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Strong Desire to Success 坚信成功 Training 培训 Good Judgment 良好的判断力 Empathy 善解人意 Self-confidence 自信心 Creativity and Drive 创造力及干劲 Enthusiasm & Optimism 热情及乐观主义
Value Training: 重视培训 A good leader knows the value of Training.一个好的领导者重视培训的 价值 Good Judgment:良好的判断力 A good leader used good judgment.一个好的领导者拥有良好的判断力 Empathy:善解人意 A good leader has empathy: the ability to understand how others might feel.一个好的领导者是非常善解人意的:能够理解他人潜意识的感受

Consider the feelings of these who work for you. 感受 Set goals. 制定目标

Make your employees feel important. 使员工感到其重要性
Be positive, not negative. 必须积极面对,不是消极应对

Strong desire to succeed 坚信成功 Training 培训 Good judgment 良好的判断力 Empathy 善解人意 Self-confidence自信心 Creativity and drive创造力及干劲 Enthusiasm and Optimism热情及乐观主义

Self-confidence:自信 A good leader has self-confidence. Don’t worry needlessly about failure.一个好的领导者是拥有自信的,从不担心失败 Creativity and Drive:创造力及干劲 A good leader uses creativity and has the drive to think of new plans of action.一个好的领导者利用自身的创造力及干劲想了很多新的行动计划 Enthusiasm and Optimism:热情及乐观主义 A good leader has lots of energy and is positive.一个好的领导者拥有许 多精力并且十分积极

Personalize the workbook 人性化工作手册 Review the workbook 对工作手册进行深层次的回顾 Respond honestly to all exercises and questions. 诚实回应所有的训练及问题 Keep the workbook as a reference source. 将工作手册作为参考源 Keep your completed workbook confidential. 对完成的工作手册进行保密措施

Identify and begin to develop leadership traits. 查明自身领导能力特点并且提高它 Know the difference between personal and positional power. 了解个人能力及职位能力的差距 Understand the different styles of leadership and when each is best used. 了解各种不同领导风格,并知晓何时使用最有效果 Know what assertive behavior is and how to act assertively. 了解什么是自信行为以及怎么样表现出自信
Contents of the Course 课程内容

The 7 traits of a leader 领导者的7个特点 Power of leader 领导者的能力 Leadership styles 领导风格 The personalities of Leaders 领导者的性格
Kinds of Power:能力的种类 There are two kinds of power: Personal power and the power that comes from your position. 能力分为2种:个人能力,职位能力
Personal Power is the ability to get people to act because they want to, not because they have to. This kind of power willingly from your co-workers and employees. Your personal power is at work when employees do their jobs use: 个人能力是让人们执行自己想要做的一项才干,而并非强迫他们。这种能 力来自你的工作伙伴及下属。你的个人能力表现在与下属一起工作的时候:

Strong Desire to Succeed:强烈的成功欲望 A good leader knows that a strong desire to succeed is necessary to complete a difficult job. 一个好的领导者明白强烈的成功欲望是解决困难问题所必需的特质
Power that comes from your position involves your ability to get people to act because of the position you have. This power usually starts at top-Level management and is delegated down the chain of Command. 职位能力来自你的工作,利用职权让员工贯彻执行命令的能力。最重要的是,这种 领导力是自上而下,从高职位到底下形成一条管理链。

Do your job better 使工作做得更好 Build confidence and selfesteem 建立自信心及自尊心 Gain respect 赢得尊重 Improve your earning power 提高你的赚钱能力

Solve everyday workplace problems 解决日常工作中的问题 Improve your potential for promotion 改善潜力使自己得到更好地提高 Learn more about the hospitality industry 获悉更多有关酒店产业的知识 Understand your management responsibilities 了解你的管理职责

Look of a bad boss you once had. Why was this person ineffective? List below some of the behaviors and traits that like you say this person was a bad leader. Do not use the boss’s actual name in this exercise.寻找一个你曾经遇见过的 坏上司。为什么他是一个工作效率 低的人?请举例说明。在这次练习 中请不要将此人的真实姓名透露。 _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Look of the best boss you ever had. Why was this person the best? List below some of the behaviors and traits that ever you say this person was a good leader. Do not use the boss’s actual name in this exercise.寻找一个你曾经遇见过的 好上司。为什么他是好上司?请举 例说明。在这次练习中请不要将此 人的真实姓名透露。 ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
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Take good care for your body and your mind. 照顾好你的身体和情绪 Think before you speak. 考虑清楚之后方才发表意见 顾及那些为你工作的人的
As a leader, you’re responsible for what happens while you’re in charge. To influence others, you must use power. People don’t act unless they have a reason.作为一名领导者,当有事发生的时候 你应负起责任。人们是不会主动采取行动的,所以你必须用你的力量 去影响他人

You’ve earned their respect and they approve of you as a person. 你得到了下属的尊重,并且也得到了他们的认可。

They admire your leading skills, professional knowledge, or ability. 他们欣赏你的领导技能,专业知识及能力。

They recognize your position in the organization. 他们认可你在组织中的位置。 They expect to be rewarded with a pay raise, promotion, praise, complimentary letter, etc. 他们期待以加薪、晋升、表扬信的方式给予鼓励。 They do not want to be criticized, fired, or demoted. 他们不想被批评、解雇、降级。 They know you have contacts or friends who can be of benefit to them later. 他们知道你有有利于他们日后发展的社交圈及朋友。

Keep cool even under pressure. 不畏惧压力

That not every supervisor is a leader. 不是每个主管都可以成为领导者
That no one is born a leader, but everyone can learn basic leadership traits. 没有人一出生就是领导者,但是每个人都有学习基础领导能力特点的机会 That seven basic leadership traits are: 领导能力的7大基本特点: