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eg. : cheese ≠syr(俄)≠queso(西班牙)≠Kἃse (德)etc.
在 Jakobson 的 描 述 中 , 语 际 翻 译 涉 及 “substituting messages in one language not for separate code-units but for entire messages in some other language" 翻译家重新编码并传达他从其他语言接收到的信息代码 (Jakobson,1959)
equivalence 'On linguistic aspects of translation' (1959) intralingual translation interlingual translation →linguistic meaning and equivalence intersemiotic translation
3. Equivalence and equivalent effect
Key concepts

Roman Jakobson: 可译性和意义对等

Nida: “科学”翻译方法

Nida: 形式对等和动态对等及等效原则:关注接受者
3.1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and

在Jakobson看来,跨语言差异是对等概念的基础,其核 心问题是语言带有强制性的语法形式和词汇形式: 'Languages differ essentially in what they must convey and not in what they may convey'.
3.1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and
3.1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and
equivalence 萨丕尔——沃尔夫假设(语言决定思维)

Leabharlann Baidu言共性论

语言相对论 or 语言决定论
被Pinker否定并指出,某语言的词汇只不过反映使用 这种语言的人在日常生活中的表达需要些什么,其中 如果缺少某个词,并不意味着说该语言的人无法理解 某个概念——给来自炎热地区的人看看雪泥和雪,他 是能够注意到二者之间的区别的
equivalence Examples of differences:

the level of gender

the level of aspect
the level of semantic fields
这些例子展示了语言间的差异,不过他们所表述的概念 仍然是跨语言交际时能够表达的。 在 Jakobson 看 来 , 只 有 诗 歌 “ 不 可 译 ” , 需 要 creative transposition

3.1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and

Jakobson: 讨论意义和对等问题应该关注the structure and terminology of languages 而不是关注某种语言无法把另 一种语言中的信息表达出来。
3.1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and

Saussure 言语组成部分→Jakobson 开始思考:equivalence in meaning between words in different languages Jakobson 指出“通常在代码单位之间不存在完全对等”
3.2 Nida and 'the science of translating'

Toward a Science of Translating (Nida 1946a)
3.1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and

Saussure :langue and parole (语言和言语) langue指语言系统,parole指语言实际运用时的具体表达
语言理论具有的核心意义:区分“signifier”(能指,口头或 书面符号) 和“signified”(所指,具体的概念)

3.1 Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and
equivalence Summaries to Make and Linguistic Viewpoints to Learn
Langue Abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community A set of conventions and rules language users all have to abide by Parole Realization of langue in actual use. Det. + N may be realized in actual use as the book, the desk, the radio, etc. concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules
Abstract; it is not the language which people actually use
Relatively stable
Concrete; naturally occurring language events
Varying from person to person, from situation to situation