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Sumerian Civilization
Paragraph One
Q1 选C
原文It is an astonishing fact that human civilization should haveemerged into the light of history in two separate places at justabout the same time.
题干 1. The word astonishing in the passage is closest in meaningto
(A) important
(B) unknown
(C) amazing
(D) interesting
Q2 选C
原文Between 3500 and 3000 B.C. when Egypt was being united underpharaohic rule, another great civilization arose in Mesopotamia,the “land between the rivers”.
题干 2. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essentialinformation in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways orleave out
essential information.
(A) A great civilization arose in Mesopotamia, the “land betweenthe rivers” under pharaonic
(B) Egypt and another great civilization both developed inMesopotamia between 3500 and
3000 B.C.
(C) A great civilization arose in Mesopotamia between 3500 and 3000B.C. at the same time
that ancient Egypt was being united.
(D) As Egypt was being united under pharaonic rule, a greatcivilization arose there.
解析按照无词阅读法“一一对应”的原则,原文中有一个关键信息“between 3500 and 3000B.C.”,只有B和C有,从而立刻排除A和D。
而原文中强调的是两个文明的“同时性”(when …),对应题
干的at the sametime。
Paragraph Two
Q3 选A
原文As a consequence, the politicalhistory of ancient Mesopotamia has no underlyingtheme of the sort that divine kingship provides for Egypt. Localrivalries, foreign incursions, the sudden upsurge and
equallysudden collapse of military power – these are its substance.
题干 3. The phrase its substance refers to
(A) the political history of ancient Mesopotamia
(B) divine kingship
(C) Egypt
(D) the sudden collapse of military power
解析关系词As a consequence是解题的关键,因为这里要给出结论了。
后面的主语the political historyof ancientMesopotamia是这个结论的“主题”,因此后面的解释内容肯定是围绕这个主题展开的,于是这个主题就成了答案。
表示结果的关系词:so, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, as aconsequence, accordingly, consequently
表示原因的关系词:because, as, since, for, in that, due to
Paragraph Three
Q4 选A
原文The origin of the Sumerians remains obscure. Their language isunrelated to any other known tongue.
题干 4. The word obscure in the passage is closest in meaningto
(A) unclear
(B) unique
(C) controversial
(D) important
解析这道题目对于部分同学而言属于“生词生义”题,所以可以利用方向判断,首先是负向,因为后面说unrelated to anyother known tongue。
Q5 选A
原文Unfortunately, the tangible remains of Sumerian Civilization areextremely scanty compared to those of ancient Egypt. Building stonebeing unavailable in Mesopotamia, the Sumerians used
mud brick andwood, so that almost nothing is left of their architecture exceptthe foundations.
Nor did they share the Egyptians’ concern with thehereafter, although some richly endowed
tombs in the shape ofvaulted chambers below grounded from the early dynastic period
havebeen found in the city of Ur.
题干 5. The author mention s “Nor did they share the Egyptians’concern with the hereafter” in order to
(A) To provide one explanation for the relatively few physicalremains of ancient Sumerian
(B) To explain why ancient Sumerian built with mud brick and woodrather than with stone.
(C) To help account for the fact that tombs and vaulted chambershave been found only at Ur.
(D) To counter the claim that all ancient societies paid greatattention to the afterlife.
解析第一句话主题是the tangible remains of SumerianCivilization,方向是scanty(很多同学不认识)。
但是从第二句话的unavailable可以看出是负向,说明thetangible remains是不可获得的。
注意第二句话的关系词so是维持方向的,其后的nothing isleft继续首句的意思。
依据无词阅读法“一一对应”的解题原则,A 中的fewphysical remains对应the tangible remains arescanty。
表示并列的关系词:a nd, or, as well as, too, also, not…nor…, neither…nor…,one…another…,
Q6 选D
原文这道题目属于纯粹的推断题,因为City of Ur位于美索不达米亚,而美索不达米亚恰恰在两河流域,所以选D。
题干 6. According to the passage, it can be inferred that the City ofUr is located in
(A) Egypt
(B) Persia
(C) northern Mesopotamia
(D) near the confluence of Tigris and Euphrates
Q7 选B
原文Our knowledge of Sumerian Civilization thus depends very largelyon chance fragments brought to light by excavation, including vastnumbers of inscribed clay tablets.
