受伤了或生病了,除了最近的小屋, 常无处求援。
6.In their hearts, women think it is men’s business to earn money and theirs to spend it------if possible, during their husband’s life, but, at any rate, after his death.
我因手头很拮据,同时也 想干点有用的事,于是便 提出了申请,但在提出申 请的同时我也担心,自己 一无学位,二无教学经验 ,得到这份工作的可能性 是微乎其微。

顾、均衡发展。 We must make good use of both domestic and international markets and resources, correctly balance domestic development and our degree of openness to the outside world so as to truly take into consideration both domestic and
deepens, China‟s economy and world
economy are becoming more linked,
interactive and interdependent.
必须树立世界眼光,加强战略思维,善 于从国际形势发展变化中充分把握发展 机遇。 We must adopt a global perspective,
腐败斗争,政府自身建设取得积极进展。 We intensively carried out administration in accordance with the law, developed law-based government, made the government more serviceoriented, made government affairs more open, improved the administrative accountability system, tirelessly combated corruption, and made
房价涨幅过高;违法征地拆迁等引发的社会矛盾增多;食品安 全问题比较突出;一些领域腐败现象严重。 We have not yet fundamentally solved a number of issues that the masses feel strongly about, namely the lack of highquality educational and medical resources, and their uneven distribution; increasing upward pressure on prices, and

翻译技巧英语口译笔译长难句练习Translation Skills: English Interpreting and Translation Practice for Long and Difficult Sentences1. Break it down into smaller chunksWhen facing long and difficult sentences, it can be helpfulto divide them into smaller parts and translate each part individually. This can make the sentence more manageable and improve accuracy.2. Understand the structure3. Identify key words and conceptsIdentifying the key words and concepts in the sentence will assist in grasping the main idea and conveying it accurately in the target language. Pay attention to any specialized vocabulary or idiomatic expressions.4. Consider the contextUnderstanding the context in which the sentence is used can aid in providing an accurate translation. Consider the overall meaning and purpose of the text, as well as any cultural references or nuances.5. Use appropriate connectors and transition wordsUsing connectors and transition words appropriately can help convey the relationships between different parts of the sentence.This can include words such as "however," "therefore," or "in addition." Using these words correctly will enhance the flow and coherence of the translation.6. Seek clarification if neededIf there are ambiguities or uncertainties in the sentence, don't hesitate to seek clarification from the speaker or writer. It is better to ensure an accurate understanding of the sentence before attempting to translate it.7. Practice regularly8. Stay up-to-date with current events and trends。

