旋塞阀说明书英文Plug valve




Operating & Maintenance ManualWeco® Model ULT Plug ValvesOPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL, WECO MODEL ULTPLUG VALVESRev ECN No. Date Reviewed By Approved By StatusA 5014824 16-DEC-2005Douglas, Don Soltau, James RELEASEDSummary:Operating, maintenance and storage instructions – WECO® Model ULT Plug ValvesTable of ContentsSection Title Page1.0SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (5)2.0OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (5)3.0MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (6)3.1REQUIRED TOOLS (7)3.2DISASSEMBLY (7)3.3ASSEMBLY (8)3.4KITS AVAILABLE (9)4.0STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS (9)5.0APPENDIX – Assembly/Disassembly Graphics (10)6.0TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE (15)List of FiguresFigures Page Figure 1: Plug Valve Assembly* (6)Figure 2: Install/Remove the Body Cap (10)Figure 3: Remove the Plug (10)Figure 4: Install/Remove the Side Segments (11)Figure 5: Install/Remove the Seal Segments (11)Figure 6: Install/Remove the Wave Springs (12)Figure 7: Seal Segment Inspection (12)Figure 8: Position of Stem (13)Figure 9: Align Milled Slot of Plug with Dimples (13)Figure 10: Install Wave Springs (14)WARNINGSFMC cannot anticipate all of the situations a user may encounter while installing andusing FMC products. Therefore, the user of FMC products MUST know and follow allapplicable industry specifications on the safe installation and use of these products.Refer to the FMC product catalogues, product brochures and installation, operatingand maintenance manuals for additional product safety information or contact FMC at800-772-8582.1. Do not mix or assemble components, parts or endconnections with different pressure ratings. Mismatchedparts may fail under pressure.2. Do not use or substitute non-FMC components or parts inFMC products and assemblies.3. Do not strike, tighten or loosen pressurized components orconnections.4. Do not exceed the rated working pressure or temperaturerating of the product.5. Complete and proper make-up of components andconnections is required to attain rated working pressure.6. Do not use severely worn, eroded or corroded products.Contact FMC for more information on how to identify thelimits of erosion and corrosion.7. Follow safe practices when using products in overheadapplications. Products not properly secured could fall.8. Select only appropriate product and materials for theintended service:9. Do not expose standard service products to sour gas fluids.(Refer to NACE MR0175). Do not interchange sour gaswith standard service components.10. Use appropriate safety precautions when working withferrous products in below freezing temperatures. Freezingtemperatures lower the impact strength of ferrous materials.11. Follow manufacturers instructions and Material Safety DataSheet directions when using solvents12. Make certain that personnel and facilities are protectedfrom residual hazardous fluids before disassembly of anyproduct.13. If any leakage is detected from FMC products, removethem from service immediately to prevent potential damageand personal injury.1.0 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe applications of FMC products are in working environments where generalpersonnel safety procedures and policies MUST be followed. Always use appropriateprotective equipment in high pressure, extreme temperature or severe serviceapplications.2.0 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSWECO® Model ULT plug valves are primarily used as isolation valves. The ULT plugvalve is bi-directional; it can isolate flow from either direction.1. Prior to use, the valve should be inspected for properoperation. The valve should be free of contamination andthe valve should actuate from open to close position freely.2. The valve should be thoroughly flushed with clean freshwater after each use and the bore of the valve should besprayed with a light oil or comparable corrosion inhibitor.3. While the valve is in the open position, use the greaseinserts located on both sides of the valve to pump CLIMAXplug valve grease into the valve until the grease is flushedout into the bore of the valve.4. To prevent leakage, malfunctions resulting from internalwear or seal degradation, the user must establish apreventative maintenance and inspection program. Thisprogram must include:1. Inspection of parts to detect loss of wall thickness thatmay result in decreased pressure capacity.2. Routine replacement of seals and inspection for properoperation.3.0 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 1: Plug Valve Assembly** Note: Side segments, wave springs and grease plugs are not visible in this view.3.1 REQUIRED TOOLSSpanner wrench, sledge hammer, screw driver, adjustable wrench, solvent/rags,rubber mallet, grease, grease gun, Climax No. 1500, Anti-seize or equivalent, 400 gritor finer 3M WETORDRY Tri-M-Ite paper, and personal safety equipment. For the 4”ULT plug valve an optional FMC plug installation tool can be used.3.2 DISASSEMBLY1. Before getting started, bleed all pressure from the line.may cause equipment damage and/or severe injury to operatingpersonnel.2. If the bottom of the valve is not accessible, you will have to remove the valve fromthe line. You will need at least 2X the height of the valve as clearance on thebottom to service.3. Prior to assembly, cycle the valve to open to release any fluids that may beretained in the body. Leave the valve in the full open position.4. Remove the grease fittings using the adjustable wrench.5. If the valve is removed from the line, place the assembly on one side on a securesurface. Attach the spanner wrench to the body cap (see figure 2). Using thesledgehammer to drive the spanner wrench, loosen the body cap from the valvebody taking special care not to damage the threads and o-ring seal groove.6. Place the valve assembly with the valve cavity facing up (see figure 3). Using abar-type puller, remove the plug utilizing the tapped hole on the bottom of plugwhile reacting against the valve body. Pull the plug out of the valve cavity takingcare not to damage the plug as this is a metal-to-metal sealing surface. Anoptional FMC plug removal tool can be used (4” valve only).7. Remove the side segments (see Figure 4) and then the seal segments (seeFigure 5). If necessary, carefully pry the side segments away from the body usinga screwdriver (Be careful not to scratch the valve cavity).8. Remove the booster springs from each seal segments (see figure 6).Note: Do not remove the plug by pushing on the stem. If the stem isremoved, a separate procedure is required to re-install the stem andstem seals to prevent leakage.9. Remove and properly discard the old grease on the parts and inside the valvecavity.3.3 ASSEMBLY1. Check/verify parts against bill of materials; clean all parts and inspect for nicks,burrs or excessive wear.2. If the work is being performed with the valve out of line, position the body so thatthe assembly can be performed with the valve cavity facing upward. Preferably,the valve is to be placed on a table modified to allow the passage of the stemthrough the table top.3. Install the inner and outer s-seals onto the seal segments. Make sure thatorientation is correct (after installation a single “o-ring bump” should face outwardin each s-seal). Apply a thin film of Lubriplate to the outside diameter surfaces ofthe seal segments. Using your index finger remove the excess Lubriplatebetween the two s-seals. If too much Lubriplate is in between the s-seals,difficulty in the installation of the plug could occur later. Apply a liberal amount ofplug valve grease to the ID of the seal segments. Insure that the ramp angle iscovered. Carefully install the two seal segments into the valve cavity whilealigning the locator pin holes with the locator pins in the valve cavity (see Figure5).4. Inspect the lead-in chamfer of the seal segments; this area should be free ofnicks, chips and sharp edges (see figure 7). Apply a liberal amount of Lubriplateto the lead-in chamfer of the seal segments.5. Apply a liberal amount of plug valve grease to the side segments and install theminto the valve cavity. It may be necessary to push the seals segments outwardwhen installing the side segments (see figure 4).6. Check plug for nicks, scratches and sharp edges on the lead-in chamfer. Apply aliberal amount of grease to the OD of the plug and Lubriplate to the lead-inchamfer. Verify the stem is in the open position (The position of the tang of thestem should be perpendicular (vertical) to the fluid bore of the valve; see figure 8).Align the milled slot of the plug with the dimples of the seal segments (see figure9). Using an arbor press gently press the plug in. Verify that the plug has seatedcorrectly by looking in the bore; the bore of the plug should be inline with the boreof the body. An optional FMC plug installation tool can be used (4” valve only).7. Drive all four booster springs in the slots formed by the outer diameter of the sealsegments and the valve cavity using a hammer and a brass punch (see figure10). It is important that the brass punch is used in driving the last inch of thebooster springs into the assembly to prevent scoring the valve cavity sealing area.8. Install the back-up rings and o-rings onto the body cap. Verify that the orientationis correct using the assembly drawing in figure 1. Apply anti-seize to the threadsof the body cap and Lubriplate to the seals. Install the body cap on the assembly(see figure 2).3.4 KITS AVAILABLEThere are two types of kits available for servicing the WECO® Model ULT Plug Valve.• Repair Kit w/ Plug: This is the most commonly needed kit and consists of the parts recommended for rebuilding the valve. This kit includes the plug.• Repair Kit w/o Plug: This is the most commonly needed kit and consists of the parts recommended for rebuilding the valve. This kit includes the plug.Table 1: WECO® Model ULT Plug Valve Kits – Standard Service & Sour Service3” ULT100 3” ULT150 3-1/16”ULT1503” ULT200 4” ULT100 4” ULT1504-1/16”ULT150StandardKit w/ PlugN/a 3265500 P528304 P519446 P518243 3268180 P531289 StandardKit w/oPlugN/a P510214 n/a n/a P519505 n/a n/aSour GasKit3266024 n/a n/a P525393 n/a n/a n/a4.0 STORAGE INSTRUCTIONSWhen not in use, the valve should be stored in an area that protects it from sun, rain,sand, and other debris. Before storing the valve, ensure that the operating fluidshave been removed by flushing with water. After cleaning, fully drain all fluids fromthe valve and spray the valve with a water displacing lubricant such as a Teflon / oilmix. Spray inside both flow bores as far into the valve as possible. Also spray thethreads of the union ends. With the valve in the open position, use the grease insertsto grease the valve until the grease is flushed out into the bore of the valve. Duringlong-term storage keep the valve dry and painted to prevent corrosion.5.0 APPENDIX – Assembly/Disassembly GraphicsFigure 2: Install/Remove the Body CapFigure 3: Remove the PlugFigure 4: Install/Remove the Side SegmentsFigure 5: Install/Remove the Seal SegmentsFigure 6: Install/Remove the Wave SpringsFigure 7: Seal Segment InspectionFigure 8: Position of StemFigure 9: Align Milled Slot of Plug with DimplesFigure 10: Install Wave Springs6.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDEFigure 11. Leak path diagramProblem Possible Cause Recommended RepairDamage body cap o-ring. Incorrect installation of backup ring Remove body cap. Replace body cap o-ring and backup ring. Verify the backup ring is installed with concave side toward the o-ring. The o-ring should be located in the groove furthest from the threads. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Leak at body cap. Figure 11, leak path “A”. Dents and deep scratches in thebody cavity or body cap seal area.Disassemble valve. Inspect body cavity for scratches,dents or corrosion in the body cap sealing area.Repair minor scratches and corrosion with 400 gritWETORDRY. Deep dents or gouges may require thebody to be replaced. Fully grease and pressure testthe valve to full working pressure prior to returning toservice.Problem Possible CauseRecommended RepairContamination or foreign debrisbetween the seal segment and body. Cycle opened and closed several valve times. Fully grease valve and cycle several more times.Damaged or aged seal segment face seal.Dissemble valve. Replace seal segment face seal. Full grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Damaged seal segment seal area due to scratches, corrosion, or erosion. Disassemble valve. Inspect seal segments for scratches, dents or corrosion in the body cap sealing area. Repair minor scratches and corrosion with 400grit WETORDRY. Deep dents or gouges may require the seal segments to be replaced. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Leaking between seal segment and body. Figure 11, leak path “B”.Damaged body seal segment sealing surface due to scratches, corrosion, or erosion. Disassemble valve. Inspect body to seal segment for scratches, dents or corrosion in the body cap sealing area. Repair minor scratches and corrosion with 400grit WETORDRY. Deep dents or gouges may require the body to be replaced. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Contamination or foreign debris between the seal segment and plug. Cycle opened and closed several valve times. Fully grease valve and cycle several more times. Damaged seal segment due to scratched, corrosion or erosion. Disassemble valve. Inspect seal segments for scratches, dents or corrosion in the body cap sealingarea. Repair minor scratches and corrosion with 400 grit WETORDRY. Deep dents or gouges may require the seal segments to be replaced. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Leak between seal segment and plug. Figure 11, leak path “C”Damaged plug sealing surface due to scratches, corrosion, erosion, chipped or damaged plating. Disassemble valve. Inspect plug for scratches, dents or corrosion in the sealing area. Repair minor scratches and corrosion with 400 grit WETORDRY.Deep dents or gouges may require the plug to be replaced. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.ProblemPossible CauseRecommended RepairHydraulic oil from the hydraulic operator (if applicable).Check hydraulic inlet and outlet fitting for leaks.Remove operator/actuator and test for leaks. Replace actuator if leakage is found. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Damaged stem or stem adapter o-rings or back-ups.Disassemble operator/actuator. Disassemble valve. Inspect the stem and stem adapter o-rings and back-ups for damage. Replace any damages o-ring and back-ups. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service. Damaged or contaminated stem to stem adapter seal surfaces.Disassemble operator/actuator. Disassemble valve. Inspect the stem to stem adapter for scratches, dents or corrosion. Repair minor scratches and corrosion with 400 grit WETORDRY. Deep dents or gouges may require the stem or stem adapter to be replaced. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Leak between valve body andoperator/actuator. Figure 11, leak path “D”Damaged or contaminated body to stem adapter seal surfaces.Disassemble operator/actuator. Disassemble valve. Inspect the stem adapter seal area for scratches, dents or corrosion. Repair minor scratches and corrosion with 400 grit WETORDRY. Deep dents or gouges may require the body to be replaced. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Problem Possible Cause Recommended RepairLoose grease fitting. Tighten the grease fitting. Fully grease and pressuretest the valve to full working pressure prior toreturning to service.Damaged or contaminated grease fitting. Remove grease fitting and replace with a new grease fitting using Teflon tape on threads. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Damaged or contaminated grease fitting threads. Remove grease fitting. Clean and inspect the threads. If the threads are intact , replace the Teflon tape on the grease fittings and install in the body. If the threads are damaged, replace the grease fitting with a new grease fitting using Teflon tape on the threads. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.Leak at grease fitting. Figure 11, leak path “E”.Damaged body grease fitting threads. Remove the grease fitting. Clean and inspect body threads. If the threads are intact, replace the Teflon tape on the grease fitting and install in the body. If threads are damaged replace the body. Fully grease and pressure test the valve to full working pressure prior to returning to service.FMC Technologies, Inc 180377067Manufacturing282576401 Aberdeen, Scotland Dubai, United Arab Emirates Las Morochas, Venezuela Macae, RJ, Brazil SingaporeOklahoma City, Oklahoma Rock Springs, Wyoming North TexasTel940.328.0800Fax940.328.0803 Alice, TexasTel361.668.0886Fax361.668.0905 Farmington, New Mexico Tel505.327.0634Fax505.327.0641 Grand Junction, Colorado Tel970.245.1553Fax970.245.6066 Lafayette, LouisianaTel337.837.0700Fax337.839.2235 Longview, TexasTel903.757.4180Fax903.757.2514 Odessa, TexasTel432.552.9150Fax432.552.9151 Villahermosa, Mexico Tel(52) 993.310.4870 Fax(52) 993.350.1661。



