商务英语函电 第三、四章 课后练习答案

④ ⑤
例如:设某公司拟向日本出口冻驴肉30公吨, 共需装1500箱,每箱毛重25千克,每箱体积为 20cmx30cmx40cm,日商来电要求该公司报CFR神 户价格,问应如何计算这批货物的运费?(设 该航线运费吨的运价为144美元)
(1)出口运费 货物出口时支付的海运、陆运或空运费用。 (2)保险费 出口商向保险公司购买货运保险或信用保险所支付的费用。 (3)佣金 出口商向中间商支付的报酬。
1、角色定位:专门从事贸易的出口商。 ∴ 成本为采购成本/进货成本/购货成本 2、一般来讲,供货厂商所报价格即为贸易商的采购成本。 3、供货厂商所报价格一般包含增值税。(即采购成本包含增值税) ∴ 采购成本=货价+增值税额 4、增值税的征收及退还均根据货物本身价格(即不含税的价格) ∴ 增值税额=货价×增值税率 ∴ 出口退税额=货价×出口退税率 5、出口商为增加产品在售价上的竞争力,在成本核算时会将含 税的采购成本中的出口退税部分扣除,从而得出实际成本。 ∴ 实际成本=采购成本-出口退税额
实际成本= 采购成本×(1+增值税率-出口退税率)÷(1+增值税率) 出口退税额/退税收入=采购成本×出口退税率÷(1+增值税率)
SWB32S“火车牌”足球每只的购货成本是165 元人民币,其中包括17%的增值税,若足球出口 可以有8%的退税,求每只足球的实际成本?
实际成本= = = = 采购成本×(1+增值税率-出口退税率)÷(1+增值税率) 165×(1+17%-8%)÷(1+17%) 153.7179 153.72 元/只