实训3:长句复杂句的翻译目录注意树形结构与线形结构、形合与意合 (1)注意语言单位的推移 (1)注意从句性质的转变 (2)注意句界的调整 (2)各种策略的综合 (3)短文翻译 (3)注意树形结构与线形结构、形合与意合1.Carbon-rich compounds extracted from a meteorite that fell in Australia in1969 spontaneously formed vesicles when the compounds were dissolved in water.2.When shot into turbines on wings, oil has shrunk the planet in a way that wasonce the stuff of science fiction.3.From a long-term perspective, Internet shopping is but a low-level aspect ofthe Net, and it is not very likely to become the most important trend.4.Aflash plant sends water through a series of chambers on the surface thatrapidly reduce the water’s pressure, causing it to vaporize; the steam is then used to make electricity.注意语言单位的推移1.The deepest holes of all are made for oil, and they go down to as much as25,000 feet.2.Because talking computers will do it more easily, quickly, efficiently,universally, and cheaply, they will replace written language.3.Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry. The peace which Oxfordonce knew, and which a great university city should always have, has beenswept ruthlessly away.4.Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is in balance,but if a creature is exterminated or an alien species introduced, then theecology of the district will be upset.注意从句性质的转变1. A.C. can also be changed into D.C. by a device called rectifier, which letscurrent flow only one way.2.Freeing aluminum from its compounds is something very difficult, whichaccounts for its recent introduction into general use.3.Record of human behavior must be obtained in a form that can be matchedby the output of a computer.4.If the amount of sugar in the blood falls below a critical level, a possibleconsequence of the enzyme defect, the brain’s activity ceases and death canstrike suddenly.5.When Hutton and Lyell presented evidence to refute the notion that earthwas created 6,000 years ago, the people raged.6.Others will respond negatively the suggestion that human problem-solvingcan be related to computer information processing.注意句界的调整1.Many engineers work on projects in teams that include scientists,technicians, and other engineers; however, some engineers act asindependent consultant who sell their services to people who needengineering assistance.2.Lovins proposes a nifty scheme, which would reduce the consumer price ofsuch energy-efficient cars while increasing the price of gas guzzler.各种策略的综合1.Examining brain scans of 320 healthy men and women aged 66 to 90,researchers found that for each year of education the subjects had, there was greater shrinkage of outer layer of the brain known as the cortex.2.For example, Coffey’s team reported, among subjects of the same sex andsimilar age and skull size, those with 16 years of education had 8 percent to10 percent more cerebrospinal fluid compared with those who have fouryears of schooling.3.In a typical procedure for investigating eidetic imagery, the experimenterplaces a richly detailed picture against an easel painted a neutral grey, gives the child 30 seconds to look at it, removes the picture, and then asks the child to describe what he sees on the easel.短文翻译So what causes a volcano to erupt and how do scientists predict eruptions? When a part of the earth’s upper mantle or lower crust melts magma forms. A volcano is essentially an opening or a vent through which this magma and the dissolved gases it contains are discharged. Although there are several factors triggering a volcanic eruption, three predominate: the buoyancy of the magma, the pressure from the excluded gases in the magma and the injection of a new batch of magma into an already filled magma chamber.As rock inside the earth melts, its mass remains the same while its volume increases- producing a melt that is less dense than the surrounding rock. This lighter magma then rise toward the surface by virtue of its buoyancy. If the density of the magma between the zone of its generation and the surface is less than that of the surrounding and overlying rocks, the magma reaches the surface and erupts.Determining the timing of an eruption in a monitored volcano depends on measuring a number of parameters, including, but not limited to, seismic activity at the volcano (especially depth and frequency of volcanic earthquakes), ground deformations (determined using a tilt meter and/or GPS, and satellite radio interferometry), and gas emission (sampling the amount of sulfur dioxide gas emitted by correlation spectrometer). An excellent example of successful forecasting occurred in 1991. Volcanologists from the U.S. Geological Survey accurately predicted the June 15 eruption of the Pinatubo Volcano in the Philippines, allowing for the timely evacuation of the Clark Air Base and saving thousands of lives.。

1. He finds that students who were easy to teach because they succeeded in putting everything they had been taught into practice, hesitate when faced with the huge untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside his textbooks.
他发现原来比较容易教的学生现在踌躇不前: 原来比较容易教是因为他们能把教给他们的东 西付诸实践;现在踌躇是因为他们面对大量的 教科书上没有接触过的英语单词和习惯用语。
2.We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the nctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a physical check up just before going on vacation with his family who,though he feels in good health,is found to have a form of disease that will cause him to die within six months.
举例说吧:一个46岁的男子,在与家人外 出度假之前进行体检。虽然他自我感觉良 好,但医生发现他患了某种形式的疾病, 不超过6个月就会死去,这时,医生该怎样 对他讲呢?
7 长句和复杂句翻译

Translation Methods for Translation of Long, Complex Sentences in EST
• Read P159
• 英译汉长句翻译的关键在于两点:一是对 原文的准确理解,二是恰如其分的表达。 理解阶段可分为3个步骤: 1.扼要拟出全句的主要轮廓; 2.辨清该句的主从结构,并根据上下文领会 全句的要旨; 3.找出句与句之间的从属关系,理清每句原 文的意思。 • 表达可分为2个步骤进行:1.试将每个划开 的单句逐一翻译;2.将译出的句子进行调整、 组合,对译文作加工润色。
• Read P162-164
1. 顺译法
• Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural products cannot meet our ever-increasing requirement, or more often, because the physical properties of the synthetic substances, which is the common name for man-made materials, have been chosen, and even emphasized so that it would be of the greatest use in the field which it is to be applied.
• The loads a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads, which include the weights of all the parts of the structure, and live loads, which are due to the weights of people, movable equipment, etc. • 一个结构受到的载荷可以分为静载和动载两 类。静载包括该结构各部分的重量。动载则 是由于人和可移动设备等的重量而引起的载 荷。
【专八翻译】翻译英译汉长句难句 结构分析 经典50句(翻译拿高分!)