plugcock;plug valve

















压力实验性能规范表主要零件材料三、安装、维护和使用说明(一)安装3.1.1 安装前应仔细核对阀门铭牌内容,保证阀门的类型、尺寸、阀座材料、使用温度等额定符合管道的使用情况。

3.1.2 安装使用前最好能对阀门所有连接处的螺栓进行检查,保证其以均匀拧紧。


3.1.3 安装前应对管线进行清扫,去除管线中的油污、焊渣等杂质。

3.1.4 阀门在搬运中应轻取,禁止抛仍或跌落。














旋塞阀说明书英文Plug valve

旋塞阀说明书英文Plug valve

Plug valve operating instructions(X43F-150Lb-2)PREPARED BY:REVIEWED BY:APPROVED BY:2013.7.10XINTAI V ALVE CO., LTD.CATALOGUE1. Purpose and performance specifications (1)2. U sing standard (1)3.Structural characteristics and operation principle (2)4.Valve main parts material (3)5.Storage, installation, use, inspection (3)6. Troubles and troubleshooting (5)7. Matters needing atten tion (6)1、Purpose and performance specifications1.1 Usagea、This product is mainly used for pipeline gas, liquid and granular medium as an opening and closing device, connected or cut off the medium flow, not suitable for regulating media flow. With the flow resistance is small, open and close more effort etc.b、Scope of application: chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, papermaking, pharmaceutical and other industries.1.2 Performance specifications1.3The maximum working pressure rating of the valve (Pressure - temperature reference)Table temperature refers to the state line the medium temperature, pressure is continuous table without impact pressure1.4The valve flow coefficient: Kv=120m.1.5 The new valve open torque:320N.m.2 、Using standard2.1 Design and manufacture according to the provisions of API 6D version twenty-third;2.2 Inspection and testing in accordance with API 6D twenty-third Edition;2.3 Flange size according to the provisions of ASME B16.5:2003;2.4The length of the structure according to the provisions of API 6D version twenty-third;2.5 Valve pressure - temperature reference according to the ASME B16.34: 2004.3、Structural characteristics and operation principle3.1Structure and main dimensions refer to sketch1 The valve body2 Bushing3 Plug4 In the flange gasket5 The adjusting shim6 Packing7 Filler8 The six hexagon nuts9 Stud bolt 10 The valve cover 11 Filler plate 12 Inside the six socket head cap screw 13 wrench 14 The six hexagon head bolts 15 Big gasket 16 Stud bolt 17 The handle head3.2The plug valve is driven by rotating the wrench plug rotating 90 DEG C to open or close.3.3 The closed valve wrench clockwise rotation of 90 degrees.3.4 The valve using the valve lining PTFE material, good sealing performance, the use of temperature ≤ 150 ℃.3.5 The valve uses a wedge type plug, rotation torque is small, easy to seal, not easily stuck due to temperature change.3.6 The adjusting shim structure, auxiliary valve cover pressing plugs to seal, and easy to repair.3.7 The valve cover is provided with a V type of PTFE filler, lubricant oil installation fashion into a little, good sealing performance.3.8 The quenching and tempering, chrome plating, enhance hardness, improve sealing performance and service life.4、Valve main parts material5、Storage, Installation, Using, Maintenance5.1 Storagea. Valves must be stored in a dry and ventilative room.b.During the period of storage, The disc should be always be shut and fixed and the inletand outlet should be blocked.c.During the period of storage, the outside portion of the stem and the machined surfaceshould be covered by an easily cleaned antirust.d The valve stored for a long time should be inspected and cleaned at an expected time. At the same time, the antirust should be re-brushed.5.2 Installationa. The valve can be installed freely, Usual used in horizontal pipe line ,and can also used invertical or bevel pipe line, but it should be convenient to maintenance, inspection and operation.b.Before installation, operators must review whether the contents on the marking andnameplate conform with the practical requirements.c.Before installation, operators must inspect the inside , remove the disc fix set ,and try toturn on the disc to check the seal face ,and clear it.d.Installation this valve , must be note the flow way of the medium , and must keep sameway of the medium and the arrowhead ,otherwise can stop the natural way of medium. 5.3 Usinga. The practical condition intending to use valves must conform with the requirements specified on nameplate and in the operation instruction.b.The valve only works for getting or shutting off medium. Mustn’t take it as theregulation valve.c. When shutting the valve ,it will have water hammer in the pipe line , badly will damaged the valve , so the user should inspect on time , if find some problem repair in time .5.4 Inspection1. During the period of using valves, The following projects must be inspected at an expected time. Once any noncompliance is found, Please correct it right now.a.Whether fasteners become less crowded or notb.Whether packing is worn out and gaskets are mangled or not. (inspection without work)c. Whether the disc can turn on easily ,and whether have the problem of obstruct.d. Whether the wall thickness of valves becomes thin distinctly for corrosion or erosion or not. If the wall thickness is less than the net valuation only satisfying the requirements of tensile strength or there exists a visually leakage, the valve must be scraped.e. After valves are inspected and assembled, they are tested per responsible specifications and the records must be documented to refer to later.6 Faults and Elimination7 Note:7.1 The valve material selection and the possibility of deterioration in use and necessary periodic inspection by the user is responsible for considering7.2 The valve design only consider the general case, if there are special requirements shall be specified in the contract.7.3 The valve design only consider certain corrosion, there is a serious or special corrosion occasion, the valve does not apply.7.4 The valve operating temperature range shall not exceed the provisions of article 1.2 in the table, more than (including instantaneous) the range of consequences is the user's responsibility.7.5 The corresponding temperature valve the maximum working pressure shall not exceed the provisions of article 1.3 in the table, more than (including instantaneous) pressure rated the scope or use and temperature are not corresponding to the value of the consequences is completely user Responsibility.7.6 The valve is used in the media are listed in article 1.2 in the table, cause beyond the scope of the consequences is entirely the responsibility of the user.7.7 Valve must not be pressure increase or replace the packing, sealing structure is not asusers replace with pressure filler reason.7.8 Valve operation process not welding repair and exterior paint.7.9 The valve shall be removed under compression.7.10 Valve according to the fourth sheet material matching under repair.7.11 The valve design is not life calculation, test and fatigue strength calculation, users must be regular maintenance, replacement in use.7.12 The valve design not consider seismic load, the consequences arising therefrom, shall not be responsible for manufacturing factory.。