外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案(For Reference Only)Chapter 1 Business Letter I. Answer the following questions.1. How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they?Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are theletter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); thecomplimentary close and signature. 2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best?There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventionalindented style; the modern block style and the modified block style.I like the modern blockstyle, since it is simple and we can save much time.3. What is P.S.?It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of theletter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, wherethere is often a large patch of blank space. A postscript can be a sentence or a brief paragraph.II. Choose the best answer1-5 A C A B D 6-10 B D C B A 11-15 B C C D D 16-20 D A C B BIII. Write a letter with the given particulars below, using necessary capitals and punctuation( in modern block style)CZ Import & Export Corp. Ltd66 Minghuang, Wujin Discrict, Changzhou213164, P.R. ChinaJuly 3, 2007Mr. John MartinSales ManagerLake Circles Inc.56 York Road, ChicagoIllinois, USADear Sir,Yours sincerely,IV. Arrange the following both in a blocked form and indented form as they should be setout in a letter. (ommitted)Chapter 2 Establishment of Business RelationsI. Answer the following questions.1. If you want to open up a market to maintain or expand business actiities what should youdo first?If we want to open up a market to maintian or expand business activities, what we should dofirst is to conduct a market research, from which we shall know thoroughly about yourproduct(s), your present and potential market(s) .2. Before you write letters with some new established firms what had you better do?We had better try to collect as much information as possible about the new establishedfirms, especially about their credit information.3. Through what channels can one obtain the desired names and addresses of the companiesto be dealt with?We can get the desired names and addresses of the companies through the following channels:Some b2b websites, such as /doc/1a13196496.html; some governmental or oganizational websites, such as/doc/1a13196496.html; some news papers or magazines; some yellowpages; some friends or your present customers; or you can get the imformation by using some serach engines such as google oryahoo.4. How to begin with the “First Letter” or circulars to the other party?It should be consisted of the three parts: first, you should say where you have got theinformation of your potential customer; second you should provide necessary information aboutyourself; third you should express your wish of writing the letter.5. How can one create goodwill and leave a good impression on the readers?We should consider the eight “C”s in writing a business letter: clearness; conciseness; correctness; concreteness; cheerfulness; courtesy; consideration and completeness.II. multiple choices.1-5 D C A B A 6-10 C A C B CIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 2. 3. 4.5.6. 1007. 8. 9. 10.IV Translate the following sentences into English.1. Here we introduce ourselves as an Export Company of Imitation Jewelry, with manyyears of experience in this line.2. The letter you wrote to the headquarter last week has been transferred to us, since wedeal in the products.3. We have a wide range of light industrial products available for export.4. We are very glad to receive your letter with illustrated catalogue.5. We are looking forward to your specific requirements for our products.6. We are a well-established private company, and we look forward to establish business relations with you.7. The manager briefly introduced the Johnson company, which is most probably to be our prospective customer.8. To give you a general idea about our products in the chart, here we enclose a copy of booklet and the latest price list.9. When the value of export exceeds that of the import, we call it the favorable balance of trade.10. Our products are of high quality and favorable prices.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We got you are interested in the silk garments from lastweek’s China Daily. Here we introduce ourselves as the largest dealer of garments in this area. We would like to eatablish business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.Our silk garments are made of high standard silk and traditional technique. We are sending you a copy of illustrated catalogue and the latest price list for your reference. If you are interested in any item of them, please let us now. Once we receive your enquiry, we will send you the qutation and sample by aimail.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information. (Ommitted) Chapter 3 Inquiry and ReplyI. Multiple Choices.1-5 D A A D B 6-10 B B A B BIIGive the Chinese equivalents to the following terms. 9. 10. IIIGive the English equivalents to the following terms.1. large scale2. a wide range (variety) of3. irrevocable letter of credit4. 3% rebate5. illustrated catalogue6. the biggest dealer7. first-rate technology 8. favorable CIFHongKong 9. terms of payment10. portable electric water heaterIV. Translate the following into English.1. We are in the market for the leather shoes, please quote us the most favorable prices.2. Please quote us the lowerest price for the captioned goods. When quoting, please state the packing and the earliest time of shipment and send us the booklet of the products.3. We want to know what dicount you can offerfor an order exceeding 1000 dozen?4. We are now interested in the the table cloth and napkin. We are very appriciative if you can send us he catalouge,sample and the price list.5. The enclosed price list and illustrated catalouge will provide you with detailed information on the article you are most interested in.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are interested in your canvas bag on page 4 of your December’s catalogue, would you please send us a sample and quote us the lowerest price of CIF Honolulu?If your product proves to be satisfactory, we will order at least 2500 dozen.Please reply as soon as possible.Yours,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.2.3. 4. 5. CIF3%6. 7. 8. 2005714 9. 60CIFVIITranslate the following into Chinese.6151002%Chapter 4 Offer and Counter-offerI. Give the English equivalents to the following terms.1. offer2. under/on the usual terms3. accept counter offer4. favorable price(s)5. on/under offer6. terms of payment7. to promote the transaction 8. firm offer 9. non-firm offer10. strengthening marketII. Give the Chinese equivalents to the following terms.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.III. Multiple choices.1—5 A D A A C 6-10 C B B C BIV. Translate the following letter into English.1. As requested, we offer you as follows, subject to our final confirmation.2. The offer is firm, to be valid(effective) till your reply reaches us before the end ofthis month.3. To our regret, the price gap between your countered one and ours is too big.4. It’s regret that our buyer from Shanghai thought your price was much higher.5. If you cannot accept our offer, please bid us your most probable counter offer.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear sirs,Here we confirm having received your letter of October 20th concerning the sample of “Grace” brand blouses and thank you very much. Although your blouses are of high quality, your price is on the high side.Meanwhile I want to point out that the prices of the similar blouses of European origin are about 15% lower than yours.Such being the case, we hope you can reduce your price at least by 15%, for the value of our order is about USD 40, 000.It is worthwhile for you to make some concessions.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 6152.3.4.5. 6. 20% 7. 3%8. 9. 10. 10%11.12. uidandakaiVIITranslate the following letter into Chinese.810FOBIBMCPU80586200800FOB20039/1085Chapter 5 Acceptance and OrderI. Answer the following questions.1. When should the buyer write an order?When both the buyer and the seller reach an agreement on the terms of sales, then the buyer can write an order.2. What should he pay attention to when the buyer writes an order?He should pay attention to the terms and conditions of the sales, especially about the figures and the date.3. What should be included in an order?It should contain the “main conditions(合同要件)or conditional clausese” of a contr act, which includes the name(s) of the commodity(commodities), the specification, the price, the quantity, the packing, the shipment, the payment and the insurance.4. Sometimes if you cannot accept an order what should you do? Why?You should write a letter to your customer to explain why you cannot accept the orderand show your regret, and hope to do business with him next time. Because you do not want to lose a potential customer.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. into Chinese1. 为---扫清障碍2. ⼀笔交易3. 友好合作4. 草拟合同5. 愉快的⼯作关系6. 汇票7. 草拟8. 草拟9. 第⼀笔交易 10. 达成协议B. Into English1. the first available steamership2. put forward3. contract draft4. wide acceptance5. confirm an order6. the first order7. each makes a half concession8. supply 9. customer(client) 10. reach(conclude) an agreementIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5 A C D C A 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We confirm having supplied you ten metric tons of green soybeans at E3000 per m/t CFRRotterdam, shipment in September.2. Here we confirm your order of August 1 on 1000 dozen folding chairs.3. We confirm having sold you 1000 sets of “Fuji” brand digital camera.4. The captioned goods are out of stock, we are sorry that we cannot entertain your order.5. Once we receive your confirmation, we will send you the contract draft for your approval.6. There is a heavy demand for our toy pandas,we recommend you to place your order as earlyas possible.7. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will bring more(further) business in the future.8. We are glad that we have concluded the transaction of 10,000 “Double Happiness” brand bats.9. We hope the conclusion of the first deal will pave the way for our freidnly cooperation in thefuture.10. We are glad to inform you that our users are very satisfied with your first lot of goods.V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We have received your order of August 1 and thanks.We confirm having sold you 1000 snooker tables at US$400CIF Los Angles, delivery in October. Terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by sigh draft.We are sure that you will be satisfied with the high quality of our products.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.Yours faithfully,VI. Write an English letter based on the following information.Dear Sirs,Thank you very much for your order of 5000 women’s bags.We assure you of our timely and qulified execution of the order. Would you please open the related L/C without fail to avoid the delay of the shipment.Besides the model of the commodities you have ordered, we are dealin a wide varieties of fashion bags, enclosed please find theillustrated catalogue. If you are interested in any of them, please do not hesitate to let us know.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Chapter 6 ContractI. Answer the following questions in English.1. What are the basic clauses of a contract?The basic clauses of a contract include the commodity, the price,the quantity, thespecification, the shipment, the packing, the payment and the insurance.2. How can you understand the importance of a contract in international business?It is the evidence of the business. It is the evdience of executing the contract; it is alsothe evidence of disputes and complaints.3. What are the conditional clauses in a contract?The conditional clauses of a contract should include the name(s) of thecommodity(commodities), the specification, the price, the quantity, the packing, theshipment, the payment and the insurance4. Why should you pay great attention to conditional clauses?Because they are the main clauses of a contract.5. What are the different results you will have when your partner breaches different kinds of clauses of the contract?If your partner breaches the conditional clauses of a contract, you can ask him tocompensate your loss. If your partner breaches the clauses of force majeure, you can ask him todelay fulfillment of the contract, partial fulfillment or cancel the contract without anycompensation.6. What are warranty clause in a contract?7. What will you do if you want to become a successful international businessman?First youshould master at least a foreign language; second you should have a good command of international business; third you should know your products and your customers well; fourth,youshould know the genenral practice and regulations ofinternational trade.II. Translate the following terms and expressionsA. Into Chinese1. 销售合同2. 更多的订单3. ⼀式两份4. 合作5. 供某⼈存档6. 向某⼈下订单7. 上述提到的货物8. 供某⼈存档9. 规定(条款) 10. 尽可能早的B. Into English1. sales confirmation2. for one’sinformation3. place an orderwith sb4. subsequent amendment5. in triplicate6. in quaduplicate7. in quintuplicate 8. be in confimity with 9. stipulations10 for one’s referenceIII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1-5. C C A D C 6-10 B D A A CIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. We have accepted your order No. 111 for 10000 sets of CD players.2. We would like to place an order with you for 1000 Christmas trees for the coming Christmas.3. Here we enclose our purchase contract No.Q12 in duplicate, please sign and return one copyfor our file.4. To avoid subsequent amendment, the stipulations of the L/C should be in exact conformity with those of the S/C.5. It is self-evident that your packing should be firm and sea-worthy.6. We hope the purchase contract No. 482 on 1000 sets of V998 Motorola mobile phones has arrived you on time.7. What we want to point out is that although the qualify of your shampoo is good, the price ison the high side.8. We are glad to send you our purchase contract No. 333 on 500 cases of men skin-carecosmetics in triplicate.9. Your yarn closh is very popular in our market because of its high quality and low price. Nowwe are placing a repeat order about 20000 pieces.10. Now we are sending you contract draft No. 666 on jeans by separate post for your reference. V. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We are glad to confirm having concluded with you on 1000 Aucma freezers. We draw up S/C No.A-12 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file.Since the strengthing market for freezers is coming, if you want to place a repeat order, please infrom us as early as possible. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,VI. (ommitted)VII. Fill in the contract forms in English with the following particulars.(1)Sales ContractContract No.:07-336Sellers: Jiangsu Native Produce and Animal BY-products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: London Foodstuffs Import and Export CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity: Groundnut KernelsSpecifications: FAQ2007 CropQuantity: 50 M/TUnit Price: At RMB$ 3550 per m/t CIF LondonTotal Value: RMB$177500(Say Renminbi Dollars One hundred and Seventy-seven Thousand andFive Hundred Only)Packing: In double gunny bagsInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRiskTime of Shipment: During November 2007Port of Shipment: Nantong of ChinaPost of Destination: LondonShipping Mark: At the Sellers’ optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight st day of May, 2007.Done and signed in Nanjing of Jiangsu on this 31(2)Sales ContractContract No.: AV006Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: General Trading Company, New YorkThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: “Forever” brand BicyclesSpecifications: Model MB26Quantity: 1000 bicyclesUnit Price: At US$ 70 each CIF New YorkTotal Value: US$70000(Say U.S. Dollars Seventy Thousand Only)。