【专八翻译】翻译英译汉长句难句结构分析经典50句(翻译拿高分!)来源:苏晓然的日志1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be pro duced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services tha t they want most. [参考译文] 美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。
2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of indivi duals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced a nd how resources are used to produce it. [参考译文] 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求与商人试图最大化其利润的欲望和个人想最大化其收入效用的欲望相结合,一起决定了什么应该被制造,以及资源如何被用来制造它们。
3. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its co st, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn wi ll lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. [参考译文] 另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖方和制造商能提供的供给,而这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消费者购买产品。

Business English Communication
Academic Paper Writing
Breaking down complex structures
When translating complex sentences, it can be helpful to break them down into simpler sentences.
Restating the idea in different words or rephrasing the sentence can help clarify its meaning.
Understanding the broader context of the text can help in comprehending and translating difficult sentences.
Using dictionaries, thesauri, or translation tools can provide insights and alternative word choices for difficult vocabulary or expressions.

英语难句和长句的翻译练习0.But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will, uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and----until toward the end, when drunk with power and success, he over reached himself----an amazing capacity to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich. 重组然而,如果没有阿道夫·希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝国。
1.Applied science, on the other hand, is directly concerned with the application of the working laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life, and to increasing man’s control over his environment, thus leading to the development of techniques, processes and machines. 重组应用科学则直接涉及应用问题。
笔译(长句翻译与so that)

(1) 也有农民迁往城市; (2) 随着农业机械化程度的提高; (3) 虽然局部地区有市中心迁往新兴郊区的情况; (4) 随着农村向城镇扩展。 译文:虽然随着农村向城镇扩展,局部地区有市中心
迁往新兴郊区的情况,但是随着农业机械化程度的 提高,也有农民迁往城市。(4) (3) (2) (1)
(1) If she had long lost the blue-eyed, flowerlike charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom coloring (2) which had so swiftly and oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, (3) she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion, (4) whose cheeks were faintly mottled, (5) and whose grey-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness.
And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.
分析:这个句子是一个带有分词短语的主句、两个 宾语从句和一个非限制性定语从句组成的。全句有 三层意思:(一)在一次关于选举结果的记者招待 会上,总统发了言;(二)他说他不能够解释为什 么共和党遭到这样大的失败;(三)这种情况最终 会使共和党失去在众议院中长期享有的优势。在翻 译过程中,我们把这句话分别叙述。