Plug Valve(旋塞阀)

Plug Valve(旋塞阀)

海外技术合作支援业务的TechnologySales Kit技术名称:Plug Valve(Oil Field用高压Valve)企业名称:山东金属工业(株)公司名称一.出口范围及合作形式1.技术名称Plug Valve:Oil Field用高压Valve2.技术的简介是当前全球油田地区原油输送管的必需品高压Plug Valve,由本公司独立研究开发,质量及价格竞争力优于国外生产的同类Vable。

3.技术适用领域、应用范围及用途Oil Field用高压Valve二.企业介绍1.代表董事Bae Sun-Bong2.企业的简介三.技术概要及特征1.技术概要及技术的必要性1)技术概要旋塞阀是关闭件成柱塞形的旋转阀,通过旋转90o使阀塞上的通道口与阀体上的通道口相通或切断,实现开启或关闭的一种阀门。


2.技术特征、优点及竞争力1)在海外Oil Field用高压Plug Valve市场具有质量和价格竞争力优势。











阀门部件英文对照表Valve Components English Translation TableValves play a crucial role in regulating the flow of fluids in various industries. To ensure accurate communication and understanding between different professionals involved in valve manufacturing, installation, and maintenance, it is essential to have a standardized English translation table for valve components. This table provides an overview of commonly used valve parts and their English translations, enhancing clarity and efficiency in the industry.1. Valve Body –阀体(fá tǐ)The main housing of the valve that typically forms the primary structure. It provides the connection points for other valve components.2. Bonnet –顶盖(dǐng gài)The cover that encloses the valve stem and other internal parts of the valve. It ensures proper sealing and protection of the valve internals.3. Valve Trim –阀门修整件(fá mén xiū zhěng jiàn)The collective term for various components that directly contact the flowing fluid. It usually includes the seat, disc, stem, and other flow-control elements.4. Valve Seat –阀座 (fá zuò)The sealing surface located within the valve body, which provides a tight shut-off when in contact with the valve disc. It prevents fluid leakage when the valve is closed.5. Disc or Closure Member –阀瓣 (fá bàn)The moveable component that controls the flow of fluid through the valve. It can be a disc, ball, or other designs depending on the valve type.6. Stem –阀杆(fá gān)A rod-like component that connects the valve disc to the actuator. It transmits the motion from the actuator to the valve disc, regulating the flow of fluid.7. Actuator –作动器 (zuò dòng qì)The mechanical device responsible for operating and controlling the valve. It can be manually operated or powered by electricity, pneumatic or hydraulic pressure.8. Packing –压紧装置(yā jǐn zhuāng zhì)A component used to provide a seal around the valve stem, preventing leakage. Common types of packing include braided gland packing and mechanical seals.9. Gasket –垫片 (diàn piàn)A thin material placed between two components to create a seal, preventing leakage. Gaskets are commonly made of materials such as rubber, graphite, or metal.10. Bolts and Nuts –螺栓和螺母(luó shuān hé luó mǔ)Fasteners used to secure valve components together. Bolts are the threaded rods, and nuts are used to tighten them securely.11. Flange –法兰(fǎ lán)A disc-shaped component with bolt holes that connect two separate sections of a piping system together. Flanges allow easy assembly and disassembly of valves and pipes.12. Stem Nut –杆母(gǎn mǔ)A component that connects to the valve stem and allows manual operation of the valve by rotating the stem nut.13. Handwheel –手轮(shǒu lún)A manually operated device attached to the valve stem or actuator to provide manual control over valve operation. It is commonly used in situations where manual manipulation is required.14. Body Gasket –法兰垫片(fǎ lán diàn piàn)A sealing gasket placed between flanged connections to ensure a tight seal and prevent fluid leakage.15. Ball Valve –球阀 (qiú fá)A valve with a spherical disc that controls the flow by rotating it within the valve body. It offers quick shut-off and minimal flow restriction when fully open.16. Gate Valve –闸阀 (zhá fá)A valve with a gate-like disc that moves vertically to control the flow. It provides a tight seal when closed but has higher flow resistance compared to ball valves.17. Globe Valve –截止阀(jié zhǐ fá)A valve with a disc that moves up and down to regulate the flow. It offers precise control and is commonly used in applications requiring throttling or continuous flow adjustment.18. Check Valve –截止阀(jié zhǐ fá)A valve that allows fluid flow in one direction only, preventing backflow. It automatically closes when the flow reverses, ensuring check and preventing fluid reversal.19. Butterfly Valve –蝶阀 (dié fá)A valve with a disc (resembling a butterfly's wings) that rotates in the flow path to control fluid flow. It offers quick operation and low pressure drop.20. Plug Valve –塞阀(sāi fá)A valve with a cylindrical or tapered plug-shaped disc that rotates to control the flow. It provides reliable sealing but has higher flow resistance compared to other valve types.This English translation table for valve components aims to facilitate effective communication between professionals in the valve industry,ensuring accurate understanding and improved efficiency in valve-related projects. By using standard terminology, the industry can minimize errors and promote seamless collaboration among global stakeholders.。

3Z株式会社 油封式旋塞阀操作手册(英文版)

3Z株式会社 油封式旋塞阀操作手册(英文版)

OCT., 09, 2005
A plug valve should be managed properly in the each stage of transportation, installation, operation, and maintenance. Also, it depends on the managing status of a supervisor and a operator that the plug valve might raise high efficiency or not.
A. Preparation for installation A plug valve being carried, a rope, wire, and shackle should be strong enough to sustain the total weight. A plug valve should be installed with the firm pipe line. Move the valves as close as possible to the installation site before removing packing and end protectors. After removing packaging, clean end connections to remove any unwanted paint or rust inhibitor. Ensure that the valve is fully open. Inspect the internal bore of the valve. If there is excess sealant visible around the plug ports, this should be scraped out. If the valve has been in storage for over 12 months we recommend that additional valve sealant be injected prior to operation.