Ch3I. Choose the best answer:1.The letter we sent last week is an enquiry ______colour TV sets.A. aboutB. forC. ofD. as2.We will consider ______your terms of payment.A. acceptedB. to acceptC. acceptingD. accept3.Should your price ______reasonable, we will place an order _______you.A. is, withB. are, fromC. is, fromD. be, with4.We are pleased to say that we are ______to supply you ______the goods you want.A. of a position, forB. at a position, forC. in a position, withD. at a position, with5.One of our clients is ______the market _______Men's Shirt.A. on, ofB. at, withC. in, forD. with, at6.There is a steady demand here ______leather gloves of high quality.A. inB. ofC. forD. on7._______your prices are right, you will find a ready market for your products.A. ShouldB. To provideC. ProvidedD. Provide8.We can supply all items ______the requirements of a fashionable trade as yours.A. to be metB. to meetingC. to meetD. meet9.We find your terms ______and now send you our Order No.1234.A. satisfiedB. satisfactionC. satisfactoryD. satisfactorily10.CIF stands ______cost, insurance and freight.A. byB. asC. likeD. forBCACC CCCCDII. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:1.Please send us ______airmail your export catalogue showing the different lines ______whichyou chiefly deal.2.______ your request, we have pleasure ______sending you herewith a copy of our catalogue.3.We are in the market ______China Black Tea and shall be pleased if you will let us have yourcatalogue together ______price lists.4.This is ______reply to your enquiry of April 4 and we are now sending you a quotation sheet______your consideration.5.We regret to inform you that we are not ______a position to supply you ______the captionedgoods.6.As the goods you enquire ______for are ______a short supply, we are offering you Art. No.123 as a substitute.7.The goods we quote ______ is very close ______your specifications.8.You may be pleased to learn that there is a great demand here ______your Green Tea _____ourdistrict.9.We are large dealers ______native products and feel confident there is a promising market______moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.10.We shall be pleased if you will make us an offer ______Five Rams Brand Bicycles ______your most favourable price.11.Please send us your price list for New Crop Soybeans , ______which we can place a largeorder ______prompt shipment.12.We have so far bought these goods ______other sources, but we now wish to switch ourpurchases ______your corporation.13.As the goods are required _______re-export, the packing material must be suitable ______long distance ocean transportation.14.Please let us have your quotations _______bicycles of various brands and styles available______supply.15.We have just received an enquiry ______one of our customers, who wishes to have a sampleof the animal toys displayed ______the recent Guangzhou Fair.1 by , in2 As, in3for, with4 in , for5 in ,with6 in7 for, to8 for, in9 in , for10 of , at11 from , for12 from, to13 for, for14for, for15from ,atIII. Translate the following sentences into English:1.请对下列商品报竞争性的巴黎成本加运费5%佣金价。