题干7. The word vast in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) random
(B) very large
(C) surprising
(D) relatively small
Q8 选C
原文(A)Local rivalries, foreign incursions, the sudden upsurge andequally sudden collapse of military power – these are itssubstance. (Paragraph Two)
(B)Thus the facts of geography tended to discourage the idea ofuniting the entire
Mesopotamian area under a single head. Rulerswho had this ambition did not appear, so far as we know, untilabout a thousand years after the beginnings of Mesopotamiancivilization, and
they succeeded in carrying it out only for briefperiods and at the cost of almost continuous
warfare. (ParagraphTwo)
(C) 没有
(D) Building stone being unavailable inMesopotamia, the Sumerians used mud brick and
wood, so that almostnothing is left of their architecture except the foundations.(Paragraph
题干8. According to paragraph 2 and 3, the physical characteristicsof Mesopotamia affected Sumerian civilization in all of thefollowing ways EXCEPT
(A) Foreign invasions were made easy.
(B) Creating and maintaining political stability was madedifficult.
(C) Continuity of cultural and artistic traditions could not beachieved.
(D) Sumerian architecture could not produce long-lastingstructures.
Q9 这道题目拿不准,因为我在考试时来不及记住原文中的四个插入点在哪。
原文Our knowledge of Sumerian Civilization thus depends very largelyon chance fragments brought to light by excavation, including vastnumbers of inscribed clay tablets. Yet we have learned
enough toform a general picture of this vigorous, inventive and disciplinedpeople.
题干9. Look at the four [■] that indicate where thefollowing sentence could be added to the passage.
Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to thepassage.
Despite these achievements, scholars know much less about Sumerianlife than they would like.
Where would the sentence best fit?
此外,把握独特名词achievements(正向)在原文中的对应点也很重要,我个人认为应该对应原文中的vastnumbers of inscribed clay tablets(正向)。
despite后半句的know muchless(负向)能够和原文yet we have learned enough to form a generalpicture对应起来,而且方向能够通过转折关系词yet来改变。
表示虽然的转折关系词:although, though, while, despite, in spite of, eventhough, even if
表示但是的转折关系词:but, however, yet, on the other hand, nonetheless,nevertheless
Paragraph Four
Q10 选D
原文Nor was the idea of divine ownership treated as a mere piousfiction. The god was quite literally believed to own not only theterritory of the city-state but also the labor power of thepopulation
and its products. All these were subject to hiscommands, transmitted to people by his human
steward. The resultwas an economic system.
题干10. According to paragraph 4, what evidence is used to supportthe claim that the idea of divine ownership was not “a mere piousfiction”?
(A) The idea of divine ownership originated with the kings ofSumerian city-state.
(B) The idea of divine ownership was the reason why a large part ofthe harvest was offered to
the god.
(C) The idea of divine ownership eventually came to replace“theocratic socialism”.
(D) The idea of divine ownership served as the basis for theeconomic organization of Sumerian
而A的city-state 虽然有对应点,但是该对应点是两个递进关系notonly…but also…中的一个,属于一个细节。
只有D的economic organization对应原文的economicsystem,而且原文这句话The result was an economic system是个明显的概括。
表示递进的关系词:moreover, furthermore, what is more, in addition,additionally, besides, not only…but also…
Q11 选A
题干11. The word considerable in the passage is closest in meaningto
(A) substantial
(B) fixed
(C) valuable
(D) limited
Q12 选D
原文(A)Each Sumerian city-state had its own local god, who wasregarded as its king and owner.
(B)The local god, in return, was expected to plead the cause ofhis subjects among his fellow
deities who controlled the forces ofnature such as wind and weather, water, fertility, and the
(C) It also had a human ruler, thesteward of the divine sovereign, who led the people in
serving thedeity.
(D) 没有
题干12. In the above passage, all of the following were true of thelocal god EXCEPT
(A) The local god owned everything and everyone in thecity-state.
(B) The local god represented the subjects of the city-state toother gods.
(C) The local god communicated with the people of the city-statethrough a human ruler.
(D) The local god sometimes fought against the local gods of rivalcity-states.