Gate valve - 闸阀,这就像是通道的守卫者,在需要截断或开启流体通道的时候就派上用场啦,比如在管道输送系统中。

Globe valve - 截止阀,就如同精准的调控开关,用来精确控制流体流量呢,像在一些要求精细调节的工业流程里就会用到。

Check valve - 止回阀,它就像个忠诚的卫士,防止流体倒流呀,比如在供水系统中可重要啦。

Ball valve - 球阀,操作起来轻松快捷,就像个灵活的小助手,常用于需要快速启闭的场合,像家庭的水管系统。

Butterfly valve - 蝶阀,如同翩翩起舞的蝴蝶般优雅,在大口径管道中常常能看到它的身影呢。

Diaphragm valve - 隔膜阀,好似一层保护膜,能有效控制腐蚀性流体,在化工领域很常见哟。

Plug valve - 旋塞阀,就像是个小巧的开关,简单而实用,在一些小型设备中能发挥作用。

Relief valve - 安全阀,那可是安全的保障呀,在压力过高时能及时释放,像在锅炉等设备上。

Needle valve - 针阀,像根精细的针一样,能精确调节微小流量,在实验室等地方很有用呢。

Control valve - 调节阀,是个智能的调控大师,能精确调节流体的参数,在自动化控制系统中可少不了它。





化工装置常用英语词汇对照一概论 introduction方案(建议书) proposal可行性研究 feasibility study方案设计concept design工艺设计process design基础设计basic design详细设计detail design开工会议kick-off meeting审核会议review meeting外商投资foreign investment中外合资joint venture中外合营joint venture补偿贸易compensation trade合同合同附件 contract卖方vendor买方buyer顾客client承包商contractor工程公司company供应范围scope of supply生产范围production scope生产能力production capacity项目project界区battery limit装置plant公用工程utilities工艺流程图 process flow diagram工艺流程方块图process block diagram管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument drawing物料及热量平衡图 mass & heat balance diagram蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图 equipment layout设备表equipment list成品(产品) product(final product)副产品by-product原料raw-material设计基础数据basic data for design技术数据technical data数据表data sheet设计文件design document设计规定design regulation现场服务site service项目变更project change用户变更client change消耗定额consumption quota技术转让technical transfer技术知识technical know-howtechnical knowledge技术保证technical guarantee咨询服务consultative services技术服务technical services工作地点location施工现场construction field报价quotation标书bidding book公司利润company profit固定价合同 fixed price contract固定单价合同fixed unit price contract成本加酬金合同cost plus award fee contract 定金mobilization银行保证书 bank guarantee letter保留金retention所得税income taxes特别承包人税special contractor's taxes城市和市政税city and municipal taxes工作手册work manual工作流程图 work flow diagram质量保证程序QA/QC procedures采购计划procurement plan施工计划construction plan施工进度construction schedule项目实施计划project execution plan项目协调程序project coordination procedure 项目总进度计划project master schedule设计网络计划engineering network logic项目质量保证project quality assurance项目质量控制project quality control采购procurement采购周期procurement period会签the squad check计算书calculation sheets询价inquiry检验inspection运输transportation开车start up / commission验收inspection & acceptance校核check审核review审定approve版次version部门department专业specialty项目号project number图号drawing number目录contents序言foreword章 chapter节 section项 itemMR material requisitionSPEC engineering specificationDATA SHEET(技术表)technical data sheetTBA(技术评标)technical bid analysisPDP preliminary design packagePM (项目经理) project managerLDE(专业负责人) lead discipline engineerMRQ(材料询价单) Material requisition for quotation MRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchaseBEP(基础工程设计包) basic engineering packageP&ID(管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument drawing(diagram)PFD process flow diagramNNF normally no flowFO failure openFC failure closeC/S/A civil/structure/architectureDDP(详细设计阶段)detail design phase二. 工艺流程连续过程continuous process间歇过程batch process工艺叙述process description工艺特点process feature操作operation反应reaction副反应side reaction絮凝flocculation浮洗flotation倾析decantation催化反应catalytical reaction 萃取extraction中和neutralization水解hydrolysis过滤filtration干燥drying还原reduction氧化oxidation氢化hydrogenation分解decomposition离解dissociation合成synthetics吸收absorption吸附adsorption解吸desorption结晶crystallization溶解solution调节modulate控制control悬浮suspension循环circulation再生regeneration再活化reactivation沥取leaching破碎crushing煅烧caloination沉降sedimentation沉淀precipitation气化gasification冷冻refrigeration固化、结晶 solidification 包装package升华sublimation燃烧combustion引烧ignition蒸馏distillation碳化carbonization压缩compression三、化学物质及特性固体solid液体liquid气体gas化合物compound混合物mixture粉 powder片状粉未flake小粒granule结晶crystal乳化物emulsion氧化物oxidizing agent 还原剂reducing agent 有机物organic material 真空vacuum母液master liquor富液rich liquor贫液lean liquor萃出物extract萃余物raffinate絮凝剂flocculants冷冻盐水brine酸度acidity浓度concentration碱度alkalinity溶解度solubility凝固点solidificalion point沸点boiling point熔点melting point蒸发率evaporation rate粘度viscosity吸水的water absorbent(a)无水的anhydrous(a)外观appearance无色的colorless(a)透明的transparent(a)半透明的translucent密度density比重specific gravity催化剂catalyst燃烧combustion引燃ignition自然点self-ignition temperature 可燃气体combustible gas可燃液体inflammable liquid易燃液体volatile liquid爆炸混合物 explosive mixture爆炸性环境 explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限explosive concentration limit废水waste water废液waste liquid废气off-gas噪声noise pollution成分composition挠度deflection力和力矩force and moment弯矩bending moment应力-应变曲线 stress-strain diagram百分比percentage环境温度ambient temperature工作温度operating设计温度design temperature(pressure)相对湿度RH=relative humidity油渣、淤泥 sludge杂质impurity四、化工设备泵 pump轴流泵axial flow pump真空泵vacuum pump屏蔽泵canned pump柱塞泵plunger pump涡轮泵turbine pump涡流泵vortex pump离心泵centrifugal pump喷射泵jet pump转子泵rotary pump管道泵inline pump双作用往复泵double action reciprocating pump计量泵metering pump深井泵deep well pump齿轮泵gear pump手摇泵hand(wobble) pump螺杆泵screw (spiral) pump潜水泵submersible pump斜转子泵inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵air-lift-pump轴承bearing叶轮impeller虹吸管siphon高压容器high pressure vessel 焚化炉incinerator火焰清除器 flame arrester工业炉furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler回转窑rotary kiln加热器heater电加热器electric heater冷却器cooler冷凝器condenser换热器heat exchanger反应器reactor蒸馏釜still搅拌器agitator混合器mixer静态混合器 static mixers管道混合器 line mixers混合槽mixing tanks破碎机crusher磨碎机grinder研磨机pulverizer球磨机ballmill过滤器filter分离器separator干燥器drier翅片fins烟囱stack火炬flare筛子screen煅烧窑calciner倾析器decanter蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler萃取器extractor离心机centrifuger吸附(收)器adsorber结晶器crystallizer电解槽electrolyzer电除尘器electric precipitator 洗涤器scrubber消石灰器slaker料仓bin料斗hopper加料器feeder增稠器thickener澄清器clarifier分级器classifier浮洗器flocculator废液池sump喷射器ejector喷头sprayer成套设备package unit仪器设备apparatus附属设备accessory旋转式压缩机rotary compressor往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机nash compressor螺杆式压缩机helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机 mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器fixed bed reactor流化床反应器fluidized bed reactor管式反应器 tubular reactor列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column板式塔plate column填料塔packed column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower汽提塔stripper再生塔regenerator造粒塔prill tower塔附件tower accessories液体分配(布)器 liquid distributor填料支持板 support plate定距管spacer降液管downcomer升气管chimney顶(底)层塔盘top (bottom) tray挡板baffle抽出口draw nozzle溢流堰weir泡罩bubble cap筛板sieve plate浮阀float valve除沫器demister pad塔裙座skirt椭圆封头elliptical head高位槽head tank中间槽intermediate tank加料槽feed tank补给槽make-up tank计量槽measuring tank电解槽cell溜槽chute收集槽collecting tank液滴分离器 knockout drum稀释罐thinning tank缓冲罐surge drum回流罐reflux drum闪蒸罐flash drum浮顶罐floating roof tank内浮顶罐covered floating roof tank球罐spheroid气柜gas holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀rotary valve抽滤器mutche filter压滤器filter press压滤机pressure filter板框压滤器 plate-and-fram filter press转鼓过滤器 rotary drum filter带式过滤器 belt filter翻盘式过滤器袋滤器bag filter旋风分离器 cyclone separator盘式干燥箱 compartment tray drier真空干燥器 vacuum drier隧道式干燥器tunnel drier回转干燥器 rotary drier穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器 spray drier气流干燥器 pneumatic conveyor drier圆盘式加料器dish feeder螺旋式加料器screw feeder颚式破碎机 jaw crusher回转破碎机 gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机 roll crusher锤式破碎机 hammer crusher冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker 气流喷射粉碎机jet pulverizer 棍磨机rod mill雷蒙机raymond mill锤磨机hammer mill辊磨机roller mill振动筛vibrating screen回转筛rotary screen风机fan罗茨鼓风机 root's blower起重机crane桥式起重机 bridge crane电动葫芦motor hoist发电机generator电动机motor汽轮机steam turbine五、管道工程piping engineering1 阀门valve阀杆stem内螺纹阀杆 inside screw阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈sealing ring阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等) trim阀盘disc阀体body阀盖bonnet手轮hand wheel手柄hand level (handle)压盖gland闸阀gate valve平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat楔形单闸板 split wedge截止阀globe valve节流阀throttle valve针阀needle valve角阀(角式截止阀) angle valveY型阀(截止阀) Y-valve(Y-body globe valve)球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型) wafer type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve止回式蝶阀 combined non-return butterfly valve柱塞阀piston type valve旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀 four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve翻板止回阀 flap check valve蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve安全泄气阀 safety[SV]安全泄放阀 relief valve[RV]安全泄压阀 safety relief valve杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve波纹管密封阀bellow sealed valve电磁阀solenoid (operated) valve电动阀electrically(electric-motor)operated valve 气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀 steam trap机械式疏水阀mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open (top) bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap放汽阀(自动放汽阀) (automatic) air vent valve换向阀diverting (reversing) valve呼吸阀breather valve减压阀pressure reducing valve控制阀control valve执行机构actuator差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve切断阀block (shut-off, stop) valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阀jacketed valve非旋转式阀 non-rotary valve2管子,管件,法兰管子pipe(按标准制造的配管用管)tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管)钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel[C.S.]pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢管stainless steel[S.S.]pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless[SMLS] steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀 drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand operated(manually-operated) valve(水)龙头bibb;bib;faucet抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve根部阀root (primary, header) valve水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube壁厚wall thickness[WT]壁厚系列号 schedule number[SCH.NO.]