商务英语函电与合同洪菁课后答案第三单元全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Business English Letters and Contracts Hong Jing Unit Three1. What is the purpose of drafting a contract?The purpose of drafting a contract is to clearly outline the terms and conditions of the agreement between two parties. By having a written contract, both parties have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities, which helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes in the future.2. What are the key components of a contract?The key components of a contract include:- Offer: A promise to do something or refrain from doing something in exchange for something else.- Acceptance: The agreement to the terms of the offer.- Consideration: Something of value exchanged between the parties.- Legal capacity: Both parties must be legally able to enter into a contract.- Legal purpose: The contract must be for a lawful purpose.- Consent: Both parties must agree to the terms of the contract.- Legality: The contract must comply with all laws and regulations.3. What is the difference between a contract and a letter of intent?A contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties that outlines the terms of their relationship, while a letter of intent is a document that expresses an intention to enter into a contract but is not legally binding. A letter of intent is often used as a preliminary agreement to outline the key terms of a potential contract before the final agreement is drafted.4. Why is it important to have a clear and concise writing style in business communication?Having a clear and concise writing style in business communication is important because it helps to ensure that the message is easily understood by the reader. Clear and concise writing reduces the risk of misunderstandings andmisinterpretations, which can lead to costly errors and disputes. In addition, clear and concise writing demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail, which can help build trust and credibility with clients and business partners.5. What are the key differences between formal and informal business communication?Formal business communication is characterized by its use of professional language, formal greetings and salutations, and adherence to proper grammar and punctuation rules. Informal business communication, on the other hand, is more casual and personal in nature, with less emphasis on formalities and more focus on building relationships and rapport with the reader. Formal communication is typically used for official correspondence, such as contracts, proposals, and invoices, while informal communication is more commonly used for internal communications and networking.In conclusion, mastering the art of business communication, including drafting effective letters and contracts, is essential for success in the professional world. By understanding the key components of contracts, the importance of clear and concise writing, and the differences between formal and informal communication, business professionals can effectivelycommunicate with clients, business partners, and colleagues, and build strong and successful relationships.篇2Business English Correspondence and Contract: Hong Jing Unit Three Answer Key1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box:1. The _____ of the contract were negotiated over several meetings.2. In _____ to your letter, we have enclosed the requested information.3. Please send the goods by _____ as indicated in the purchase order.4. We appreciate your _____ in this matter and look forward to a positive response.5. The terms of payment are _____ upon receipt of the goods.6. The shipment is expected to arrive within ____ days of dispatch.7. We require your _____ signature on the contract before we can proceed.2. True or False:1. True - The terms of the contract were agreed upon by both parties.2. False - The shipment will arrive within two weeks of dispatch.3. True - The payment terms are payment upon receipt of the goods.4. True - The contract must be signed by both parties before it is valid.5. False - The goods will be shipped by sea, not by air.3. Multiple Choice Questions:1. A - The terms of the contract have been agreed upon by both parties.2. C - The payment terms are payment upon receipt of the goods.3. B - The shipment is expected to arrive within seven days of dispatch.4. D - The contract must be signed by both parties before it is valid.5. A - The goods will be shipped by sea, not by air.4. Essay Questions:1. Explain the importance of clear communication in business correspondence.Clear communication in business correspondence is essential to ensure that both parties understand the terms of the agreement. It helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes that can arise from unclear or ambiguous language. Clear communication also helps to establish trust and credibility between the parties involved, which is crucial in business relationships.2. Discuss the role of contracts in business transactions.Contracts are legal documents that outline the terms and conditions of a business transaction. They serve as a written record of the agreement between the parties and can be used to resolve disputes if they arise. Contracts protect both parties by clearly defining their rights and obligations, helping to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.Overall, the knowledge and understanding of business English correspondence and contracts are essential for success in the business world. By mastering these skills, individuals caneffectively communicate and negotiate with colleagues, clients, and partners, leading to successful business transactions and relationships.篇3Business English Correspondence and Contract - Hong Jing Unit 31. Answer the following questions:1) What is a letter of intent?A letter of intent is a document that outlines the key terms and conditions of a proposed deal or agreement between two parties. It is often used in business negotiations as a preliminary agreement before a formal contract is signed.2) What are the components of a letter of intent?A letter of intent typically includes the names of the parties involved, a description of the proposed transaction, the key terms and conditions of the deal, and any other relevant information such as timelines, deadlines, and responsibilities.3) Why is a letter of intent important in business negotiations?A letter of intent is important in business negotiations because it helps to clarify the intentions of the parties involved and establish a framework for further discussions. It can also help to prevent misunderstandings and disputes by setting out the key terms and conditions of the deal in writing.4) What is the purpose of a memorandum of understanding?A memorandum of understanding is a formal agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of a proposed partnership or collaboration. It is often used in business negotiations to establish the framework for a future agreement or to outline the key points of a proposed deal.5) What are the key elements of a memorandum of understanding?A memorandum of understanding typically includes the names of the parties involved, a description of the proposed partnership or collaboration, the key terms and conditions of the agreement, and any other relevant information such as timelines, deadlines, and responsibilities.2. Write a sample letter of intent:[Your Company Name][Address line 1][Address line 2][City, State, ZIP Code][Date][Recipient's Name][Company Name][Address line 1][Address line 2][City, State, ZIP Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to express our interest in entering into a potential partnership agreement with [Company Name]. Our two companies share a common goal of providing high-quality products and services to our customers, and we believe that a collaboration between our organizations could be mutually beneficial.We propose to establish a formal partnership to [describe the proposed partnership or collaboration]. This partnership will enable us to [outline the benefits and advantages of the partnership]. We are confident that by working together, we canachieve our shared objectives and drive growth and success for both of our companies.Please find attached a draft letter of intent outlining the key terms and conditions of our proposed partnership. We look forward to discussing this further with you and reaching a mutually agreeable agreement.Thank you for considering our proposal. We are excited about the potential for collaboration between our companies and are confident that this partnership will be a success.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name]3. Write a sample memorandum of understanding:Memorandum of UnderstandingBetween [Your Company Name] and [Recipient's Company Name]This Memorandum of Understanding (the "MOU") is entered into by and between [Your Company Name], a [Your Company'sLegal Form] organized under the laws of [Your Country], and having its principal place of business at [Your Company's Address] (the "Company"), and [Recipient's Company Name], a [Recipient's Company's Legal Form] organized under the laws of [Recipient's Country], and having its principal place of business at [Recipient's Company's Address] (the "Recipient").Purpose:The purpose of this MOU is to establish a framework for [describe the purpose of the partnership or collaboration].Terms and Conditions:1. The parties agree to [describe the key terms and conditions of the agreement].2. The parties will work together to [outline the responsibilities and obligations of each party].3. The term of this MOU will be [duration of the agreement].4. Any modifications or amendments to this MOU must be made in writing and signed by both parties.This MOU is entered into as of the date first written above.[Your Company Name]By: [Your Name]Title: [Your Title]Date: [Date][Recipient's Company Name]By: [Recipient's Name]Title: [Recipient's Title]Date: [Date]In conclusion, a letter of intent and a memorandum of understanding are important documents in business negotiations and collaborations. By clearly outlining the key terms and conditions of a proposed deal or partnership, these documents help to establish a framework for further discussions and prevent misunderstandings. It is essential for businesses to carefully draft these documents and ensure that all parties involved are in agreement before moving forward with any formal contracts.。

比如:(2) -Page 2- The Universal Trading Co. Jan.7, 2009“-to be continued-”(待续)这一短语可以加在第一页页尾的右侧,第二页纸张的质量、尺寸和颜色要与第一页一致。
1. 商务信函的格式(1)缩格式信内名称地址部分每行都比上一行缩进3到5个空格,正文部分每一段的第一行也要缩进3到5个空格。
2. 信封地址的写法通常来说,发信人的姓名和地址放在信封的左上方,收信人的姓名和地址放在信封中央。
平头式:以下几种情形下,信封地址需要加入特别标记:✧如果信件是通过中间人而不是邮政系统传递给收信人,中间人名字后需加“Kindnessof ”, “By courtesy of”, “By favor of ” or “With favor of ”类似的语句。

Unit 3Key to the Exercises and the Skill DrillingsL Put the following Chinese into English.询购...接受报盘递价大使馆代理工艺手工制作支付条款(答复与...有联系向...订购现成市场立即处理市场需求(口味)用现款(支付)稳定需求(商品)在出售中给…报盘II. Multiple choiceI.b 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.d 9.c lO.a II.cIII.Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms.l.bid 2.offer 3.enquiry 4.offered 5.bid 6.offer 7.enquires8.offer 9>enquired lO.offerIV.Put the following sentences into Chinese.l.W e were advised by Mr. John King that you were intereste d in supplying men’s leather shoes.2.Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and earliest time of delivery.3> You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities.4> Your enquiry of Jannuary 10 has been referred to us for attention as we are theexporters of the articles you require.5.Our associates in the packaging industry speak highly of your Zeta packing machines and we would like to have more information about theme6.We hope that your prices will be workable and that business will materialize to our mutual advantage.7.We look forward to placing further orders with you, and trust that you will make every offort to satisfy our particular requirements.8> I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date pricelist for building materials.9.If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, please make us a firm offer and quote your lowest prices.10. As we are in the market for men’s leather gloves, we should be pleased if you would send us you best quotation.V.Put the following sentences into English.1.您能否告诉我贵公司可供出口的主要产品吗?2.能否给我们报英国伦敦成本保险加运费最低价?3.如你方报价具有竞争性且交货期可接受,我们将很高兴向你订货。