基础长句120句分析下列句子的主干,并写出相应的翻译1.Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface,the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans,in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space.2.Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country's impressive population growth.3.As a result,claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized and form the basis for folklore.4.There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones,that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs,that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like.5·The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that reconstruction had to be undertaken also in the North,though less spectacularly.6·The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl.7.But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.8. Amid rumors that there were prehistoric mammoths wandering around the unknown region and that somewhere in its wilds was a mountain of rock salt 80 by 45 miles in extent,the two captains set out.9. In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord,and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group,a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century.10.A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the finest quality,finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound,from a liquid,singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.11.The largest later named Pueblo Bonito(Pretty Town)by the Spanish, rose in five terraced stories,contained more than 800 rooms,and could have housed a population of 1,000 or more.12.Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word, silent.13.For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of thewas not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces.14·Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity,the number of species in a particular ecosystem,to the health of the Earth and human well-being.15.The fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the world's rain forests does not seem surprising,considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of the species.16.To appreciate fully the diversity and abundance of life in the sea,it helps to think small.1 7.Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks,but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.18.The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which side of the body is used to perform specific activities.19.In a period characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth,Donald Barthelme,and Thomas Pynchon, Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence OD the essentially mimetic quality of her fiction.20.If it were not for this faculty,they would devour all the food available in short time and would probably starve themselves out of existence.21.Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures,as are social classes.22.People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospect that unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring social chaos.23.Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featured increasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation's labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other nonagricultural pursuits.24.As the roles men and women played in society became more rigidly defined, so did the roles they played in the home.25.Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals,sometimes easily recognizable as such,often distorted into gorgeous,weird,but always functional shapes.26.With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it,young people married and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression.27.The railroad could be and was a despoiler of nature;furthermore,in its manifestation of speed and noise,it might be a despoiler of human nature as well.28.In the railroads' prime years,between 1 890 and 1920,there were a few individuals in the United States,most of them with solid railroading experience behind them,who made a profession of writing about railroading--works offering the ambience of stations,yards,and locomotive cabs.29.On the other hand,when it comes to substantive--particularly behavioral-information,crows are less well known than many comparably common species and,for that matter,not a few quite uncommon ones:the endangered California condor,to cite one obvious example.30.Keen observers and quick learners,they are astute about the intentions of other creatures,including researchers,and adept at avoiding them.31.These researchers have sought to demonstrate that their work can be a valuable tool not only of science but also of history,providing flesh insights into the daily lives of ordinary people whose existences might not otherwise be so well documented.32.Legend has it that sometime toward the end of the Civil War(1861--1865)a government train carrying oxen traveling through the northern plains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a snowstorm and had to be abandoned.33.It is a lifelong process,a process that starts long before the start of school and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.34.Life's transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of an evolutionary challenge as was the genesis of life.35.In agriculture,the transformation was marked by the emergence of the grain elevators,the cotton presses,the warehouses,and the commodity exchanges that seemed to so many of the nation's farmers the visible sign of a vast conspiracy against them.36.And there were factories in occupations such as metalwork where individual contractors presided over what were essentially handicraft proprietorships that coexisted within a single building.37.But as the number of wage earners in manufacturing rose from 2.7 million in 1880 to 4.5 million in 1900 to 8.4 million in 1920.the number of huge plants like the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia burgeoned,as did the size of the average plant.38.What we today call American folk art was,indeed, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday “folks” who, with increasing prosperity and leisure, created a market for art of all kinds.and especially for portraits.39.But in the heyday of portrait painting--from the late eighteenth century until the 1850’s—anyone with a modicum of artistic ability could become a limner as such a portraitist was called.40.The sculptural legacy that the new United States inherited from its colonial predecessors was far from a rich one,and in fact,in 1776 sculpture as an art form was still in the hands of artisans and craftspeople.41.0n the rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture was desired,Americans turned to foreign sculptors,as in the 1770's when the cities of New York and Charleston, South Carolina,commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt.42.Add to this the timidity with which unschooled artisans—originally trained as stonemasons,carpenters,or cabinetmakers--attacked the medium from which they were to make their images,and one understands more fully the development of sculpture made in the United States in the late eighteenth century.43.Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and energy,desert mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height,and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grant's gazelles.44.Rent control is the system whereby the local government tells building owners how much they can charge their tenants in rent.45.They were spurred by the inflation of the 1970's,which,combined with California's rapid population growth,pushed housing prices,as well as rents, to record levels.46.Implicit in it is an aesthetic principle as well:that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony.47.With the turn-of-century Crafts movement and the discovery of nontraditional sources of inspiration,such as wooden African figures and masks,there arose a new urge for hands-on, personal execution of art and an interaction with the medium.48.The common kestrel roosts and hunts alone,but the lesser kestrel roosts and hunts in flocks,possibly so one bird can learn from others where to find insect swarms.49.In the 1500s when the Spanish moved into what later was to become the southwestern United States,they encountered the ancestors of the modern day Pueblo,Hopi,and Zuni peoples.50.During the 1940's electron microscopes routinely achieved resolution better than that possible with a visible light microscope,while the performance of x-ray microscopes resisted improvement.foolish,harmful or affected.52.Satire jars US out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false.53.With spontaneous irreverence,satire rearranges perspectives.scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.54.It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus,an irreverent reminder that they lived in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy.55.Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them。
第十章 英语长难句的翻译(考点)