加厚的,加强的 extra heavy (strong)双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy (strong) 弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow长半径弯头 long radius elbow短半径弯头 short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带支座三通 base tee45°斜三通 45°lateralY型三通 true"Y"四通cross异径管reducer同心异径管 concentric reducer偏心异径管 eccentric reducer管接头coupling;full coupling活接头union短管nipple预制弯管fabricated pipe bendU型弯管 "U"bend法兰端flanged end万向接头universal joint对焊的butt welded[BW]螺纹的threaded[THD]承插焊的socket welded[SW]法兰flange[FLG]整体管法兰 integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰slip-on flange平焊法兰slip-on-welding flange承插焊法兰 socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange[LJF]对焊法兰weld neck flange[WNF]法兰盖blind flange;blind异径法兰reducing flange压力级pressure rating(class)突面raised face[RF]凸面male face凹面female face全平面;满平面 flat face;full face[FF]3.管道特殊件piping speciality粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时过滤器 temporary strainer(cone type) Y型过滤器Y-type strainerT型过滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器 permanent filter洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷咀;喷头spray nozzle喷射器ejector取样冷却器 sample cooler消音器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节 bellow补偿器compensator软管接头hose connection[HC]快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel8字盲板 spectacle (figure 8) blind 爆破板rupture disk4,其它材料碳素钢carbon steel [C.S.]不锈钢stainless steel[S.S.]铸铁cast iron[C.I.]铝 aluminum铜,紫铜copper钛 titanium抗拉强度tensile strength非金属材料 non-metallic material 塑料plastic陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel玻璃glass橡胶rubber垫片gasket[GSKT]平垫片flat gasket填料packing型钢shaped steel角钢angle steel槽钢channel steel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢 wide flanged beam扁钢flat bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel网络钢板checkered plate材料表bill of material[BOM]材料统计material take-off[MTO]散装材料bulk material综合管道材料表consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS]汇总表summary sheet5.设备布置及管道设计中心线center line装置边界boundary limit[BL]区界area limit设备布置equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan标高,立面elevation[EL]支撑点point of support[POS]工厂北向plant north方位orientation危险区hazardous area classification净正吸入压头net positive suction head绝对标高absolute elevation坐标coordinate管道研究piping study管道布置平面piping arrangement plan[PAP]管道布置piping assembly; layout详图detail"X"视图view "X""A-A" 剖视 section "A-A"轴测图isometric drawing索引图key plan管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表list of nozzles地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管线号line number总管header; manifold旁路by pass常开normally open常闭normally closed取样接口sampling connection 伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing 电伴热electrical tracing 夹套管jacketed line全夹套管full jacketed比例scale图 figure草图sketch图例legend符号symbol件号part number入口inlet; suction出口outlet;discharge排出口exhaust排液drain放空vent污水坑sump pit集水池collecting basin沟槽trough管沟piping trench地漏floor drain走道,过道walk way; gang way 预留区future area人孔manhole[MH]手孔handhole[HH]下水管sewer管口nozzle管口方位nozzle orientation方向direction位置location相交intersection垂直,正交,垂直的 perpendicular 平行,平行的p arallel管顶top of pipe [TOP]管底bottom of pipe [BOP]沟底bottom of trench底平flat on bottom[FOB]顶平flat on top[FOT]水平的Horizontal垂直的,立式的 vertical上升管;垂直管 riser等级分界material specification break隔热分界insulation break管道等级piping class管道材料规定piping material specification公称直径nominal (pipe) size diameter[DN]公称压力nominal pressure(pressure rating)磅/平方英寸p ounds per square inch[PSI]公斤/平方厘米 kilograms per square centimeter[kg/cm2] 管道附件piping attachment腐蚀余量corrosion allowance管段,短管spool piece ; spool直管run pipe;straight pipe弯管bend管件直连fitting to fitting水平安装horizontal installation垂直安装vertical installation对称的symmetric坡度slope管间距line spacing管道跨距line span间隙,净空clearance尺寸dimension高度height6.管道支吊架管托shoe管卡clampU型夹(卡) clevis支耳lug预埋件embedded part鞍座saddle裙座skirt支承架resting support滑动架sliding support固定架anchor导向架guide限位架stop吊架hanger弹簧架spring support弹簧托resting type;spring support 弹簧吊架spring hanger滚动支架rolling support减振器snubber标准管架standard pipe support通用管架typical pipe support悬臂架cantilever support三角架triangular support支腿legΠ型管架Π-type supportL型管架 L-type support柱式管架pole type support墙架support-on-wall管墩,低管架s leeper特殊管架special support跨度span伸出长度(指预埋螺栓) extrusion热应力分析 thermal stress analysis管道柔性分析piping flexibility analysis 力矩moment弯曲力矩bending moment扭矩torque荷载load反力reaction位移displacement附加位移appendant displacement冷紧,冷拉cold spring固定点fix point; anchor point应力stress弯曲应力bending stress轴向应力axial stress安全系数safety factor7焊接及热处理焊接welding电弧焊arc welding电熔焊electric fusion welding[EFW] 氩弧焊argon-arc welding水压试验hydraulic testing气压试验pneumatic testing8.隔热隔音及涂漆玻璃棉glass wool岩棉rock wool聚氨脂,聚氨基甲酸脂polyurethane管壳shell棉毡blanket玻璃布glass (fiber) cloth镀锌铁皮galvanized (sheet) iron;galvenized plain sheet隔热层insulation保温hot insulation保冷cold insulation人身保护personal protection隔音sound insulation吸声sound-absorbing分贝decibel涂漆painting螺栓bolt自攻螺钉self tapping screw螺母nut垫圈gasket管螺纹pipe thread锥管螺纹taper pipe thread六.自动控制测量measurement测量点measurement point反馈信号feedback signal范围range精确度accuracy量程迁移span shift零点迁移zero shift信号signal模拟信号analog signal输出信号output signal输入信号input signal数字信号digital signal变送器transmitter检测仪表measuring instrument显示仪表display instrument积算器integrating instrument指示仪表indicating instrument记录仪表recording instrument盘装仪表panel-mounted instrument架装仪表rack-mounted instrument分散控制仪表distributed control system 执行器correcting unit执行机构actuator控制阀control valve座环seat ring阀芯valve plug阀座seat阀杆stem填料packing单座single ported双座double portedGLOBE阀 globe valve口径port/bore气蚀cavitation薄膜执行机构diaphragm actuator 活塞执行机构piston actuator电动执行机构electric actuator 膜片diaphragm膜盒diaphragm capsule弹簧管bourdontube比例作用proportional(P)-action 积分作用integral(I)-action微分作用derivative(D)-action正作用direct action反作用reverse action回路loop系统system串级控制cascade control前馈控制feed forward control反馈控制feedback control自力式控制 self-operated control开环控制open loop control定值控制control with fixed set point比值控制ratio control均匀控制average control分程控制split range control模糊控制fuzzy control顺序控制sequential control硬件hardware系统软件system software应用软件application software平均故障间隔时间 mean time interval between failures(MTBF)平均故障修复时间 mean time to repair(MTTR)接口interface总线bus控制室control room空调区air conditioned area就地local仪表盘instrument panel柜式仪表盘 panel of angle frame enclosed design框式仪表盘 panel of open angle frame design通道式仪表盘panel of angle frame enclosed with passageway就是式仪表盘local board操纵台control desk console保护箱shelter保温箱shelter with insulation危险区域hazardous area安全区域safe area爆炸性环境 explosive atmosphere防护型式type of protection本质安全型 intrinsic safety type隔爆型flameproof enclosure type防爆通风充气型purged and pressurized enclosure type 电源power supply不间断电源 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)气源air supply补偿导线thermocouple extension wire信号线signal wire配管piping配线wiring电缆保护管 conduit汇线槽cable/wire duct取源部件tap接管connections管件fitting三阀组three-valve manifold 分析analysis报警alarm火焰flame电导率conductivity控制control密度density差 differences电压voltage检测元件detecting element流量flow rate比 ratio视镜glass手动hand高 high电流current指示indicate功率power扫描scan时间time物位level灯 light低 low湿度humidity整体integrity中 middle节流孔orifice压力pressure真空vacuum数量quantity积算integrate累积totals核辐射radioactivity 记录record打印print速度speed频率frequency安全safety开关switch温度temperature传送transmit振动vibration风门damper百叶窗louver重量weight力 force套管well安装installation按钮push button备用电源reserve power supply背面back编号number变速speed change标准图standard drawing材料清单material list操作程序operation sequence操作说明书 operating manual成套设备complete sets of equipment出线口outlet触点contact point单层窗single window单价unit price单线图single line drawing地脚螺栓foundation bolt底图original drawing地下敷设underground laying电缆cable电气图纸electric installation drawing 电线wire端子板terminal board防静电地板 conductive flooring分线盒junction box附件appendix; accessories负荷load附录appendix隔栅grille观察窗observation window管线布置layout of pipeline桁架truss活动地板raised flooring技术参数technical parameter接地电极earth electrode接线图wiring diagram截面积sectional area静电static electricity聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 polyvinyl chloride cable 铠装电缆armored cable埋深depth of embodiment脉冲pulse屏蔽电缆shielded cable索引index现场制作site fabrication现场安装field erection积算integrate联锁interlock数据累积data acquisition差,微分difference数字的(信号) discrete继电器隔离输出isolated relay output薄膜执行机构diaphragm actuator执行元件符号actuator symbols调节器regulator名称designation气动的pneumatic补偿compensation节流孔板restriction orifice旋涡vortex超声ultrasonic文丘里管venturi涡轮turbine阿牛巴流量计(用于大管径) annubar element 质量流量计 Coriolis meter=mass meter容积式流量计positive displacement电磁流量计 magnetic element辅助的auxiliary分布的distributed紧急情况emergency修正modifier比率ratio测量gauging气压计glass进度schedule瞬间momentary真空vacuum事件event辐射,放射radiation频率frequency多元变量multivariable变量variable多功能multifunction振动vibration分解analysis节气阀damper强制force继电器relay执行机构actuator七.储运工程码头dock or jetty罐区tank area or tank farm装卸栈台loading/unloading plat form 分配站distribution station库区warehouse area收发油站oil sending/receiving station 管理室manage room地秤房weigh bridge room(汽车)罐车 tank truck储罐storage tank气柜gas holder鹤管loading/unloading arms固体物料堆场solids stacking area罩棚shelter称重,包装weighing and packing塑料袋plastic bag编织袋woven bag铁桶steel drum运输transportation皮带运输机 belt conveyor斗式提升机 bucket elevator螺旋输送机 screw conveyor电动葫芦electric hoist桥式吊车overhead crane(rolling bridge) 叉车升降机 fork lift电瓶车battery truck汽车槽车tank car。