课后习题答案Chapter OneI. Fill in the blanks with the parts they represent信头letter Head 1日期Date 2封内地址Inside Address 3称呼Salutation 4正文Body 5结尾敬语Complimentary Close 6签名Signature 7事由Subject 8附件Enclosure 9参考号Ref. No. a)经办人Attention Line b)抄送Carton Copy c)II.Match the following words with their Chinese meanings(1)By Airmail 亲收Express Delivery 急件Registered; Recorded 密件Urgent 快件Confidential 私人信件Personal 挂号Private 航空(2)Deputy General Manager 厂长Sales Representative 采购人员Salesperson 副总经理General Manager/ President 销售代表Plant/ Factory Manager 销售员Purchasing staff 总经理(3)St. cityDr. northN. driveS.W roadApt. squareP.O. Box laneRd. avenueCt. southwestSq. ApartmentLa. post office boxAve. streetIII.Translate the following job titles:1. Deputy General Manager 副总经理2. Sales Representative 销售代表3. Salesperson 销售员4. General Manager/ President 总经理5. Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长6. Purchasing staff 采购人员IV. Translate the following address into English address with any type of address1. 美国Reagansvill市Jefferson路3200号Global Vision, Inc公司,邮编CA92040Global Vision Inc. 3200 Jefferson Road Reagansvill, CA 92040,U.S.A.2. 美国New York 市Goldsmith Street, 317号,Language and LiteratureResearch Institute,邮编NY10007Language and Literature Research Institute 317 Goldsmith Street New York V. According to the letter, answer the following questions1. What is the seller’s name, address and telephone number?Name: Royal Grosvenor Porcelain Company Ltd.Address; Grosvenor House, Renfrew Road, Oakley Staffordshire Telephone Number: (743069)760591/2/32. What is the buyer’s name and address?Name: The Colourfloor Co. Ltd.Address: 238Wilton Road, Axminster A Xz AS3. When does the seller write the letter?March 5,20044. What is the subject?Re: China5. What is the style of the letter?Block StyleChapter TwoI. Translate the following terms.1. trade relations 贸易关系2. Chamber of Commerce 商会3. equality and mutual benefit 平等互利4. financial condition 财务状况5.enjoy good reputation 享有盛誉6. 商品目录Commodity Catalogue7. 业务范围business scope8. 一流产品first –class product9. 竞争性价格competitive price10.展览exhibitionII. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.1-5 DBCAA 6-10 BBCABIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们从事化学行业已经很多年了。

We shall place substantial orders with you provided your new products are excellent in quality and competitive in price.
Please quote us your best CIF Shanghai prices, stating the earliest date of shipment.
firm offer 实盘
agree with the taste of our market
prompt: [ prɔmpt ] a. 迅速的, 立刻的
vt. 激起,促进,推动
e.g.:He is always prompt in answering letters. 他总是迅速回复来信。
Couple: [ ‘kʌpl ]
n. 对,夫妇,数个
v. 加倍,成双,连结
E.g: They are a nice couple. 他们是很美满的一对。
Coupled with 连同,与...一起
E.g: Her name was coupled with his. 她的名字与他的连在一起。
Discount : 折扣 quantity discount: 数量折扣 cash discount: 现金折扣
The highest discount we can allow(give,make,grant)on this article is 10%.

Dear Sirs,We have received your letter of Oct. 1 with thanks, to which wehave sent you a reply by fax this morning.You must have noted from our fax that we can make you a firm offer for 250 M/Ts Steel Tubes at Sterling Pound 620 per M/T CIF Lagos, shipment to be made within two months upon receipt of your order, payment by L/C after 30 days sight. This offer is subject to your reply reaching here within one week.As you are aware, there has been great demand for Steel Tubes in the market, therefore, it is impossible for us to keep this offer valid too long. Great demand will certainly result in/lead to increased price, to which we hope you will pay attention, and meanwhile we are expecting your early reply.Dear Sirs:We have received your letter of Oct. 20, from which we note that you find our quotation for the above mentioned goods too high to be acceptable, for the Spanish goods have been quoted at a price about 10% lower than ours. While we do not doubt what you said, Our opinion is that the quality of the Spanish goods is far from being comparable to ours.Although we are desirous of developing trade with you, we very much regret that we cannot accept your counter offer. The best we can do is to allow you a 2% reduction in price. We believe ifyou take the quality into consideration, you will find our quotation most favorable. As our stocks are running low, it is advisable for you to make an immediate decision.We are looking forward to your favorable reply.。

We have received you letter of March 3. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities.(goods, item, article)2)遵照你方要求,我们寄上商品目录一份。
As requested, we are sending you a catalogue. We hope it will arrive in time and prove to your satisfaction.3)感谢贵方愿与我们建立业务联系。
We appreciate your desire to establish business relations with us.3.(1) We are one of the leading importers dealing in electric products in the area,and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.(2) We have been engaging in handling import and export of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.(3) We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing.4) We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our customers intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present (5) For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.第三章(1) Please quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commission.(2) Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place with you an order for 300,000 yards of Cotton Cloth.3) One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country. Please offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April.(4) To enable you to have a better understanding of our products, we are sending you by air 5 copies of our catalogues and 2 sample books.(5) In reply to your enquiry dated April 28, we are now sending you our latest price list for your reference.3. C-E Translation for a general enquiry敬启者:从兴华纺织品进出口有限公司处得知,贵公司出口各类中国式服装。

外贸函电第三单元IV2.1)This will help cement our business relations.2)To establish business relations with you is whatwe have longed for for years.3)We avail this opportunity of writing to you andsee if we can establish business relations by a st art of some practical transactions.4)We are only too pleased to deal in your products.5)You as well as him are right.6)Please place order with us if you find our price competitive.7)We shall get in touch with you as soon as we h ave fresh supplies.8)We are in urgent/great need of Grade A.9)With a view to securing orders,please send us a quotation sheet for this article.10)We very much regret/much regret our inability to make you an offer at present.1这将有助于巩固我们的业务关系。