例3:He had flown in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vacation basking in Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job he had been engaged on in the South.
要牢牢记住:书本讲述的仅是已经知道的东西,但是我们不知道的东西和可能知 道的东西要比我们已经知道的东西多。
例3. Most candidates waste a good part of their interview explaining why they want the job; the man or woman on the other side of the desk is waiting to hear why the would-be employee could be good for the position and for the company.
译文:鱼能发电,其强度足以点亮小灯泡,甚至能开动马达,这简 直是令人难以置信的。 6.One hundred years after Napoleon’s brief stay in Egypt in 1798—1799, which opened Egypt’s eyes to the world, the Egyptian political leaders struggled against the British occupiers.
为了更好地学习物理学并为进一步学习打好坚实的基础,当你接触到物理学上的 符号、公式、定义和定律的时候,不论它们多么复杂,你也必须把它们牢牢记住。
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长句、复杂句翻译认真研读下列长句,确定各句的主干结构(主句结构和从句结构中主语、谓语等)1.The large-scale migration of unskilled and semi-skilled labour, and of professional manpower,which has taken place in the last two decades has been a reflection of imbalances in the income and employment opportunities and, to some extent, of constraints on the international flow of capital and trade.2.The men and women throughout the world who think that a living future is preferable to adead world of rocks and deserts will have to rise and demand, in tones so loud that they cannot be ignored, that common sense, humanity, and the dictates of that moral law which Mr.Dulles believes that he respects, should guide our troubled era into that happiness which only its own folly is preventing.3.WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINEDto save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, andto reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, andto promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,AND FOR THESE ENDSto practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, andto unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, andto ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, andto employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,HA VE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMS.4.But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will,uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and---until toward the end, when drunk with power and success, he overreached himself---an amazing capacity to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.5.The humanities would be expendable only if human beings didn’t have to make decisions thataffect their lives and the lives of others; if the human past never existed or had nothing to tell us about the present; if thought processes were irrelevant to the achievement of purpose; if creativity was beyond the human mind and had nothing to do with the joy of living; if human relationships were random aspects of life; if human beings never had to cope with panic or pain, or if they never had to anticipate the connection between cause and effect; if all the mysteries of mind and nature were fully plumbed; and if no special demands arose from the accident of being born a human being instead of a hen or a hog.6.But the city is also the home of the well-bred English lady who has had to sell the familyestate of 400 years and take meager lodging in Earl’s Court; of the expatriate Hollywood actress living in elegance in a Georgian town house; of the islander from Jamaica who comes seeking a new life and ends up collecting fares on one of London’s red double-decker buses;and of the farmer’s son who shuns his family’s sheep pastures in the austere lake District in favor of singing rock in a coffeehouse in the West End.7.The second aspect is the application by all members of society, from the government officialto the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.8.Ionizing radiation can change the electronic configuration of an atom or molecule, and thusthe way it interacts with its surroundings.9. A recent article in the New Yorker magazine compared the discovery of the edible tomato thatcame about by early biotechnology with the new "Flavr-Savr" tomato brought about through modern techniques.10.For environment concern, aluminium is much more superior to fiberglass with its chemicalresins and to steel which rusts.11.Challenges being addressed by modern environmental biotechnology range from the searchfor microbes that will reduce acid rain by removing sulfur from power plant coal to the biological production of biodegradable plastics.12.Further knowledge in these areas will help to maintain genetic diversity, improve animalproductivity and efficiency, locate economically important production traits (including size, reproductive vigor, and genetic diseases), and finally to provide methods for utilizing this information to select for desired characteristics in animals.13.(There have been numerous reviews on the development of baculoviruses to control insects,and despite this widespread interest and intrinsic attractiveness of their use, the acceptance and use of viruses for insect control have been limited.) This can be attributed to their slow speed of kill, their limited host range such that one preparation can only be used on a few insects, and to a certain degree to the complexity of producing standardized viral preparations.14. A wide range of materials for use in medicine, agriculture, and industry that are currently inshort supply could be produced in much greater quantities if the genes regulating their production by higher plants and animal cells could be incorporated into the microbial genome.。