双关双断旋塞阀 说明书.pdf

双关双断旋塞阀 说明书.pdf
Double block & bleed With the 3Z Twin Slip (D.B.B) plug valve, there is an up-stream and down-stream seal, and bleed point in between. This one valve substitutes for two valves, and one spool (drain). The spool sends any leaking fluid from the valve to the tank. The bleed system on the 3Z double block and bleed is installed for proving zero leakage. This ensure that if any leakage were to occur it would be eliminated via the bleed. This guarantees complete and total product segregation.
High Integrity Shutoff When the valve is closed the elastomeric seal rings are forced against the seats each side of the valve body. The force is directed at a perpendicular direction by the wedging action of the slips. The elastomer seals on the slips, are secured within a machined grove by a bonding agent. As for being fire safe, the outside surface around the seals (on the slips) is a finished surface of metal, that is forced against the metal body seat. This results in both an elastomeric and metal to metal drop tight seal.



1、每月对旋塞阀进行检查,在月检的基础上每年3、6、9、12 月对旋塞阀进行季度维护保养。 2、旋塞阀操作灵活性检查,旋塞阀应保证一人在不加加力杆的 情况下可以操作。 3、检查旋塞阀阀体、法兰所有密封点是否存在外漏。旋塞阀应 保持零泄漏。 4、检查旋塞阀各露空部位是否存在锈蚀。 5、检查旋塞阀执行机构是否存在集水、缺少润滑油现象。 6、旋塞阀执行机构维护,如检查发现执行机构中润滑油没有覆 盖到传动机构的所有接触面,则应将旧润滑油全部除去后在所 有接触面上涂抹足量新的润滑油。 7、清理设备卫生,设备表面补漆。
一旦密封脂注满密封系统,再注入密封脂将自动使 旋塞脱离阀座 。 密封脂凹槽如果没注密封脂,则管线内的杂物将 进入此凹槽,严重损害阀门。 正常的补充量是填满空的阀门量的1/4—1/3 理论上,旋塞阀在开关后均须补充密封脂。高压的 润滑脂驱使旋塞离开阀座,并在两金属面间形成油 膜,长期保持良好的密封性。如果在阀门全开状态 下注入润滑脂则效果更好
原因是运输途中强烈颠簸,旋塞撞击阀盖,阀盖周围紧 固螺丝松动。加紧螺丝之后可恢复良好性能。这种状况对于 10”以上阀门较明显。
这说明旋塞表面密封脂不足,应加入密封脂保证 旋 塞表面密封脂的充分分布。 问题可迅速解决。 极个别时候,在升压直至稳压后,旋塞需要大约两分 钟的自我调整,旋塞平移到低压端让整个旋塞面贴紧阀体 内表面,实现真正密封。所以这两分钟内的内漏不代表阀 门密封不严。 如果充分注脂之后仍然不能解决内漏,请检查底部中 央的调整螺丝是否松动,调整螺丝松动原因是运输途中强 烈颠簸,旋塞撞击阀盖,阀盖周围紧固螺丝松动。加紧调 整螺丝1/4 圈至2/3 圈之后可恢复良好性能。这种状况对 于10”以上阀门较明显。



阀门中英文翻译一、常用阀(1)闸阀gatevalve平行双闸板doublediscparallelseat开口楔形闸板splitwedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexiblesolidwedge整体楔形闸板solidwedge塞型闸阀pluggatevalve直通型闸阀throughconduitgatevalve(2)截止阀globevalve球心型阀盘globetypedisc塞型阀盘plugtypedisc可转动的阀盘swiveldisc(3)节流闪阀throttlevalve针阀needlevalve(4)角阀anglevalve(5)Y型阀(Y型阀体截止阀)Y-valve(Y-bodyglobevalve)(6)球阀ballvalve三通球阀3-wayballvalve装有底轴的trunnionmounted耐火型firesafetype浮动球型floatingballtype防脱出阀杆blowoutproofstem(7)蝶阀butterflyvalve对夹式(薄片型)wafertype凸耳式lugtype偏心阀板蝶阀offsetdiscburerflyvalve;eccentricbutterflyvalve 斜阀盘蝶阀canteddiscbutterflyvalve连杆式蝶阀linkbutterflyvalve(8)柱塞阀pistontypevalve(9)旋塞阀plugvalve三通旋塞阀three-wayplugvalve四通旋塞阀four-wayplugvalve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleevecock(10)隔膜阀diaphragmvalve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubberlineddiaphragmvalve直通式隔膜阀straightwaydiaphragmvalve堰式隔膜阀weirdiaphragmvalve(11)夹紧式胶管阀pinchvalve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12)止回阀checkvalve升降式止回阀liftcheckvalve旋启式止回阀swingcheckvalve,flapcheckvalve落球式止回阀ballcheckvalve弹簧球式止回阀springballcheckvalve双板对夹式止回阀dualplatewafertypecheckvalve无撞击声止回阀non-slamcheekvalve底阀footvalve切断式止回阀stopcheckvalve;non-returnvalve活塞式止回阀pistoncheckvalve斜翻盘止回阀tiltingdisccheckvalve蝶式止回阀butterflycheckvalve二、其它用途的阀安全泄气阀safetyvalve(SV)安全泄液阀reliefvalve(RV)安全泄压阀safetyreliefvalve杠杆重锤式leverandweighttype引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀pilotoperatedsafetyvalve复式安全泄气阀twintypesafetyvalve罐底排污阀flush-bottomtankvalve电磁阀solenoidvalve,solenoidoperatedvalve电动阀electricallyoperatedvalve,electric-motoroperatedvalve 气动阀pneumaticoperatedvalve低温用阀cryogenicservicevalve蒸汽疏水阀steamtrap机械式疏水阎mechanicaltrap浮桶式疏水阀openbuckettrap,opentopbuckettrap浮球式疏水阀floattrap倒吊桶式疏水阀invertedbuckettrap自由浮球式疏水阀loosefloattrap恒温式疏水阀thermostatictrap金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀metalexpansionsteamtrap液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀liquidexpansionsteamtrap双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀bimetallicexpansionsteamtrap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balancedpressurethermostatictrap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamictrap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulsesteamtrap放气阀(自动放气阀)airventvalve(automaticairventvalve)(疏水阀用)平板式滑动闸阀slabtypeslidinggatevalve盖阀flatvalve换向阀divertingvalve,reversingvalve热膨胀阀thermoexpansionvalve自动关闭阀self-closinggatevalve自动排液阀self-drainingvalve管道盲板阀line-blindvalve挤压阀squeezevalve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀breathervalve风门、挡板damper减压阀pressurereducingvalve,reducingvalve控制阀controlvalve膜式控制阀diaphragmoperatedcontrolvalve执行机构actuator背压调节阀backpressureregulatingvalve差压调节阀differentialpressureregulatingvalve 压力比例调节阀pressureratioregulatingvalve 三、未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀blockvalve;shut-offvalve;stopvalve调节阀regulatingvalve快开阀quickopeningvalve快闭阀quickclosingvalve隔断阀isolatingvalve三通阀threewayvalve夹套阔jacketedvalve非旋转式阀non-rotaryvalve排污阀blowdownvalve集液排放阀dripvalve排液阀drainvalve放空阀ventvalve卸载阀unloadingvalve排出阀dischargevalve吸入阀suctionvalve多通路阀multiportvalve取样阀samplingvalve手动阀hand-operatedvalve;manuallyoperatedvalve 锻造阀forgedvalve铸造阀castvalve。