选择题第二单元:询价与回复一:1.You name D. has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in New York..2. Our market survey informs us that you are A. in the market for Audio and Electronic Equipment.3. We should be pleased to receive you’re A. illustrated catalogue and price list.4. We are B. well-established exporters of all kinds of Chinese good.5. If your price are competitive, we are confident D. in selling the goods in great quantities in this market.6. We shall appreciate B. your quoting us FOB Sydney.7. As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are B. in a position to handle large quantities.第三单元:资信调查一:1.For information D. concerning our credit standing we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.2. We should be grateful if you would say C. whether they are likely to be reliable for a credit up to USS20.000.3. Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and A. without any responsibility on your part.4. Will you please inform us, B. in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation?5. D. While appreciating your decision to place regular orders with us, we respectfully request that you furnish us two references for the initial purchase.第四单元:促销1.(C、Having made)a special purchase of toys on very favorable terms, we are able to offer to you at the following attractive prices2 we can only(A、hold open)this very advantageous offer for a few weeks..3 the recent advance in the cost of raw materials (B、has compelled)us to make a slight increase in thePrices4 although costs have been (C、rising)steadily since last October , we have not yet (raised)our prices5 (B、with a view to )supporting your sales, we are sending some samples of our new makes.第五单元:报盘与还盘1A comparison of your offer (A、with that of )our regular suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable.2 If your prices are competitive, we are confident(D、in selling)the goods in great quantities in this market.3 we confirm our fax just sent (A、offering you firm)these goods.4 we offer you the following items(D、subject to)your reply reaching here by 4p.m today our time.5 although we appreciate good quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your prices appears to be(C、on the high side).6 we trust that we may be (C、favored)with a continuance of your valued orders.7 we hope that you will see your way to (B、grant)us your order, and assure you in advance of its most careful execution8 not having heard from you since, we should be glad to know whether there is any disadvantage in our terms which we could (B、remove).9 you are (C、assured)that we will quote our best prices as soon as we are told what products of ours you need.10 in all probability this offer will not be (A、repeated)for some time, and we according look forward to receiving an early reply from you.第六单元: 订单一、Fill in the blanks with your choices1.This order the sample you sent us on March 24.(A、is placed on)2.We hope you will give your usual best attention this order.(B、to the execution of)3.We have decided to place a trial order for the following stated in your letter.(B、on the terms)4.we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments. (B、Much as)5.We must apologize you being unable to fill your present order.(D、To… for )6.We have accepted your Order No.234. Please open the relevant L/C,here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.(A、which must reach)7.We are enclosing our latest catalogue some of the items may be of interest to you.(C、in the hope that)8.The order is given strictly on the condition that shipment must be made not later than the first day of May.(B、enclosed)第七单元:支付一、单选1.As requested, we have immediately arranged (A、with) our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks (up to) 10th March.2.As arranged, we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in (C、our) favor and shall hand over shipping documents (against) acceptance ofour draft.3.We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit (D、with) the London Bank in your favor.4.We advised the bank to amend the clause (D、to read)“partial shipment are permitted”.5.We enclose our cheque for US$ 200 (A、in payment of) your invoice No.D-124.第九单元:保险一:选择题1: please insure the goods (A、against) F.P.A. for US 100,000. 注:against加险别for加保额2: please effect insurance (D、on) the cargo for US50,000 by S.S.Bright from Tianjin to seattle.3: we have opened insurance you ordered for US9,000 (D、on) the shipment by S.S.East sun.4: we wish to renew the above policy (C、for) the same amount and (on)the same terms as before to cover our consignment to be shipped b s.s.bright next month.5: as requester, we have covered insurance (on) 20,000 DVD players (at) 10% above the invoice value (against) all risks.6: unless we hear from you (A、to) the contrary before the end of this month, we shall arrange to cover the goods against t p a for the value of the goods plus freight.7: any additional coverage(险别)other (B、than) ISS shall be for the account of the buyer.8: we confirm that we hold the consignment covered as (from) today.9: we have arranged (A、for) surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and shall forward his report together with our claim.10: we understand that these terms will apply (C、to)all our shipments of bottled sherry by regular liners to west European ports.完形填空第二单元:Fill in each blank in the letter below with a word that fits naturally.Dear Sir or MadamI am delighted to tell/inform you that we are interested in the drainage system accessories advertised in China Daily.Will you please send us a free copy of the brochure of the latest models of your products? Also, we would like to have a price list.We are looking forward to your prompt reply.第五单元1. 1. We are prepared to give you a quotation which is based on the prevailing market price.2.Our quotation always comes in line with the world market.3.Unless otherwise stated or agree upon, all prices are without any discount.4.We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall be kept open subject to reply before 12:00a.m. of march 2.5.We now offer you, without engagement, our various items as follows.6.The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.7.Unless you make a 5% reduction, we will have to decline your offer.8.This offer cannot be repeated. There is every indication that the prices will rise soon.9.So long as you can maintain moderate prices, your products should have a ready sale here.10.In reply to your letter, we enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your reference.第六单元三、Fill in each blank space with the word that fits naturallyDear sirsFor your first-time order, I want to thank you on behalf of the company. This is your initial order and I know of no greater kick a sales manager can get than the beginning of business with a new customer.The signing of an order is an expression of confidence, and I want you to know that we are fully aware of the responsibility we have for maintaining that confidence.The most important thing to the buyer of any product is the character of the supplying organization; its resources; its facilities; its reputation; and its standards of service.。

