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中文摘要 ............................................................................................................................................. III 英文摘要.............................................................................................................................................. IV 一、绪论 . (1)

(一)研究背景 (1)

(二)研究意义 (1)

(三)研究方法 (1)

二、中小学信息技术课的教育目标 (2)

(一)培养学生信息意识 (2)

(二)提高学生信息伦理道德修养 (2)

(三)培养获取信息与处理信息的能力 (3)

三、中小学信息技术课的教学内容体系 (3)

(一)小学 (3)

(二)初中 (4)

(三)高中 (5)

四、中小学信息技术课教学内容存在的问题 (5)

(一)忽视学生信息意识的培养 (5)

(二)忽视信息道德的培养 (6)

(三)忽视信息的获取能力 (6)

(四)忽视信息分析能力培养 (6)

(五)忽视信息评价能力 (7)

五、改进措施 (7)

(一)增加培养学生信息意识的内容 (7)

(二)增加培养学生信息道德的内容 (7)

(三)增加培养学生的信息获取能力的内容 (8)

(四)增加培养学生信息分析能力的内容 (8)

(五)增加培养学生信息评价能力的内容 (8)

结束语 (9)

参考文献 (10)

致谢 ............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



The Research of Teaching Content of Information Technology Course in Elementary

and Middle School

Abstract: The informationization is the general trend of the world economics and social development at present. Information technology which takes the networking and the multimedia technology as center has become the creative tool to develop the human ability the creative tool. In order to adapt this development trend, the elementary and middle school vigorously develops the information technology education; raising information technology ability of the student has the important place in the curriculum reform of elementary education. This article researches the teaching content of information technology course in elementary and middle school. This article elaborates the research background, the research significance, the research method, the educational goal of information technology course in the elementary and middle school, the system of teaching content, the question in teaching and the improvement opinion and so on. This article can propose the instruction and reference to the consummation of the system of teaching content of information technology course in elementary and middle school.

Keywords: Elementary and Middle School; Information Technology;

Teaching Content; Research