一、工作原理旋塞阀plug valve: 用带通孔的塞体作为启闭件的阀门。
















旋塞阀使用说明书英文版 - 副本

旋塞阀使用说明书英文版 - 副本

1、Product UsagePlug valves are widely used in oil field exploitation, transportation and refining equipment, but also widely used in petrochemical, chemical, gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, HV AC industry and general industry. X14H plug valve has three channels and X43w plug has two channels.2、Product Features1、The valve body casted of overall carbon steel, compact structure, beautifulappearance;2、Plug and the stem as a whole, increasing the transmission strength greatly,avoiding the shear and wear between the transmission parts and the closingparts;3、The sealing face of the body and the plug grinded by itself, and sealingeffect well.4、There is a positioning indicating structure for the valve opening and closing;and a sign indicating for the valve switch on the top of the transmission part.5、The valve can be used for cutting, distribution and change the direction of themedium.3、Product Standard and Technical Parameters3.1 Product Standard1. Design and Manufacture:GB/T 22130;2. Structural length:GB/T 22130;3. Connection flange:GB/T 9113;Connection screw:ASME B1.20.1;4. Pressure -Temperature:GB/T 12224;5. Check test:GB/T 13927。



旋塞阀使用说明书(6”X43F-300Lb)编制:审核:批准:二○○二年三月十五日浙江浙东高中压阀门制造有限公司目录1、用途和性能规范 (1)2、采用标准 (1)3、结构特点和使用原理 (2)4、阀门主要零件材料 (4)5、保管、安装、使用、检查 (4)6、故障及排除方法 (5)7、注意事项 (6)1 用途和性能规范1.1 用途a、本产品用于气体、液体介质管路上作启闭器,接通或截断介质流。


1.2 性能规范1.3阀门最大工作压力额定值(压力-温度基准)(表压:MPa)表中温度是指工作状态下管路介质的温度,表中压力是持续无冲击压力.2 采用标准2.1 设计制造按API 599 API 6D的规定;2.2 检验和试验按API 598的规定;2.3 法兰尺寸按ASME B16.5的规定;2.4 结构长度按ASME B16.10的规定;2.5 压力—温度基准按ASME B16.34的规定。

13 结构特点和使用原理3.1结构及主要外形尺寸参见简图1 阀体2 球体3 六角螺母4 双头螺柱5 垫片6 阀盖7 阀座8 阀杆9 止推垫片10、11、12 上中下组合填料13 填料压套14 填料压板15 定位板16 挡圈17 扳手连接套18 扳手19 内六角螺栓20 铭牌21 铆钉22 阀杆轴承23 钢球24 弹簧25 螺塞23.2本阀靠旋转手轮通过蜗轮使塞子旋转起到通断介质作用。






4 阀门主要零件材料5 保管、安装、使用、检查5.1 保管a.本阀须保管存放在干燥、通风的室内,放置整齐,阀杆不得着力。


3. 第三章 旋塞阀 (Plug Valve)

3. 第三章 旋塞阀  (Plug Valve)

旋塞材料Plug Materials
SAV Spec.
Used for
Carbon Steel
ASTM A105/A216 Gr.WCB
2”以上 Case Hardened NACE ENP:0.003”
BS 970 Gr. 070 M20
½” to1½” Case Hardened NACE ENP:0.003”
Bodies all types, except ½”~1” screwed end
BS 1504-161 Grade 480
ASTM A105/Max Hardness RC 22 Bodies screwed
Max. C: 0.25%
end ½”~1”
screwed end size
SAV Specification
ALLOY BS 970 Gr. 709M40 STEEL (1% Cr. 1/2% Mo)
Max. Hardness Rc.22
Used for
All classes ½”to 4”
Some larger sizes
Comparable Specifications AISI4140
ANSI 150 to 2500 ANSI 150
ANSI 150 ANSI 300
ANSI 300 ANSI 600 ANSI 600 ANSI 900 ANSI 900 ANSI 1500 ANSI 1500 ANSI 2500
Screwed / Socked Ends Short & Regular Pattern

世伟洛克 P4T和P6T系列 旋塞阀 说明书

世伟洛克 P4T和P6T系列 旋塞阀 说明书

旋塞阀P4T 和P6T 系列■ 工作压力可达 3000 psig (206 bar)■ 世伟洛克®(Swagelok®) 卡套管接头和 NPT 及 ISO 锥管端接■ 1/8 至 1/2 in. 和 6 至 12 mm 尺寸■ 黄铜和 316 不锈钢材料旋塞阀压力-温度额定值依 PTFE 涂层碳氟 FKM O 型圈而定。

如果发生反向流动,压差最大不超过 150 psig (10.3 bar)。

反向流动节流可能损坏 O 型圈。

结构材料与介质接触元件用斜体表示1437256特点世伟洛克旋塞阀具有扭矩小、四分之一圈操作、结构简单、设计紧凑,能可靠地关断正 向流动压力可达 3000 psig ( 06 bar) 的流体。

■ 直通流型■ 正向节流■ 结构简单,便于清洁和维护 ■ 一件式阀体 ■ 可调换旋塞组件 ■ 对大气有 O 型圈密封。

旋塞阀 3打开正向流动节流4 旋塞阀订购信息与尺寸以 in. (mm) 为单位表示的尺寸仅供参考,可能有变动。

所示尺寸是世伟洛克卡套管接头螺母用手指旋紧时的尺寸P6T 系列➀ 见规格 ISO 7/1、BS EN 10 6-1、DIN 999 和 JIS B0 03。

旋塞阀 5选购件可选手柄颜色深绿色是标准色 要选择其它颜色时,在阀订购号上添加一个手柄颜色代号。

示例:SS- P4T -BL还有其它颜色可选用;请向您当地的 世伟洛克授权销售与服务代表联系。

要订购时,对于不锈钢,在阀订购 号上添加-M1。

对于铝,在阀订购 号上添加 -M2。

示例:SS- P4T -M16 旋塞阀N-ELD-454 andle锁定手柄旋杆安装支架旋塞阀 7标牌安装支架螺钉安装孔模板特点替代GR。

示例:B-5PMK-P4T-BK 面板安装安全的产品选择选择产品时、必须考虑总体系统设计以保证获得安全的、无故障的性能 功能、材料兼容性、充分的额定值、正确的安装、使用和维护是系统设计师和用户的责任质量保证信息世伟洛克公司对其产品提供有限的永久质量保证、如需了解详情、请参阅公司网站 或联系您当地授权的世伟洛克经销商All trademarks shown are owned and registered by Swagelok Company, unless otherwise noted. Kalrez—TM DuPontPH 15-7 Mo—TM AK Steel Corp.© 007 Swagelok Company Printed in Germany, WEL December 007, R7MS-01-59C4。



1、适用于经常操作,启闭迅速、轻 便,快速启闭阀门时,操作无冲击。 2、流体阻力小,其阻力系数与同长 度的管段基本相等,流阻仅次于球阀。 3、结构简单,加工方便,工艺成熟 价格便宜。 4、密封性能好,在全开和全闭时, 旋塞和阀体的密封面与介质隔离,因此 高速通过阀门的介质不会引起密封面的 侵蚀;
大家可能都发现了一个问题: 我们站内主工艺气路管线使用的阀 门都是旋塞阀和球阀,为什么? 球阀和旋塞阀开关轻便,体积小, 可以做成很大口径,密封可靠,结构简 单,维修方便,密封面与阀体常在闭合 状态,不易被介质冲蚀,所以目前世界 各国的输油和输气管线广泛采用。
旋 塞 阀 plug valve
旋塞阀是历史上 最早被人们采用的阀 件。闭件通过绕阀体 中心线旋转90°使阀 塞上的通道口与阀体 上的通道口相通或切 断塞阀:密封性能完全 取决于塞子和塞体之间的吻合度好坏, 密封面的压紧是依靠拧紧下部的螺母来 实现的。 二、 填料式旋塞阀:是通过压紧填 料来实现塞子和塞体密封的。由于有填 料,因此密封性能较好。通常这种旋塞 阀有填料压盖,塞子不用伸出阀体,因 而减少了一个工作介质的泄漏途径。
旋塞阀适用范围广泛,由于是通过 旋转90度使阀塞上的通道与阀体上的通 道相合或分开,达到启闭阀门的作用, 所以最适用与快速启闭的场合。 旋塞阀在开启或关闭过程中对密封 面有擦拭 作用,可以除去固体颗粒, 不致划伤密封面,又由于金属对金属密 封,中间有密封脂,而且在全启时可以 完全防止与流动介质的接触,所以可以 很好的解决介质中带固体颗粒的问题, 故通常也能用于带悬浮颗粒的介质;
5、不受安装方向的限制,介质的 流向可任意。 6、无振动,噪声小。 7、相对体积小,重量轻,便于维修。