Ch3I. Choose the best answer:1.The letter we sent last week is an enquiry ______colour TV sets.A. aboutB. forC. ofD. as2.We will consider ______your terms of payment.A. acceptedB. to acceptC. acceptingD. accept3.Should your price ______reasonable, we will place an order _______you.A. is, withB. are, fromC. is, fromD. be, with4.We are pleased to say that we are ______to supply you ______the goods you want.A. of a position, forB. at a position, forC. in a position, withD. at a position, with5.One of our clients is ______the market _______Men's Shirt.A. on, ofB. at, withC. in, forD. with, at6.There is a steady demand here ______leather gloves of high quality.A. inB. ofC. forD. on7._______your prices are right, you will find a ready market for your products.A. ShouldB. To provideC. ProvidedD. Provide8.We can supply all items ______the requirements of a fashionable trade as yours.A. to be metB. to meetingC. to meetD. meet9.We find your terms ______and now send you our Order No.1234.A. satisfiedB. satisfactionC. satisfactoryD. satisfactorily10.CIF stands ______cost, insurance and freight.A. byB. asC. likeD. forBCACC CCCCDII. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:1.Please send us ______airmail your export catalogue showing the different lines ______whichyou chiefly deal.2.______ your request, we have pleasure ______sending you herewith a copy of our catalogue.3.We are in the market ______China Black Tea and shall be pleased if you will let us have yourcatalogue together ______price lists.4.This is ______reply to your enquiry of April 4 and we are now sending you a quotation sheet______your consideration.5.We regret to inform you that we are not ______a position to supply you ______the captionedgoods.6.As the goods you enquire ______for are ______a short supply, we are offering you Art. No.123 as a substitute.7.The goods we quote ______ is very close ______your specifications.8.You may be pleased to learn that there is a great demand here ______your Green Tea _____ourdistrict.9.We are large dealers ______native products and feel confident there is a promising market______moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.10.We shall be pleased if you will make us an offer ______Five Rams Brand Bicycles ______your most favourable price.11.Please send us your price list for New Crop Soybeans , ______which we can place a largeorder ______prompt shipment.12.We have so far bought these goods ______other sources, but we now wish to switch ourpurchases ______your corporation.13.As the goods are required _______re-export, the packing material must be suitable ______long distance ocean transportation.14.Please let us have your quotations _______bicycles of various brands and styles available______supply.15.We have just received an enquiry ______one of our customers, who wishes to have a sampleof the animal toys displayed ______the recent Guangzhou Fair.1 by , in2 As, in3for, with4 in , for5 in ,with6 in7 for, to8 for, in9 in , for10 of , at11 from , for12 from, to13 for, for14for, for15from ,atIII. Translate the following sentences into English:1.请对下列商品报竞争性的巴黎成本加运费5%佣金价。

实操商务英语函电课后答案(首都经济贸易大学出版社)Unit3Unit 3 Inquiries and RepliesSentences Commonly Used in Inquiries and Replies (P49-50) 1.感谢贵方7月5日询盘。
Exercises (P50-54)1. Translate the following phrases (1) 对……进行询盘(2) 无存货(3) 具体询盘(4) 插图目录册(5) 与……进行贸易(6) price list(7) irrevocable L / C (8) terms of payment(9) both excellent in quality and reasonable in price (10) CIF Hongkong2. Choose the best answer (1) C (2) A (3) A (4) C (5) C (6) B (7) D(8) B (9) B (10) D3. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words or expression (1) look forward (2) inform (3) quotation (4) captioned (5) attention (6) Attached (7) discount (8) inquiry (9) provided (10) requirement4. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions (1) for (2) in (3) of (4) in (5) by (6) for (7) With (8) in(9) between (10) of5. Translate the following sentences(1) You are requested to provide us the samples of pure silk handkerchiefs.(2) All the items listed in our catalogue are now in stock and ready for immediate shipment. (3) We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date.(4) Because of their softness and durability, our cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular.(5) Since one of our customers is interested in the Model B12, we would like to receive the sample and quotation.(6) 现金付款,我们给予九折优惠。
【免费下载】 外贸英语函电第四版课后答案(Unit3)

Unit 3Key to the Exercises and the Skill DrillingsI.Put the following Chinese into English.询购…接受报盘递价大使馆代理工艺手工制作支付条款兹答复与…有联系向…订购现成市场立即处理市场需求(口味)用现款(支付)稳定需求(商品)在出售中给…报盘II. Multiple choice1.b2.d3.a4.b5.b6.c7.b8.d9.c 10.a 11.cIII. Fill in the following blanks with the given wordsin their proper forms.1.bid2.offer3.enquiry4.offered5.bid6.offer7.enquires8.offer9.enquired 10.offerIV. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1.We were advised by Mr. John King that you were interested in supplying men’s leather shoes.2. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and earliest time of delivery.3. You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities.4. Your enquiry of Jannuary 10 has been referred to us for attention as we are the exporters of the articles you require.5. Our associates in the packaging industry speak highly of your Zeta packing machines and we would like to have more information about them.6. We hope that your prices will be workable and that business will materialize to our mutual advantage.7. We look forward to placing further orders with you, and trust that you will make every offort to satisfy our particular requirements.8. I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date pricelist for building materials.9. If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, please make us a firm offer and quote your lowest prices.10. As we are in the market for men’s leather gloves, we should be pleased if you would send us you best quotation.V. Put the following sentences into English.1. 您能否告诉我贵公司可供出口的主要产品吗?2. 能否给我们报英国伦敦成本保险加运费最低价?3. 如你方报价具有竞争性且交货期可接受,我们将很高兴向你订货。

商务英语外贸函电课后答案版GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-世纪商务英语----外贸函电(第二版)(教师用书)English Letter Writing in Foreign Trade主编吴思乐胡秋华大连理工大学出版社前言《世纪商务英语—外贸函电》是新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编的商务英语类课程规划教材之一。
编者ContentsModule UnitModule 1 Fundamentals of Modern Business Letter Writing 现代商务函电写作基础Unit 1 Basic knowledge of Business letter Writing 商务信函写作Module 2 Preparations for Negotiation 业务磋商的准备Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系Unit 3. Making Credit Investigation 资信调查 Module 3 Procedures of Business Negotiation 业务磋商的主要环节Unit 4 Inquiry 询盘Unit 5 Offer 发盘Unit 6 Counter-offer 还盘 Module 4 Conclusion of Business 交易的达成Unit 7 Acceptance and Confirmation 接受与确认Unit 8 Order and Contract 订单与合同 Module 5 Negotiation of Main Trade Terms 主要交易条款的磋商Unit 9 Payment and L/C 支付与信用证Unit 10 Packing 包装…Unit 11 Shipment 运输Unit 12 Insurance 保险 Module 6 Disputes and Settlement 争议及争议的解决Unit 13 Complaints, Claims and Settlement 申诉、抱怨与索赔、理赔Unit 1. Fundamentals of Modern English Business Letter Writing第一章现代商务英语函电写作的基本知识Part Five Practical Training1. Arrange the Following in Proper Form as They Should Be Set Out in a Letter1) Sender's name: Guangzhou International Trading Corp.2) Sender's address: 198 Yueken Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China3) Sender's Telephone: 852300004) Sender's cable address: 5527GZ5) Sender's telex address: 3328 gz CN6) Date: September 15, 20077) Receiver's name: Standard Oil Company8) Receiver's address: 38 Fifth Avenue, London, U. K.9) Subject: Refrigerators10) The message:We thank you for your letter of September 3, 2007, enquiring for the captionedgoods.The enclosed booklet contains details of all our refrigerators and will enable youto make a suitable selection.We look forward to receiving your specific inquiry with keen interest. Basically, there are four acceptable formats for business letters. Students canchoose one of the layouts as his or her style. The following is just a sample.Guangzhou International Trading Corp.Address: 198 Yueken Road,Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510507,P. R. ChinaTel: 85230000, Cable: 5527GZ, Telex: 3328 gz CNSeptember 15, 2010Standard Oil Company38 Fifth Avenue,London, EC4, U. K.Dear Madam or Sir:Subject..RefrigeratorsThank you for your letter of September 3, 2007, enquiring for the captioned goods.The enclosed booklet contains details of all our refrigerators and will enable you tomake a suitable selection.We look forward to receiving your specific inquiry with keen interest. Yours Sincerely,Li MingLi MingEncl. as stated2. Address an Envelope for the Above LetterSince we use the Full-block Style for the letter composing, we should also use theFull-block Style for the envelope.Guangzhou International Trading Corp.198 Yueken RoadTianhe District, Guangzhou,Guangdogn, ChinaStandard Oil Company38 Fifth AvenueLondon EC 4U. K.UrgentStampUnit 2 Establishing Business Relations第二章建立业务关系Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and SentencesTypical Sentences:1. Telling the addressee how his name is known in pleasant words. (用令人愉快的语言..说明你是怎样知道对方的)1..We are very pleased to obtain your name from the Industrial Chambers. ..很高兴从行业协会处得知贵公司的名称..2..On the recommendation of Merrs. Harvey & Co., we have learned with pleasure the name of your firm. (由于哈维公司的推荐..我们高兴地得知贵公司的名称。

