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①geologic structure 地质构造geologic age geologic term coalfield 煤田 take 井田

reserve of the take 井田储量 geologic reserve

coal exploration 煤层勘探 explore

②sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphose rock 变质岩igneous rock 火成岩 alluvium 冲积层

coal seam mineral deposit 矿床

③epoch 纪元、纪、代 Permian 二叠纪(系)Carboniferous 石炭纪 Cretaceous 白垩纪

Tertiary 第三纪

④fold 褶曲 fault 断层 normal~ reverse~ faulting 断层作用

⑤strike 走向 along the strike

dip 倾向、倾角 dip angle of coal seam煤层倾角

⑥weathered 风化的

bituminous coal 烟煤[bi’tjuminэs] anthracite 无烟煤 lignite 褐煤

limestone 石灰岩 sandstone 砂岩 shale 页岩

⑦fully mechanized coal face 综采 conventional mining 普采

Semi-mechanized coal face blasting mining 炮采

fully mechanized sublevel caving mining 综放

⑧colliery (coal mine) colliery undertaking ~企业

Longwall mining 长壁开采 Room and pillar 房柱式开采

pillar and stall Panel, district, mining area 盘区采区

⑨Shaft (vertical) 井筒adit 平硐shaft sinking 井筒掘进opencast open pit 露天矿 surface mining strip mining ⑩strata(stratum) 岩层stimulated caving 强制放顶longwall advancing retreating

roof (floor) 顶(底)板 main ~ immediate ~ false ~

11pit bottom shaft station 井底车场 up cast downcast 进回风井

ventilate ventilation borehole 钻孔 drill bunker(coal bin) 煤

12Skip 箕斗 cage 罐笼 conveyor 运输机 belt conveyor 胶带运输机

AFC(Armored Face Conveyer) 刮板输送机 coal preparation 选煤

Powered roof support 液压支架 (shield)

13drift entry roadway gateroad巷道 crosscut 石门,横贯,捷径

methane 甲烷瓦斯 gas ~ drainage

gob,goaf (mined out area) 采空区

14airway 风道 intake ~ return ~ 进风巷回风巷

stress-strain 应力-应变 stress relief zone de-stressed 应力解除

15 room dispatcher’s ~ pump ~泵房dispatcher’s room 调度室

waiting room 候车室 winch engine room first-aid room

16 tale air 乏风 fresh intake ~ tail entry head entry 顺槽

heading 掘进头 rise ~ 上山 opening ~开切眼

17 timber 木支柱 prop, jack 支柱 individual jacks (prop)单体支柱

convergence 顶底板移近、会合 smooth ~ 缓慢下沉(巷道)

free subsidence method (采场)

18 waste heap /spoil tip 矸石山 spontaneous combustion 自燃

hoist 提升 gate road/drift/entry 巷道 incline gate 斜巷incline shaft

19 tectonic 构造的~stress mining regulations safety regulations rock/ underground pressure 矿山压力

Behavior of rock/ underground pressure 矿山压力显现

20 floor heave 底鼓 thin or medium-thick seam 中厚

incline seam 倾向煤层 sloping ~

steep coal seam 急倾向煤层 gently slopping ~ 缓倾斜煤层

21 cracked roof 破碎顶板 fractured roof crush, crack

spacing of main falls 放顶步距 distance of roof fall

winch 小绞车 caving ~

22 eaker props/breaker support 切顶支柱withdrawal of support


prop withdrawer 回柱绞车 shield-type support 掩护式支架

chock support 垛式支架


23 survey(ing) 测量 ~ station 观测站 elevation标高 elevator,lift

transit 经纬仪 full caving method 全部跨落法

partial caving partial backfilling (packing)

24 subsidence 下沉 ~ trough ~basin 下沉盆地

surface structure(building)地表建筑物

surface movement and deformation 地表移动和变形

Contour 等值线

下沉(Subsidence)、倾斜(Slope)、曲率(Curvature)、水平移动(Displacement)、水平变形(Horizontal strain)

25 aquifer 含水层 coal mining above a confined aquifer承压水上采煤

protective pillar 保护煤柱 barrier pillar 隔离煤柱

26 angle of draw 移动角边界角 draw angle of strata 边界角

surface cracks 地表裂缝 Surface slope (incline) 地表倾斜