1、使用须知1.1 旋塞阀在使用前要看清铭牌所标注的额定工作压力并进行全面检查,看外观有无裂痕,密封面有无磨损迹象。


1.2 旋塞阀经过检查维修后或每次使用前,都必须进行静水压试验。







1.5 螺纹联接的旋塞阀在与其它部件联接时,应按规定扭矩拧紧,不允许超过拧紧扭矩。


1.7 不能在系统有工作压力的情况下拆卸旋塞阀。

2、日常保养2.1 旋塞阀在每次使用之后要用清洁的水充分冲洗,以便将可能留在阀内的水泥或酸性物质等腐蚀性物质冲掉,然后用高压气吹干水渍,以防腐蚀内表面及密封件。


常温下用P/N Pl 3336号润滑脂,在低温时用P/N P13337号润滑脂。





2.5 产品经过使用后,如果表面涂漆有些剥落、不完整,应重新涂漆。



ANSI 150 to 2500 ANSI 150
ANSI 150 ANSI 300
ANSI 300 ANSI 600 ANSI 600 ANSI 900 ANSI 900 ANSI 1500 ANSI 1500 ANSI 2500
Screwed / Socked Ends Short & Regular Pattern
就润滑旋塞阀而言,其密封是靠旋塞和阀体两金属面之 间的密封来实现的。实际上制造这样的两个金属面来达 到完美的气密封是非常昂贵和困难的。任何密封圈内在 的缺陷都会加重阀门的磨损。旋塞阀的旋塞绕阀体中心 线作90度旋转来达到阀门的开启、关闭。一般注入密封 脂(图中=黄色部分)作为旋塞阀两金属面的密封油膜

3.3 旋塞阀的结构
1. 顺时针旋转旋塞阀是关闭 2. 从全开位置旋转到全关位置90度 3. 由于旋塞阀通常具有缩径结构,因 此阀门 开关位置有15-20度的滞后。
旋塞和阀体之间金属-塞体金属密封接触面 要求用润滑油来润滑以减小扭矩和加强密封
金属-金属密封面比球阀和闸阀中使用的软弹 性体密封面更耐磨损并提供更长时间的密封效 能。这是因为金属密封面具有更高的强度
BS-1503-164 Grade 490
其他常用材料: ASTM A216 Gr. WCB or BG/GBE/C9 (British Gas Corp. Spec.) ASTM A352 Gr. LCB (Carbon Steel low temperature) ASTM A352 Gr. LCC (Carbon Manganese Steel low temperature, Max. C 0.23%) ASTM A350 Gr. LF2 (Carbon manganese steel low temperature) ASTM A217 Gr. WC1/WC6 (Carbon/alloy steel) ASTM A351 Gr. CF8M/CF8/CF3M (Stainless Steel)
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Plug valve operating instructions(X43F-150Lb-2)PREPARED BY:REVIEWED BY:APPROVED BY:2013.7.10XINTAI V ALVE CO., LTD.CATALOGUE1. Purpose and performance specifications (1)2. U sing standard (1)3.Structural characteristics and operation principle (2)4.Valve main parts material (3)5.Storage, installation, use, inspection (3)6. Troubles and troubleshooting (5)7. Matters needing atten tion (6)1、Purpose and performance specifications1.1 Usagea、This product is mainly used for pipeline gas, liquid and granular medium as an opening and closing device, connected or cut off the medium flow, not suitable for regulating media flow. With the flow resistance is small, open and close more effort etc.b、Scope of application: chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, papermaking, pharmaceutical and other industries.1.2 Performance specificationsNominal diameter(NPS) 2 inPressure rating(Class)150 LbTest pressure Shell test 3.0MPa seal test 2.2Low pressure sealtest0.6Suitable temperature -29~120 ºCApplicable medium Water, oil, non - corrosive gas or liquid1.3The maximum working pressure rating of the valve (Pressure - temperature reference)(Gauge pressure:MPa)Temperature(ºC) -29~38 50 100 150Ratings 1.96 1.92 1.77 1.58Table temperature refers to the state line the medium temperature, pressure is continuous table without impact pressure1.4The valve flow coefficient: Kv=120m.1.5 The new valve open torque:320N.m.2 、Using standard2.1 Design and manufacture according to the provisions of API 6D version twenty-third;2.2 Inspection and testing in accordance with API 6D twenty-third Edition;2.3 Flange size according to the provisions of ASME B16.5:2003;2.4The length of the structure according to the provisions of API 6D version twenty-third;2.5 Valve pressure - temperature reference according to the ASME B16.34: 2004.3、Structural characteristics and operation principle3.1Structure and main dimensions refer to sketch1 The valve body2 Bushing3 Plug4 In the flange gasket5 The adjusting shim6 Packing7 Filler8 The six hexagon nuts9 Stud bolt 10 The valve cover 11 Filler plate 12 Inside the six socket head cap screw 13 wrench 14 The six hexagon head bolts 15 Big gasket 16 Stud bolt 17 The handle head3.2The plug valve is driven by rotating the wrench plug rotating 90 DEG C to open or close.3.3 The closed valve wrench clockwise rotation of 90 degrees.3.4 The valve using the valve lining PTFE material, good sealing performance, the use of temperature ≤ 150 ℃.3.5 The valve uses a wedge type plug, rotation torque is small, easy to seal, not easily stuck due to temperature change.3.6 The adjusting shim structure, auxiliary valve cover pressing plugs to seal, and easy to repair.3.7 The valve cover is provided with a V type of PTFE filler, lubricant oil installation fashion into a little, good sealing performance.3.8 The quenching and tempering, chrome plating, enhance hardness, improve sealing performance and service life.4、Valve main parts materialPart name The valvebody,valvecoverPlug FillerThepadStudboltThe sixhexagonnutsMaterials usedASTMA351 CF8ASTMA351 CF8PTFE PTFEASTMA193B8ASTMA194 85、Storage, Installation, Using, Maintenance5.1 Storagea. Valves must be stored in a dry and ventilative room.b.During the period of storage, The disc should be always be shut and fixed and the inletand outlet should be blocked.c.During the period of storage, the outside portion of the stem and the machined surfaceshould be covered by an easily cleaned antirust.d The valve stored for a long time should be inspected and cleaned at an expected time. At the same time, the antirust should be re-brushed.5.2 Installationa. The valve can be installed freely, Usual used in horizontal pipe line ,and can also used invertical or bevel pipe line, but it should be convenient to maintenance, inspection and operation.b.Before installation, operators must review whether the contents on the marking andnameplate conform with the practical requirements.c.Before installation, operators must inspect the inside , remove the disc fix set ,and try toturn on the disc to check the seal face ,and clear it.d.Installation this valve , must be note the flow way of the medium , and must keep sameway of the medium and the arrowhead ,otherwise can stop the natural way of medium. 5.3 Usinga. The practical condition intending to use valves must conform with the requirements specified on nameplate and in the operation instruction.b.The valve only works for getting or shutting off medium. Mustn’t take it as theregulation valve.c. When shutting the valve ,it will have water hammer in the pipe line , badly will damaged the valve , so the user should inspect on time , if find some problem repair in time .5.4 Inspection1. During the period of using valves, The following projects must be inspected at an expected time. Once any noncompliance is found, Please correct it right now.a.Whether fasteners become less crowded or notb.Whether packing is worn out and gaskets are mangled or not. (inspection without work)c. Whether the disc can turn on easily ,and whether have the problem of obstruct.d. Whether the wall thickness of valves becomes thin distinctly for corrosion or erosion or not. If the wall thickness is less than the net valuation only satisfying the requirements of tensile strength or there exists a visually leakage, the valve must be scraped.e. After valves are inspected and assembled, they are tested per responsible specifications and the records must be documented to refer to later.6 Faults and EliminationFaults Reasons Eliminating waysPacking leakage 1. The packing gland is not.2. Inadequate packing ring3. Packing damage failure1.Screw down the nut2.To increase the number ofturns3.Replacement of packingThe valve cover and valve body junction leakage 1.Bolt fastening unevenness2.Flange sealing surfacedamage3.Breakdown or failure ofgasket1.Tighten the bolts evenly2.To trim3.Replace the gasketThe sealing surface leakage 1.The sealing surfacecontaminants attached2.The sealing surface isdamaged3.Sealing surface oflong-term use of wear4.Seal leakage1.Remove dirt2.The new processing andfinishing3.The body back liningPTFE4. Flange nut to adjust shimdown, or tighten the packingpress nuts down, so that theplug down pressing linerseal.Bushing andvalve leakage Bushing and valve seal oil istoo smallReplace the bushingWrench rotation is not flexible or plug can not open and close 1.The packing too tight2.Packing gland device skew3.Stopper rod bending4.The sealing surfacecontaminants attachedUnscrew the nut properpacking glandAdjust the packing glandThe rod of correctionRemove dirt7 Note:7.1 The valve material selection and the possibility of deterioration in use and necessary periodic inspection by the user is responsible for considering7.2 The valve design only consider the general case, if there are special requirements shall be specified in the contract.7.3 The valve design only consider certain corrosion, there is a serious or special corrosion occasion, the valve does not apply.7.4 The valve operating temperature range shall not exceed the provisions of article 1.2 in the table, more than (including instantaneous) the range of consequences is the user's responsibility.7.5 The corresponding temperature valve the maximum working pressure shall not exceed the provisions of article 1.3 in the table, more than (including instantaneous) pressure rated the scope or use and temperature are not corresponding to the value of the consequences is completely user Responsibility.7.6 The valve is used in the media are listed in article 1.2 in the table, cause beyond the scope of the consequences is entirely the responsibility of the user.7.7 Valve must not be pressure increase or replace the packing, sealing structure is not asusers replace with pressure filler reason.7.8 Valve operation process not welding repair and exterior paint.7.9 The valve shall be removed under compression.7.10 Valve according to the fourth sheet material matching under repair.7.11 The valve design is not life calculation, test and fatigue strength calculation, users must be regular maintenance, replacement in use.7.12 The valve design not consider seismic load, the consequences arising therefrom, shall not be responsible for manufacturing factory.。