外贸英语函电第六版第三单元课后答案1、Seldom _____ in such a rude way. [单选题] *A.we have been treatedB. we have treatedC. have we been treated(正确答案)D. have treated2、I knocked on the door but _______ answered. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody3、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners4、A little learning is a dangerous thing, _____ the saying goes. [单选题] *A. likeB. as(正确答案)C. withD. if5、The work will be finished _______ this month. [单选题] *A. at the endB. in the endC. by the endD. at the end of(正确答案)6、We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane _____. [单选题] *A. will take offB. would take offC. has taken offD. had taken off(正确答案)7、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time8、Mr. White likes to live in a _______ place. [单选题] *A. quiteB. quiet(正确答案)C. quickD. quietly9、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whyC. /D. how10、What lovely weather,()? [单选题] *A.is itB. isnt it(正确答案)C. does itD.doesn’t it11、99.—Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?—Yes, go straight ahead. It’s opposite a school. [单选题] *A.inB.forC.withD.to(正确答案)12、His sister ______ the chess club.()[单选题] *A. want to joinB. want joiningC. wants to join(正确答案)D. wants joining13、So many people will _______ to their work after the Spring Festival. [单选题] *A. get inB. get onC. get offD. get back(正确答案)14、These oranges look nice, but _______ very sour. [单选题] *A. feelB. taste(正确答案)C. soundD. look15、She talks too much; you’ll be glad when you’re free of her. [单选题] *A. 与她自由交谈B. 离开她(正确答案)C. 受她的控制D. 与她在一起16、I have seldom seen my father()pleased with my progress as he is now. [单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. veryC. tooD. rather17、Many of my classmates are working _______volunteers. [单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. toC. atD. like18、( ) She keeps on learning English all the time. So far, she______three books of New Concept English. [单选题] *A. has learned(正确答案)B. have learnedC. had learnedD. learn19、When you are tired, listen to music and try to _______ yourself. [单选题] *A. supportB. showC. playD. relax(正确答案)20、7.—________ is the Shanghai Wild Animal Park?—It’s 15km east of the Bund. [单选题] *A.WhoB.WhatC.WhenD.Where (正确答案)21、The yellow bag _______ me. [单选题] *A. belong toB. belongs to(正确答案)C. belongD. belongs22、Jim is a(n) _______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers. [单选题] *A. secretaryB. tour guideC. accountant(正确答案)D. English teacher23、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)24、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)25、Hurry up,?or we’ll _______ class. [单选题] *A. be late for(正确答案)B. late forC. late withD. be late with26、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的27、_______ songs is my favorite. [单选题] *A. To Singing EnglishB. Singing English(正确答案)C. Singings EnglishD. Sing English28、24.Kitty’s father ______ a policeman since 2 He loves helping people. [单选题] *A.isB.wasC.has been (正确答案)D.have been29、Galileo was ____ Italian physicist and astronomer who invented _____ telescope. [单选题] *A. a, aB. the, theC. an, aD. an, the(正确答案)30、The manager isn’t in at the moment. May I _______ a message? [单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. makeC. haveD. keep。

商务英语函电与合同洪菁课后答案第三单元English: In the third unit of the Business English Written Communication and Contracts course, we learn about how to write requests for information, price quotations, and placing orders. We start by understanding the purpose and structure of a request for information, which is used to gather detailed information about a product or service. This includes stating the reason for the request, describing the specific information needed, and providing a deadline for the response. We also study how to write a price quotation, which is a formal document provided by a supplier to a buyer, outlining the cost of goods or services. The quotation includes details such as unit prices, discounts, payment terms, and delivery information. Moreover, we learn about the proper format and content of a purchase order, which is a formal document issued by a buyer to a supplier to place an order for goods or services. The purchase order includes information such as the item description, quantity, unit price, delivery date, and payment terms. Throughout the unit, we practice drafting these types of documents, paying attention to language use and appropriate levels of formality. Additionally, we study the common clauses found in contracts,including the termination clause, dispute resolution clause, and force majeure clause. These clauses are crucial for outlining the terms and conditions of a business agreement and addressing any potential risks or issues that may arise during the course of the contract. As a whole, this unit equips us with the necessary skills to effectively communicate and negotiate in various business contexts, enabling us to engage in successful business transactions.中文翻译: 在商务英语函电与合同洪菁课程的第三单元中,我们学习了如何编写询问信息、报价和下订单的信函。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. 我方经由纽约商业联合会得知贵公司的名称和地址。
1. Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.
2. We would appreciate your sending us a catalogue of your kitchenware together with terms of payment and the largest discount you can allow us.
3. We will allow you 5% discount on annual total purchases above US $20,000.
4. If you can assure regular supplies, we will place large orders with you.
5. We believe that the quality of our leather goods is entirely suitable for your market.
6. We are a state-run corporation handling light industrial products.
7. If your price is workable, our buyers intend to place an order.
8. We enclose a copy of the new season’s catalogue, introducing many novelties and some variations on the lines which were most popular last season. Perhaps you would be good enough to study the catalogue now and outline your requirements for the coming season so that we can adjust our supplies to the other customers.
9. With regard to your enquiry for our black tea, we wish to give the following reply.
10. We take interest in your canned goods and wish to have the catalogues.。